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Mean Mania Game

Directions: Each player is dealt seven cards. Put the cards in a pile and flip
over one from the top to be the multiplier card. Ex: If you draw a 6, then
you multiply each of your cards by 6 to get your list of numbers. Find the
mean of your hand. Show your work in the table. The player that has the
highest mean receives the points for that round. The number of points you
receive is whatever number the mean was for that round. Everyone puts
their cards back into the deck and shuffles. Each player is then dealt
another 7 cards and then another multiplier card is flipped to see what
the multiplier is for that round. The player with the highest points at the end
of round 5 is the winner. (Ace-1, Jack- 11, Q-12, K-13)

Points this
Total Points Show your work
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
Round 4
Round 5

Median Mania Game

Directions: Each player is dealt 7 cards. One player flips over the top card
to see what the multiplier card is. This is what you multiply each of your
cards by to get your list of data points. Find the median of your hand. The
player with the highest median receives the points for that round. The
points are whatever number you have for the median. After round 1, put
the cards back and shuffle again. Deal another 7 cards, and pull another
multiplier card for that round. The player with the highest points at the end
of round 5 is the winner. (Ace-1, Jack- 11, Q-12, K-13)

Points this
Total Points Show your work
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
Round 4
Round 5
Mode Mania Game

Directions: Each player is dealt seven cards. Shuffle the cards and lay
them in a pile. Flip over the top card, and this will be your multiplier card
for the round. Multiply each of your individual cards by the multiplier card
to get your set of data points. Figure out your mode for your set of cards.
The player with the highest mode receives the points for that round. If no
players have a mode, then you receive no points for that round. If a
player has two modes from one hand, then they add both modes
together. After round one, put all the cards back and deal another seven
cards. There will be a new multiplier card chosen for each round. The
player with the most points at the end of round 5 is the winner. (Ace-1,
Jack- 11, Q-12, K-13)

Points this
Total Points Show your work
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
Round 4
Round 5

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