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Road Trip
Step 9: Calculate how much it would cost to drive each vehicle during your summer road trip. Use the information on
the front of this piece of paper to create a proportion.
Vehicle Proportion
(Include Labels)
Show Work
(On Another Piece of paper)
Total Gas Cost
(Write A sentence)

Step 10: How long will you spend in each location?
Days spent sightseeing
Location 1:
Location 2:
Location 3:
Location 4:
Location 5:

Total days Spent Sightseeing __________________________________________________________
Step 11: You drive 60 miles per hour so
1) How many hours until you reach your destination1?
_______ hours

2) How many hours until you reach your destination2?
______ hours

3) How many hours until you reach your destination3?
_______ hours

4) How many hours until you reach your destination4?
_______ hours

5) How many hours until you reach your destination5?
_______ hours

6) How many hours until you are back at destination 1?
_______ hours

Days Spent Driving __________________________________________________________
Total Days of Vacation ___________________________________________________________
Step 12: You will need a hotel room for every day of your vacation except the last. How many nights will you need a
Hotel Rating Cost per Night






Create a table showing the number of nights you will spend in each type of hotel and the amount spent on each type of
Hotel Rating Number of Days Cost per Night Total Cost

Money Spent on Hotels (Write a sentence) ______________________________________________________________
Step 13: For each day of your trip you will eat 3 meals. You may choose where you eat your meals.
Fast Food Restaurant $5.50 per person
Nice Restaurant $10.00 per person
Fancy Restaurant $25.00 per person

Total Days of Vacation ______________ X 3 Meals per Day X ________how many people =__________________ Meals

Money Spent on Food ____________________________________________________

Type of Restaurant Number of Meals Cost per Meal Total Cost

Step 14: Your rental car will cost $60 per day. Calculate the cost for renting the vehicle for the entire trip.

Money Spent on Rental Car _________________________________________________

Cost for FUEL (Gas) (Step 9)
Cost for the RENTAL CAR (Step 4)
Cost for HOTELS (Step 12)
Cost for FOOD (Step 13)

TOTAL COST OF ROAD TRIP ______________________________________________________________________

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