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Oct 27/09

Biology HW09 – Homeostasis 04 – Reproductive Stuff

Hormone Levels During the Menstrual Cycle (p404 Exercise 8.5.1 #(a)-(o))
a) The arrow pointing to the follicle from the pituitary, X, is the follicle-stimulating hormone.
The arrow pointing from the follicle to the pituitary, W, is the estrogen.
The arrow pointing to the corpus luteum from the pituitary, Z, is the luteinizing hormone.
The arrow pointing from the corpus luteum to the pituitary, Y, is the estrogen and progesterone.
X is the follicle-stimulating hormone, and Z is the luteinizing hormone.
b) The ovarian hormones, in the diagram, are W being estrogen, and Y being estrogen and
c) Estrogen and progesterone cause a negative feedback message.

d) Ovulation temperatures vs No Ovulation Temperatures

f) Before ovulation, the temperature of the body is lower, and drops even lower right before it. During
ovulation, it shoots up, and then restabilizes, but still higher than before ovulation (when it does

g) The body temperature without a functioning corpus luteum is significantly lower than with one.
h) At times X and Z, the corpus luteum is being formed, and the endometrium is thickening. This is the
luteal phase. Further ovulation is inhibited, and the uterus is prepared to receive a fertilized egg.
i) W represents the time when follicle cells produce estrogen (W is 13, and period is day 6-13).
j) I guess Y would represent when the corpus luteum secretes estrogen and progesterone.

k) LH affects estrogen by increasing as estrogen increases. Eventually, the LH affects estrogen and
progesterone by making the two hormones work together to inhibit LH.

l) i) On Day X, ovulation would occur since estrogen levels are highest when ovulation occurs.
ii) On Day Z, a working corpus luteum would be expected since when estrogen AND
progesterone are at their highest levels, that is when a corpus luteum is producing a working
amount of homrones.

m) Since there are two ovaries, the triplets destroy one ovary? Only one ovary is working after triplets
are born perhaps? Saaa ne.
n) DON’T TAKE DRUGS. EAT MORE CALCIUM OR SOMETHING. Oral ingestion of estrogen
can help to increase estrogen levels. Apparently, zinc helps with estrogen for some reason…
o) Putting hormones in the animals humans eat could almost be like putting hormones within humans if
the hormones remained within the meat. Side effects similar to steroids and other drugs could occur.

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