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Class: 5 Budiman
Enrolment : 30 students
Date : 6 August 2014
Time : 8.40 9.40
Theme : World of Stories
Topics : !e "olden ou#!
Focused skills : $eading
Integrate skill :Writing
Content Standard :
2.2 B% t!e end of t!e 6&%ear 'rimar% s#!ooling( 'u'ils )ill *e a*le to
demonstrate understanding of a +ariet% og linear te,ts in t!e form of 'rint
and non&'rint materials using a range of strategies to #onstru#t meaning.
Learning Standard:
2.2.3 A*le to read and demonstrate understanding of te,ts *% :
*- se.uen#ing )it! guidan#e
Educational Emphasis: //S
! Set induction
&ea#!er dis'la%s a +ideo #li'.
&tea#!er as0s 'u'ils to name t!e title of t!e stor%.
"! Activities
#Pre$ reading!
&ea#!er distri*utes stor% s#ri'ts.
&1u'ils underline di2#ult )ords.
&1u'ils use di#tionar% to 3nd meanings.
&1u'ils read full s#ri'ts )it! tea#!er guidan#e.
#%hile reading!
&ea#!er 'ro+ides true or false .uestions.
&1u'ils ans)er t!ose .uestions.
#Post reading!
&ea#!er di+ides t!e #lass in grou' of 4.
&tea#!er distri*utes se.uen#ing tas0 s!eets.
&1u'ils need to arrange 4um*led u' 'i#tures and se.uen#ing a##ording
to t!e te,ts.
&ea#!er #!e#0s 'u'ils5 ans)er.
&! closure
&ea#!er re#a's t!e lesson *% telling t!e moral +alues of t!e stor%.

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