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Being Deceived by 'Aashuraa

Shaykhul Islaam Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah

Reference: : Al Mawsoo'ah P.31

Some people deceive themselves by depending on deeds such as fasting on the day of
'Aashuraa or the day of 'Arafah to the point that one may say:

'Fasting the day of 'Aashuraa will clear all the years sins, fasting on the day of 'Arafah would
remain and that is more reward.'

Ibnul Qayyim states:

"Such a deluded person is unaware that fasting Ramadaan and [praying] the five daily prayers
are superior to and more dignified than fasting on 'Arafah or 'Aashuraa, and they only expiate [the
sins committed] between them if the major sins are avoided. So [the fasting of] Ramadaan to
Ramadaan and the Jum'ah prayer to the Jum'ah prayer can not expiate minor sins except if the
major sins are abandoned in addition to that, so the two of these strengthen one another to
expiate the minor sins.

Amongst the deluded are those who think that their obedience is greater than their sins. This is
because they do not take themselves into account or count their sins, but they count and
remember a form of obedience that they practice, like one who practices Istighfaar with his
tongue and glorifies Allaah a hundred times daily, then backbites the Muslims and tears up their
reputations, speaks with what Allaah is not pleased with all day. He continuously thinks about the
virtues of the 'Tasbeehaat' and 'Tahleelaat' and pays no attention to the punishment of backbiting,
lying and tale carrying and the other harms of the tongue. This is complete and utter deception."

Translated By: Abu ‘Abdul Waahid, Nadir Ahmad.

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