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Everyone is born with a true purpose in life a unique talent or ability that makes

the heart sing and brings unbounded joy. A purpose can be:
Todo el mundo nace con un propsito en la vida- un talento nico o habilidad que
hace que su corazn cante y traiga un gozo ilimitado. Un propsito puede ser:
Composing or performing music.
Componer o actuar con msica.
Painting or sculpting beautiful art pieces
Pintar o esculpir piezas de arte maravillosas.
Cooking delicious, gourmet meals
Cocinar deliciosos alimentos gourmet.
Creating beautiful landscapes.
Crear bellos paisajes.
Serving others in some capacity.
Servir a otros en alguna capacitacin.
Get ready for the most unique meditation series you have ever experienced. Allow
the ideas about gratitude to settle gently into the recesses of your heart, as the
rhythms and patterns of nature pass before you in a dazzling parade of wondrous
images. Without struggle, without trying to focus, you will find yourself
mesmerized as your mind is transported to a place of stillness and calm.
Daily Thought -With profound gratitude, I live my purpose.
Pensamiento del da: Con profunda gratitud, yo vivo mi propsito
Descubrir tu propsito en la vida es un regalo precioso, nete a l y escucha la voz
que te susurra esto es lo que tu realmente quieres
El misterio de la existencia humana no descansa solamente en estar vivo, sino en
encontrar algo que viva para!
Con profunda gratitud yo vivo mi propsito.

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