Anda di halaman 1dari 6


1. S.P.packaging, a leading packaging firm is looking for a partner in their new 200
crore project of plastic pouch making plant . As the managing director of Pack-
Age, write a letter to Rajessh Wahi, the Chief Executive Officer of S.P. Packaging
enquiring about their terms and condition for partnership. Also give a profile of
your company.
2. You are Mohan residing at 3\45 , Gandhi Nagar, Bombay. Write to the Director,
Institute of Correspondence Course and Continuing Education, Madurai,
requesting him to send you a copy of their prospectus. Mention the course in
which you are interested and ask for various details you feel necessary for
3. Your younger brother is an extremely good looking and smart kid. Your parents
are considering modeling offers for him. You come across the following advertisement
and find it attractive enough to make enquiries.
Cute children required earliest for TV and magazine ads of children’s products,
soft drinks. Serial openings offered. Contact Towns people, M 54, Greater
Kailash, New Delhi.
Write a letter on behalf of your father enquiring details about assignments, stating
your conditions and terms and giving information about the child. Enclose
photographs. Sign as Ramesh/Radhika Sharma. You are living at 14, S-Block,
Sector 12, Noida.
4. Your family has to shift from Delhi to Chennai. You need the services of a
professional packing and moving company. You see the following advertisement in a
‘Decent Packers, worldwide packing, shifting, transport – road, air, sea,
Insurance Household/Car, door to door service. Contact Manager, 1469, D
Block, Cannaught Place, New Delhi.
5. Write a letter to the Manager enquiring about special packing for expensive
glassware, electronic goods, charges for moving your entire household goods by
road and the time the goods would take to reach Madras. Sign as Krishna
Kant/Krishna Kumari. Your address is 18B, Self Financing Flats, Alaknanda
Colony, New Delhi.
6. You have given a portion of your house on rent to a young man. Recently you
have noticed some undesirable kind of strangers visiting him. He is frequently out
of town for a few days at a stretch. You are suspicious, but do not wish to go to
the police. Write a letter to a private detective agency enquiring if they can
undertake an investigation and what will be their charges. You should not reveal
the entire situation in the letter but suggest that the investigation may have to be
done outside your city also. The name of the agency is Discreet Services at 45,
Ashok Nagar Business Complex, Himalaya Plaza, Simla, sign as Hamid Khan.
Your address is R-15, Gandhi Nagar, Simla.
7. As Avinash Aneja, librarian of Swami Vivekanand Sr.Secondary School, Vikas
Puri, Delhi, you have to buy dictionaries and encyclopedias. Write a letter to M/s
Universal Book Suppliers, 14, Gali Ram Nath, Chandni Chowk, Delhi asking for a list of
such books available with them, their publishers, special discounts for institutions, time
taken for delivery and the mode of payment acceptable to them.
8. You are Manish/Manisha Verma living at 59, Saraswati Enclave, Sector-9,
Rohini. You wish to make a pilgrimage to Badrinath, Kedarnath and Haridwar with your
family of four. Write a letter t Ideal Pilgrims Tours and travels, D-22, Connaught Place,
New Delhi enquiring about the schedule of their conducted tours by deluxe buses to these
places. Ask about the charges, staying and boarding arrangements and athe total time
needed for the tour.
9. You are Ashok/Ashima Mathus, of 56, H-Block, Ashok Vihar, Delhi – 110052.
You are the owner of a restaurant and wish to expand. For this purpose you need a loan
from H.D.F.C. Bank, Pitampura Branch, Pitampura, Delhi. Write to the manager
inquiring about the terms and interest rates on a load of 5 lakhs, documents to be
provided and formalities to be completed.
10. You are Ashok/Asha Rai living at 49, S-Block, Model Town, Allahabad –
211001. You came across the following advertisement:
Homeo postal class Eng/Hindi. Practicals arranged. Prospectus free. Contact
Director, Mavelil Homeo Mission, P.B.1015, Pattom, Trivandrum – 695004.
Write a letter the Director asking for detailed information on the courses,
duration, fees, assignments, local contact programmes. Request for a prospectus
and enclose a self addressed envelope.
11. A new sport Complex has been inaugurated in Paschim Vihar. Write a letter to the
Director asking for rules and procedure for obtaining membership. You also wish to
know about the fee/annual charges as well as concessions offered to students. Sign as
Harsh Kumar Jain of 6, B Block Rajouri nGarden, New Delhi.
12. Nehru Yuva Kendra on 7, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi is an
organization catering to the cultural needs of the youth. Write a letter to the Director
enquiring about the short term courses/classes scheduled for the summer vacation. You
are particularly interested in drama and martial arts programmes. Sign as Raghuvir Singh,
50 Darya Ganj, Delhi.
13. You wish to join a course at the National Institute of Creative Design,
Indrapraastha estate, New Delhi 15. Write a letter addressed to the Direfctor, making
enquiries about courses in textile printing and garment manufacturing facilities . You are
Arun sampat of C 234,MIG Flats, Saket, New Delhi 17.
14. You have recently opened a restaurant in Model town. Write a letter to the
Manager of The Cottage India Emporium enquiring about the latest furnishings and
upholstery items for the same.
15. You are Rakesh Sharma. You saw an advertisement regarding a course for
training and preparing students for the TOFEL –test for English as a Foreign Language .
You wish to join the course. Write a letter to the Course Director of ‘A to Z in English’,
22 Gandhi Nagar , Chennai –20 , inquiring about all the details that you require.
16. This summer vacation, you are planning to visit Shimla. Write a letter to a travel
agency in Shimla requesting them to book you a room in a five star hotel. Give other
details your journey and facilities you require there. Sign yourself as Ram Mohan, C/5 ,
New Colony, Assam.
17. You are Kapil Kumar. You want information regarding courses at New Institute
of Learning Languages. Write a letter to the Director enquiring about the same

- I have come to know through my…….. that your institute is
organizing various courses in ………
- I has come to my knowledge that your institution provides an excellent
training in……..
- Please refer to your advertisement published in ………. Dated ……
regarding various courses in …… organized by your company.
- I presume this course would suit my needs. But before I decide please
let me know the following details.


• This is in response to your ad. Published in the classified columns of

____________I wish to join your institute for the course.
• Learnt from your ad. Published in _____ of ___ that your center in starting a short
term course in ____ In this connection I may add to your knowledge that ____
• With reference to your ad. Published in _________ dated _______ regarding a
course for _____I am interested in joining this course.
• As per ad. Published in ________. In this connection I may inform you that I
have passed__________


• Please inform me about different courses which are being organized by your
• It may be also informed about job opportunities available after completing the
course because it is a new course of its own
• I would like to know whether some placement service is available thro your
• Since I have to stay away from home, please let me know about boarding and
lodging facilities with your institutions
• Will its possible to get students concession.
Please let me know the details regarding….. of this course. A copy of prospectus
may be mailed to me at your earliest. An early reply will greatly be appreciated to
enable me to decide about the course.
Please let me know the terms and conditions for the same. I will be much obliged
if a brochure containing all relevant information is sent to me as the earliest so
that necessary arrangements can be made well in advance. An early reply will
help me to decide my career

• Hope you will send the required information at your earliest possible
• Please send me a copy of prospectus and other information if any. I am sending a
self-addressed envelop along with the bank draft of Rs…………….
• Kindly furnish all the details at the earliest so that I may take some decision in
this regard.
• Kindly send me a brochure and prospectus containing relevant information for the
afore said course. I hope the said information would be mailed to me at the
earliest possible. The inconvenience caused to you is much regretted.

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