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1. Ariji Y, Gotoh M, Kimura Y, Naitoh K, Kurita K, Natsume N, et all.

Odontogenic infection pathway to the sumandiular space! imaging
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&. .ec/er 0, Naumann 11, 2falt3 45. Applied Anatomy and 2hysiology
Mouth and 2haryn$. &nd re6.ed. New Yor/! 7hieme 8le$ioo/ 1--9!)':;)1+
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9. G@me3 4M, "glesia <, 2alleiro O, ?@pe3 4.. 2hlegmon in the
sumandiular region secondary to odontogenic infection. =mergencias
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B. 2ulungan M5. 2ola Kuman Ases ?eher Aalam. &'1'. Aia/ses 1
%eptemer &'1) Chttp!EEwww.scrid.comEdocE9B':919*Epola;/uman;ases;
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?ethal "nfection. "nternational #ournal Of "nfectious Aisease &''-( 1)!)&:;))
1'. 5uc/enstein M.#. 4omprehensi6e 5e6iew of Otolaryngology.
2hyladelphia, %aunders. &''9. 2p 1:B;1B'.
11. %cott .A, %tiernerg 4M,Ariscoll .2. "nfections of the Aeep %paces of the
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1&. %oepardi =A, "s/andar N, .ashiruddin #, 5estuti 5A. Ases leher dalam.
Aalam! 8achruddin A, =ditor. .u/u Ajar "lmu Kesehatan 7elinga 1idung
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1). %oetjipto A, Mangun/usumo =. %inus paranasal. Aalam ! .u/u Ajar "lmu
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19. Yang %.0, ?ee M.1, %ee ?.4, 1uang %.1, 4hen 7.M, 4hen 7.A. Aeep
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