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Master of Arts in Education: Teacher Leadership

Comprehensive Examination 2013-2014

1. Look back over the courses you have taken and the work you have done to prepare and
present your Teacher Leadership Portfolio and your Final Vehicle and consider the many
qualities and attributes of an effective teacher leader you have studied and discussed. From
among them identify the ten you consider most important.

Support your choice of each of the ten with a brief rationale (Two well-constructed
sentences would suffice.)

From your list of ten, select the three you think are the most important. For these three,
present a detailed rationale, supported with authoritative citations from your reading and
study and with clarifying examples, for your choice of these as the three most important
qualities or attributes needed for effectiveness as a teacher leader.

2. In your course work, reading, study, discussions and efforts to enhance fifteen competencies of
as educational practitioner, you have considered critically the knowledge, skills and dispositions
which must characterize a Servant Teacher leader. From the perspective of a lead teacher use
what you have learned to design your own rubric to be used in assessing and evaluating a
servant teacher leader.
Your rubric must include a minimum of five criteria with with at least four defined levels
of achievement describing the behavior/data you will be looking for as you asses each of
the criteria.
Prioritize the criteria in order of importance to you.
Accompany your rubric with an explanation supporting the reason for choosing each of
the criteria and the importance you assigned it with references and/or citations from
your program work.

3. The three most necessary skills for the 21
century, according to futurists, are community,
collaboration, and creativity.
As a servant teacher leader in your school describe, in a detailed plan of action, how you will
continue after completing this program to
Keep abreast of new tools that become available and affordable for classroom use
Learn to use the new tools effectively
Create learning applications for students to use in the context of particular content
area for which you RE RESPONSIBLE
In detail describe one new tool you learned to use during this program and how you
adapted it for use in your classroom by your students. Describe how it enhanced a)
students learning and b) their ability to be communicators, collaborators, and creative
thinkers. (Be sure to cite specific evidence of your claimed enhancement.)
4. The Master of Arts in Education: Teacher Leadership program you are completing has as its goal
to prepare teachers who are 1) Knowledge Seekers, 2) Critical Thinkers, 3) Change Agents, 4)
Creative Visionaries, 5) Resourceful Professionals, and 6) Effective Communicators. To this end
you have pursued coursework and worked at the enhancement of fifteen competencies (ten
specified by us and five selected by you).

Taking your list of fifteen competencies, as you enhanced them by your chosen
activities, explain how each one contributed specifically to the six components
of the goal. Be sure to cite specifics to support your rationale.

What additional competency (ies) might be added to the original list of ten as a
required competency to make a more complete contribution to the goal?

5. Educator Effectiveness, the latest efforts toward improving teaching in the state of Wisconsin,
has far-reaching ramifications for teacher preparation programs, supervisors of teachers and
instruction, and consequently for teachers themselves.
Describe how the traits and characteristics of the servant teacher leader as you studied
them in the Teacher Leadership Program coincide with and enhance, or differ from, the
philosophy of good teaching as advanced by the Educator Effectiveness movement.

Cite specific examples of work you have done in the Teacher Leadership program that
will help you function as an effective educator as one is envisioned by the Educator
Effectiveness program.
I have prepared this document according to the directions given.
_______________________________________ ___________
(signature) (date)

Print Name _______________________________________

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