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Universitas Indonesia


Name : Arikadia Noviani
Program Study : Pharmacy
Title : Antioxidant Activity of Fractions from Methanolic Extract of
Red Sirih (Piper cf. fragile, Benth.) Leaves and Identification of
The Active Group Compounds

Red sirih (Piper cf. fragile, Benth.) leaves are often used traditionally as remedy
for many kinds of disease, one of them was as antidiabetic. Antidiabetic
mechanism of red sirih leaves may has relation with its antioxidant activity. The
aim of this research is to determine antioxidant activity of red sirih and identify
the active group compounds. Antioxidant activity was determined by DPPH
radical scavenging activity and reducing power methods, TLC was used to
identify the active group compounds. The methanolic extract was fractionated
using different solvents with increasing polarity, n-hexane, chloroform, ethyl
acetate, and n-butanol. DPPH method shows the most active fraction are ethyl
acetate and n-butanol fractions with IC
18.30 g/ml and 37.31 g/ml,
respectively. While in reducing power method n-hexane was the most active
fraction. The chemical compound of these two most active fractions in DPPH
radical scavenging activity method was then identified using TLC. Chemical
identification shows flavonoid group compound as antioxidative agent in ethyl
acetate and n-butanol fraction.

Keywords : DPPH, fractionation, Piper cf. fragile, red sirih, reducing power,
xiii+54 pages : 8 figures; 12 tables; 2 appendices
Bibliography : 37 (1969-2010)

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