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Scrum methodology - one of the implementation of agile S/w development technique

3 roles of scrum
scrum master - Martin Melbye
product owner - product backlog (batch) user stories()
Team - Devops (Build Team)
Scrum master - facilitator between PO and Team.
PO - respinsible for ROI, single point of contact for finalizing the requirement
questions, focus on what than how.
Team - group of 5-7 people from cross functional areas responsible for actually
executing the tasks.
sprint - cycle of 1-2 weeks
Scrum elements : product backlog and sprint backlog
product backlog (list of elements prepared by customer - user stories) : everyth
ing that needs to be done.
Sprint backlog (tasks): what we agreed to do during current sprint
Daily Scrum Meeting -
Backlog Grooming Meeting - Select user strories ready to be included in current
Sprint Planning Meeting - prioritize the tasks in current sprint.
Daily Scrum Meeting - for 15 mins to discuss status of tasks (not started, in p
rogress, waiting, customer approval, closed)
Sprint Review Meeting - prepare report (what has been done in last sprint)
Sprint Retrospective Meeting - To discuss what when wrong in the last sprint and
how to improve.

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