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Cooperating Teacher Feedback

To be completed for at least two lessons.

Date: 11/19/13
Topic/subect of lesson: !cience/"iterac# $ labeling turke#s
%lease comment on the areas below that are rele&ant to this lesson.
"esson obecti&es and their appropriateness for this group of children
Teaching strategies and their appropriateness for this group of children
+eadiness of materials
The obecti&es were &er# appropriate and aligned with common core and our curriculum. The obecti&es were,
also, aligned with the prior lesson done a week ago. The# were connected with each other and resources were
used to compliment the prior lesson and build off it. For e-ample continuing the learning from a ./" chart
and using one of the 0uestions on the ./" chart to guide her lesson. .ellie did a wonderful ob of creating
clear and large &isuals on the smartboard, turn and talks, and proper acti&e participation during a labeling
acti&it#. 1&er# part of this lesson was de&elopmentall# appropriate and engaging. ) was &er# impressed again
with .ellie2s organi3ation and her lesson plan.
'bilit# to model and support acti&e listening, interacti&e discussions, and meaningful learning
'bilit# to adust instruction to meet students2 needs
'wareness of cultural and gender differences
De&elopmentall# appropriate teaching strategies
'bilit# to e-plain content accuratel# and at an appropriate le&el
'bilit# to ask meaningful 0uestions that enhance learning
.ellie incorporated great finger pla#s in the beginning to get students attention and focus for the lesson. !he
took an appropriate amount of time to re&iew the information on the ./" chart from the prior lesson and the
book that she had read. This set students up with the proper background knowledge needed to begin the
lesson. !he was able to articulate to students what their purpose was and what she wanted them looking for
in the book and pictures. ) would like to see #ou use the &ocabular# more in order to help students retain that
new word: labels. )t is &er# hard to find appropriate non6fiction books for kindergarten and .ellie took a non6
fiction book that was smaller and incorporated the pictures on the smart board of the book which helped
students clearl# see the details and the labeling. 7er pacing was impeccable throughout the book and she
pro&ided comprehension checks with man# turn and talks. ) know there was one point where students weren2t
0uite seeing the label in the picture, but #ou were patient and continued to re6word the 0uestion. 8ou ga&e
such great wait time for students to see the labeling. /hen #ou want students to turn and talk tr# telling
students ) want #ou to think about 999..-,# and 3,99please turn to a partner and share #our thinking. This
wa# students wont ust turn before #ou gi&e the directions.
8ou did a wonderful ob of getting students in&ol&ed b# coming up to the board to draw a line form a bod# part
that was talked about in the book. That was e-actl# the purpose of the lesson and #ou set them up for success
b# doing this acti&it#. ) am so proud of #ou for assisting m# 1!" student as he was sa#ing the gobble e&en
though the wattle was alread# written and #ou drew his line to connect to that word. 8ou didn2t get to see it,
but he had a great smile when returning to his seat as he was &alidated in his thinking.
's #ou got students in a circle to model the acti&it#, #ou went step b# step. The pacing was great and #ou
modeled e-actl# what #ou needed and it was pro&ed b# their products that clearl# understood the directions.
/hen students went back to their table the# were talking about turke#s: ) e&en had a bo# sa# that ) am going
to work on m# background now. 8ou did a great ob of helping m# one student who came in late get started.
4se of appropriate formal and informal assessment strategies
'bilit# to use what is learned in assessments to inform future teaching
)t was clear through their turke# labeling whether the# understood how to draw the line from the part of the
bod# to the word. 'lmost all students were successful. 8ou were able to look at their products and &isuall#
see who might need help with ust identif#ing the correct words or who needed help with drawing the
appropriate lines. <er# appropriate, effecti&e and immediate results.
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Kellie has made such wonderful progress in this little amount of time. She is comfortable, a great model, and has a
great way of conversing with kindergarten students. I am so proud of her ability to connect both of these lessons.
There was such great fluidity. It was very natural and evident that Kellie has a great sense of understanding of what
goes into being a great teacher!

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