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Pressure equipment, reu!ti"n "# $e%& r%te' (%s&et p%r%meters me%surement
This topic is directly related to the R & D activity Methodologies in support of European
standardisation (R & D) under the Competitive and Sustainable Growth Programme (1.1.3). It
falls under the generic activity 1.1.3-6 Measurement and esting. pecifically! it is related to that
part of the !b"e#tive 1.1.3-6." Methodologies for Measurement and esting for #hich e$pressions
of interest have %een called.
.. -E,WORD/
&ressure '(uip)ent! *olted +langed ,onnections! &ressure '(uip)ent Directive! 'uropean
tandards! &ara)eters! Tightness! /s%estos +ree! ')ission Reduction! 0.1.,.! 2ealth and
'nviron)ental &rotection.
0. /1++AR, O* O23ECTI4E/ A)D 31/TI*ICATIO)
This research is needed in support of the &ressure '(uip)ent Directive 3 &'D 456"36',
In particular! the o%7ective of this study is to deter)ine para)eters needed for pr'8 1941-1
(the 'uropean standard #hich defines : Design rules for gas.eted circular flanges ;).
The intention is to provide a %asic data set and validate the test )ethod relating %oth strength and
lea. tightness to types and classes. It is not the intention to provide individual and on going
classification of individual gas.ets.
The e$tent of the study is the deter)ination of para)eters for all types of gas.ets according
to the follo#ing standards 3
pr'8 1"96<! &arts 1 to 5 (,lass-designated flanges! for)er /8I flanges)
'8 191=! &arts 1 to 9 (&8-designated flanges! for)er DI8 flanges)
pr'8 191=! &arts 6 to 5 (&8-designated flanges! for)er DI8 flanges)
This action is greatly needed! since all the para)eters contained in the e$peri)ental standard
pr'80 1941-" all co)e fro) or a)%iguous sources! using deter)ination )ethods #hich
are not consistent. para)eters are needed for the first revision of the 'uropean pre-standard pr'80 1941-"!
#ithin three years.
DC 7/99/Topic I.1/ Pg "
DC 7/99/Topic I.1/ Pg 3
5. 2AC-GRO1)D
The classical design )ethods used today for %olted flanged connections contained in national codes
such as /D->er.%latt! * 99<<! ,1D/& are %ased on the Taylor +orge >ethod developed in the
?nited tates (1435). These )ethods have #ea.nesses 3
they do not ta.e into consideration lea.tightness @
they do not follo# the rapid evolution of the )aterials put on the ) @
they do not )a.e it possi%le to adapt to the stringent re(uire)ents for the protection of the
The 'uropean tandard pr'8 1941-1 (1444) i)ple)ents a ne# )ethod for the design of %olted
flanged connections that ena%les the control of %oth strength and lea.tightness under all design
conditions of te)perature and pressure. To develop pr'8 1941-1! ,'8 T, 5= used previous #or.
perfor)ed preparation of the 'ast -er)an standard T-A 3"4<3613 (14B3). To #or. properly! this
)ethod needs the use of para)eters deter)ined e$peri)entally. ?nfortunately! the values of
the para)eters contained in the e$peri)ental standard '80 1941-" #hich is to %e used in
con7unction #ith the pr'8 1941-1 are old data o%tained fro) .no#-ho#. These values are not fully
satisfactory for the follo#ing reasons.
There is no relation esta%lished %et#een the lea.tightness and the para)eters. Thus! the
)ain advantage of the )ethod included in pr'8 1941! #hich the control of lea.tightness! is lost. In
the origin of the values is @
the testing )ethod is @
a nu)%er of ne# )odern as%estos-free )aterials are not considered@
This is a parado$ical situation! the calculation )ethod e$ists %ut #ithout )eans to apply it
correctly. The situation #ill %e radically i)proved #hen relia%le values are provided to industry
#ith the pu%lication of the first revision of pr'80 1941-".
Imp%!t "n st%n%rs
The results of this action #ill %e used %y all pressure e(uip)ent standards! including standards
related to unfired pressure vessels! piping! and valves.
Imp%!t "n s%#et7 %n re$i%8i$it7
The use of the 'uropean standard #ith relia%le coefficients #ill ena%le a reduction of the
nu)%er of failures.
The costs of )aintenance and production loss #ould also %e reduced. +or an accident leading up to
costs of =<< .',? per day! the follo#ing typical distri%ution #as o%served3
DC 7/99/Topic I.1/ Pg =
eals 3 C
Aoss of fluid "1 C
>aintenance 13 C
&roductivity loss 63 C
The total loss fro) these accidents #orld-#ide is very high (e.g. 5" >',? per year in the
petroche)ical industries and 66 >',? per year in the 8uclear energy production).
En9ir"nment%$ imp%!t
,orrect design of %olted flanges #ill reduce e)ission of dangerous su%stances! in particular
pollution co)ing fro) 0olatile 1rganic ,o)pounds (oil! gas and solvents) representing in 'urope
9< C of the at)ospheric pollution. It #ill )eet the re(uire)ents of the 'nviron)ental Aegislation
(e.g. T/-Auft).
The o%7ective of the research progra) #ill %e to o%tain the para)eters for all types of
gas.ets covered %y the follo#ing standards3
pr'8 1"96<! &arts 1 to 5 (,lass-designated flanges! for)er /8I flanges)
'8 191=! &arts 1 to 9 (&8-designated flanges! for)er DI8 flanges)
pr'8 191=! &arts 6 to 5 (&8-designated flanges! for)er DI8 flanges)
&art 1 non-)etallic flat gas.ets #ith or #ithout inserts
&art " spiral #ound gas.ets
&art 3 non-)etallic &T+' envelope gas.ets
&art = corrugated! flat or grooved )etallic and filled )etallic gas.ets
&art 9 )etallic ring-7oint gas.ets
&art 6 .a))profile gas.ets
&art 5 covered )etal-7ac.eted gas.ets
1nly floating type flanged 7oints #ill %e considered.
G%s&et p%r%meters me%sure
G%s&et P%r%meters3
I designates the load condition
I D < is the asse)%ly condition
I D 1!"!E are su%se(uent conditions including hydraulic and all service conditions
#hich could %e significant
is the unloading co)pression )odulus of for the asse)%ly condition
is the value of '
! e$trapolated fro) )easure)ent values of '
%ac. to Fero stress
DC 7/99/Topic I.1/ Pg 9
is the ratio %et#een re)aining stress after creep and inital stress
is a coefficient #hich deter)ines the rate of change of '
#ith co)pressive stress
A is the lea. rate class
& is the pressure
is the )ean co)pressive stress at asse)%ly condition
is the )ean co)pressive stress at load condition I
is the )ini)u) stress
is the )a$i)u) stress
RT is the roo) te)perature
T is the te)perature
The different types of gas.ets! #hich are necessary for the para)eters in pr'80 1941-"!
should %e provided fro) at least 9 different )anufacturers.
In order to %e ro%ust in effort! a )ini)u) nu)%er of tests has to %e perfor)ed follo#ing the testing
standard pr'8 13999.
Results should %e given in a suita%le for) to %e inserted in pr'80 1941-".
/pe!i%$ !"niti"ns
Due to the great relia%ility re(uested! only duly accredited la%oratories are a%le to perfor) the tests.
This #or. constitutes a t#o-year research progra))e. Results shall %e availa%le in "<<" to %e
i)ple)ented in pr'80 1941-".
Re#eren!e $ist
- &ressure '(uip)ent Directive 3 &'D 456"36', I8e# /pproach DirectiveJ
- pr'8 1941 - 13 +langes and their 7oints3 Design rules for gas.eted circular flange connections
&art 13 ,alculation )ethod
- pr'80 1941 - "3 +langes and their 7oints3 Design rules for gas.eted flange connections
DC 7/99/Topic I.1/ Pg 6
&art "3 &ara)eters
pr'8 1"96< - 13 +langes and their 7oints3 -as.ets for ,lass Designated +langes
&art 13 8on-)etallic flat gas.ets #ith or #ithout inserts
pr'8 1"96< - "3 +langes and their 7oints3 -as.ets for ,lass Designated +langes
&art "3 piral Lound -as.ets
pr'8 1"96< - 33 +langes and their 7oints3 -as.ets for ,lass Designated +langes
&art 33 8on K >etallic 'nvelope -as.ets
pr'8 1"96< - =3 +langes and their 7oints3 -as.ets for ,lass Designated +langes
&art =3 ,orrugated! +lat or -rooved >etallic & +illed >etallic -as.ets for
?se #ith teel +langes
pr'8 1"96< - 93 +langes and their 7oints3 -as.ets for ,lass Designated +langes
&art 93 >etallic Ring Moint -as.ets for ?se #ith teel +langes
pr'8 1"96< - 63 +langes and their 7oints3 -as.ets for ,lass Designated +langes
&art 63 Ga))profile -as.ets
pr'8 1"96< - 53 +langes and their 7oints3 -as.ets for ,lass Designated +langes
&art 53 ,overed >etal Mac.eted -as.ets
'8 191= - 13 +langes and their 7oints3 -as.ets for &8 Designated +langes
&art 13 8on )etallic +lat -as.ets #ith or #ithout inserts
'8 191= - "3 +langes and their 7oints3 -as.ets for &8 Designated +langes
&art "3 piral Lound -as.ets
'8 191= - 33 +langes and their 7oints3 -as.ets for &8 Designated +langes
&art 33 8on )etallic &T+' 'nvelope -as.ets
'8 191= - =3 +langes and their 7oints3 -as.ets for &8 Designated +langes
&art =3 ,orrugated! +lat or -rooved >etallic or +illed >etallic -as.ets
'8 191= - 93 +langes and their 7oints3 -as.ets for &8 Designated +langes
&art 93 >etallic Ring Moint -as.ets for ?se #ith teel +langes
pr'8 191= - 63 +langes and their 7oints3 -as.ets for &8 Designated +langes
&art 63 Ga))profile -as.ets
pr'8 191= - 53 +langes and their 7oints3 -as.ets for &8 Designated +langes
&art 53 ,overed >etal Mac.eted -as.ets
pr'8 139993 +langes and their 7oints3 para)eter test procedures relevant to the
design rules for gas.eted circular flange connections
DC 7/99/Topic I.1/ Pg 5
'lsevier /dvanced Technology! 1$ford 14463 I&rofile of the international +luid ealing
IndustryJ >
&rospects to 1444

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