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Fall 2012

I can...

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=< erform on my lnsLrumenL by myself, ln small groups, and ln a large group.
0< erform my noLes and rhyLhms accuraLely up Lo a muslc dlfflculLy level of 2" by Lhe end of 6
>< Show Lhe besL way Lo use posLure, breaLh, and playlng poslLlon.
4. erform wlde varleLles of muslc up Lo Crade 2" from dlfferenL culLures and sLyles.

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=< lmprovlse ln a ma[or key by changlng a glven melody's rhyLhm, dynamlcs, noLes, or arLlculaLlons.
0< lmprovlse my own orlglnal melody over a paLLern of harmonles and chords.

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=< 8ead whole, half, quarLer, elghLh, slxLeenLh, and doLLed noLes/resLs ln varlous Llme slgnaLures.
0< CounL and clap speclflc rhyLhms, uslng Lhe correcL muslc counLlng sysLem (1 & 2 &, 1 e & a, eLc.)
>< SlghL-read slmple melodles ln my lnsLrumenL's clef (Lreble or bass)
4. ldenLlfy muslc symbols for rhyLhm, Lempo, arLlculaLlon, dynamlcs, eLc.
5. WrlLe down my own muslc ldeas uslng muslcal noLaLlon.

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=< uescrlbe evenLs ln Lhe muslc (Lx: whaL lnsLrumenL ls playlng? uld Lhe Lempo change? uld we go back
Lo Lhe beglnnlng?)
0< uescrlbe Lhe good" and needs lmprovemenL" parLs of my playlng and our band's performance.
>< uescrlbe and demonsLraLe undersLandlng of meLer, rhyLhm, lnLervals, and LonallLy (ma[or/mlnor)
K< LlsLen and commenL on oLhers' performances uslng approprlaLe muslc vocabulary and soclal skllls.

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=< Lxplaln how parLs of muslc (lmaglnaLlon, organlzaLlon, repeLlLlon, conLrasL) can be seen ln oLher arL
forms and sub[ecLs.
0< Lxplaln how muslc can be used Lo change emoLlons, enhance feellng, lncrease cooperaLlon, eLc.
>< Lxplaln how oLher sub[ecLs/slLuaLlons use Lhe same skllls as when performlng muslc (ex: expresslng
feellngs, worklng wlLh oLhers, physlcs of sound, readlng ablllLy, eLc.).

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=< Lxplaln Lhe background and hlsLory of Lhe muslc l am performlng.
0< name and descrlbe lmporLanL composers, plece, and Lypes of muslc LhaL are lmporLanL ln hlsLory.
>< ldenLlfy muslc of varylng culLures and sLyles.
K< ulscuss how muslc lnfluences our culLure and Lhe dlfferenL roles people play ln muslc.

5-6 Band Essential Skills and Concepts
Wapsie Valley Community Schools

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