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Resonance hybrid : The actual structure of a molecule that is intermediate between 2 or

more resonance structures.

Anti-bonding orbital: A molecular orbital that is higher in energy than any of the atomic
orbitals from which it was formed.

Octet rule : The tendency for most bonded atoms to possess or share 8 electrons in the
outer shell, and to obtain stable electron conguration can lower their potential energy.

! bonding molecular orbitals : An orbital that is bonding (example) formed by constructive
interference of 2 atomic orbitals, but in which the electron density does not lie into the inter-
nuclear axis (often assigned as the Z axis a) is located above and below this access. It is most
often made up of a linear combination of the PX or PY orbitals on the separate

Bonding molecular orbital: Similar to the denition above, but in this case the electron
density is along the entry nuclear (usually Z) axis.

Correlation diagrams :used for making quick predictions about the geometries of small

s the approximate length of a C H bond in meters : 1.2X 10 ^10

Is diamond and electrical conductor insulator: diamond is an insulator because it does
not contain any pi bonds unlike graphite. Therefore it is a poor conductor.

What are the results of absorbing x-ray radiation to a molecule in the gas phase what
does a molecule do as a result of absorbing this from light? Gamma rays and x-rays
causes core electrons to be ionized resulting in the breaking of bonds.

Which is a stronger acid HClO4 or HClO2 : HClO4 is a stronger acid because it has more
lone oxygens.

What are the results of absorbing x-ray radiation to a molecule in the gas phase what
does a molecule do as a result of absorbing this from light? Gamma rays and x-rays
causes core electrons to be ionized resulting in the breaking of bonds.

Conjugated: A series of alternating single and double bonds such as in carotene are
described best in terms of their pi bonds.

If a microwave its a gas molecule it is most likely to excite ROTATION

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