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SOUL Testimonies - 24hr info 215-358-4307
Testimonies are not intended to diagnose treat !"re or #re$ent an% disease.
&ain 'nternational is not res#onsi(le for an% of these testimonies. These testimonies
are not the o#inion of &ain 'nternational ("t #eo#les #ersonal e)#erien!es.
*llergies + *rthritis - *nother *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
My name is Tom Moore, I have been using Soul for 30 days now and I feel I have been
truly blessed with using this product Soul. irst of all, I live in !a"ersfield #$, "nown as
one of the top unhealthiest cities to live, in the %nited states. Mostly due to the large
agriculture industry surrounding our region. $llergens are a big problem in this #alifornia
valley, but after ta"ing Soul for only two days I have not had to ta"e any allergy
medication for over a month. My sinuses are clearer, I have no more headaches along with
throwing my nasal spray in the trash, &'&( what a relief. I have been a plumber and
handyman for the last )0 years and I started getting arthritis pain in my right hand, from
using hand and power tools over the years, I started to notice the pain was going away
after about * days, and now after 30 days of using Soul, the arthritis pain is +,- .'/0(
$nd, that is a blessing in itself because I love my power tools, right guys1 2oes getting up
in age mean you are suppose to get up out of your bed several times a night to go to the
bathroom1 That3s what I was told, but it is actually due to an enlarged prostate. In 4ust over
two wee"s of using Soul, I can now sleep through the night without mother nature wa"ing
me up to rush to the restroom in pure dar"ness. /o more stubbing my toes on the furniture.
5ast but not least, 6 ) has also been nothing short of a miracle. I have been sharing this
product with all my family, friends and co-wor"ers. 0veryone has been "noc"ing down
my door to get more of this product, not only for themselves but for all the people they
"now who could benefit from this product called Soul, which by the way, is 07089'/0(
-- Tom ,oore
*llergies &agweed Tonsillitis1 - *nother *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
I am thrilled to have had the opportunity to get "now the S'%5 and that we are the
beneficiaries of this product(
Since year )000 I have been suffering from allergies caused by ragweed. 0very year
during the period of flowering ragweed I would have suffered already well "nown
symptoms: runny nose, snee;ing, itchy throat, my eyes were watering and itching, and
there would be even severe tightness in the throat... or choc"ing sensation I got the pump
and the doctor said I would in a few years be asthmatic.
&hen I started to use S'%5 4ust ended season flowering ragweed, so I had to wait almost
a year to see whether it will have a positive effect on me and my allergies. !ut I have not
given up on ta"ing S'%5(
My first observation after using S'%5 is as follows< in the evening I could always be
more awa"e and I needed less sleep but still feel vibrant and fresh in the morning.
My twins, daughter and son are using half a sachet per day and than"s to S'%5 we
avoided tonsillectomy with my son. =is tonsils are still great, and there is no inflammation
at all, than"s to the blac" cumin which is reducing inflammation. 5ast year, when the
ragweed flowering season arrived, I 4ust felt some mild symptoms. Then I increased the
daily dose of S'%5 on two sachets and all my symptoms were completely gone.
I am very grateful to my sponsor that introduced me to S'%5 product. I thin" it is also my
duty to introduce more people to this phenomenal product, because I do believe that
everyone deserves good health and well-being( - arago 0r>ebet
*llergies - 2irst %ear -3&O *llergies - *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
I "now people who have wonderful allergy testimonies, and so my hubby?s and my
testimonies may pale in comparison, but... this is the first year in I don?t "now how long,
that we have had ;ero allergies( My husband bought #laritin about a month before the
season would usually start for us, but I as"ed him to 4ust wait and see what Soul would
accomplish. or me personally, the onslaught from the cottonwood trees would always do
me in. So I waited to see what would happen... a few wee"s ago the cottonwood @cotton@
was in the air all over.. including swirling around in the garage... I had no symptoms:
none( I was even able to drive with my windows down( This was something I couldn?t do
previously, as the cottonwood pollen would float into the car, which would then ma"e my
s"in crawl, face itch, and eyes water to the point I could barely see( So I?m happy to report
that neither myself, nor my husband, have had allergies this season, than"s to S'%5(
*rthritis thro"gho"t m% (od% - *nother *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
I have arthritis throughout my body which is to be eApected at the age of ,+. My son
started me on Soul a few months ago. I drin" one in the morning and one in the evening. It
too" a few wee"s before I noticed a difference but now I3m able to do things I haven3t
been able to do in years.
The swelling and stiffness in my hands is almost completely gone and my hip and bac"
feel better than they have in years( Than" you 8ain(
Than" you Soul( -Shirley 8
*rthritis - *nother *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
Susan .ates writes<
Bust have to share this(( C wee"s ago, I tried a product called Soul. C wee"s, no arthritis
pain, no pain medication, and I have lost DC pounds( 5ife is great(( $s" me about Soul. I
want everyone to live pain free(((
*rthritis &he"matoid - *nother *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
E$s I have become older, I have developed rheumatoid arthritis. My whole life I have been
active and en4oyed doing things with my hands. $s my condition worsened, the 4oints in
my hands and wrists have become so painful that normal activities are sometimes
It is difficult to imagine the frustration I have felt as I have wor"ed with doctors to treat
my condition. I have been told that there is not much that can be done, and that really the
only thing I can do is ta"e prescription anti-inflammatory medicine and other types of pain
&hile those treatments help to a degree, I am worried about the long-term effects their side
effects may have on my health. $ few months ago, I was introduced to 8ain and Soul. I
can3t believe what has happened.
My inflammation and pain in my affected 4oints is much improved. 0ven my emotional
and psychological state is better "nowing that I can manage my arthritis with the help of
such an incredible natural product.
Than" you 8ain( F. - Garen !
*rthritis 4rin5led hands + 6ain *nother *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
- #heryl 2ugan< The first thing I noticed after ta"ing S'%5 for a couple wee"s was my
hands no longer were wrin"led. $t age CC, it had bothered me how wrin"led my hands
were loo"ing. The neAt thing I noticed was that I was able to ma"e a fist with my arthritic
left hand, eAcept for my fussed finger, and I had strength bac" in them. I no longer need
$leve. $fter a month, I noticed that the sciatic pain in my bac" was gone. I had the pain
for about ) years and the 2octors? pain pills and steroid shots did no good, but now it is
completely gone. I have no problem sleeping at night. I ta"e two pac"s of Soul a day, one
when I wa"e up and one before going to sleep. If I feel a cold coming on, I will ta"e one
midday. I have not gotten a flu shot this year and have not been sic" at all, even though we
do a lot of traveling and interacting with others. My blood pressure has gone down. I
wasn?t on blood pressure medication, but it was getting close. I can?t wait until I get my
blood tests done to see how my cholesterol is doing. I love my Soul. I feel I have more
energy and also feel happier and positive about life.
#heryl 2ugan
*sthma *llergies *rthritis - *nother *43SO,3 SOUL Testimon% 7"st 'n0
March )+, )0DH at D<3+pm
@My name is /atahlie and I live in the !oston area. $ll my life I suffered with asthma and
allergies and over the years the allergies 4ust seem to get worse, I have arthritis in
both "nees from being so off balance from a serious car accident in which I suffered
several fractures and bro"en bones which left me with several pins and screws in my
right an"le
30 years ago( $bout 3 years ago I lost the hearing in my right ear about half in my left
from a virus and a very loud music hit which left me pretty much devastated. because with
the hearing loss came tinnitus(
/ow 4ust recently about 3 wee"s ago I was in fear of losing all my upper front teeth( My
mouth was so inflamed and my upper teeth so eAtremely sensitive to hot and cold and I
could not bite into anything and had to drin" from a was depressing to be in so
much pain I 4ust "new that was the end of my teeth(
2etermination got the better half of me to do my research to find a cure for my teeth( I
found I was deficient in fat soluble vitamins and minerals. I started ta"ing cod liver oil and
s"ate liver oil which helped a lot with my teeth but I still had one tooth that was still
sensitive and I didn?t "now if I would be successful in getting it to heal before I go to the
dentist neAt &ed.
I happened to see $ngel Thompson?s post about S'%5 and inIuired her about the product
and decided to try the seven day sample. I received my sample pac"age on Thursday
which I too" one pouch that day and two yesterday and one this morning, I have to say I
am $M$J02(
I stopped ta"ing my liver oils for a few days to test S'%5 and here?s what I noticed< '/0<
I finally have a completely pin" tongue which before I had to nearly brush the s"in off and
still wouldn?t have a completely pin" tongue( T&'< My "nees are not hurting when I wal"
up and down the stairs( T=800< My digestive system is getting better my stomach is
going down( '%8< My tooth is a lot less sensitive than it was a couple of days ago
hopefully the sensitivity will be completely gone by &ednesday( I70< My s"in loo"s
better from the residue of the seeds I put on my s"in. SIK<
/eAt wee" I plan to order more S'%5 and 4oin the team( This would be a great product for
children who are developing their brains, teeth and bones(
Than" you $ngel Thompson( Than" you 8ain International for ma"ing this product
available( I am so eAcited to be loo"ing forward to ta"ing care of all those other
issues I been eAperiencing and help others to do the same(@ /atahlie, M$
8a!5 !hroni! 6ain - *nother *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
MIG0 .I5!08T - I3m C) years old and I live in &oodslee 'ntario #anada
I suffered a serious bac" in4ury in D+C, and have been living with chronic bac" pain ever
since. 5ately for the last L or C years I have nagging arthritis pain in my hips, "nees and
an"les. $lso in4ured both shoulders and have not been able to raise my arms above my
head or lift anything heavy. The first day I too" Soul, that night I had a very restful sleep,
and awo"e the neAt morning feeling fully rested and ready for a new day.
I have been on Soul for a couple months now, and today I live pain free, I feel li"e a new
man who is now C) years young. I now go up and down the stairs numerous times each
day without pain. I can get down on the floor crawling and giving my granddaughter a
horsey bac" ride. I can raise my arms above my head and lift things. I can spend hours
outside shovelling and wor"ing in the yard and doing things I could never do before
without bac" pain. My friend, who was always there to help me, whenever I needed it,
was ama;ed at how much better I have been feeling since ta"ing Soul. So much so, that he
had to try this product for both he and his wife, who by the way are now rain nutrition
distributors. .od !less the 8ain - Mi"e .ilbert
8a!5 6ain from a"tomo(ile a!!ident - 7"st in. *wesome So"l testimon%.
.ood afternoon(( I recieved my soul boA yesterday. My husband was in4ured L yrs ago in
an automobile accident. =e was left ,0- disabled with severe bac" and @"eister@ pain. =e
was put on a high does of morphine and hydrocodone M oAycodone , which nearly cost us
our marriage, livelihood, and his sanity( I than" .od he reali;ed that and Iuit all meds
nearly a yr ago. Since then he has had to 4ust deal with the pain((( 5ast night I gave him a
soul pac" to drin" and this morning he says his bac" feels better((( D pac"(( I am eAcited to
see how he will feel when he has ta"en this daily for a full wee"((( #onnie Isaac 8andall
8a!5 6ain + ,"lti#le S!lerosis - 7"st in. *wesome So"l testimon%.
'n a call this evening Bedd /eilson, a licensed physical therapist in %tah, gave the
testimony of a friend of his who suffered with Multiple Sclerosis. This man is H* years old
and has lived with MS for D0 years. =e was able to be ta"en off * of his meds after 4ust D
wee" on S'%5, including 5ortab N /eurontin. Orevious to ta"ing Soul he was in constant
pain, unable to do a lot of his daily activities, such as mowing his bac" yard in a single
session. =is bac" pain was so severe that he could only mow one lap, then go inside and
rest, then do another lap and rest... In the very first month on S'%5, he was able to mow
the entire yard at one time with no resting(( SiA months later and he is still seeing
incredible results: and he3s still off of the * medications. =e actually told Bedd that he feels
li"e he regained about DL-)0 years of his life(
8ladder !ondition - *nother *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
@I have been dealing with nocturia for about ) years. It?s 4ust not any fun, and the medicine
for it is eApensive. I read where an $sian man was cured of nocturia after trying S'%5.
So, three wee"s ago I stopped the medicine and was surprised that most nights now I do
not even get up even once( I go to sleep and do not awa"e until I hear my alarm. 0ven with
the medicine, I was still getting up ), sometimes 3 A a night.
The "ic"er is< the medicine had a co-pay of PC0, almost the same cost of a month?s supply
of S'%5. 8egardless, one can not put a price on a restful night?s sleep. 0verything about
S'%5 is ama;ing to me.@ 7ance $lford, 8aleigh, /#
8ladder and (lood in "rine - *nother *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
My mother, ,3 years old, had blood in her urine and had to go to the toilet freIuently.
0ach time the pass out was so little. $fter '/0 wee" of consuming S'%5, she went for
her medical chec" up but her doctor could not detect the blood. urther tests confirmed
that her blood in the urine was really gone. She could also sleep through the night as the
numerous urinating stopped.
She also had diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol and repeated her sentences
over and over again. It is almost ) years now. =er doctor confirms that she is healed from
all these illnesses. She also does not repeat her sentences anymore.
8reast 9an!er - *nother *43SO,3 SOUL Testimon% 7"st 'n0
They 4ust "eep pouring in( Is this not super impressive1 9ou G/'& it is(
$ few wee"s ago, a sweet lady friend of mine attended a .athering at my home. I had put
out a bowl of S'%5 pac"ets and those who are ta"ing it and "now how great it is started
sharing about it.
&e told how !lac" Seed has been proven by 2$ researcher, 2r 5ucy &u to reduce
inflammation ),D K more effectively than !ayer $spirin. T&' =%/2802 $/2
0I.=T9 '/0 TIM0S((( I eAplained how this helped my husband who has terrible
arthritis to completely eliminate all his arthritis pain over the course of C wee"s. =e is S'
M%#= =$OOI08((
&e were tal"ing about how the fresh, 0ssential atty $cids Qit is so difficult to find great
ones these days: li"e who wants to ta"e fish oils with all the ocean pollutants1R are helping
many people improve their brain function. &e are tal"ing about young people with $22
and $2=2 and older people with $5J=0IM08S. These are people we "now(((
/eAt we shared about how !lac" Seed has H anti cancer properties that have been
documented by researchers and are available to read on our government website,
http<MMwww.OubMed.orgM Bust enter !5$#G #%MI/ S002 and you will see for yourself.
That is when one of my dear friends confided in us that she "new she had breast cancer
and had an appointment with her doctor in two wee"s. She had eAcruciating pain under her
right arm, all the way down her side, with swollen glands and calcifications.
'f course, I immediately gave her a p"g of S'%5 to ta"e. She was in so much pain that
she could not even tear open the pac"age: I had to cut it open for her. I sent her home with
) boAes and told her to ta"e 3 or H each day.
$fter ) days, she told me it was giving her gas. I told her to "eep ta"ing it because that was
a sign of detoAification, probably the overgrowth of yeast being eliminated and would
soon pass. So, she did. In a few more days, she reported that all her pain down the right
side was gone(((
!y the time she got to her 2r3s appointment, he found no sign of the breast cancer, all
calcifications were gone and he told her to come bac" in C months(( -- #indy 2ay
9an!er *sthma - *nother *43SO,3 SOUL Testimon% 7"st 'n0
@&hen I was first introduced to Soul, SI had issues withT cancer and asthma and this caught
my attention. Today, I still live with both of these health issues.
I refused radiation treatment after having cancerous thyroid removed. I have been trying to
ma"e better choices and living an organic life.
'nce I started consuming S'%5, I "new this product was doing something ama;ing to my
body( I love the way I feel( I haven?t felt this good in years(((
Than" .od for this ama;ing product((@ !arbara Mills +<H0am $pr )*
9an!er : Stage 4 L"ng 9an!er - *nother *43SO,3 SOUL Testimon% 7"st 'n1
5ast fall I was diagnosed with inoperable stage H lung cancer. I underwent both radiation
and chemo. I had great results an ,0-+0- reduction in the si;e of my tumors(( !egan
ta"ing chemo pill, and started eAperiencing side effects, one on top of the other, ma"ing
me unable to ta"e a wal", drive a car, clean my house, coo" a meal, and several other
debilitating symptoms. I again had great results, another ,0-+0- reduction in the si;e of
my tumors(( !ut wow, my life was sitting in a chair and sleeping...Qnot my styleR My
friend $ngel posted something on ! that made me contact her. It was about seed
nutrition. I bought some samples from her, and by day H I thin" I was noticing a change.
&hat got my attention was it is a business I could do on my computer, sitting in my chair.
It?s been D month now, and my Iuality of life has totally turned around. I feel great( I have
energy( My thin"ing is clear( 9esterday I drove myself and today I cleaned my house. I
can now ta"e my dogs for a wal" again. I am so than"ful to .od for opening my eyes to
this incredible product. I am only ta"ing D thing. Gat &ood
9an!er ;"odenal - *nother *43SO,3 SOUL Testimon% 7"st 'n1
@I have had duodenal cancer for C years. I was diagnosed with the very worst stage H you
can imagine. I put my affairs in order, as I was so sic" and wea" I believed I would die.
My surgeon performed the &hipple procedure and although I began recovering, I was
never cancer free... in C long years I have had all tests come bac" with cancer still in my
2uring my latest visit to my doctor he was doing his usual eAam and noted that he couldn?t
feel my liver... I immediately thought that was a bad thing, but he assured me that it was a
7089 good thing, and that up until now he was always able to feel it.
=e also had the very surprising news that my bloodwor" revealed that I was D00- cancer
=e as"ed me if there had been anything different I had been doing, and I told him about
Soul, and that it was the only thing different... Qshe had only been drin"ing D a day for one
month(((R and he said ?I?ve never heard of that before, but I suggest you "eep ta"ing it(@
-- Banice M.
9an!er stage 4 U *nother *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
I had Stage H !reast #ancer with a reoccurrence in my lung. #hemo left me with a ton of
side effects and a beat up body. i have only been ta"ing 8ain Soul for a wee" and have a
ton of energy and neuropathy getting better. I am loo"ing forward to what the future holds
for me as i continue to ta"e 8ain Soul( -- Benn &isniews"i !elc;a"
9holesterol and Trigl%!erides U *nother *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
Today I would li"e to share some great news. I love testimonials from everyone, however
today I have my own. I have battled high cholesterol and triglycerides for a long time but
those times are close to being over. My triglycerides have dropped from *L* to )H, and
my bp has dropped to D))M*,. I do wor" out but the '/59 change I have made in the last
siA wee"s is Soul twice a day. -- 2arrin $rmstrong
9olitis 7oint 6ain *llergies U *nother *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
&ell...I3ll be C3 in Buly. My health issues started 30 years ago diagnosed with colitis
hysterectomy at 3)...constant 4oint pain, allergies .... constant yeast overgrowth... "idney
pain...bladder problems, not able to sleep for more than ) hrs without getting up. /o
energy basically never feeling good. In ebruary I had surgery for bladder repair N scar
tissue removed ..4ust wasn3t healing li"e I should. $ close friend of mind told me about
Soul brought me D to try thought I3ll try anything every day I felt worse I honestly thought
I was on the !ig decline from this beautiful earth( So I dran" the Soul N within )0mins. I
thought I felt something wow thought I was imagining it nothing wor"s that fast...but I felt
per"ier. &e ordered our first boA I started ta"ing ) a day N within ) wee"s I was feeling
better than I had in )0 years(( I healed from my 4oint pain... all my issues I3ve
been dealing with for years no longer haunt me( I feel alive again something I didn3t thin"
was possible. 8ain Intl. N Soul is truly heaven sent N I am forever than"ful...I feel li"e I
have a future again N its loo"ing bright((( --- ;arlene 7a!5son .elson
9o#d asthma t%#e 2 dia(etes rhe"matoid arthritis in m% right hand #ain in (oth
5nees- Bust In... $nother $M$JI/. S'%5 Testimonial<
@I found out S'%5 wor"ed too good(@
5loyd wrote< @I suppose this is as good of a time to share my testimony.
I am *3 years old, with copd, asthma, type ) diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis
in my right hand, pain in both "nees, to the eAtent it was painful to wal" down
the stairs, chronic pain in lower bac", and even more painful bac" when I bent
over. I became a 2istributor and on D-)D-DH.
I started ta"ing ) pac"ets a day.2ay D nothing: 2ay ) not as much pain in my
"nees and right hand: 2ay 3 almost went into diabetic shoc".
I found out the Soul wor"ed too good. I went off my diabetes medicine, and have
had even more level blood glucose results that I had ever had. 2ay Hl went to
bend over and found I had no pain in my lower bac" other than a lessened pain
in my lower bac". 2ay L: I reali;ed I could go down on my "nees and stand up
and no pain. I am still using ) pac"ets a day.@
9rohn<s ;ia(etes 7oint 6ain : *nother *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
I almost gave up finding relief for my severe chronic pain due to
arthritis and a bulging disc in my spine. I hadn3t found any relief
with prescriptions or over the counter pain medications.
Then I found a product called S'%5 via email. I3ve been ta"ing
S'%5 for about C wee"s now, and my pain level has dropped
from a level of D0 down to less than D.
$s a bonus, I am a Type ) diabetic, my blood sugar levels have
been steadily dropping since ta"ing S'%5. My average blood sugar
level before S'%5 was DH0. SiA wee"s later my blood sugar average
level is D0D. I also suffer from #rohn3s 2isease and had severe
symptoms. My #rohn3s symptoms have decreased from L to C bowel
movements a day down to D or ) li"e normal people, since I have
been ta"ing S'%5.
Than" 9ou S'%5 for giving me my life bac"(
-Mic" 0lrod- Muncie, I/
;e#ression and S!hi=o#hrenia - 7"st in. *wesome So"l testimon%.
0li;abeth, age HC, Toronto '/, #anada
Schi;ophrenia is a mental disorder, a chemical imbalance in the brain, characteri;ed by a
brea"down of thought processes and by a deficit of typical emotional responses. #ommon
symptoms include auditory hallucinations, paranoid or bi;arre delusions, or disorgani;ed
speech and thin"ing, and it is accompanied by significant social or occupational
The mainstay of treatment is anti-psychotic medication, which primarily suppresses
dopamine Qand sometimes serotoninR receptor activity.
2iagnosed with Schi;ophrenia DD years ago, at the age of 3L. Ta"ing anti-psychotic
medication Q$bilify 30mg dailyR, and 5ora;epam when feeling anAiety.
0Aperienced a lot of side effects<
Sensation of bubbles in the head and mild di;;iness, feeling dull and general numbness
and slow response.
Inability to smell and taste: always had a smell of dust in the nostrils, taste very bland.
2id not feel hunger, or thirst, had a daily schedule when to eat and drin".
Since I started using Soul, all this is in the past now. My brain now functions very well.
!oth symptoms and side effects are gone . I en4oy my life again, I am very happy. I
couldn?t believe the difference that Soul made in 4ust a few short days and wee"s.
I recommend Soul to everyone. It?s very powerful.
Started ta"ing Soul Bun DL, )0D3. 3 pac"s for first * days, then ) pac"s daily.
2ay D and )< Mild headache.
2ay 3< 0mesis and headache gone.
2ay H< Started feeling thirsty, throat felt dry. elt something wor"ing in my brain, bubbly
dull feeling gone.
2ay L< Sense of smell returned. I now smelled and tasted my coffee for the fist time in
years. I smelled my co-wor"ers cologne that I never noticed before.
2ay C< Stomach started to rumble, and I actually felt hungry.
!y wee" )< eeling refreshed, not tired. I sleep well at night. I don?t feel any of the past
side effects. My concentration improved. eeling hungry, but also feeling the sensation of
being full after a meal.
'ther health factors to ta"e note of< I bro"e my bac" )) years ago in a car accident, and
suffered from stiffness in my bac" and shoulders. I noticed that my muscles are no longer
stiff, they feel softer and more supple< I?m able to move more freely.
I no longer have to go for massage therapy.
I feel very healthy and happy.
Than" you 8ain International and Soul, for changing my life.
;ia(etes 6ain &elief - *nother *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
I?m so eAcited about this Soul. $ll I had was your word and a strong gut feeling that this is
for me, so I signed up. 9ou and my gut feeling was ever so right. &ithin 3 days the
diabetic nerve damage in the bottom of my feet was gone. I?ve suffered for , years with
this pain and sometimes it was so bad I couldn?t sleep. This is unbelievable I?m afraid
people want believe me. Bust thin", if it is wor"ing on my feet, what is it doing on the other
parts of my body1 I?m sold( U #heryl
;ia(etes ins"lin de#endent - *nother *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
I became an insulin dependent diabetic )0 years ago ( I have tried all types of supplements
over the years and some did ma"e me feel better but they never ever helped with my
diabetes ( I was introduced to 8ain International and Soul on 'ctober D,, )0D3 signed up
as a distributor and received my Soul on 'ctober )3, )0D3. I too" my Dst pac"age of Soul
at )<00pm and within ) hours I felt so much energy and my brain fog was lifting ( I too"
another pac"age at bed time and the neAt morning when I awo"e and tested my blood
glucose it was below D00 ( I have reduced the amount of insulin that I was ta"ing by more
than half, and I am continually reducing the amount I ta"e ( I no longer ta"e insulin at
night and awa"e with normal readings in the morning ( 9ou can?t imagine how ama;ing
this is for me, awa"ing every morning for the past )0 years with high blood glucose
readings and feeling terrible ( !ut not anymore than"s to 8ain N Soul ((( I?m addicted to
Soul, my body craves Soul ( That?s the ama;ing thing about S'%5 it is uniIue to each
individual, once consumed it see"s and finds what our body is depleted in and starts by
removing inflammation, then nourishes with proper and sufficient nutrients so that our
body can rebalance and heal itself ( 9es our body is the miracle and S'%5 feeds our body
what it needs to do that. #indy 2ay
;igesti$e iss"es - 7"st 'n... *nother *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
#an I 4ust say I?m in love with Soul( I?ve been researching natural health products for D0
years for myself and family and have /0708 seen anything li"e it. I was ta"ing so many
products, ie. herbs, amino acids, digestive en;ymes, probiotics, vitamins....which are all so
great but weren?t doing much because I couldn?t absorb them. It is my 6D favorite. Olus I
was spending a ton on 4uicing organic fruits and vegetables... $nd I don?t have to ta"e
hardly anything else now. =elped with ma4or digestive issues. &e $55 can benefit from
this wonderful discovery. Than" you to Oaul 2roc"ton for introducing us to it.
Bennifer 2ouglas.
3nerg% - *nother *43SO,3 SOUL Testimon% 7"st 'n0
@The other day $rlene .. ordered a * day sample supply from me. I sent it to her, answered
some Iuestions she had, and listened to her tell me that if this product wor"ed she wanted
to be a distributor.
Two days later here is the message that $rlene sent to me<
?I "now I have searched and searched for a natural health product that I have personal
eAperience with that I can honestly say will be of benefit to people and up to now I didn?t.
I tried every health drin", vitamin, super food you name it they cost me a fortune and I felt
o" ta"ing them but nothing out of the ordinary.
Since ta"ing Soul yesterday I have done my regular eAercise routine twice in one day and I
4ust finished ironing all my clothes between wor"ing on line, the energy I feel is ama;ing
and I "now it?s only going to get better( - Tammy $d"ins, 5arimer, O$ V
3nerg% (etter slee# firmer s5in no leg !ram#s or mo"th "l!ers m"!h red"!ed to no
#ain from arthritis in hands fingers sho"lders and 5nees and relief from '8S - 7"st
'n... *nother *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
@#urrently I have )3 people using Soul. $lmost all began using it as a wellness product.
!ut within these )3 people, many of them found benefits they didn?t eApect. They credit
Soul for increased energy, better sleep, firmer s"in, no leg cramps or mouth ulcers, much
reduced to no pain from arthritis in hands, fingers, shoulders and "nees and relief from I!S
-li"e stomach problems.
$ friend from &isconsin tells me that Soul has completely healed her plantar fascitis and
totally cleared up her eApectant daughter?s ec;ema. =er husband started to ta"e Soul and
was astounded that his prostate problem was improving immensely, without ta"ing any
meds, 4ust Soul, he was no longer getting up to use the bathroom at night and had a steady
They have both become distributors and have every member of their family using it now. It
all ma"es sense, reducing the inflammation, without medication, the body is doing what it
needs to do to heal.@ Marty Mc.uire 3MCMDH<
3#idid%mitis 9hroni! #ain - *nother *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
=ello, everyone. My name is Bohn 2avis. I am a CC year old retiree living in Sandpoint,
Idaho. or a number of years I have had !O= and 0pididymitis which would cause
swelling and eAtreme pain from my groin down both legs. It would come and go in the
level of intensity, but there was always pain present to some degree.
I also had symptoms of Oolymyalgia 8heumatic which produced more pain pretty much
throughout my whole body, but especially in one hip. The combined pain from these
ailments had me in such a high level of pain that in 'ctober of )0D3 I could hardly wal". I
had to use a cane to get around. I could not get comfortable sitting or laying down as the
pain in my hip and lower bac" was constant and intense. I also ended up with a bout of
"idney stones during this time period which produced more pain than I could stand. The
brain fog I was eAperiencing was also frustrating. My !O spi"ed and I felt I was "noc"ing
on death3s door. I even wondered with so much going on in my body at the same time if I
might not have cancer.
My daughter, Stephanie 2avis Mo;el, shared a product with me that she had 4ust found
through a friend of hers called Soul. She was sure that it would help with the inflammation
in my body and in particular with the pain associated with the inflammation. I too" one
Soul a day, but after two wee"s did not really notice any change.
I had been to the %rologist and told that my prostate was enlarged. 'n a second visit about
a month later I had an ultrasound. My prostate had shrun" from the previous visit and my
OS$ was normal. My !O had dropped from D3*M,0 to D0,M*). I had ta"en nothing but the
Soul during that time.
I decided to see a #hiropractor who is also a licensed Ohysical Therapist, about my hip that
still was causing pain issues and limiting my ability to wal". $fter eAamining me he said
the rotation level was ;ero in that hip and that I was loo"ing at hip replacement surgery.
$fter undergoing physical therapy for a few wee"s, including one treatment of ultrasound
using Soul in place of the usual gel, I was tested again for rotation ability and I was at 3L-
having gone from ;ero 4ust a few wee"s prior. The O.T. told me that HL- is considered
perfect. I am still improving and no hip surgery for me( My O.T. is now a believer in the
healing capabilities of Soul.
$t the suggestion of a friend I began a one wee" regimen of C Soul a day, then dropping to
3 a day. =uge improvement in mental cognition and for the first time in years I have no
pain in my body( I feel li"e I have my life bac". If the body is given what it needs it will
heal itself. Soul filled that need in my depleted body. 2on3t be in a hurry to 4udge whether
it is wor"ing for you or not. Some things cannot be seen with our eyes, but be assured that
Soul is doing its intended 4ob and you will have results in time. Bohn
3%es 9ornea ;isease >erato!om"s 6ain - *nother *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
Melody Marlatt - September DD )0D3
I enrolled on $ugust D+th with one 30-pac" boA of S'%5.
I have been suffering from Geratocomus, a disease of the cornea in both eyes, for
approAimately twenty years. Symptoms I eAperienced were tremendous pressure in both
eyes and horrible headaches. It felt li"e my head and eyes were going to eAplode in a
million pieces.
or relief of these symptoms, I have been ta"ing )0 to 30 over the counter pain relievers
every day and it never totally released the pain.
&hen I received my 30-pac" boA of S'%5, my sponsor suggested I ta"e three pac"s a day,
which is recommended for intense pain. &e "new this would only carry me for ten days,
but it was still a good test by ta"ing three a day, rather than one a day for thirty days.
&hat happened1 The headaches are much, much better and the pressure in my head and
eyes is almost gone( I ran out of S'%5 two days ago and at this time, the intense pain has
not returned. I am eApecting my new order to come tomorrow.
&hat is interesting is that I remained comfortable during these two days without S'%5,
which could indicate a stage of healing. =ow wonderful(
-- Melody Marlatt - Santa $na, #alifornia
3%es &etino#ath% 6ain *nother *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
@I have waited to share my testimonial about this wonderful product. $s I have shared with
you I eAperienced a great decrease in pain in my hips, legs and feet. almost immediately
after starting S'%5.
I had been told that within two years I would have also have cataract surgery in both eyes.
$lso, for the past two and one half years I have been eAperiencing serious diabetic
retinopathy in my left eye. I have been given many in4ections in the eye and laser
treatments. That would only help temporarily.
Then this past Bune while on an out of town trip, I went totally blind in that eye. There was
so much blood in the eye, I could not see to drive home. That led to surgery to clear the
eye. The surgery helped but still did not have complete sight. $lso, my 8etinal Specialist
told me that the cataract surgery would have to be soon because of the surgery, the
cataracts would grow more rapidly.
I began ta"ing the S'%5 late $ugust. $fter three wee"s on the S'%5, I saw an
'ptometrist for glasses and he told me that my cataracts were so small I probably would
not need cataract surgery for another D0 years. I wanted to re4oice at that time but was a
little unsure.
Today, I saw my 8etinal Specialist. I was one letter off from having )0M)0 vision. T=0/,
he said, @you "now we tal"ed about the cataract growing more rapidly due to the surgery
we did1 &ell, they are still really small, you are good to go.@
I "now it had to be the S'%5 because I am not ta"ing any other supplements.@ - Marilyn
=. , /#
2i(rom%algia Se$ere OST3O*&T?&'T'S .e"ra#ath% and T'*@S res"lting in
A*S9UL*& ;3,3.T'* - *nother *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
Than" you Soul( !0'80 samples ran out I ordered ) cases. &hich came late
&ednesday. I already feel as I have less pain and more energy. #osidering the pharmacy I
ta"e. I!8'M95.I$, S07080 'ST0'$8T=8ITIS, /0%8'O$T=9, and TI$?S
resulting in 7$S#%5$8 20M0/TI$ , along with normal aging issues. =ubby said it was
all in my head, made him drin" one last night before bed wo"e up saying he didn?t have as
much pain in his legs as he did. Too" a sample to my ,C year old mother in law who can
pretty much run circles around anybody I "now but has arthritis and most 4oint so she?s
usually having pain and stiffness. She too" her last night and said she felt much better so
I?ll be ordering her case. !oth of my sister in laws have some to try. I "now there?s a
difference in me and I believe my mother in law, my husband Mmm a little Iuestionable. I
am so sold on soul. --- Sandy 5arry Motos. $pril )L, )0DH<
2i(rom%algia e)treme fatig"e - *nother *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
@Today I am medication free.@ =ello, my name is Mattie Bohnson and I was diagnoses
with ibromyalgia about fifteen years ago, although I believe I have had it most of my life.
I?ve had the same symptoms but the intensity and the severity of the attac"s increased as
the years passed.
In )0D) I could no longer wor". I did not sleep at night. The ambian, and KanaA no longer
wor"ed. I had stopped ta"ing the 5yrica years prior and was switched to #ymbalta.
0arlier this year my muscle spasms and pain increased to the eAtent that I was ta"en off the
KanaA and put on 7alium as a muscle relaAer. I was to ta"e four a day. This too" the edge
off the pain. !ut I still was not sleeping and too eAhausted to do much.
I loo"ed for natural solutions in diets, herbs, vitamins, minerals, acupuncture, massages
and chiropractic therapy, these helped but still there was the pain, and I still wasn?t
$bout two months ago during a particularly bad flare up that too" me to my "nees. $n
email from 8ain popped up in my in boA advertising Soul. It offered a seven day trail
pac"age. The idea of seeds being the essence of nutrition made sense to me so I ordered
the trail.
&hen the boA of product arrived I immediately dran" a pac"age filled the pouch up twice
with water and dran" that also. That night I repeated the action and went to bed. I slept that
night, I slept all that day. I wo"e too" mid day too" the Soul and again before bed I too"
another one. &hen I wo"e the neAt day I felt better, less achy.
$ll together I too" five of the trail boA of seven. My grand daughter has severe asthma and
a diseased right lung. &hen she gets pneumonia regularly and often times she ends up in
#hildren?s =ospital. She was getting sic" so I gave her the last three pac"ets. She did not
have to be admitted.
Mr !ill 0aston called in the mist of all of this to see how it was wor"ing for me. I had
already decided that I was going to get involved.
Mr. 0aston called bac" a wee" or so later, I was in too much pain to tal" to him so I as"ed
if it would be o"ay if he would wal" my husband through the sign up process. I did not
"now which level my husband chose till several days later.
&hen my Soul arrived I too" the Soul twice a day for two days the third day I stopped
ta"ing all prescription meds. I continued twice a day for a total of five days.
I then decided to do an eAperiment< fast for three days ta"ing only the soul three times a
day and water. 'ne of the Soul members suggested adding fruit which I did. That night I
slept well and wo"e up before eleven. /o head ache I felt good.
My lower bac" felt a lot better although as the day wore on it became more agitated. I
would drin" another pac"et of Soul and rest. The second day I had more energy I had
increased the Soul by one pac" Q four pac"s a dayR I felt so good that I along with a few
household chores, I washed, conditioned and flat ironed my own hair, Q this is Iuite a feat
because my hair is relatively long, and I am blac" so it ta"es a couple of hours to
The neAt morning, the last day was not a good one. I had done too much too soon. My
right shoulder was spasmodic. I too" my four pac"s of Soul for that day. 'ne of the Soul
members advised me that it?s better to gradually stop meds if that is my goal to do instead
of 4ust stopping, I agree but I also thin" that it is better to ta"e your time and rest while you
are healing with the Soul.
Today I am medication free, I am not in constant pain any more. I still have my days, but
they are a lot less severe. I am not only sleeping at night, I am completely rested when I
wa"e. This morning I wo"e up at +<)0 ( I "now for most of you that?s sleeping in but for
me it is a triumph. I am more alert, have more energy and the best thing of all, on Saturday
I too" three of my five grand daughters out for a girls day, we ate, we shopped, and went to
the movies. I have not felt well enough to do that in over two years.
Soul &or"s( /o one has to go through the eAtremes that I did to get results, you normally
ta"e a pac" a day. I 4ust wanted to feel better sooner. This is my fourth wee" of ta"ing the
Soul. My husband is now ta"ing it also. Mattie Bohnson - 3M)CMDH
2ree &adi!al ;eto) - *nother *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
@I consider myself pretty healthy as I am in the perfect !MI range, ta"e health
supplements and I eAercise everyday. !ut when a friend as"ed me to ta"e a ree 8adical
Test a month ago, I was shoc"ed to see the results reflected otherwise. It showed that my
body had Iuite an above average free radical level. So I was recommended to ta"e 8$I/3s
Soul daily.
Initially, I felt very sleepy for about two wee"s. My bowel movements was more freIuent,
having me going to the toilet to clear about ) to 3 times a day. I understood there was a
detoA effect happening. $fter ) wee"s, I felt lighter and clear-minded.
$fter a month and till today, I reali;ed that my compleAion loo"s much better and a +L-
reduction of brea"out on my face. ine lines on my forehead and corner of my eyes have
reduced too.
riends tell me that I loo"ed rosy and pin" compared to dull and dar" as before. I feel that
I have more energy to do my daily chores and play golf now.
I strongly recommend 8$I/3s Soul who seriously want to feel the impact of good health.
-Bul, 8 @
/astrointestinal !hallenges. - 7"st 'n... *nother *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
E!efore 8ain, I used multiple servings of several liIuid supplements that were costly and
caused weight gain, gassiness, bloating, and gastrointestinal challenges. urther, when I
missed even one serving, I had problems with my sugar levels, energy, sleep, and
headaches. I struggled with 4et lag that could ta"e wee"s for ad4ustment. &ith 8ain, those
issues are gone. I use far fewer supplements resulting in significant savings. I feel great,
have lots of energy, sleep soundly, I rarely have a headache, and gastrointestinal function is
much improved. I have lost D dress si;e and, on a recent trip from South 0ast $sia, 4et lag
was reduced from wee"s to 4ust ) days.F U#arolyn &.
EThis will be historic growth for all of usW I3m eAcited to be part of it and I will wor"
harder than ever to meet and eAceed all of my goals. or everyone in this group, I offer my
services to help with any technical and medical Iuestions. 5et3s lift each other up and push
the entire group to the highest possible level. $ll of 9'% have become part of my &=9W
Success is a 4ourney that involves sharing and bringing others along the pathW .od bless
you(F U 2r. Stan .rossF.
?eart("rn #ain - *nother *43SO,3 SOUL Testimon% 7"st 'n
@I give this to my husband for the pain he has from a spinal in4ury. It wor"s for him. Since
I?ve been using it, though I do not suffer any great pains or illness, I have regular heartburn
brought on by most anything and nothing.
I noticed yesterday, I only remember having heartburn once in the past days I started using
S'%5@ #onnie Isaacs 8andall
?earing - *nother *43SO,3 SOUL Testimon% 7"st 'n
.ood morning. I want to share what is going on with 0ddie Stewart and his growing team.
=e had hearing issues. 'n the day he received his product, he too" one soul, then thirty
minutes later too" a second pac"et. =e said his ears started ringing, then ringing louder.
Then he said he got a little nervous as he then felt a pressure in his ears. Then there was
some pops....then a whoosh of air and his hearing is bac".....
That?s within 4ust a couple hours of his first day of ta"ing Soul( /eedless to say he is
ecstatic(( 'ne of his partners received their boA on Thursday and on Sunday he called
0ddie because his wife?s moles under her eyes all fell off......... $lrighty then((
--- $ngel Thompson
?earing im#ro$ement : >nee 6ain - *nother *43SO,3 SOUL Testimon% 7"st 'n
I love S'%5.... I had been drin"ing Soul for only a couple of days when my "nee pain left
I twisted my "nee a couple of years ago and limped for over a year... I did start wal"ing
better but when I sat for any length of time Qover DL-)0 minutes or soR or too" even a short
car ride, I would have to stand up N still for a minute or so for my "nee N hip to @warm
up@... I no longer need to @warm up@ before wal"ing and it has also become so much easier
to wal" up stairs( I am ama;ed(((( $5S', I started noticing a hearing loss DL-)0 or so
years ago. I have seen 3 0/T specialist, each has told me I have a very unusual hearing
loss, one even wanted to do surgery to see what was going on Qno than"sR. $bout C months
ago I read an article saying some hearing loss can be due to nutrition, I started eating a
couple of tablespoons of chia seeds daily and did see QhearR an improvement... but now
that I am drin"ing S'%5 I noticed last night that I can hear the blin"er in my car( I can
hear the !5I/G08( It does not sound li"e much but it has been so long since I have heard
one that I am pretty darn 0K#IT02(((( I 5'70 S'%5(((( I feel very blessed to have
found 8ain International and to be apart of this team( 0veryone is so nice(((
-- .retchen Su;anne
?eada!hes and .e!5 6ain - *nother *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
or )L years I have suffered from headaches and nec" pain due to old football in4uries. I
reali;e there is more to what causes the pain, li"e stress, poor diet, and too many soda
drin"s. !ut even when I would decrease the soda pop, try to decrease my stress, and eat
better, I still was missing something. That is where the science comes in for me, and how
giving the body the essential nutrients will allow it to perform in the miraculous way it is
intended. &hen my friend gave me some pac"ets of Soul, I tried two the first day. Then
two more pac"ets the neAt morning. or the first time in )L years I did not need two 0Atra
Strength $cetaminophen tablets to minimi;e the pain. My body was throwing off cortisol
li"e a great running bac" does defenders, and was leaving nothing left to fight the pain.
The potency of combining three seeds was what I needed. $t first I didn3t understand the
science, I 4ust "new that I didn3t need pills to fiA my ailments. My immune system was
becoming amplified with the combination of blac" cumin seed, blac" raspberry seed,
chardonnay grape seed and 2-ribose. !rian =a;elgren, OhoeniA, $J
?i# s!iati! #ain - *nother *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
I haven?t any pressing health issues $TM, though I am L,, very active, however I had some
pain in my left hip at night mostly, sometimes very painful. It would wa"e me up and I had
to lay on my bac" to ease the pain. I reali;ed today that I have been ta"ing Soul along with
my husband for a little more than a wee", who has gotten great relief from bac" sciatic
pain, that this hip pain hasn?t visited me since I started this drin". =mmm. /ice(( 9onnie
?i# re#la!ement - *nother *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
I am thin"ing we have found the ountain of 9outh. Oeople are pouring into this program
li"e cra;y because of testimonies li"e this one below. Oeople that do Xenergy wor"3 and
"inesiology and all that say this product puts out good vibes li"e no other. 'ne XeApert3
said the freIuency of each ingredient is unbelievably good but when you put them all
together Soul becomes a Xsymphony orchestra?.
It3s no wonder people say they 4ust Xcrave3 this stuff and can3t live without it. %pdate this
morning on the lady that had the hip pain so bad she needed a hip replacement and after
three p"s of Soul the first day she could wal" without much pain. 5ast night she slept all
night for the first time in months-she thin"s this stuff is a miracle.
- $drian Matthews
?ot 2lashes - *nother *43SO,3 *43SO,3 SOUL Testimon%0
Gathy !rant =uber< @I had S07080 hot flashes, drenching me, ma"ing me nauseous, and
ma"ing my head spinning, every )0-30 minutes for months(
I wo"e up at night every H0-C0 minutes, and had to change my 4ammie?s D-3 times per
night. 5et me tell you I am so happy and relieved.
'", I?m at L days with /' hot flashes, and /' night sweats. I love this stuff(
Yuit ta"ing Orilosec H days ago, and for the first time in my life, no heartburn.
9es, I?m signing up to be a distributor(@
or )0 years, 8ain Soul is the only product that I "now it wor"s well with the "idney.
&hen we reach C0 years old, it is estimated that our "idney will slow down by about H0-.
If we ta"e a lot of medications, it will be worse.
If you suffer sugar problems, high or low, your "idney will be in trouble very soon.
Ta"e 8ain Soul daily to "eep your "idney healthy all the days of your life(
>idne% ;ial%sis - *nother *43SO,3 *43SO,3 SOUL Testimon%0
Some people been under go "idney dialysis for ) years, after consuming ) boAes rain soul
QLC sachetsR, now stop dialysis already, what "ind of great news is this(( wish people
suffering from dialysis can get lesser or free from dialysis after consume rain soul.
Gidney Oroblems - caused from long-term medication lead to foot edema. This lady?s foot
"ept swelling for many years.
She had tried plenty of ways to heal her pain but none of them seemed to wor". 0ven the
doctors had given up and the hospital sent her home for may times. She even had vein
swelling of small blood vessels.
=er sister introduced 8ain Soul to her and she immediately started ta"ing this golden
supplement. $fter 3 wee"s she saw that her legs swellings improved a lot. She says<
@than"s to 8ain Soul, today I have a second life released from pain and away from
medications??. ---- Susie Gwo"
5nee 6ain - *nother *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
I was at a wedding recently QHMD3MDHR when I bumped into a former co-wor"er. She was
wal"ing very gingerly with the assistance of a cane. &hen I as"ed her what had happened
she told me she had twisted her "nee many wee"s ago and was having trouble with
fleAibility and "now what?s neAt right1
I told her about S'%5 and she immediately wanted to try the * day sample. She tried it.
0Aperienced some early results and decided she wanted more so she bought a boA(
&e chatted about a wee" ago and she told me she was feeling much better and had plans to
stic" with the product because nothing else she tried seemed to be wor"ing.
Today, I bumped into her cane and barely a visible limp(( She is so eAcited
about S'%5 and I was 4ust as happy as she was.....seeing Is truly believing((
--- Grystal 2onald
5nee re#la!ement - *nother *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
SiA months ago I had my right "nee replaced and now am planning to have my left "nee
replaced in another three months. I3ve been dealing with a great deal of pain, soreness and
stiffness, especially in the morning when I wa"e up. I tried two pac"s of soul a day for
three days as a trial and after the third day I found I could get out of bed in the morning
with much less pain and stiffness than I3ve had for the last siA months. I3ve also found that
I can reduce the amount of pain pills I3m ta"ing a day which ma"es it much easier for me
to go to wor" with a clear head. I was very s"eptical that a natural product li"e Soul could
help me in such a drastic way but I3m certainly a believer now. 0veryone should give this
product a try and see if it can improve their life li"e it has for me. !arry #, Seattle, &$
5nee re#la!ement - *nother *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
@I learned of Soul from #liff =. at church. I had a "nee replacement and had a hard time
with it. I was using a wal"er longer than usual, then a cane. I was becoming a bit
$fter 3 days of Soul at 3 pac"s a day, the pain left and my mobility was greatly improved.
It was a welcome and pleasant surprise. Than" you Soul(@ -Marty &.
>nee 6ain- *nother *43SO,3 SOUL Testimon% 7"st 'n
=ello !ob, I would li"e to than" you very much for introducing me to @ S'%5 @. $fter 3
wee"s of ta"ing S'%5 twice a day, I have /' O$I/ in my legs or "nees. It feels .80$T
to be able to get on the tractor, climb barn steps and go bowling again without O$I/. I also
noticed that my s"in tags are disappearing, i?m losing weight and prostate is getting better.
'n 0$8T= 2$9 i turned ? *D ? and feel .80$T ((
Than"s........8ain International for a .80$T O8'2%#T ((
8egards, 0verly 0 Spurrier Br
>nee 6ain - *nother *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
@&hen I wal" out of my motor coach, it?s not a normal step li"e wal"ing down ordinary
stairs, the coach ma"es you step sideways as you wal" down the 3 steps, that puts pressure
QsidewaysR with all your weight on that one downhill "nee.
I really only notice it wal"ing down those stair or in a situation li"e reading in bed with my
"nee bent up toward the ceiling . &hen I straighten it, it snaps and causes a pain in the
$fter only H days after faithfully ta"ing S'%5, the pain in the "nee
is definitely gone. I am happy(@ - 0ric S.
>nee #ain - 7"st 'n... *nother /reat SOUL Testimonial0
@My mother, who is ,C-yrs young, has a caregiver who is no spring chic"en herself. The
caregiver has bone on bones "nees and is frightened of surgery and "nee replacement. She
used to ta"e lots of 7icoden, watch soaps, and nap a lot.
She starts her )nd boA today and she is truly a changed woman.
She stays in the yard, trimmed Mom?s hedge?s Q(R, and she?s full of energy and ma"es no
mention of pain meds these days.
My Mother says< 2on?t ta"e @that 4uice@ after Hpm, you?ll have to much night-time energy(
They both love S'%5. $nd since they are both @set in their ways@ , it would have been
very easy for them to 4ust dismiss the product.@
-7ance $.
Leg 9ram#s - *nother *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
@or the past couple years I have had terrible leg cramps in the middle of the night that
would awa"en me and I would have to get out of bed and wal" the floor trying to get my
toes to straighten out and for the cramping to stop.
/ow after ta"ing Soul for only five days I am sleeping through the night, no more
cramping and I awa"e rested and ready to go. !eing ready to go in the past was prevented
by a swollen right "nee from arthritis which caused me to fear I was going to have to have
"nee replacement surgery li"e many of my friends. /ow after ta"ing Soul the swelling in
that "nee has gone done considerably and the soreness is almost gone and I am indeed
ready to go. To go with increased energy, I now wal" further.
Le"5emia - *nother *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
Bune =ong - Testimony< Dst eb )0DH was a nightmare for my family when everyone were
getting ready to celebrate #hinese /ew 9ear but I?ve received a call from my sister in
Mela"a. She was weeping and told me that her D,months old daughter has 5eu"emia. She
said they can not come home this /ew 9ear because baby Siew Siew must start on #hemo
treatment asap. 2uring that anAious moment, I can only pray and trust .od(
I?m so than"ful for an angel, 8achel started to broadcast about my niece?s situation to her
company downline and I was so surprise by the many volunteers willing to contribute this
/utrition drin" called Soul for my niece. 2uring the time when baby Siew Siew was on
her #hemo treatment, we also gave her the drin" Soul. $fter a few wee"s, I was ama;ed
that baby has no side effect while other "ids in the same ward who went through the
#hemo treatment appears wea", shows no energy and don?t have appetites. %nli"e other
"ids, my niece was still eAtremely active, and she can dance until her bed was sha"ing. She
could sing and clap((
Today ,th May )0DH was a Boyful day for me(( $fter three months, we finally heard this
great news from doctor?s report: her bone morrow has come bac" to normal, blast was only
D- and there is no need to eat the meduce capsule daily anymore. She only need to come
bac" to the hospital monthly for body chec" up. This coming Sunday will be her inal
#hemo treatment(
Indeed .od is our =ealer and than"s .od for her speedy recovery. Oraise the 5ord((
Than" .od for this $ma;ing product Soul from 8ain company. I can not wait to share this
good news and hope it will help more sic" people. .od !less(
L"#"s - *n *,*-'./ SOUL Testimon% 7"st 'n0
@ I am LL years old female, 3, years ago I was diagnosed with 5upus Q I have been told I
li"ely have had this since I was 3R, about DL years ago I was diagnosed with ibromyalgia.
I have also been diagnosed with, chronic insomnia, restrictive lung disease, mitral N aortic
valve lea"age, osteoarthritis in all my 4oint, degenerative discs #), 3, H, N 5,H,L,C N *,
anAiety N bouts of depression N 4ust recently I have been told I have a small brain tumor
Qli"ely benignR N that the frontal lobe of my brain behind my forehead is atrophied N
separating from my s"ull. I also had to have my left "nee replaced ) years ago.
I had to use a wal"er to get around N use a motori;ed cart in the grocery store. ) months
after surgery they had to put me under again to force the "nee to bend as the scar tissue had
built up so Iuic"ly that I wasn3t able to get the range of motion I needed to wal" properly.
3 months after that they had to put me under again N this time open me up N replace the
plastic disc in the "nee that had crac"ed because my scar tissue bro"e it.
Since then I have not been able to get a full range of motion N have had trouble going
down stairs. I have to ta"e them sideways.
I have been close to death four times that I am aware of. The last time in )00D when my
lupus attac"ed my blood N I became septic N had to have a blood transfusion.
I have been on morphine for the last D0 years, sometimes as much as D,0 mg a day N for
the last ) years ,0mg a day, H mg a day of warfarin Q the same ingredient used in rat
poisonR, 'Aa;epam, #lona;epam, KanaA 3 a day, gravolQanti-nauseaR,#elebreA, )-
OlaIuenil Qan anti-malarial drug that3s main side effect if blindness, #andesartan Q!O
medication ta"en for "idney functionR #eleAa, and H sene"ot a dayQto counteract the
I was given my Dst pac"et of S'%5 on Buly 3, )0DH. That was the beginning of my new
life. That day I felt more energi;ed than I have felt in years. 9et I wasn3t hyper or 4ittery
and I was able to rest that night. The neAt morning Buly H, )0DH, I decided to give it a try,
and that is when my life changed forever.
I started ta"ing ) pac"ets of S'%5 a day N stopped ta"ing the morphine all together.
&ithin D0 days I had weaned myself off all the prescriptions I was on as well as the over
the counter stuff. I have been virtually pain free N sleeping wMo the use or drugs.
Today I can wal" down the steps much more easily, most times wal"ing li"e a EnormalF
human being. My range of motion is getting better, even though I may have to have
another XmanipulationF done on my "nee to brea" up the scar tissue surrounding the "nee
The inflammation in my left leg is going down. Today I am a happier, healthier more
serene, pain free person than I was before S'%5. S'%5 has freed me from the bondage of
pain, limitations N fear. I have had my blood tested to ma"e sure I wasn3t going run the
ris" of yet another blood clot, and today everything is wor"ing much better than it did in
the past.
Than" .od for S'%5 and the people that brought it to not 4ust me, but to all of /orth
$merica.@ -#olleen S.
,ental !larit% - *nother *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
&hen I started the S'%5 product from the company called 8$I/ Things were happening
that I had not eAperienced before, especially in my head. I no longer have the fu;;y head. I
am functioning with more mental clarity, and I am remembering things I have not, since
childhood. My bones and muscles seem to be getting stronger, and I do not hurt deep in
my bones as I did. My movements are becoming more fluid, and I stand up with less
grunts than I did.
I have a wonderful over all feeling inside. It is hard to eAplain, but there is a sense of well
being I have not felt, in many years. I am eAcited to see what else transpires from using
this great tasting product(@ Many !lessings, #armen @
,igraines - *nother *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
@My chronic migraines are now manageable, and they last nowhere near as long. If I wa"e
up with a headache, it will disappear by midday. If I get one at night, it3s often gone by
morning. !efore S'%5, this never happened before. Than" you S'%5( @
- 5ouise 8.
,igraines Aertigo - *nother *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
rom B#?s friend, 52
$ little history here, B# has Migraine $ssociated 7ertigo,Q2i;;inessR. &as in bed for D-DM)
years with this until she tried, OKO 0n;acta. !ut was ta"ing D0 scoops a day, which was
very eApensive,QPD,000 a month she told meR but still had di;;iness. &as on 5aminine, but
had bad detoAing every day.
B# - The third pac"et did it(( My di;;iness went &$9 down( Suddenly.
I upgraded my account, went 0lite and have a !%/#= of S'%5 coming my way.
I can3t wait to hear from Bim about how he3s doing on three a day. If he3s not doing well
on three I3ll try bumping him up further. QB# does energy wor"R
Than"s so much for introducing me to this product( It is changing my life (((
I $M still on OKO. $nd I won3t go off OKO until the di;;iness is .'/0( $nd it3s not yet.
!ut my guidance tells me that with continued use of S'%5 I3ll get better relief.
$fter two days on 3 pac"s a day, I wo"e up the neAt morning with a sudden drop in
di;;iness. I would say by ,0-. That3s a 5'T all at one time( I3ve never eAperienced that
much relief all at one time before. This means much greater freedom for me in my life. I
will actually be able to start eAercising, dancing again(
%sually, by the end of the day I3m in such discomfort that I don3t want company, I 4ust
want to sit and do nothing. 5ast night, after a very active day, I called a friend and said,
5et3s go out( &e went out and ate, I actually had an appetite, and my appetite has been so
poor for years. So I had a big hamburger Qvery unusual for meR and had a couple of drin"s,
and I do not drin"( I 4ust felt li"e being a normal person, going out in the world and
having a good time( I didn3t get home until midnight. I3m usually sleeping by D0 pm. $ll
was fine.
It was li"e a blossoming( I3ve been telling myself for years that EThis is o"ay. I don3t need
to be out li"e other people. I li"e to be by myself.F $nd this may be true, but for it to be
forced on me vs by my choice are two very different things.
I am so impressed and so happy with this product. I will be sharing this news all over the
place. $nd O50$S0 share my news freely U always. 9ou never need my permission(
I am going to start doing this.
'ne more thing. I also put some of the product on my face each time I ta"e some by
mouth. I have some deep lines between my eyebrows. They are almost gone( These were
very deep crevices. &orry lines( This is incredible( I now don3t loo" li"e I3m afraid all
the time. U AoAo - B#
,"lti#le S!lerosis - *nother *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
'n a call this evening Bedd /eilson, a licensed physical therapist in %tah, gave the
testimony of a friend of his who suffered with Multiple Sclerosis. This man is H* years old
and has lived with MS for D0 years. =e was able to be ta"en off * of his meds after 4ust D
wee" on S'%5, including 5ortab N /eurontin. Orevious to ta"ing Soul he was in constant
pain, unable to do a lot of his daily activities, such as mowing his bac" yard in a single
session. =is bac" pain was so severe that he could only mow one lap, then go inside and
rest, then do another lap and rest... In the very first month on S'%5, he was able to mow
the entire yard at one time with no resting(( SiA months later and he is still seeing
incredible results: and he3s still off of the * medications. =e actually told Bedd that he feels
li"e he regained about DL-)0 years of his life(
,S - ,"lti#le S!lerosis - *nother *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
I have been fighting the MS battle for D, years now. It has brought me down into a wheel
chair the past DL years. I have wor"ed the gambit of treatments. C different medications
over theD, years. S'%5 has given me the best hope to regaining my life. I have only ta"en
at the DL pouches and I am ama;ed at my recovery that I have made already, and this is
recovery not remission. So welcome to the family, and get ready to start your life again.
--- Michael 2avis
.ar!ole#s% - *nother *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
This testimony on /arcolepsy was reported a few months ago by one of our 8O that
attended a meeting and herd this testimony.
E'ne of the most noteworthy testimonies was from a cab driver from /igeria who has
Qhad1R narcolepsy. =e had recently fallen asleep at the wheel and wrec"ed his cab crossing
several lanes of traffic. =e couldn?t be left alone as he would fall asleep while coo"ing or
in public. $s of the meeting-- he was sleeping li"e a normal human should while on
S'%5. The cause of narcolepsy is a compromised immune system. .oogle says< 'ptimal
amounts of antioAidants are needed for maintenance of the immune system.F
.e!5 6ain - 7"st 'n... *nother *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
@$fter 3 days and upping myself to ) pac"s.... I am 4ust ama;ed. I had some type of
chronic nec" pain that I could not get rid of. I had been prescribed muscle relaAers.
I was ta"ing over the counter anti inflammatory. /othing wor"ed. It even started affecting
my sleep. I was totally miserable. I was getting pressure from my health care provider to
get an Aray which QI?m a nurse, so I "now the processR, could only lead to a neurosurgeon
referral if there?s something wrong.
8ain stopped the pain( #ompletely(
I cannot begin to eAplain the relief I have from almost being in tears everyday( It has also
corrected a bowel issue I had, stomach problems, headaches. It has even helped my
depression and stopped my insomnia.
I can tell it is wor"ing on my diabetes and high blood pressure too(-
-Tammi =.
.e!5 6ain - *nother *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
@&e 4ust started to use the S'%5 pouches by 8ain. ran and I started with one pouch the
first day. ran started ta"ing one pouch 3 times daily and I started ta"ing two pouches
daily. I had been suffering from strained muscles in my nec" since March. !y Saturday
$ugust D0th my nec" was about ,0- better and today $ugust D)th I have -0- Jero pain((
$lso the arthritis pain in my arms has almost disappeared. .reat news(( =opefully, when
we go bac" to the 'rthopedic Surgeon on Tuesday, ran?s bro"en bones in her foot will
show growth.
Than" you S'%5 from 8$I/((@
ran and .lenn S.
Old inB"r% 6ain - *nother *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
2oes anyone have an old in4ury from high school or other1 My husband in4ured his
playing football in =S. =ad surgery to repair the torn acl. ast forward 30 years. $ge, 4obs
that reIuired a lot of sIuatting, climbing in and out of truc"s and heavy lifting Qhe was a
diesel mechanic and then dump truc" driverR. I heard on a constant basis, @my damn "nee
is about to fall off@. =e 4ust learned to deal with the pain, stiffness, inflammation, etc. In
the meantime, I 4oin 8ain International in 'ctober and pic" him to be on of my @voluntary@
testers along with myself, my mom and his parents. &ithout going on and on with the
results and sounding li"e some hyped-up cra;y infomercial you see at 3am, that after only
3 days, he had J08' pain in his "nee. Jip, nada, none( =e also had torn his rotator cuff
while pitching in a softball game and then again several years later when he slipped on ice
trying to help someone that got stuc" in our yard. 2ecided to not have surgery, and again
being the tough guy, 4ust learned to live with it. =owever, as a result of the in4ury, he
wasn?t able to raise his arms above his head. Same story, 3-H days later, he is able to raise
both arms above his head and swing them around with full range of motion. /eedless to
say, we are a believer.
!y< 5aonda 8obbins
6ain on hand + n"m(ness (oth arms - *nother *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
2ottie .annotti - LMD,M)0DH
@=i, My name is 2ottie .annotti I am L3 years old. I was introduced to the product called
Soul over the computer, when I first saw the video I "new I had to be a part of this. I had
some pings and pangs N numbness down both arms could not sleep on my sides for I
would be in pain. or C months, I ignored it. &hen it became severe pain in my right hand,
affecting me from cutting hair, I went to a holistic doctor-- he told me I had hearth issues.
/othing I did got rid of the hand pain.
I too" Soul and in five hrs the pain in my right hand was gone. In three days the pings and
pangs in heart went away and I now can sleep on my sides Qmuch more comfortableR. I
"now my heart is healing /$T%8$559.
My s"in is tighter on my face wrin"les on forehead .'/0 but also my legs Qless celluliteR
are smoother. I have abundant energy and I had been needing ,-D0 hrs of sleep a night...
/ot anymore... L-* is all I need to be well rested and ready for a full day.
I had lea"y gut syndrome that is gone.
I had a growth on the inside of my toe and it is almost gone. My nails are growing li"e
cra;y Qnever had that beforeR
The cells in my !ody are so grateful for this $M$JI/. O8'2%#T.
Than" you .'2 and 8ain International for this eAtreme nutritional product.
I never want to be without my S'%5(@ 2ottie .annotti
6ain in ne!5 to tail (one - 7"st 'n... *nother *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
Sharing...!lessings, .ratitude N 5ove( - This morning got up pretty good Than" .'2(
$fter a while got a terrible pain from my nec" to almost my tailbone...I too" one )o;.
pouch S'%5, I/ $!'%T DL-)L M/S. T=0 O$I/ &$S .'/0..5ess than an hour later I
was gyrating, with arms stretched shoulder length from left to right )D times without
O$I/. Maria 5ash
6ain 'nflammation - 7"st 'n... *nother *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
Thought you would find this interesting. $ member of our upline is a physical therapist
that uses Soul in his practice. =is words....regarding using Soul in place of the gel with his
machines.. he said it?s better than morphine for pain and that he has never seen anything
wor" faster to bring down inflammation. one pac"et will treat L patients. $lmost everyone
he uses it on becomes a customer.
6ain - *nother *43SO,3 SOUL Testimon% 7"st 'n0
@&hat happens when 9'% get your finger S5$MM02 in a door1
If 9'% have ever suffered with O$I/, I mean T=8'!!I/. O$I/(((
The O$I/ that is felt when 9'% slam your finger in a door.
O%5SI/., T=8'!!I/., 0/250SS O$I/ that sends signals to your
brain every time your =eart pumps( That 9'% are feeling my O$I/. The instant that door
S5$MS and it catches your finger the S0$8I/. !'5T of O$I/ that the !rain lets 9'%
"now that 9'%
are seconds from passing out.
Imagine that "ind of O$I/ on a 4oint, maybe a an"le, instep, "nee, chin, shoulder, finger
$/9&=080 that ) bones meet in your body and /'& thin" of that O$I/ turned %O and
left on for minutes, hours, days and sometimes months, that is how long an acute $TT$#G
of I/5$MM$TI'/ in the !ody can last.
If 9'% "now $/9'/0 who is S%08I/. with O$I/ let them "now that 9'% may
have a cure.
This product that I have been ta"ing now for 3 months has been a #hristmas Miracle( I
never gave up and "ept praying for .od to heal me and I G/'& my prayers have been
answered. I have been O$I/ 800 and now it is time for me to share this incredible story.
8ain International produces this $M$JI/. and O'&08%5 $55 /$T%8$5 O$I/
805I0708 SS'%5T. I #$/ &$5G, 8%/ and B%MO again(
The harder 9'% loo" the better this company loo"s( There is a D00- money bac"
guarantee...So the only thing 9'% have to lose is your O$I/(@
- Morgen
6ain &elief - *nother *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
@I 4ust got off the phone with my hairdresser, she called me completely ama;ed and blown
away.. in 4ust the first sample I?d given her yesterday afternoon she eAperienced D00- pain
relief and range of motion in a shoulder which has been eAtremely painful for the past ,
years... it?s due to repetitive motion after 3L years of wor"ing her profession.
She said today she s"ipped the advil and dran" another Soul... she?s in love( 9ay( I so love
to hear how I can help people with a safe alternative to drugs(@
Stephanie 2.
6ain and energ% - *nother *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
@I wanted to wait until I had eAperienced Soul so I would have my own story .F I have
been ta"ing the Soul product for about ) wee"s, and at the same time, I have been
spending a great deal of time sitting at the computer and /' time eAercising, stretching or
going to yoga classes.
U In other words I have not been doing the only things that have ever alleviated the pain -
not even once during the last 3 wee"s.
/ow the pain is reduced by over +0- - and the only thing I can contribute it to is the Soul
product. $lso, my husband and I both noticed that we have a much higher level of
sustained steady energy throughout the day and right up until bedtime. I love this product
and would not go one day without it(
rom a business perspective, as a previous principal of a networ" mar"eting company, I
predict 8ain Qbased on the merits of the product and testimonials on Soul to dateR will out-
perform all of the X4uice3 companies combined.
Than"s for turning me on to this product =erb(@
2eb S.
6ain from Stern"m + 3nerg%- *nother *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
My name is 8ene =oover. I have been a flight attendant for almost )0 years and on one of
my overnights I slipped in the bathtub and separated ) ribs from my sternum. That was on
5abor 2ay of )0D). I was out of wor" for C months and have been on continued therapy
even though I had gone bac" to wor".
I was dealing with pain on a daily basis and doctors told me that the pain could be there for
) to L years before I might feel relief. I started ta"ing rain daily at the end of Buly and 4ust
last wee" the doctor released me and said that the recovery process had been much faster
than he had eApected.
$fter HL days on the S'%5 product I am now completely pain free. Than" you 8ain Intl.
for such a great product. /ot only am I pain free, but I have much more energy than I have
had in many years.
&ash on hands - *nother *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
I have had a rash on my hands for ) years now, and my dermatologist has never been able
to figure out what it is, or a cause. The only thing the doctor and I "new was that
prednisone was the only thing that helped... until it would come bac"... then another round
of prednisone. I have been so sic" and tired of the vicious cycle, and having poor Iuality
of life with painful and inflamed hands. I had been drin"ing D S'%5 a day for
approAimately ) wee"s Qbecause I "ept giving people samples from my first month?s
stash(R, when I reali;ed my rash was disappearing( I had not eApected that to happen( I
have had many other wonderful things Qwhich I will tal" about in later postsR transpire,
most were immediate, so I was surprised when I reali;ed my hands were returning to
normal( To have normal, healthy hands again is so ama;ing( I am loo"ing forward to what
other wonderful things will happen with continued use of S'%5... it is an eAponentially
phenomenal product and there is /'T=I/. else li"e it((( U Stephanie
&agweed allerg% tonsillitis1 - *nother *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
I am thrilled to have had the opportunity to get "now the S'%5 and that we are the
beneficiaries of this product(
Since year )000 I have been suffering from allergies caused by ragweed. 0very year
during the period of flowering ragweed I would have suffered already well "nown
symptoms: runny nose, snee;ing, itchy throat, my eyes were watering and itching, and
there would be even severe tightness in the throat... or choc"ing sensation I got the pump
and the doctor said I would in a few years be asthmatic.
&hen I started to use S'%5 4ust ended season flowering ragweed, so I had to wait almost
a year to see whether it will have a positive effect on me and my allergies. !ut I have not
given up on ta"ing S'%5(
My first observation after using S'%5 is as follows< in the evening I could always be
more awa"e and I needed less sleep but still feel vibrant and fresh in the morning.
My twins, daughter and son are using half a sachet per day and than"s to S'%5 we
avoided tonsillectomy with my son. =is tonsils are still great, and there is no inflammation
at all, than"s to the blac" cumin which is reducing inflammation. 5ast year, when the
ragweed flowering season arrived, I 4ust felt some mild symptoms. Then I increased the
daily dose of S'%5 on two sachets and all my symptoms were completely gone.
I am very grateful to my sponsor that introduced me to S'%5 product. I thin" it is also my
duty to introduce more people to this phenomenal product, because I do believe that
everyone deserves good health and well-being( - arago 0r>ebet
&etino#ath% e%es 6ain *nother *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
@I have waited to share my testimonial about this wonderful product. $s I have shared with
you I eAperienced a great decrease in pain in my hips, legs and feet. almost immediately
after starting S'%5.
I had been told that within two years I would have also have cataract surgery in both eyes.
$lso, for the past two and one half years I have been eAperiencing serious diabetic
retinopathy in my left eye. I have been given many in4ections in the eye and laser
treatments. That would only help temporarily.
Then this past Bune while on an out of town trip, I went totally blind in that eye. There was
so much blood in the eye, I could not see to drive home. That led to surgery to clear the
eye. The surgery helped but still did not have complete sight. $lso, my 8etinal Specialist
told me that the cataract surgery would have to be soon because of the surgery, the
cataracts would grow more rapidly.
I began ta"ing the S'%5 late $ugust. $fter three wee"s on the S'%5, I saw an
'ptometrist for glasses and he told me that my cataracts were so small I probably would
not need cataract surgery for another D0 years. I wanted to re4oice at that time but was a
little unsure.
Today, I saw my 8etinal Specialist. I was one letter off from having )0M)0 vision. T=0/,
he said, @you "now we tal"ed about the cataract growing more rapidly due to the surgery
we did1 &ell, they are still really small, you are good to go.@
I "now it had to be the S'%5 because I am not ta"ing any other supplements.@ - Marilyn
=. , /#
&he"matoid arthritis - *nother *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
E$s I have become older, I have developed rheumatoid arthritis. My whole life I have been
active and en4oyed doing things with my hands. $s my condition worsened, the 4oints in
my hands and wrists have become so painful that normal activities are sometimes
It is difficult to imagine the frustration I have felt as I have wor"ed with doctors to treat
my condition. I have been told that there is not much that can be done, and that really the
only thing I can do is ta"e prescription anti-inflammatory medicine and other types of pain
&hile those treatments help to a degree, I am worried about the long-term effects their side
effects may have on my health. $ few months ago, I was introduced to 8ain and Soul. I
can3t believe what has happened.
My inflammation and pain in my affected 4oints is much improved. 0ven my emotional
and psychological state is better "nowing that I can manage my arthritis with the help of
such an incredible natural product.
Than" you 8ain( F. - Garen !
S!hi=o#hrenia - 7"st in. *wesome So"l testimon%.
0li;abeth, age HC, Toronto '/, #anada
Schi;ophrenia is a mental disorder, a chemical imbalance in the brain, characteri;ed by a
brea"down of thought processes and by a deficit of typical emotional responses. #ommon
symptoms include auditory hallucinations, paranoid or bi;arre delusions, or disorgani;ed
speech and thin"ing, and it is accompanied by significant social or occupational
The mainstay of treatment is anti-psychotic medication, which primarily suppresses
dopamine Qand sometimes serotoninR receptor activity.
2iagnosed with Schi;ophrenia DD years ago, at the age of 3L. Ta"ing anti-psychotic
medication Q$bilify 30mg dailyR, and 5ora;epam when feeling anAiety.
0Aperienced a lot of side effects<
Sensation of bubbles in the head and mild di;;iness, feeling dull and general numbness
and slow response.
Inability to smell and taste: always had a smell of dust in the nostrils, taste very bland.
2id not feel hunger, or thirst, had a daily schedule when to eat and drin".
Since I started using Soul, all this is in the past now. My brain now functions very well.
!oth symptoms and side effects are gone . I en4oy my life again, I am very happy. I
couldn?t believe the difference that Soul made in 4ust a few short days and wee"s.
I recommend Soul to everyone. It?s very powerful.
Started ta"ing Soul Bun DL, )0D3. 3 pac"s for first * days, then ) pac"s daily.
2ay D and )< Mild headache.
2ay 3< 0mesis and headache gone.
2ay H< Started feeling thirsty, throat felt dry. elt something wor"ing in my brain, bubbly
dull feeling gone.
2ay L< Sense of smell returned. I now smelled and tasted my coffee for the fist time in
years. I smelled my co-wor"ers cologne that I never noticed before.
2ay C< Stomach started to rumble, and I actually felt hungry.
!y wee" )< eeling refreshed, not tired. I sleep well at night. I don?t feel any of the past
side effects. My concentration improved. eeling hungry, but also feeling the sensation of
being full after a meal.
'ther health factors to ta"e note of< I bro"e my bac" )) years ago in a car accident, and
suffered from stiffness in my bac" and shoulders. I noticed that my muscles are no longer
stiff, they feel softer and more supple< I?m able to move more freely.
I no longer have to go for massage therapy.
I feel very healthy and happy.
Than" you 8ain International and Soul, for changing my life.
Sei="res - *nother *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
I have a D) years old boy suffered sei;ures at least D0 times daily, even while sleeping . =e
was not tube feeding. =e is a sic" boy. $fter ta"ing ) daily via tube, he can sleep through
the night . $fter H pac"ets daily, sei;ures were almost gone. It was an ama;ing story(
-- Susie Gwo"
S5in (rea5o"t 2ree &adi!al ;eto) - *nother *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
@I consider myself pretty healthy as I am in the perfect !MI range, ta"e health
supplements and I eAercise everyday. !ut when a friend as"ed me to ta"e a ree 8adical
Test a month ago, I was shoc"ed to see the results reflected otherwise. It showed that my
body had Iuite an above average free radical level. So I was recommended to ta"e 8$I/3s
Soul daily.
Initially, I felt very sleepy for about two wee"s. My bowel movements was more freIuent,
having me going to the toilet to clear about ) to 3 times a day. I understood there was a
detoA effect happening. $fter ) wee"s, I felt lighter and clear-minded.
$fter a month and till today, I reali;ed that my compleAion loo"s much better and a +L-
reduction of brea"out on my face. ine lines on my forehead and corner of my eyes have
reduced too.
riends tell me that I loo"ed rosy and pin" compared to dull and dar" as before. I feel that
I have more energy to do my daily chores and play golf now.
I strongly recommend 8$I/3s Soul who seriously want to feel the impact of good health.
-Bul, 8 @
S5in growth gone - *nother *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
I returned to my dermatologist this Thursday for her to ta"e substantially more s"in Q a
@plug@R from my bac" in a severely suspicious area.
I had already been through this ) wee"s ago.
&hen I returned, she couldn?t find the spot she had previously removed. I can tell you it
was not the si;e of a frec"le, it was more the si;e of a big MNM. I "new this because she
had shown it to me Qshe always says a prayer over her lab samplesR
She and the nurse seemed a bit embarrassed and had to refer to my chart to locate the spot.
She said< @I have never seen anyone heal as fast as you have: this very unusual for me not
to be able to find a location.@ Then she shrugged her shoulders and turned her head to one
I "new why( I had applied S'%5 to the area instead of 7aseline as the 2r. suggested.
I have Iuite a number of deep and topical stitches, so she offered me a script of )0
Oercocets. I said< @I?ll be fine: I?ll 4ust ta"e what I have at home.@
S'%5 to the rescue( Soul never ceases to ama;e me.
S5in 2ree &adi!al ;eto) - *nother *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
@I consider myself pretty healthy as I am in the perfect !MI range, ta"e health
supplements and I eAercise everyday. !ut when a friend as"ed me to ta"e a ree 8adical
Test a month ago, I was shoc"ed to see the results reflected otherwise. It showed that my
body had Iuite an above average free radical level. So I was recommended to ta"e 8$I/3s
Soul daily.
Initially, I felt very sleepy for about two wee"s. My bowel movements was more freIuent,
having me going to the toilet to clear about ) to 3 times a day. I understood there was a
detoA effect happening. $fter ) wee"s, I felt lighter and clear-minded.
$fter a month and till today, I reali;ed that my compleAion loo"s much better and a +L-
reduction of brea"out on my face. ine lines on my forehead and corner of my eyes have
reduced too.
riends tell me that I loo"ed rosy and pin" compared to dull and dar" as before. I feel that
I have more energy to do my daily chores and play golf now.
I strongly recommend 8$I/3s Soul who seriously want to feel the impact of good health.
-Bul, 8 @
Slee# disorder - 7"st 'n... *nother *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
@I had been wa"ing up in the middle of the night for the last D0 years and raiding the
refrigerator and free;er. I don3t "now if it was my blood sugar that was crashing or what.
!ut I would literally eat sweets, ice cream, and bowls of cerealW whatever was available(
$fter I started drin"ing Soul that EproblemF completely stopped.
I was at a conference and then traveling on business for a wee" and didn3t bring any Soul
with me. $fter about three days, I started wa"ing up again in the middle of the night. 'nce
I got bac" home and bac" to drin"ing Soul again, I started sleeping through the night
again. Since I3m not consuming those eAtra calories, I3ve been slowly losing weightW
about ) pounds a month.@ 0van 8. U !altimore %S$
Slee# *#nea - 7"st 'n... *nother *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
Sleep $pnea is a disease that starts wMproblem breathing N snoring...$fter hours of sleep
the person awa"es up tired N very run down...My =ubby was diagnosed with it about DH[
yrs. ago...Sleeping wMthe #-Oap breathing machine...Since 0ctM)0D3 to date lost over C0
lbs...=ave ta"en @S'%5@ for about three[ months, start 3 pac"s daily, after a month )
pac"s daily....In the last couple of wee"s have /'T used the #-Oap machine at all, he is
feeling rested, N his health is improving with his rheumo-arthritis chronic pain....In the
Mar"et up to date there is nothing for Sleep $pnea as @S'%5@...
Stoma!h L"m#s - 7"st 'n... *nother *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
I wanted to report to you this.. ever since the end of my pregnancy I have had hard lumps
on my stomach no doubt lin"ed to inflammation. or the first time in over a year my
stomach was starting to soften up N feel normal than"s to this product( $hava
Stro5e - *nother *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
Many stories from people with stro"es. 'ne *, years old man after D year of no spea" and
no movement, after ta"ing 3 pac"ets daily for D month, he started tal"ing . $fter 3 months ,
he can stand up slowly. =e is from Medan. I got his picture in my phone. It is about the
brain getting fatty acids from blac" cumin seeds. Susie Gwo"
Strength - *nother *43SO,3 SOUL Testimon% 7"st 'n0
I haven?t been able to order yet, but I would li"e to post that all I got was a sample pac" of
DH. !y the time I too" my Lth pac". I started eAperiencing more strength in my legs and
mobility in them as well. I reali;e it doesn3t sound li"e much, but when you have spent the
last ten years in a chair. It?s huge than"s -- Michael
S"rger% 6ain Titani"m rods - *nother *43SO,3 SOUL Testimon% 7"st 'n0
$fter car accident, I was left with a bro"en nec", I was luc"y to have a successful surgery
that left two titanium rods and eight screws in my spine. It was a living hell for years
living with that chronic pain. I was introduced to 8ain and started to ta"e 3 to L pac"ages
of Soul every day. The first thing I noticed was that I started to fall asleep naturally at
evening hours and slept through the nights and wo"e up totally refreshed early in the
morning. In about 3 months all the inflammations has disappeared from my upper body,
the pain I was living with for over C years since my accident reduced by +0-.
$ttila Gun
S"rger% 6ain - *nother *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
@I had surgery yesterday QD0M+MD3R. The surgeon told me I had very tough tendons as he
pulled and tugged to do whatever he was doing. $t the end, he as"ed if I wanted a script
for pain meds because he said it will be very sore for a while. I said no and told him I
would 4ust use a new product I had for pain.
&hen I got home, I started ta"ing the S'%5. 'ne every C hours or so -- the same you
would do with advil.
/' pain whatsoever. /'/0. I wo"e up at 3<30 and it felt fine but I too" another S'%5
anyway and all is good.@ -8ic" O.
Th%roid - *nother *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
My mom, #arol, has had severe thyroid issues which ma"es a person gain weight and
almost impossible to lose any of it. $fter less than ) months of her ta"ing Soul she has lost
a total of D+ pounds( Bust wanted to share the great news and encourage anyone and
everyone that Soul has ama;ing powers. U =ope !ent
Trigl%!erides ?igh 9holesterol - *nother *43SO,3 SOUL Testimon%0
@Today I would li"e to share some great news. I love testimonials from everyone, however
today I have my own. I have battled high cholesterol and triglycerides for a long time but
those times are close to being over. My triglycerides have dropped from *L* to )H, and
my !O has dropped to D))M*,. I do wor" out but the '/59 change I have made in the last
siA wee"s is S'%5 twice a day.@ -- 2arrin $rmstrong<
Trigeminal .e"ralgia 6ain - *nother *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
In D++D I had non-hodgins lymphoma and too" eAtensive chemo. &ith a wea"ened
immune system I was opened up for diseases to attac" my body. our years ago I began to
have attac"s of Trigeminal /euralgia. If you loo" this disease up on X9ouTube3 you will
see it is called the suicide disease because it is so painful.
&hen I had these attac"s I could not spea", eat, brush my teeth, or wash my face. The pain
went through my left temple, across my chee", through the roof of my mouth and through
my tongue. Surgeons wanted to cut the nerve that caused this but I could lose my hearing,
my face could become li"e stone on that side and the pain could continue so I decided to
4ust live with it. I found only one thing that helped the pain and could not afford to
purchase it.
I am so eAcited that since ta"ing Soul my pain is +L- gone( $n additional benefit a big
one, for the past ten years doctors have said I have sarcoidosis and the disease has caused
scaring in my lungs and nodules to form which limits my breathing.
&ith Soul I am breathing deeper, my lungs are opening up and I have increased air in my
lungs. &ith the additional oAygen I am thin"ing clearer and my memory has improved.
/odules on my vocal cords have made it painful for me to spea" and nine years ago I lost
my 4ob as a receptionist because of the Iuality of my voice. 'nce again with Soul my
voice has tremendously improved and I can sing again(@ - #arol
4rin5led hands + 6ain - *nother *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
- #heryl 2ugan< The first thing I noticed after ta"ing S'%5 for a couple wee"s was my
hands no longer were wrin"led. $t age CC, it had bothered me how wrin"led my hands
were loo"ing. The neAt thing I noticed was that I was able to ma"e a fist with my arthritic
left hand, eAcept for my fussed finger, and I had strength bac" in them. I no longer need
$leve. $fter a month, I noticed that the sciatic pain in my bac" was gone. I had the pain
for about ) years and the 2octors? pain pills and steroid shots did no good, but now it is
completely gone. I have no problem sleeping at night. I ta"e two pac"s of Soul a day, one
when I wa"e up and one before going to sleep. If I feel a cold coming on, I will ta"e one
midday. I have not gotten a flu shot this year and have not been sic" at all, even though we
do a lot of traveling and interacting with others. My blood pressure has gone down. I
wasn?t on blood pressure medication, but it was getting close. I can?t wait until I get my
blood tests done to see how my cholesterol is doing. I love my Soul. I feel I have more
energy and also feel happier and positive about life.
#heryl 2ugan
4rin5les - *nother *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
$t age *D since ta"ing Soul my s"in is firmer and thic"er. The wrin"les on my face, nec",
hands and arms have improved by L0-. My face and hands loo" years younger. I no
longer am embarrassed to wear my rings.
4eight loss - *nother *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
@&ith Soul not only have I found consistent pain relief of my challenges ... but I?ve found
my correct diet ... one that I can live with ... while also completely nourishing me ... I have
found that I can eat anything I want ... generally that loo"s li"e green superfood powder
miAed in org whole mil", organic fruits and cheeses, and one meal at midday ... plus Soul
of course ... I?ve been on Soul a little over ) months now ... the numbers on my scale
bounce between *-DD pounds less ... my 4eans are roomier ... that doesn?t seem li"e a lot,
but for me, after sampling many products and D, distributorships in the last years, it?s a
=%.0 bonus( !ut even that aside ... this morning was the ultimate validation(
4eight loss - *nother *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
I had some "etone strips left over from the =#. "it Qmonitored by my doctorsR I used a
year ago. The strips were a means to chec" and ad4ust for fat elimination on a daily basis.
5ast year around this time, I generally tested @barely@ as the reading was barely able to
discern fat being eliminated ... sometimes it was the neAt higher indicator ... This morning
I tested, and for the first time ever, I tested right in the middle( @Moderate@ fat loss((((( So
as you can believe I?m soooo sto"ed about this and have truly found a "eeper in the
product( - Garin !ec"er @
4eight loss - *nother *,*-'./ SOUL Testimonial0
If you are wanting to lose weigh with S'%5 you may have to ta"e ) or more soul pac"s
per day. =ere are some success before and after pictures. .o to neAt page.

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