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Fig. 8.1. The turbidite facies model (i.e.

, the Bouma Sequence) showing Ta, Tb,

Tc, Td, and Te divisions. Conventional interpretation is that the entire sequence is
a product of a turbidity current (Bouma, 1962; Walker, 1965; Middleton and
Hampton, 1973). According to Lowe (1982), the Ta division is a product of a high-
density turbidity current and Tb, Tc, and Td divisions are deposits of low-density
turbidity currents. In this book, the Ta division is considered to be a product of a
turbidity current only if it is normally graded, otherwise it is a product of a sandy
debris flow; the Tb, Tc, and Td divisions are considered to be deposits of bottom-
current reworking. (After Shanmugam (1997a). Reproduced with permission from
Fig. 8.2. (A) Sedimentological log of Unit 10 showing contorted layers in association with sigmoidal cross beds. (B) Outcrop photograph
of contorted layers. Arrow shows stratigraphic position of contorted layers. Annot Sandstone (EoceneOligocene), Peira Cava area,
French Maritime Alps. SE France.
Fig. 8.3. (A) Sedimentological log of Unit 9 showing contorted layers, deformed cross
beds, and rippled top. (B) Two alternative interpretations of field description. (1) By
using Bouma divisions, the unit could be interpreted as a turbidite. (2) By not using
Bouma divisions (this book), each layer of the unit is interpreted individually either as
deposits of plastic flows or bottom current reworking or zone of shearing. Annot
Sandstone (EoceneOligocene), Peira Cava area, French Maritime Alps. SE France.
Fig. 8.4. (A) Field description of amalgamated Unit 12A showing basal inverse grading (at
5 m) with clasts and granules and upper intervals of normal grading and parallel laminae.
Note underlying severely contorted layers. In cases like this, it is difficult to determine the
true basal contact of the unit (i.e., at 0 m or at 5 m?). (B) Two alternative interpretations of
field description. (1) By using Bouma divisions, the upper part (510.8 m) could be
interpreted as a turbidite. (2) By not using Bouma divisions (this book), each layer of the
unit is interpreted individually either as deposits of plastic flows or bottom current
reworking. Plastic flows represent sandy debris flows. Unit 12A (see Fig. 4. 37 for location
map in which Units 12A, 12B, and 12C are shown as a single dot). Annot Sandstone
(EoceneOligocene), Peira Cava area, French Maritime Alps. SE France.
Fig. 8.5. (A) Field description of amalgamated Unit 12B. Note underlying and
overlying mudstone intervals with contorted layers (B) Two alternative
interpretations of field description. (1) By using Bouma divisions, the unit
could be interpreted as a turbidite. (2) By not using Bouma divisions (this
book), each layer of the unit is interpreted individually either as deposits of
plastic flows or bottom current reworking. Plastic flows represent sandy
debris flows. Annot Sandstone (EoceneOligocene), Peira Cava area, French
Maritime Alps. SE France.
Fig. 8.6. (A) Field description of amalgamated Unit 12C showing basal inverse grading,
four layers of armored mudstone balls, and lenticular layers. Note underlying mudstone
with contorted layers and sandstone injectites. (B) Two alternative interpretations of
field description. (1) By using Bouma divisions, the unit could be interpreted as a
turbidite. (2) By not using Bouma divisions (this book), each layer of the unit is
interpreted individually either as deposits of plastic flows or bottom current reworking.
Plastic flows represent sandy debris flows. Annot Sandstone (EoceneOligocene),
Peira Cava area, French Maritime Alps. SE France.
Fig. 8.7. (A) Sedimentological log of amalgamated sandstone Unit 7 showing basal
inverse grading overlain by an interval of complex normal grading with floating
granules and mudstone clasts, parallel laminae, and lenticular layers. Note sudden
increase in grain size at 5 m. (B) Outcrop photograph of Unit 7 showing basal
inversely graded interval in coarse- to granule-grade sandstone. Arrow shows
stratigraphic position of photo. Annot Sandstone (EoceneOligocene), Peira Cava
area, French Maritime Alps. SE France.
Fig. 8.8. (A) Sedimentological log of amalgamated sandstone Unit 5 showing a basal
interval of inverse grading with floating quartzose granules and mudstone clasts, and
an upper interval of complex normal grading with floating quartzose granules and
lenticular layers. (B) Two alternative interpretations of field description of Unit 5. (1) By
using Bouma divisions, the entire unit could be interpreted as turbidites. (2) By not
using Bouma divisions (this book), each layer of the unit is interpreted individually
either as deposits of plastic flows or bottom current reworking. Plastic flows represent
sandy debris flows. Annot Sandstone (EoceneOligocene), Peira Cava area, French
Maritime Alps. SE France.
Fig. 8.9. (A) Sedimentological log of amalgamated sandstone Unit 1 showing basal
complex normal grading (02 m) with floating quartzose granules and a simple normal
grading (24.7 m) without complications. Note a sudden increase in grain size with
lenticular layers (4.75 m), and a sudden decrease in grain size (5 m) in the overlying
division with ripple laminae. (B) Outcrop photograph of Unit 1 showing a lenticular
layer, which is a lens (dashed line) of granule-sized particles of quartz, feldspar, and
rock fragments in fine- to medium-grained sandstone. Long axes of lenticular layers
are aligned parallel to bedding plane (i.e., planar fabric) indicating laminar state of flow.
Arrow shows stratigraphic position of photo. Annot Sandstone (EoceneOligocene),
Peira Cava area, French Maritime Alps. SE France.
Fig. 8.10. (A) Sedimentological log of Unit 1 showing complex normal grading (02
m) simple normal grading (24.7 m), lenticular layers (4.75 m), and ripple laminae
(56.7 m). Note a decrease in grain size at 5 m. (B) Two alternative interpretations of
field description of Unit 1. (1) By using Bouma divisions, the upper part could be
interpreted as turbidites. (2) By not using Bouma divisions (this book), each layer of
the unit is interpreted individually either as deposits of Newtonian flow (turbidity
currents), bottom current reworking or plastic flow. Plastic flows represent sandy
debris flows. Annot Sandstone (Eocene-Oligocene), Peira Cava area, French
Maritime Alps. SE France.
Fig. 8.11. (A) Sedimentological log of amalgamated sandstone Unit 8 showing basal
inverse grading, floating armored mudstone balls, lenticular layers, and pockets of
gravel. (B) Outcrop photograph of Unit 8 showing a pocket of gravel (dashed line)
with quartz, feldspar, rock fragments, and mudstone clasts in fine-grained sandstone.
Arrow shows stratigraphic position of photo. Annot Sandstone (EoceneOligocene),
Peira Cava area, French Maritime Alps. SE France.
Fig. 8.12. (A) Sedimentological log of amalgamated Unit 8 showing complex internal
features, such as basal inverse grading, armored mudstone balls, lenticular layers,
and pockets of gravel. (B) Two alternative interpretations of field description of Unit 8.
(1) By using Bouma divisions, the entire unit could be described as complete Bouma
Sequence and could be interpreted as a turbidite. (2) By not using Bouma divisions
(this book), each layer of the unit is interpreted individually either as deposits of
plastic flows or bottom current reworking. Plastic flows represent sandy debris flows.
Annot Sandstone (Eocene-Oligocene), Peira Cava area, French Maritime Alps. SE
Fig. 8.13. Diagram showing three increasing levels of detail in field description of Unit 8. Level 1: Low degree of detail that shows a
simple normally graded bed. Note absence of basal inverse grading and other complex features. This level of detail would result in
interpretation of the sandstone unit as the deposit of a single turbidity current. Boumas (1962) published graphic logs of 157 layers in
measured sections of K (38 layers), ABC (28 layers), and Q (91 layers), which include Unit 8 of this study. They all show level 1
degree of detail (see Bouma, 1962, his Enclosures I, II, and III). Level 2: Moderate degree of detail shows a normally graded bed with
Bouma divisions. This level of detail would also result in a turbidity current interpretation. Level 3: High degree of detail showing basal
inverse grading, armored mudstone balls, lenticular layers, and pockets of gravels. This level of detail would result in interpretation of
the unit as the deposit of multiple depositional events by plastic flows and bottom currents. Annot Sandstone (EoceneOligocene),
Peira Cava area, French Maritime Alps. (After Shanmugam (2002a). Reproduced with permission from Elsevier.)
Fig. 8.14. (A) Sedimentological log of Annot Unit 2 in which the lower interval (02.75
m) is composed of contorted layers with pockets of gravel and floating mudstone
clasts. The upper interval (2.7510 m) is composed of a lower part (2.757 m) with
basal inverse grading and armored mudstone balls with 3 mm quartz granules, and
normal grading, and an upper part (710 m) with a complex alternation of parallel
laminae, double mud layers, mud draped ripples, parallel laminae, ripple laminae,
parallel laminae, contorted laminae, and ripple laminae. Note abrupt decrease in grain
size at 2, 2.2, and 8.4 m, and change in sedimentary structures at 7 m. These planes
represent amalgamation surfaces within the unit. (B) Outcrop photograph of Unit 2
showing a hollow created by weathering away of a mudstone clast in medium- to
coarse- grade sandstone. Note quartzose granules at the outer rim of the hollow.
Arrow shows stratigraphic position of photo. Annot Sandstone (Eocene-Oligocene),
Peira Cava area, French Maritime Alps. SE France.
Fig. 8.15. (A) Sedimentological log of Annot Unit 2. (B) Two alternative interpretations
of field description. (1) By using Bouma divisions, the upper part could be interpreted
as turbidites. (2) By not using Bouma divisions (this book), each layer of the unit is
interpreted individually either as deposits of plastic flows or bottom current reworking.
Plastic flows represent sandy debris flows. Annot Sandstone (EoceneOligocene),
Peira Cava area, French Maritime Alps. SE France.
Fig. 8.16. (A) Sedimentological log of amalgamated sandstone Unit 7. (B) Outcrop photograph showing hollows created by
weathering out of floating mudstone clasts. Note random orientation of mudstone clasts. Note floating quartzose granules in medium-
to- coarse grade sandstone. Photo taken at about 2 m stratigraphic position in Unit 7 (arrow). Annot Sandstone (EoceneOligocene),
Peira Cava area, French Maritime Alps. SE France.
Fig. 8.17. (A) Field description of amalgamated Unit 7. (B) Three alternative
interpretations of field description. (1) By using Bouma (1962) divisions, the entire unit
could be interpreted as turbidites. (2) Bouma and Coleman (1985) interpreted this unit
as lateral accretionary channel-fill turbidites and associated overbank turbidites. See
text for discussion on problems with this interpretation. (3) By not using Bouma
divisions (this book), each layer of the unit is interpreted individually either as deposits
of plastic flows or bottom currents. Plastic flows represent sandy debris flows in this
case. Annot Sandstone (EoceneOligocene), Peira Cava area, French Maritime Alps.
SE France.
Fig. 8.18. Top: Schematic diagram showing development of simple normal grading by
suspension settling from a turbulent turbidity current. Bottom: Schematic diagram
showing development of inverse- to-normal grading by partial flow transformation with
freezing and late-stage hindered settling from a laminar debris flow. See text for
details. (After Shanmugam (2000a). Reproduced with permission from Elsevier.)
Fig. 8.19. Conceptual model showing reworking the tops of downslope sandy debris
flows by along-slope bottom currents. Such complex deposits would generate a
sandy unit with a basal massive division and upper reworked divisions with traction
structures (ripple laminae), mimicking the Bouma Sequence.
Fig. 8.20. Existing vertical facies models of (1) coarse-grained turbidites (Lowe,
1982), (2) classic turbidites (also known as the Bouma Sequence), and (3) fine-
grained turbidites (Stow and Shanmugam, 1980). Correlation of the S3 division of
coarse-grained turbidites with the Ta division of the Bouma Sequence is after Lowe
(1982). Correlation of various divisions between classic turbidites and fine-grained
turbidites is after Pickering et al. (1989). (After Shanmugam (2000a). Reprinted with
permission from Elsevier.)
Fig. 8.21. A schematic diagram showing downslope changes in turbidite divisions
from coarse-grained turbidites (Lowe, 1982), through classic turbidites (Bouma,
1962), to fine-grained turbidites (Stow and Shanmugam, 1980). If existing turbidite
facies models were realistic, then an ideal turbidite bed should develop 16 divisions.
However, no one has ever documented such a turbidite bed with 16 divisions in the
field or in flume experiments. (After Shanmugam (2000a). Reproduced with
permission from Elsevier.)

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