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De La Salle NS, Ballyfermot

Revised Code of Behaviour

Policy on Code of Behaviour and Discipline
The purpose of this policy is to outline our method of providing an appropriate and effective code
of behaviour and discipline hich is individual to our school and is manageable!
This Policy as dran up as a result of a comprehensive revie, folloing the
guidelines of the National "ducation #elfare Board! The revie involved Teachers,
Special Needs $ssistants, Board of %anagement, Parents and Students! Draft
documents ere considered by staff, parents and students and the final document as
agreed and ratified by the Board of %anagement!
School Vision
The ethos of our school is based on an atmosphere of caring and mutual respect! #e
are determined to provide a happy environment hich is conducive to learning and
hich provides for the security and safety of each pupil and staff member!
School Mission Statement
&n co'operation and association ith their parents, e strive to have each child attain
their full potential and to reach for the higher aspects of this life and the life hereafter!
$s a unit, staff, pupils and parents, e or( in a spirit of )oy, *eal and faith in
providing a Christian education!
to promote the efficient operation of the school
to provide the ideal learning environment for the students
to instil in the children respect for others and for the environment
to have a positive attitude to school authority +politeness, obedience,
punctuality, orderliness and pride,
to conform to current legislation, D"S circulars and the guidelines of the
National "ducation #elfare Board!
De La Salle NS, Ballyfermot
Revised Code of Behaviour
Patrons Schedule
.ur school is a Roman Catholic School +hich is established in
connection ith the %inister for "ducation, aims at promoting the full
and harmonious development of all aspects of the person of the pupil/
intellectual, physical, cultural, moral and spiritual, including a living
relationship ith 0od and ith other people! The school models and
promotes a philosophy of life inspired by belief in 0od and in the life,
death and resurrection of 1esus Christ! The Catholic school provides
Religious education for the pupil in accordance ith the doctrines,
practices and tradition of the Roman Catholic Church and promotes
the formation of the pupils in the Catholic 2aith!
De La Salle NS, Ballyfermot
Revised Code of Behaviour
In Our Code of Behaviour we endeavour to:
-! Describe the school4s e5pectations about ho each member of the school community ill
help to ma(e the school a good place for teaching 6 learning!
3! Describe ho the school ill respond to behaviour that interrupts, diminishes or prevents
teaching 6 learning in the school!
7! %a(e clear that an orderly, harmonious school re8uires students to behave in accordance
ith that code!
9! $ffirm that everyone4s actions matters, that behaviour of adults including parents and
teachers is a significant influence on ho a child acts!
:! 0ive priority to promoting good behaviour! Sets high e5pectations 6 affirms good
;! %a(e clear that the educational needs of a student hose behaviour is unacceptable ill be
balanced ith the educational needs of other students in the school
<! 2oster relationships of trust beteen students 6 teachers!
=! >elp pupils to e5perience the value of being responsible, participating members of the
school community!
?! Be informed by the principles of fairness! Respect natural )ustice!
-@!"nsure a consistent approach to behaviour on the part of all school personnel!
--! Promote e8uality for all members of school community!
-3!Prevent discrimination 6 allos for appropriate accommodations of difference!
-7!Reflect the school4s commitment to provide positive support, including active teaching of
relevant s(ills for students ho are more vulnerable to behaviour problems!
-9!>ave a commitment to the elfare of every student!
-:!Promote a positive 6 safe or(ing environment for all staff, including a positive 6 safe
classroom for teachers!
-;!>elp to promote the conditions for learning 6 teaching, dignity 6 freedom from threat of
violence for both staff 6 students!
De La Salle NS, Ballyfermot
Revised Code of Behaviour
Whole School Aroach to the !se of Sanctions
We endeavour to romote a whole school aroach which rovides:
-! Clarity about the role 6 purpose of sanctions
3! 0ood practice in the use of sanctions
7! The school4s duty of care
9! Supports for students ith S"N!
Our sanctions should "rin# a"out a chan#e in "ehaviour "$ helin# students
-! Learn hen their behaviour is unacceptable
3! Recognise the effect of their actions and behaviour on others
7! Anderstand that they have choices about their on behaviour and that all
choices have conse8uences
9! Learn to ta(e responsibility for their on behaviour
:! Reinforce the boundaries set out in the code of behaviour
;! Signal to other students 6 to staff that their ell being is protected
<! Prevent serious disruption of teaching 6 learning
=! Beep the student, or other students or adults safe!
We want our sanctions to "e a form of ositive intervention% used in a
resectful wa$ which:
-! >elps the student to understand the conse8uences of his behaviour!
3! >elps the student to ta(e responsibility for changing his behaviour
7! Defuses rather than escalates the situation
9! Preserves the dignity of all parties
:! &s applied in a fair 6 consistent ay
;! &s timely!
Our sanctions should "e used consistentl$
&' $ll members of staff should use agreed sanctions in a consistent ay!
Teachers (no the level of sanction they are authorised to use!
(' Students 6 parents should (no hat sanctions are used in the school
)' .ur policy on sanctions must be communicated clearly!
*' Students should (no hen they have bro(en the rules and hy they are
being sanctioned!
De La Salle NS, Ballyfermot
Revised Code of Behaviour
+eachers should tr$ to ensure that sanctions are roortionate to the nature
, seriousness of "ehaviour and that the$:
-! Distinguish beteen minor misbehaviour 6 serious misbehaviour
3! Ta(e into account the fre8uency, duration 6 persistence of the behaviour so as
to determine its level of seriousness
7! Consider hether the behaviour is a part of an escalating pattern of poor
9! Consider the conte5t of the behaviour
:! 0ive due consideration to the age and developmental stage of the pupil
;! Ta(e into account the cultural bac(ground of the student
<! $re sensitive to the particular circumstances of vulnerable students or groups
e!g! here a child is in care or has S"N!
In al$in# sanctions% teachers should ensure that the sanctions are:
-! $ppropriate to the age 6 developmental stage of the student
3! $re not used in a manner that discriminates against particular students or
groups of students!
Resondin# to "ehaviour that ta-es lace outside of school
Standards 6 rules of this code of behaviour ill usually apply in situations here,
though outside the school, the student is still the responsibility of the school e!g!
school tours, games, e5tra curricular activities, and attendance at events organised by
the school!
De La Salle NS, Ballyfermot
Revised Code of Behaviour
Standards of Behaviour and ./ectations
In our school we e/ect each student to commit to:
-! $ttend school regularly and punctually
3! Do his best in class
7! Ta(e responsibility for his or( and behaviour
9! Beep the rules
:! >elp to create a safe, positive environment
;! Respect staff
<! Respect other students and their learning
=! Participate in school activities
!nacceta"le Behaviour is "ehaviour that:
-! &s hurtful +including bullying, harassment, discrimination 6 victimisation,
3! &nterferes ith teaching 6 learning
7! Threatens or physically hurts another person
9! Damages property or ta(es property ithout permission
Samle Sanctions
-! Cerbal reprimand
3! Removal from the group +in class,
7! #ithdraal of privileges
9! #ithdraal from class for the particular lesson or from peer group
:! Carrying out a useful tas( in the school
;! Supervised detention +at brea( time,
<! Detention after school
=! 2ormal report to the Board of %anagement
?! Temporarily removing a student from the classroom to a supervised location!
De La Salle NS, Ballyfermot
Revised Code of Behaviour
Strate#ies to Promote 0ood Behaviour
+eachers and staff mem"ers
Teachers and staff have a range of strategies for promoting good behaviour at
class and school level! $ consistent approach is needed across the team as ho
best to promote good behaviour! Teachers and school staff model the behaviour
that is e5pected from students! 0ood behaviour is recognised and positive
feedbac( is given! Teachers e5plore ith students ho people should treat each
other! Reard systems are used to promote good behaviour and encourage
students to manage their on behaviour!
Students are given responsibility in the school and are involved in the
development of the code of behaviour! This is done through the Student Council
and ;
Class pupils so that students understand hy the code is important and
their part in ma(ing it or(' Students should see that the code or(s in a fair ay'
Standards set high e5pectations for student behaviour! The standards are clear,
consistent 6 idely understood'
Students are encouraged to recognise and affirm good learning behaviour for
Students are involved in the preparation of the school and classroom rules!
"veryday interactions beteen teachers and students are positive, pupils are
e5pected to have respectful attitudes and use full titles +%r!, %rs!, for all staff
We measure our students ro#ress towards "ehavioural #oals "$:
Teacher observation
Beeping general classroom notes
Beeping individual pupil records
Reard systems
We can #ive our students oortunities to thin- , tal- a"out "ehaviour%
learnin# , rules throu#h:
Circle Time
We can ensure that the students have a #ood understandin# of what is e/ected
of them "$:
Reinforcing e5pected behaviours
Being consistent
De La Salle NS, Ballyfermot
Revised Code of Behaviour
Strate#ies to Promote 0ood Behaviour contd'
We can ensure that adults in the school understand their resonsi"ilit$ to
model the schools standard of "ehaviour "$:
providing opportunities to discuss the Code of Behaviour at staff meetings
andDor induction meetings
encouraging them to act in a professional manner at all times'
We can ensure that arents are familiar with the standards e/ected of
students "$:
informing them of school policy on behaviour and discipline
re8uesting that parents reinforce the e5pected standards at home and ensure
that students understand the importance of behaving according to those
We can encoura#e arents and teachers to interact in such a wa$ that models
#ood wor-in# relationshis "$:
encouraging our staff members to see parents as the prime educators of their
encouraging staff members to remember to act in a professional manner at
all times!
We can ensure that standards , rules are communicated in a wa$ that
students with secial needs can understand "$ usin#
verbal representation
pictorial representation
De La Salle NS, Ballyfermot
Revised Code of Behaviour
#e elcome the help of parents ho support the school by encouraging good
learning behaviour' There are usually good relationships beteen teachers, parents
and students and a happy school atmosphere'
In order to stren#then understandin# , suort for the code amon#% and to
rovide information for% arents we:
-! >old to types of introductory meetings as part of our transfer programme E one
in 1une for ne parents 6 elcome meetings ith the class teacher in September
for parents of nely enrolled pupil regarding/
school procedures,
the Code of Behaviour,
school standards,
e5pectations of students,
parents4 role in helping to meet standards!
The Code of Behaviour is made available at the September meetings!
3! .ncoura#e arents to share information about anything that might affect
behaviour in school e!g! medicines, allergies% changes in family circumstances
)' .nsure that arents -now how to share such information Ee!g!
a, the "nrolment form,
b, riting a note in the >omeor( 1ournal,
c, phoning the school,
d, arranging for a meeting ith the class teacher
e, arranging for a meeting ith the principal
*' 1ave earl$ warnin# s$stems to alert arents to concerns about a student4s
behaviour so that ays of helping can be discussed and agreed e!g! notes home in
the )ournal, re8uests for a meeting!
2' >ave clear channels throu#h which arents can communicate an$ concerns
they may have about a student! Steps a parent can ta(e are as follos/
a, #riting a note to the teacher in the >omeor( 1ournal about the concern!
b, #riting to as( the teacher for an appointment to discuss the concern!
c, %eeting ith the principal about the concern!
d, $s(ing the principal for a meeting ith the teacher and the principal about the
De La Salle NS, Ballyfermot
Revised Code of Behaviour
Code of Behaviour , Parents cont'
;! .ffer information through the Parents4 $ssociation and local schools or >DSDC
Liaison such as tal(s or or(shops on behavioural matters and aspects of child 6
adolescent development! Te5taparent can be used to advertise these tal(s!
<! &nvolve parents in revieing and planning school policies as part of school
development planning!
=! &nclude a positive report on successful behaviour in the School Nesletter to
parents, teachers and other staff!
?! >ave accessible ays through hich staff, parents and students can tal( to
someone about concerns they may have about behaviour or the code of behaviour
e!g! the Parents4 $ssociation, the Student Council, SN$ meetings and Teacher
-@!#elcome and encourage complaints as valuable feedbac(!
--!>ave mechanisms for formal 6 informal complaints! &nformal complaints can be
handled as per the steps outlined in :! above e!g! communicating concerns to
teacher! 2ormal complaints can be addressed as per CPS%$D&NT. procedures!
-3!"nsure that anyone ho complains about discrimination, harassment or se5ual
harassment is not victimised!
De La Salle NS, Ballyfermot
Revised Code of Behaviour
Procedures to "e followed "$ Parents
re#ardin# a childs a"sence from school
It is ver$ imortant that arents or #uardians let the school -now of their childs
a"sence for an$ reason'
&' +he school should "e informed on the return of the child to school'
(' +he class teacher should "e informed on the uils return% throu#h a note in
the 1omewor- 3ournal'
)' If the child is e/ected to "e a"sent for an e/tended eriod of time% arents
should inform the school% as soon as ossi"le% as to the reason for his a"sence
and when he is e/ected to return to school' Parents can inform the school of
an e/tended a"sence "$ telehone% "ut should rovide a written reason
followin# the childs return to school'
*' A doctors cert should "e rovided for lon# a"sences due to illness% where
2' When a arent fails to notif$ the school a"out an a"sence% the schools SCP
wor-er ma$ telehone the arents on "ehalf of the school to determine the
reason for the a"sence'
4' If a uil is a"sent from school for (5 or more da$s% the rincial will inform
the .ducation Welfare Officer'
De La Salle NS, Ballyfermot
Revised Code of Behaviour
Purpose of Rules
These rules aim to promote high standards of behaviour and discipline among our
students so they can develop their academic abilities and talents to the full!
Central to the rules of the Code of Behaviour are the values of
#or(ing together
Self'respect and
Respect for others
Such values help us to promote the (ind of atmosphere that encourages each boy to
do his best at his school or(, hile developing his personal and social s(ills in
(eeping ith the school4s Lasallian ethos and mission statement!
The school aims to encourage good behaviour for the benefit of all! &t also recognises
the right of all our pupils to an undisturbed educational service! Li(e every school,
e must have rules to accomplish this! Bad behaviour and deliberate misconduct ill
be punished by sanctions!
These sanctions are graded and are applied in a fair and consistent manner,
appropriate to the degree of misconduct!
Role of Parents
&n all this, the role of parents is crucial! The school needs parents to or( ith us in
order to put this Code of Behaviour into practice for their children!
Parents4 approval and cooperation are sought in the overall discipline of the school!
Parents are as(ed to read through the school information boo(let ith their son and
e5plain the importance of adhering to the rules at all times!
De La Salle NS, Ballyfermot
Revised Code of Behaviour
Content of school rules
-! Respect all staff
Students must sho nice manners hen tal(ing to all members of staff and obey them at all
3! Respect all students
Students are e5pected to sho respect for fello students! 2ighting, bullying, and bad language
cannot be tolerated! FBeep your hands to yourself and be careful ith your feet!G
7! Be on time
Students must be in the line at =/:@am Ften to nine be on the lineG! $ny student ho needs to
leave the school must have ritten permission from parents and be collected by parents from
their classroom!
9! #ear your uniform
Students must ear full uniform at all times! .n P!"! days students should ear a navy trac(suit
ith a hite polo nec( t'shirt and runners! 1eellery of any description is not permitted!

:! Try your best
Students must complete all assigned or( to the best of their ability and present e5ercises as
neatly as possible! Badly presented or( may have to be redone!
;! $round the school
Students must respect all school property! Students may only wal- on school corridors!
De La Salle NS, Ballyfermot
Revised Code of Behaviour
0ood behaviour can be divided into three categories/
F%y behaviour helps me
to be safe, to be happy
and to learn!G
F%y behaviour helps others
to be safe,
to be happy
and to learn!G
F%y behaviour helps the school community
to be safe,
to be happy
and to learn!G
Sanctions ill apply under the above categories and can be imposed by a classroom
teacher andDor the Principal!
De La Salle NS, Ballyfermot
Revised Code of Behaviour
When a childs mis"ehaviour imacts on his own learnin#% safet$ or well6"ein#
-! $ ord of arning or verbal reprimand
3! $ note in the homeor( )ournal for parents to sign
7! "5tra ritten or( e!g! riting an account of misbehaviour or a note of apology
9! Separation from peers ithin class!
:! Separation from peers in the yard e!g! standing at the all
;! Sending to another class for a certain period of time, or until or( set by the teacher is
<! Ase of further sanctions e!g! homeor( at the ee(end!
When a childs mis"ehaviour imacts on others learnin#% safet$ or well6"ein#'
-! Lunchtime detention
3! Report to Principal
7! Phone call home
9! %eeting ith the principal and e5tra or( allocated by the principal!
:! $fter school detention in Principal4s office!
When a childs mis"ehaviour imacts on the learnin#% safet$ and well6"ein# of
the school communit$'
-! Detentions
3! %eeting of teacher, principal and parents!
7! Suspension
&mplementation of Sanctions
Sanctions should be immediate, measured, relevant and appropriate!
They should be taught and e5plained to the class on a regular basis by the teacher and Principal!
&t must be a hole school approach underta(en by hole De La Salle school!
Sanctions should be applied e8ually to all students!
De La Salle NS, Ballyfermot
Revised Code of Behaviour
Sanctions for Mis"ehaviour
Minor mis"ehaviours should "e dealt with within the classroom
&' Ver"al rerimand and note home in 7ournal'

(' If aroriate% ortion of "rea-6time to "e sent at the wall
)' ./tra written wor- e'#' writin# an account of mis"ehaviour
*' Searation from eers within class
2' Sendin# to another class for a certain eriod of time% with teachers
a#reement% or until wor- #iven "$ teacher is comleted
4' 1omewor- at the wee-end
Serious Mis"ehaviour
8' Meetin# with the rincial and allocation of e/tra wor-'
9' :etention% with rincials ermission
;' Meetin# of teacher% rincial and arents
&5' Susension
Sanctions should "e immediate% relevant and aroriate' +he$ should
"e tau#ht and e/lained to the class on a re#ular "asis "$ the teacher
and rincial'
De La Salle NS, Ballyfermot
Revised Code of Behaviour
Incidents suita"le for detention
Serious or reeated misdemeanours onl$
Ph$sical and ver"al a"use
:efiant diso"edience
Reeated failure to comlete homewor- or other on6#oin# issues
Unacceptable Behaviour
&< Inattentiveness
(< Interrutin#
)< =id#etin#> ?with o"7ects<
*< Insolence
2< +ellin# lies
4< @itterin#
8< Behaviour to see- noticeAresonse from eers
9< .atin# in class
;< Causin# distractions ?callin# others<
&5< @ateness ?ha"itual<
&&< @eavin# des- without ermission
&(< Chewin# 0um
&)< Bon6comletion of homewor-
&*< +hrowin# o"7ects in class
&2< 1idin# "elon#in#s of another uil
Bote: Persistence of an$ of the a"ove constitutes serious
De La Salle NS, Ballyfermot
Revised Code of Behaviour
Misbehaviour in the Yard
-, 0oing out of bounds
3, Roughness
7, Spitting
9, Ase of Bad Language
:, Climbing
;, Continuing play after siren has sounded
<, 2ighting
=, =, Bullying
Serious Misbehaviour
-, 2orgery of parent4s signature
3, $nnoying, )eering or intimidating others
7, >itting others +ith malicious intent,
9, 2ailure to sho parents a ritten communication from
:, Theft + of ob)ectsDmoney,
;, Leaving school ithout permission
<, %uttering +hen corrected,
=, Bad Language directed at peers
?, Rough behaviour toards others
-@, Disobedience of a teacher4s instructions i!e! refusing to or(,
sul(ing, not going to office etc!
--, Damage to property
Gross Misbehaviour
-, Bad language directed at teacher
3, Repeated aggressive threatening or violent behaviour toards
another pupil
7, Repeated instances of serious misbehaviour +i!e! theft ,
9, $ggressive, threatening or violent behaviour toards a teacher
De La Salle NS, Ballyfermot
Revised Code of Behaviour
.riginal School Rules
-! >ave your boo(s and be on time,
Try your best and you4ll be fine
3! &t is neat to stay in your seat!
7! No tal(ing hile or(ing or al(ing!
9! & must sho respect to every teacher every day
:! Care, share and be fair to others
Class teachers are invited to devise their on set of class rules ith their
pupils at the beginning of the school year!
De La Salle NS, Ballyfermot
Revised Code of Behaviour
Rewards Schemes for 0ood Behaviour
"ach teacher operates their on merit system in class for good behaviour, or( done,
uniform orn, good manners etc! "5amples of such reard schemes are/
>omeor( passes
Star charts
Pupil of the ee( aards
Pri*es for handriting competitions
Points systems
0olden time
"5tra activities during discretionary time E e!g! footballDtable tennis
Being sent to the Principal4s office for a pri*e
"ducational trips
$ards at assembly
Samle Reward Scheme
Credit Card Scheme
&f a child reaches a certain acceptable level of behaviour or merits, he is given
.ne credit on the credit card for that day!
$ boy should receive no more than one credit per day!
"ach time a credit card is full, the boy brings it to the office here he is given a ne credit card and
a certificate to inform his parents of his achievement! To date parents have supported the school by
providing e5tra reards at home!
>e also gets a Fluc(y dipG ith a pri*e of a fancy pen or pencil!
$t the end of the year, the boy in each class ith the most credit cards filled ill receive a medal
andDor a good pri*e!
This scheme is designed especially to encourage all boys to achieve and behave! Boys ho are
e5ceptionally ell behaved tend to do so anyay and are supported from home!
Boys ho are slo to achieve credits have received a tremendous boost to their self esteem and self
image hen they have managed to fill their first credit card! The second card tends to be filled
much 8uic(erJ
&t is hoped to be able to arrange educational trips as reards for this scheme!
De La Salle NS, Ballyfermot
Revised Code of Behaviour
Susension Polic$
The policy of De La Salle NS Ballyfermot on, and procedures for, the use of suspension is based on
the N"#B 0uidelines
#e endeavour to ensure that all students and parents are advised about, and aare of the school4s
policy for suspension! $ copy of the Suspension Policy is available for inspection in the office and
parents may receive a copy on re8uest!
=air Procedures
2air procedures ill be used for suspension and staff are made aare of those procedures
through the Code of Behaviour 6 Discipline and the Suspension Policy
Care is ta(en to ensure that fair procedures are accessible to people ith disabilities or those
from different language or cultural bac(grounds
The B.% is conscious of the need to ensure that the B.% 6 principal are e8uipped for
their roles in relation to the use of suspension and their duty to ensure that there are no
delays in an investigation and in ma(ing decisions about the imposition of suspension!
#e understand that our school is re8uired by la to follo fair procedures hen proposing a
2air procedures apply to the investigation of alleged misbehaviour 6 the process of
decision'ma(ing as to hether the student did engage in the misbehaviour
2air procedures ta(e into account the seriousness of the alleged misbehaviour and have
regard to hat is reasonable in the conte5t of the school
We understand that each student has the followin# ri#hts:
&' +he ri#ht to "e heard% to
a< Bno that the alleged misbehaviour is being or has been investigated
"< Bno the details of the allegations being made and any other information that ill be ta(en
into account
c< Bno ho the issue ill be decided
d< Respond to the allegations
e< Be heard by the decision ma(ing body if the sanction is of a serious nature
f< $s( 8uestions of the other party or itnesses through the investigating authority here there
is a dispute about facts if the sanction is of a serious nature!
(' +he ri#ht to imartialit$% to:
a, $n absence of bias in the decision'ma(er
b, &mpartiality in the investigation and the decision'ma(ing!
De La Salle NS, Ballyfermot
Revised Code of Behaviour
In dealin# with an incident of mis"ehaviour which warrants susension% we
reco#nise that:
a, The degree of formality re8uired depends on the gravity of the misbehaviour
and the seriousness of the possible sanction!
b, Students and their parents must be fully informed about an allegation and the
processes used to investigate and decide the matter!
c, Students and their parents must be given an opportunity to respond to an
allegation before a decision is made and "efore a serious sanction is imosed'
+he Board of Mana#ement of :e @a Salle BS% Ball$fermot has formall$ and in
writin#% dele#ated the authorit$ to susend a student to the Princial'
0rounds for decidin# on susension are:
a, The student4s behaviour has had a seriously detrimental effect on the education
of other students
b, The student4s continued presence in the school at this time constitutes a threat
to safety
c, The student is responsible for serious damage to property
d, $ single incident of misconduct may be grounds for suspension!
De La Salle NS, Ballyfermot
Revised Code of Behaviour
De La Salle National School
Ballyfermot Road
Dublin 10
+el: 4(482(8
To #hom &t %ay Concern,
The Board .f %anagement of De la Salle National School, Ballyfermot does hereby
delegate the authority to suspend a student to the Principal
The authority to delegate is limited by the Department of "ducation 6 Science4s
Rules for National Schools, the National "ducation #elfare 0uidelines for
Developing a Code of Behaviour and the school4s Code of Behaviour and Discipline!
The Principal should understand that heDshe is accountable to the Board for his or her
use of this authority! The Principal should also understand that fair procedures should
apply and should be cognisant of the student4s rights to impartiality and to be heard!
Suspension should at all times be a proportionate response to the behaviour that is
causing the concern!
0rounds for decidin# on susension are:
a, The student4s behaviour has had a seriously detrimental effect on the education
of other students
b, The student4s continued presence in the school at this time constitutes a threat
to safety
c, The student is responsible for serious damage to property
d, $ single incident of misconduct may be grounds for suspension
Signed for and on behalf of the Board of %anagement
Chairperson Date
De La Salle NS, Ballyfermot
Revised Code of Behaviour
School oenin# and closin# times
The school yard is open to pupils from =!7@am only!
Class begins at =!:@am!
School closes at 3!7@pm
There is a short brea( of -: minutes at -@!9:am!
Lunch time is from -3!7@pm to -!@@pm!
Boys are encouraged to ensure that they are on time for school and for every lesson, every day!
Pupils4 attendance records are (ept by the teacher and noted by the principal! #here a boy is absent
for 3@ days or more in any school year, the school ill inform the "ducation #elfare .fficer! $
special attendance record sheet is filled in on a monthly basis and stored in the office, for this
&f a pupil is absent from school for any reason, on his return, he must bring a note, preferably
ritten in his homeor( )ournal and signed by a parent or guardian, to his teacher!
&f he has to leave school for any reason, i!e! dentistDdoctorDhospital appointment etc! he must have a
note signed by parent or guardian, otherise he ill not be permitted to leave the school! $ny
children ho are re8uired to leave school during the school day must be collected by a parent or
guardian or a person over the age of -= ho has been designated by the parent or guardian! &t is the
responsibility of the parent or guardian to inform the school in advance of any such re8uirement and
to collect him at the designated time!
#hen a boy is being collected early from the class or the school, the parent or guardian must sign a
collection boo(, hich is (ept in the classroom for that purpose!
"5cept in e5ceptional circumstances e!g! a family or medical emergency or a prior ritten re8uest,
no boy ill be permitted to be collected from the school beteen 3pm and 3!7@pm!
De La Salle NS, Ballyfermot
Revised Code of Behaviour
Assem"l$ and dismissal of uils
Pupils assemble in the yard in the mornings and line up at a designated place hen the bell rings!
$t home time, they are escorted, in a line, to the gate of the school, by the class teacher!
Card suervision
Iard supervision is organised on a rota basis! Reminders are posted on the notice board in the staff
room every ee(!
1ealth$ eatin# #uidelines
The school stresses the importance of, and provides, a healthy lunch to see the boys through the day,
i!e! sandich, fruit and a )uice drin(! 0lass bottles or flas(s are not alloed in the school! Cheing
gum, crisps, seets, bars and fi**y drin(s are forbidden in the school!
School uniform
School uniform is a green v'nec(ed seater, green tie, hite shirt and grey trousers! &t must be
orn each day, e5cept on P" days, hen a trac(suit must be orn! This trac(suit consists of a plain
navy trac(suit top, navy bottoms and a plain hite tee'shirt!
1omewor- 3ournal
"ach pupil has a homeor( )ournal, in hich he records his daily home e5ercise! The )ournal is
also used for communication beteen parents and teacher! Parents are as(ed to chec( the )ournal
each night and sign it here appropriate!
During school times, the inner gates of the school are loc(ed to restrict outside access to the school!
Cisitors can gain entry by the visitors4 entrance!
Parents are re8uested to ma(e appointments to meet teachers, so that supervision arrangements can
be made!
De La Salle NS, Ballyfermot
Revised Code of Behaviour
Monitorin# Behaviour , Deein# Records
.ur Code of Behaviour is a live 6 positive set of beliefs 6 actions that helps to
ensure that the school 6 classroom are effective settings for teaching 6 learning
"ach teacher has arrangements for monitoring 6 recording behaviour in the school,
devoting appropriate time to analysing the information from the monitoring process!
They can use the monitoring system to gather reliable factual information about
standards of behaviour in general or for specific class groups!
#e gather information about good behaviour as ell as poor behaviour'
We can use our monitorin# s$stem to:
-! $lert staff to emerging problems for a particular student or group of students
3! Sho trends and patterns, e!g! time of day, location or circumstance of good or bad
behaviour Provides school management ith the information needed to have oversight of
the ay the code is or(ing
7! Provide information to help the school loo( at possible causes of particular behaviour or
hether certain groups of students are the target of harassment or bullying!
9! Provide information about successes 6 hat is or(ing ell
:! $void the ris( of labelling a student unfairly by providing factual data for any )udgement
bout behaviour!
;! $llo the B.% and principal to e5amine possible causes and consider solutions to prevent
problems becoming embedded in the school or among a particular group!
Recordin# of incidents
Records of serious incidents should be (ept by the class teacher or supervising teacher, as soon as
possible after the event! 2orms are available in the office for this purpose! These forms should be
sent to the office for safe'(eeping!
Teachers trac( a student4s behaviour 6 chec( hether efforts to change behaviour are or(ing!
Teachers also ma(e note of interventions aimed at helping to deal ith unacceptable behaviour,
including contact ith parents or referral to other agencies!
Records are (ept in accordance ith the Data Protection Act 1988.
Parents should also be informed about incidents hich happen, by means of the >omeor( 1ournal
or in serious cases, by telephone call from either principal, class teacher or other staff member!
#here appropriate, pupils can fill in a pupil4s report form!
See folloing sample report forms!
De La Salle NS, Ballyfermot
Revised Code of Behaviour
Pupil s Incident Report
My name is
I am in class.
This is what happened:
Pupils Signature
Parents Signatures.
De La Salle NS, Ballyfermot
Revised Code of Behaviour
Fighting Report Form
-! #hat did you do to start this fightL
3! #hat did he doL
7! >o do you feel about hat happenedL
9! >o do you thin( he feels about itL
:! #hat ould you li(e to happen noL
;! #hat do you thin( he ould li(e to happen noL
De La Salle NS, Ballyfermot
Revised Code of Behaviour
Success Criteria:
This policy ill be )udged to be successful through/
Positive Teacher feedbac(
>appy atmosphere here children can learn
>appy playground
Roles and Resonsi"ilit$:
The policy ill be supported, developed and implemented by the combined staff!
2eedbac( ill be achieved at staff meetings!
Children enrolled in our school are re8uired to cooperate ith, and support the SchoolDBoard of
%anagement4s Code of Behaviour as ell as all other policies on curriculum, organisation and
management! The Board of %anagement places the responsibility on Parents andDor 0uardians for
ensuring that their child+ren, co'operate ith said policies in an age appropriate ay! &n accordance
ith the Department of "ducation 6 ScienceMs rules for National Schools, a child may be
suspended for a period of time determined by the school!
+imeframe for Imlementation:
The principal or an elected member of staff ensures that a copy of this revieed Code of Behaviour
ill be given to any ne teacher or ne ancillary staff member on hisDher arrival to the school!
Rules and advice from the Code of Behaviour are printed in the >omeor( 1ournal!
+imeframe for Reviews:
This Code of Behaviour ill be revieed in an on'going ay at staff meetings! There ill be a
more formal revie every five years
Resonsi"ilit$ for Review:
Teaching staff
Ratification and Communication:
The Board of %anagement ratified this Code of Behaviour onKKKKKKKKKKKKK+date,
and is fully supportive of this policy!

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