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Workout Description

How did I feel after the training session?

4 Warm Up:
5 minute light jog on the treadmill, or 5 minute light cycle on the bikes.
- Bum kicks
- High knees
- Lunge with a twist
- Leg swings sideways
- Leg swings forwards
- Arm swings

Cool Down:
Light 3 minute jog on the treadmill, or 3 minute light cycle on the bike
Static stretches include:
- Hamstring stretch
- Bicep and Tricep stretch
- Hip and back stretch
- Quadriceps stretch

Fatigue 8 /10

Heart Rate Post Session
Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun
199 REST 196 201 REST 172 REST

Muscle Soreness upper body.

Perceived Exertion (6-20) 17 /20

Overall Session satisfaction /10
Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun
9 REST 8.5 9 REST 7 REST

Due to overloading in previous week, I was still
sore from this week. Soreness reduced however,
and found it easier to complete some exercises. I
felt very fatigued on Saturday and found it hard
to complete some exercises.

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