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Mioki Ge
Mapping Project Group
Local Scale:

Humans actually have caused many of the dangerous damages to the biosphere. Humans disturb the biosphere in
several ways. One of the biggest impact of human activity that has affected the biosphere greatly would be the
abstraction of natural resources. The one damage that really affected the environment that humans thrive upon is the
water source. The greenhouse effect of human activity has caused our water supply to dry out. Society is now facing a
major problem with water storage because of the added acceleration of global warming, contributed by humans. As
the map shows there is no water sources around the Los Angeles area, the map only consists of dry land and a very
few source of natural water supply left. Currently, Los Angeles is seen as one of the first places to take the most
damages to the 2014 drought, which only seem like is getting poorer.

Regional Scale:

From a local perspective the drought situation has not improved. Californias drought circumstances only have
deteriorate, the state is suffering. Every part of California is distress from a severe drought. The drought situation
puts the state in the red zone, the state is close to exhausting all the natural resources. As an effort California has
issued many warning to their people to conserve water, especially in dry conditions. These dry conditions California
is currently experiencing would be the due to the climate change. The global greenhouse warming is causing many
problems in our climate, by accelerating changes in the climate. The effects of climate change can be destructive
towards the environment. The balance of the right climate helps sustain conditions for many species and living
organism, but with the temperature imbalance. Rainfall, lakes, rivers and ocean everywhere is evaporating.
Global Scale:

Greenhouse gases refer to the gases in the atmosphere that contribute to the greenhouse effects which in turn cause
global warming. The greenhouse gases consist of carbon dioxide along with ozone, nitrous oxide, methane, and water
vapor. The greenhouse effect intensifies as the aforementioned gases trap more and more heat in the atmosphere.
This then leads to the rise of atmospheric temperature and eventually global warming. Global warming then affects
the movement of water in the processes of evaporation and transpiration. Together, they are called
evapotranspiration; evapotranspiration lead to less precipitation, resulting in more incidences of droughts in dry
areas as well as expansion of dry lands due to the decrease in precipitation. Therefore, more droughts and dry areas
can be noticeably observed all over the world.
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