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WnA1 IS I1 ?
Not engag|ng |n sexua|
|ntercourse- "say|ng no"
100 eecnve
normones cou|d fee|
|mba|anced wa|nng and
then hnd|ng |t d|mcu|t to
fa|| pregnant |n future.
oss|b|e re|anonsh|p
nA1u8AL ML1PCu
WnA1 IS I1 ?
A method wh|ch |ooks at
the Ca|endar as we|| as
1he w|thdrawa| method |s
a|so a method of natura|
p|ann|ng, |t |s when the
ma|e's pen|s |s w|thdrawn
from the vag|na before the
semen |s e[acu|ated.
nav|ng contro| over
persona| hea|th and
hav|ng an understand|ng
of your persona|
menstrua| cyc|e.
98 eecnve |f the
menstrua| cyc|e |s regu|ar
Can be very unre||ab|e
when per|ods are |rregu|ar,
dur|ng |||nesses, when
Correct records must be
W|thdrawa| method can
be a unre||ab|e because
semen can escape from
the erect pen|s before the
amount |s re|eased.
A fam||y p|ann|ng c||n|c
maybe he|pfu|
Chemlcal MeLhods
WnA1 IS I1 ?
Chem|ca|s |n the form of med|canon. Such as :
WnA1 IS I1 ?
1he ||| conta|ns two hormones-oestrogen and progesterone, wh|ch stop
ovu|anon and stop the ovar|es from produc|ng eggs.
99 eecnve when taken at s|m||ar nmes and w|th accordance to
M|ssed p|||s may make the method |ess re||ab|e.
Condoms must be used |f vom|nng, severe d|arrhoea or med|canon's such
as annb|oncs are be taken

WnA1 IS I1 ?
lmplanon ls a so rod-shaped lmplanL (4cm x 2mm) LhaL's made from a hormone called progesLogen.
A docLor lnserLs lL under Lhe skln on Lhe lnner slde of Lhe upper arm.
?ou can feel Lhe rod, buL usually can'L see lL.
lL wlll sLop Lhe body from releaslng an egg (ovum) each monLh.
lL wlll make Lhe uld aL Lhe openlng Lo Lhe womb (uLerus) Lhlcker, sLopplng sperm from gemng Lhrough.
lL wlll sLop an egg from sucklng Lo Lhe lnslde of Lhe womb.
lmplanon ls more Lhan 99.9 eecuve.
Cnce lmplanon has been puL ln, lL lasLs for 3 years.
ln mosL cases, lL's easlly Laken ouL by a docLor.
1here ls a 23 chance of havlng no perlods aL all. erlods may be less palnful.
Cnce lmplanon has been Laken ouL, Lhe chances of gemng pregnanL wlll qulckly go back Lo normal.
ularrhoea and vomlung won'L sLop lL from worklng.
lL mlghL be a good opuon for Lhose who can'L Lake Lhe plll.
erlods may come, more oen or aL odd umes, bleed beLween perlods or have
no perlods aL all.
May puL on welghL or have sore breasLs, headaches, bloaung, mood swlngs or
changes Lo your skln.
lmplanon won'L proLecL from sexually Lransmlsslble lnfecuons (S1ls).
vAClnAL 8lnC
WnA1 IS I1?
1he vaglnal rlng (sold as nuva8lng) ls a small so rlng LhaL's made from 2 hormones called oesLrogen and
progesLogen.lL slLs lnslde Lhe vaglna for 3 weeks aL a ume, slowly releaslng hormones lnLo Lhe body.
lL wlll sLop Lhe body from releaslng an egg (ovum) each monLh.
lL wlll make Lhe uld aL Lhe openlng Lo Lhe womb (uLerus) Lhlcker, sLopplng sperm from gemng Lhrough.
lL wlll sLop an egg from sucklng Lo Lhe lnslde of Lhe womb.
lf you use lL Lhe rlghL way, Lhe vaglnal rlng ls 99.7 eecuve. Clven mlsLakes LhaL can happen, llke forgemng Lo
puL a new rlng ln on ume, lL mlghL only be 91 eecuve.
uon'L have Lo remember Lo Lake or use someLhlng every day.
1he vaglnal rlng wlll usually make perlods regular, shorLer, llghLer and less palnful.
lL has less hormones Lhan Lhe plll.
ularrhoea and vomlung won'L sLop Lhe vaglnal rlng from worklng.
lL can be used Lo sklp perlods.
?ou mlghL feel slck, bleed beLween perlods or have sore breasLs, headaches, bloaung, mood swlngs or changes Lo
your skln.
lL won'L proLecL you from sexually Lransmlsslble lnfecuons (S1ls).
WnA1 IS I1 ?
1he conLracepuve paLch ls a sucky paLch, a blL llke a nlcoune paLch, measurlng 3x3cm. lL
dellvers hormones lnLo your body Lhrough your skln.
lL conLalns Lhe same hormones as Lhe comblned plll, and lL works ln Lhe same way. 1hls
means LhaL lL prevenLs ovulauon (Lhe release of an egg), lL Lhlckens cervlcal mucus,
whlch makes lL more dlmculL for sperm Lo Lravel Lhrough Lhe cervlx, and lL Lhlns Lhe
womb llnlng, maklng lL less llkely LhaL a ferullsed egg wlll lmplanL Lhere.
lL ls very easy Lo use, unllke Lhe comblned oral conLracepuve plll, you do noL have Lo Lhlnk
abouL lL every day - you only have Lo remember Lo change Lhe paLch once a week
Lhe hormones from Lhe conLracepuve paLch do noL need Lo be absorbed by Lhe sLomach, so
lL ls [usL as eecuve even lf you vomlL or have dlarrhoea
Llke Lhe Lhe plll, lL Lends Lo make your perlods more regular, llghLer and less palnful
lL can help wlLh premensLrual sympLoms
ulSAuvAn1ACLS lC8 1PL CCn18ACL1lvL A1CP
It may be v|s|b|e and can can cause sk|n |rr|tanon, |tch|ng and soreness.
It does not protect you aga|nst sexua||y transm|ued |nfecnons (S1Is)
Some women get m||d temporary s|de eects when they hrst start us|ng the
patch, such as headaches, nausea (s|ckness), breast tenderness and mood
changes. 1hese s|de eects usua||y seu|e down aher a few months.
8|eed|ng between per|ods (breakthrough b|eed|ng) and spomng (very ||ght,
|rregu|ar b|eed|ng) |s common |n the hrst few cyc|es of us|ng the patch
8A88lL8 ML1PCuS
WPA1 lS l1 ?
A barrler LhaL sLops sperm from enLerlng .
What |s |t?
1he dlaphragm ls a cup-shaped, rubber cap wlLh a so edge LhaL Ls lnslde Lhe
vaglna, coverlng Lhe openlng Lo Lhe womb (uLerus). 1he rlghL slze needs Lo be
ued by a docLor or nurses .lL wlll acL as a barrler, sLopplng sperm from gemng
lnLo your womb.
MusL remaln ln Lhe vaglna for 6 hours aer sexual lnLercourse
1he dlaphragm ls 94 eecuve when used correcLly,
1he dlaphragm won'L change your perlods. lL doesn'L conLaln hormones.
lL mlghL glve you some proLecuon from sexually Lransmlsslble lnfecuons (S1ls).
allerglc Lo Lhe rubber ln Lhe dlaphragm.
may feel uncomforLable lf Lhe wrong slze ls ued.
could have a small rlsk of bladder lnfecuon.
1he dlaphragm won'L glve you as much proLecuon from S1ls as Lhe male or female
lL mlghL only be 83 eecuve lf noL used correcLly
Slmllar Lo Lhe ulaphragm, alLhough smaller and
Ls neaLly over Lhe cervlx and used wlLh
spermlclde (make sperm lnacuve). 1hese
comblned devlces form a barrler whlch asslsL
Lo prevenL Lhe sperm from meeung an egg
and musL sLay ln aL leasL 6 hours aer sexual
Iema|e condom
What |s |t?
1he female condom ls a so, rubber-llke pouch wlLh a
rlng aL Lhe end LhaL's puL lnslde Lhe vaglna.
Some women and Lhelr parLners llke uslng lL because lL's
sLronger Lhan Lhe male condom
lL wlll acL as a barrler, sLopplng sperm from gemng lnLo
your womb (uLerus).
AuvAn1ACLS Anu ulSAuvAn1ACLS
1he female condom ls 93 eecuve.
lL wlll glve boLh parLners some proLecuon from sexually Lransmlsslble
lnfecuons (S1ls).
Some females choose Lhls and can use lL when Lhey have a perlod.
lf noL used correcLly lL can only be 79 eecuve
What |s |t?
1he male condom ls a very Lhln buL sLrong rubber
coverlng LhaL's puL over an erecL penls before havlng
lL wlll acL as a barrler, sLopplng sperm from gemng lnLo
Lhe vaglna.
lL wlll need Lo be puL on before Lhe penls has any conLacL
wlLh Lhe vaglna.
lL wlll help sLop sexually Lransmlsslble lnfecuons (S1ls)
AuvAn1ACLS Anu ulSAuvAn1ACLS
1he male condom ls 98 eecuve. Clven mlsLakes LhaL can happen,
llke a condom breaklng or sllpplng o durlng sexual lnLercourse, lL
mlghL only be 83 eecuve.
lL wlll glve parLners proLecuon from S1ls.
1he parLners are requlred Lo boLh be responslble for conLracepuon.
Could be allerglc Lo laLex, whlch ls Lhe Lype of rubber LhaL's used Lo
make Lhe male condom.
Check Lhe explry daLe before uslng each condom.
WhaL ls SLerlllsauon ?
SLerlllsauon ls a permanenL meLhod of conLracepuon LhaL lnvolves havlng surgery.
Men can have a vasecLomy, where Lhe Lubes LhaL carry Lhe sperm are cuL under
local anaesLheuc.
Women can have:
a Lubal llgauon, where a cllp ls puL on Lhe Lubes LhaL carry Lhe eggs (ova) Lhrough a
small cuL ln Lhe sLomach under general anaesLheuc
a Lubal occluslon, where a small coll or plug (sold as Lssure or Adlana) ls puL lnslde
Lhese Lubes Lhrough Lhe vaglna under local anaesLheuc.
A vasecLomy sLops sperm from movlng Lhrough Lhe Lubes LhaL Lhey normally Lravel
Lhrough Lo reach Lhe egg.
A Lubal llgauon or Lubal occluslon sLops eggs from movlng Lhrough Lhe Lubes LhaL Lhey
normally Lravel Lhrough Lo meeL Lhe sperm.
AuvAn1ACLS Anu ulSAuvAn1ACLS
SLerlllsauon ls more Lhan 99 eecuve.
SLerlllsauon ls permanenL and very eecuve, so lf nC oLher chlldren (or any more chlldren), lL mlghL
be a good opuon.
8oLh vasecLomy and Lubal occluslon lnvolve mlnor, 13 mlnuLe surgery LhaL's done under local
A Lubal llgauon sLarLs worklng sLralghL away.
?ou mlghL need Lo pay for Lhe surgery.
Aer havlng a vasecLomy, you wlll need Lo use anoLher Lype of conLracepuon unul a sperm LesL
shows no sperm.
Aer havlng a Lubal occluslon, you wlll need Lo use anoLher Lype of conLracepuon for 3 monLhs and
Lhen have an x-8ay Lo check lf Lhe colls or plugs are ln Lhe rlghL place.
Aer havlng a Lubal llgauon, you mlghL need Lo sLay ln hosplLal overnlghL. ?ou mlghL also Lake a few
days Lo recover and have some shoulder or sLomach paln.
SLerlllsauon won'L proLecL from sexually Lransmlsslble lnfecuons (S1ls).

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