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Poop or pooped may refer to:

Feces, waste product from an animal's or a human's digestive tract expelled through the anus,
including synonyms crap and shit
Defecation, the act or process by which organisms eliminate feces
Pooper-scooper, used by owners of pets to pick up the fecal matter of their pets
Stern, the rear or aft part of a ship or boat
Poop deck, a deck that constitutes the roof of a cabin built in the aft (rear) part of the
superstructure of a ship
"To be pooped", nautical parlance meaning to have a wave come over the stern from abaft
Poop (constellation) or Puppis, a constellation in the southern sky
Pooped, to be fatigued
"Poop", an episode of the television series Zoboomafoo

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