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Lesson Plan: A Visual Response to Native Landscape

Lesson Title: What Kind of Flower is that?

Grades: !"#
*tudents will learn native plants on a section of a local wal+in,
trail and install wor+s of art that reflect a specific plant- A Pla.ue
will 'e installed ne/t to artwor+ that descri'es the or,anis%
Anticipator0 *et *tudents will ta+e self!,uided tours on trail and docu%ent areas
and or,anis%s with a di,ital ca%era- 1n the classroo%2 throu,h
s%all ,roups chosen '0 teacher2 students will choose "!3
or,anis%s that the0 wish to create a visual creation in response
Review 1n!class note review of seasonal 4su%%er5 plant life in their area-
*tudents will refine notes to 6!7 'ullet points of infor%ation that
the0 wish to include on infor%ational pla.ue-
*how slideshow of artwor+ that was created in response to
nature9 artists %a0 include: Geor,ia &:Keefe2 ;renda
$arter2 Ph0llis *chaffer2 as well as sculptural artists such as
<e'orah ;utterfield-
1n s%all ,roups2 students will discuss the i%portance of
various wor+s of art and how the0 were i%portant to a
specific era and ,eo,raphic area- *tudents will then share
with class their assess%ent of artists fro% slideshow-
$hec+ for
*tudents will wor+ in s%all pods of >!? to confir% the0 understand
the pre%ise of the assi,n%ent- &nce each pod has a,reed the0
understand the pro(ect2 the0 will 'e responsi'le for ensurin, each
tea% %e%'er contri'utes e.uall0 in their desi,n creations2 as well
as dele,atin, tas+s re.uired for pro(ect-
Guided Practice *tudents will present 4in 6 %inutes or less5 their idea or rou,h
s+etch of their piece2 includin, reasonin, for choosin, their
*tudents are re.uired to continue wor+in, on their artwor+ for a
%ini%u% of # hours per wee+ outside of class-
@LL 8odification @LL:s will 'e paired accordin,l0 in ,roups of stron, leadership-
1ndividualiAed assi,n%ent %odification will var0- Acco%%odations
will include: Goo,le translate for research co%ponent2 audio and2
or video support in native lan,ua,e for additional support and
tutorin, on ever0 facet of pro(ect-
GT 8odification *tudents that show a %aster0 for content and co%plete the tas+
at an accelerated rate %a0 have the opportunit0 to di, deeper into
the content- @ncoura,e students to research other %ethods for
creatin, the pro(ect 'ein, studied2 as well as the histor0 and
direction of this art for%-
Lesson Plan: A Visual Response to Native Landscape
*P@< 8odification *tudents stru,,lin, to co%plete the tas+ %a0 have a %odified
wor+load2 dependent on their 1@P- 1f a GT student shows stron,
leadership s+ills2 this is a ,reat opportunit0 to encoura,e peer to
peer teachin,-

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