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Henry James dice que Baudelaire aborda complejos problemas morales solo para

presentrnoslos mancillados y sucios, esto se debe a su dullness and permanent

immaturity of vision.
Y en el mismo texto, sobre Poe: it seems to us that to take him with more than a
certain degree of seriousness is to lack seriousness one's self. An enthusiasm for
Poe is the mark of a decidedly primitive stage of reflection.

Henry James, Charles Baudelaire, The Nation, XXII, 1876 p. 280.

"[Ulysses is] the work of a queasy undergraduate scratching his pimples."
Ulises era la obra de un estudiante indispuesto reventndose las espinillas
Virginia Woolf

William Faulkner: ``Henry James was one of the nicest old ladies I ever met.''
Y, claro, T.S. Eliot deca que: ``Henry James had a mind so fine that no idea could
violate it.''

Edgar Poes Significance

Whitman considera a Poe un opuesto de la vida noble que todo hombre y mujer
debiera llevar, moralmente intachable, balanceada y fsicamente sana y pura, todo
en su justa proporcin. Y al mismo tiempo un opuesto al carcter de Byron, Schiller
y George Sand, aquel que busca realizarse en un herosmo nunca logrado, pero que
nunca se pierde de vista.

by final judgment, probably belong among the electric lights of imaginative
literature, brilliant and dazzling, but with no heat.

Whitman said: For a long while, and until lately, I had a distaste for Poes writings.
I wanted, and still want for poetry, the clear sun shining, and fresh air blowingthe
strength and power of health, not of delirium, even amid the stormiest passions

Washington Star of November 16, 1875

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