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#nit 2 $ntrodu%tion
Focus Questions
&ate 10'('201
DIRECTIONS: Use the hints below to help you answer the Focus Questions. You will find all of the
information in the Unit Introduction in your textbook.
1. W)at series of e*ents set t)e stage for +ar bet+een t)e ,meri%an %o-onies and t)e .ritis)/
Hint: W)at e*ent %aused t)e .ritis) go*ernment to -oo0 to t)e %o-onists for in%reased
funds/ Wish to create a new form of government, democracy, that would reform humankind itself;
dedication to human rights; liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; h thought to the prospect of
Hint: W)at +ere t)e measures ta0en by t)e .ritis) go*ernment to raise money/
Passing the Stamp Act in 1!" which re#uired the buying and affi$ing of stamps to each of "% ordinary
items. Stamp ta$ had to be paid in valid &ritish currency. 'he 'ownshend Acts of 1! ta$ing.
2. W)at %)a--enges did t)e ne+ %ountry fa%e in its 1uest for se-f2go*ernment/
Hint: W)i%) do%uments +ere drafted by t)e ne+ nation/
(ore than a year of waiting to pass independence, another si$ years of waiting till the war ending.
After all Articles of )onfederation established a *league of friendship+ among the new states, the federal
)onstitution that replaced the Articles, &ill of ,ights.
Hint: W)at issues +ere t)e -eaders of t)e ne+ nation trying to address/
-$pression of ideas, reshape of the new nation and the new world.
. $n +)at +ays did po-iti%s inf-uen%e -iterature during t)is period/
Hint: 3)in0 about t)e 0inds of -iterature t)at %ou-d be easi-y spread from one p-a%e to
anot)er. Writing stories about in.ured in war important past events, heroic actions, everyday life,
enlightenment. /ewspapers, and numerous broadside ballads, poems.
Hint: 3)in0 about t)e ba%0grounds of some of t)e peop-e +)o +ou-d )a*e been +riting
during t)is period. Some of t)e +riters tried to ma0e some money in t)e ne+ %ountry from t)e stories t)ey t)in0 of,
ot)ers )ad t)e fortune to pub-is) t)e stories of t)eir )ard times, and ma0e a -i*ing out of it.
#nit 2 4esour%es: , "ation $s .orn
5 Pearson 6du%ation, $n%., pub-is)ing as Pearson Prenti%e 7a--. ,-- rig)ts reser*ed.

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