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1. Read as many essays as you can during the period. You must finish each essay. Read at the
same pace you would if you were reading a magazine article. You must read at least four essays.
You should not read more than eight. Read as many as time allows.
2. DO NOT WRITE ON THE ESSAYS! You're not editing. Other people have to read these
essays. Treat them lie li!rary !oos.
". There is a pile of essays at the front of the room. #o not root through it. You must take the
essay on to o! the ile. $ll of the essays should !e face down. You should not see the front
page of the essay you are a!out to get. %f you !elieve that the essay taen from the top of the pile
was written !y one of your neigh!ors& return it for another essay. %f the essay you tae is your
own& return it for another.
'. Record the num"er of each essay on your list !elow !efore you return it to the "ottom o!
the ile at the front of the room.
(. )hen there is a!out seven minutes left in the period& finish up the essay you are reading.
*arefully reflect on the essays you have read. Select the two which you !ound most leasin# to
read. )hat you regard as +pleasing to read+ is up to you. ,ome factors to consider might !e-
resonance .will the essay linger in your consciousness/0& elo$uence .was it impressively
stylized/0& audience interest .did you find the essay fascinating1did you want to now what
happened ne2t/0& athos .did it rouse strong emotions/0& lo#os .did it put forward a strong
argument/0& education .did it teach you something you are glad you now/0& ro%ocation .did it
cause you to rethin any strongly held !eliefs/0& or any other criterion that matters to you. It&s
your choice' not mine. %t's all a!out you& and what you lie.
3. On the list you have made !elow& circle the two essays that you found most pleasing to read.
4old this sheet in half. 5eave it on the podium on your way out of the room.
1. 6 7777777777
2. 6 7777777777
". 6 7777777777
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(. 6 7777777777
3. 6 7777777777
8. 6 7777777777
9. 6 7777777777

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