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To understand the A llen-Bradley M icroLogix 1000,you need to start

w ith the basics.This first m odule explains the basic operation of
program m able controllers and details the specific features of the
M icroLogix 1000 PLC .
This first m odule is broken up into four sections:
1.M icroLogix 1000 basic principles of operation
2.M icroLogix specifications
3.I/O structure and m em ory system
4.A ddressing notation
After finishing this module, you will:
I understand the basic operating principles of the MicroLogix
how it works, what the components are, and what the
components do
I know the three basic specifications for the MicroLogix 1000
how the program is written, how data is represented in the
system, and what configurations are available
I grasp the MicroLogixs intricate memory systemhow the
I/O is set up, what makes up the memory system, and how the
memory system is organized
I understand the unique MicroLogix addressing notation
Archi tectur e and Oper ati on
2 Module 1
1-1 MicroLogix 1000 Basic Principles of Operation
The M icroLogix 1000 program m able logic controller m ay ap-
pear to be like any other PLC, but it has special features, speci-
fications, and capabilities that m ake it a unique tool for im ple-
m enting process or m achine control. The M icroLogix 1000 fol-
low s m any of the sam e basic principles of operation that all
PLCs follow . At the end of this section, you w ill know :
w hat PLCs do
w hy PLCs are invaluable to industrial facilities
w hat m akes up a PLC
how a PLC operates
PLC Fundamentals
A M icroLogix 1000 is a programmable logic controlleran
industrial com puter that controls a m achine or process. A PLC
interfaces w ith the field input and output devices that are part of
a control application. Then, through the control program stored
in its m em ory, the PLC uses the data supplied by the input
devices to m anipulate or control the output devices. The overall
PLC process, w hich is show n in Figure 1-1, is very sim ple. A
PLC m easures or senses signals com ing from a m achine or pro-
cess. Then, through its internal program , the PLC provides con-
trol back to the m achine or process.
Program m able logic controllers provide m any benefits over tra-
ditional electrom echanical control system s. O ne of the best ben-
efits is that PLCs m ake it easier and less costly to change a
control system . They elim inate the need to rew ire the input and
output devices if the control requirem ents change. If the control
requirem ents for a PLC application change, all you need to do is
Figure 1-1. PLC operation.
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change the control program . Another benefit of PLCs is that
they are m ore pow erful and m ore accurate than electrom echani-
cal system s.
PLC Components
A PLC is m ade up of tw o basic com ponents (see Figure 1-2):
the input/output (I/O ) system
the central processing unit (CPU )
The input/output system is the part of the PLC that physically
connects to devices in the outside w orld. The central process-
ing unit, on the other hand, is w here the PLC stores all of its
data and does all of its com puter processing. Each of the com -
ponents of a PLC has specific functions.
Input/Output System. The input/output system is m ade up of
tw o com ponents, the input interface and the output interface
(see Figure 1-3).
An input interface is a bank of term inals that physically con-
nects input devices, like push buttons and lim it sw itches, to a
PLC. These input devices provide data to the PLC. The role of
an input interface is to translate data from the inputs into a form
that the PLCs central processing unit can understand.
An output interface is a bank of term inals that physically con-
nects output devices, such as solenoids and m otor starters, to a
PLC. These output devices receive control data from a PLC. The
role of an output interface is to translate data from the PLCs
CPU into a form that the output devices can understand.
To put it sim ply, the I/O system com m unicates inform ation from
the input devices to the CPU . It also com m unicates data from
the CPU to the output devices.
Figure 1-2.A PLC and its com ponents:the central processing unit (C PU ) and the
input/output (I/O ) system .
Figure 1-3.(a) A PLC s input interface interprets the data from the input devices
and then sends it to the C PU.(b) A PLC s output interface interprets
the data from the C PU and sends it to the output devices.
I/O System
(a) (b)
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4 Module 1
CPU. The CPU is m ade up of three parts (see Figure 1-4):
the m em ory system
the processor
the pow er supply
The memory system stores the PLCs control program , as w ell
as the data received from and sent to the I/O system . It also
keeps track of w hich I/O devices are connected to w hich I/O
interfaces. The processor is the com puterized part of the CPU
that perform s the control program . It m anipulates the data stored
in the m em ory system and determ ines w hat control output should
occur based on the given input conditions. The power supply
provides pow er to both the m em ory system and processor so
that they have pow er and so that they w ork properly.
PLC Operation
All PLCs, including the M icroLogix 1000, perform a three-step
operation called a scan (see Figure 1-5).The scan consists of:
1.reading the input data that the PLC receives from the
input devices
2.executing the control program stored in m em ory
3.updating, or w riting, the status of the output devices based
on the outcom e of the control program execution
A PLC perform s the scan over and over again, constantly updat-
ing the outputs based on how new input conditions affect the
control program .
Program Execution
Write Read
Figure 1-4.A C PU w ith its three com ponentsthe processor,the m em ory system ,
and the pow er supply.
Figure 1-5.A PLC s scan consists of reading the inputs,executing the control program ,
and updating the outputs.
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The scan can be broken up into tw o different parts, the I/Oscan
and the program scan (see Figure 1-6). D uring the I/O scan,
the PLC reads inputs and updates the outputs. D uring the pro-
gram scan, the PLC executes the control program .
The scan time is the specific am ount of tim e required for a PLC
to perform both the I/O scan and the program scan. Each PLCs
scan tim e is different. A M icroLogix 1000 can perform a scan in
m illiseconds. H ow ever, w hen it is on-line w ith a program m ing
device, the M icroLogix experiences tw o delays during its scan
(see Figure 1-7). These are:
the service com m unications delay
the overhead delay
The service communications delay is the tim e required for
the M icroLogix 1000 to send data to the program m ing or m oni-
toring device, w hich m ay be a personal com puter or a handheld
program m er. The overhead delay is the tim e required for house-
keeping operations, like m em ory m anagem ent and updating
tim er inform ation. Although both of these delays add to the
M icroLogix 1000s scan tim e, it still perform s its scan very quickly.
Figure 1-6.A PLC s total scan consists of tw o different scans:the I/O scan and the
program scan.
Figure 1-7.The M icroLogix experiences tw o scan delays,a service com m unications
delay and an overhead delay,w hen it is on-line w ith a program m ing
Program Execution
Write Read
Program Execution
Write Read
Program Scan
I/O Scan
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6 Module 1
1-2 MicroLogix Specifications
The M icroLogix 1000 PLC is a pow erful m icroprogram m able
controller capable of im plem enting all kinds of control func-
tions. Although the M icroLogix 1000 follow s the basic PLC prin-
ciples of operation, it does have m any unique functions and
specifications. This section w ill discuss som e of these specifica-
tions. At the end of this section, you w ill know :
w hat the control program is and how it is represented
in the M icroLogix 1000
w hat num ber system s are used by the M icroLogix 1000
to represent data
how the M icroLogix 1000 is configured
Control Program Notation
A control application can be im plem ented using either the tradi-
tional hardw ired m ethod or the PLC softw ired m ethod. In the
traditional hardw ired m ethod, the input and output devices are
w ired directly to each other. The sequence of operation, w hich
is the logic behind the system , is determ ined by the w ay the
devices are physically connected (see Figure 1-8).
In the PLC softw ired m ethod,the input and output devices are
w ired to the PLCs input and output interface term inalsnot to
each other (see Figure 1-9). The control program , w hich resides
in the PLCs m em ory, provides the connections betw een the
devices. So instead of being hardw ired, the devices are soft-
w iredto each other. The M icroLogix 1000s softw ired control
program is represented through ladder diagram notation.
Figure 1-9. The circuit in Figure 1-8 im plem ented in a PLC via input/output
Figure 1-8.A hardw ired circuit w here either a lim it sw itch or a push button can
turn on a pilot light.
L1 L2 PL
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Ladder diagram notation has a particular form at, as show n in
Figure 1-10. The left side of a ladder circuit show s the input
devices w ired to the input term inals, w hich are represented by
rectangles. The right side show s the output devices w ired to the
output term inals, w hich are represented by diam onds. The m iddle
part is the ladder diagram logic that connects the inputs and the
outputs together.
The logic perform ed w ithin a ladder program w orks just like its
equivalent electrom echanical circuit w ould. H ow ever, a ladder
program represents its inputs by a contact rather than by a de-
vice sym bol. Likew ise, it represents its outputs by a coil instead
of by a device sym bol. The PLC uses an addressing schem e in
the ladder program to keep track of all its inputs and outputs,
including w hich contacts and coils reference them . The last sec-
tion of this m odule explains this addressing schem e.
The use of a M icroLogix PLC has m any benefits over a tradi-
tional electrom echanical application. The first is flexibility. In a
hardw ired, or traditional, system , the devices m ust be physically
rew ired if the control requirem ents change. This takes tim e and
m oney. H ow ever, in a PLC system , no rew iring is necessary. All
changes are m ade to the PLCs ladder program instead. This
process is m uch quicker and less costly than rew iring. The sec-
ond benefit is reliability. The M icroLogix 1000 PLC is solid-state
and has no m oving parts, w hich m akes it very dependable.
Figure 1-10. A n exam ple of ladder diagram notation.
Inputs Outputs
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8 Module 1
Number Systems
N um ber system s are used to represent data in a PLC. The M icro-
Logix 1000 PLC uses several different types of num ber system s to
represent program data, address data, and internal data. They are:
decim al
hexadecim al
binary codes
Binary. The M icroLogix 1000 uses the binary number system
to represent program data. The binary num ber system uses only
tw o num bers, 0 and 1, to represent data. PLCs, including the
M icroLogix 1000, use the binary system to represent I/O data
because PLCs are discrete devices capable of recognizing only
tw o states, O N and O FF.
U sing the binary system , a PLC indicates that a device is O N , or
activated, by placing a value of 1 in the appropriate bit in m em ory
(see Figure 1-11). Conversely, a PLC indicates that a device is
O FF, or not activated, by placing a value of 0 in the appropriate
bit in m em ory.
Decimal. The M icroLogix 1000 uses the decimal number sys-
tem to represent the address data of inputs and outputs, as w ell
as contacts, coils, tim ers, counters, and other internal instruc-
tions. The decim al num ber system uses ten num bers, 0 through
9, to represent data.
The addresses represented by decim al num bers identify w hich
contacts and coils refer to w hich input and output devices. An
address tells the PLC specifically w hich I/O device is w ired to
Figure 1-11.(a) If a device is O N ,a PLC w ill store a 1 in m em ory.(b) If a device is
O FF,a PLC w ill store a 0 in m em ory.
PLC Memory
PLC Memory
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w hich term inal. Figure 1-12 show s an exam ple of address nota-
tion. An address instructs a contact or coil to exam ine a term inal
to see w hether the device connected to it is O N or O FF.
Hexadecimal. The hexadecimal number system is different
from other num ber system s because it uses both num bers and
letters to represent data. The M icroLogix 1000 uses this num ber
system to represent constants and other internal values. The
hexadecim al system uses 16 num bers. It represents the num -
bers 0 through 9 by the digits 09. It represents the num bers 10
through 15 by the letters AF (see Figure 1-13).
Octal. The M icroLogix 1000 uses the octal number system as
a shorthand w ay to express binary data. The octal num ber sys-
tem uses eight num bers, 0 through 7, to represent data. It groups
binary num bers into groups of three and then uses one of the
num bers 0 through 7 to represent the group of num bers (see
Figure 1-14).
Binary Code. A binary code is a code that lets a PLC com m u-
nicate w ith the outside w orld. Since PLCs are discrete devices
and the rest of the w orld is not, PLCs m ust have a w ay to inter-
pret and com m unicate nonbinary inform ation from devices like
thum bw heel sw itches and seven-segm ent indicators. The M icro-
Logix 1000 uses binary codes to do just that. A binary code
translates nonbinary data, like letters, into a binary coded for-
m at that the PLC can understand. It also com m unicates binary
inform ation from the PLC to nonbinary outside devices. The
M icroLogix 1000 uses tw o binary codes, ASCII and BCD , to per-
form these functions.
Figure 1-12.The num bers above the contacts,term inals,and coils are addresses
expressed by decim al num bers.
Figure 1-14.The octal num ber system groups binary num bers into groups of three
and then represents each group w ith a num ber.
1 1
1 2
7 7
Figure 1-13.In hexadecim al,the num bers 0 through 9 are represented by the
digits 09 and the num bers 10 through 15 by the letters AF.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15
010 000 110
2 0 6
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10 Module 1
A M icroLogix 1000 PLC com es in m any configurations. These
configurations differ by:
the num ber of inputs and outputs
the type of pow er supply
the type of I/O interfaces
Inputs and Outputs. The num ber of inputs and outputs deter-
m ines the size of a M icroLogix PLC. The M icroLogix 1000 com es
in tw o sizes: 16 I/O and 32 I/O . A 16 I/O M icroLogix can con-
nect w ith up to 10 input devices and 6 output devices (see
Figure 1-15). A 32 I/O m odel can connect w ith up to 20 input
devices and 12 output devices (see Figure 1-16). The size of a
M icroLogix 1000 should be chosen based on the am ount of I/O
required for its application.
Power Supply. The M icroLogix 1000 also has tw o types of pow er
supplies. These are 24 VD C (volts D C) and 120/240 VAC (volts
AC). The pow er supply should be chosen based on the pow er
requirem ents and the pow er availability for the application.
I/O Interfaces. A M icroLogix 1000 PLC has m any options available
for both its input and output interfaces. A M icroLogix 1000 can
have one of tw o types of input interfaces, either 24 VD C or 120
VAC. These input interfaces allow the M icroLogix 1000 to connect
w ith either 24 VD C or 120 VAC input devices, respectively.
Just as a M icroLogix 1000 has a choice of inputs, it has a choice
of outputs as w ell. The M icroLogix 1000 uses three types of
Figure 1-16. A 32 I/O M icroLogix.
Figure 1-15. A 16 I/O M icroLogix.
Archi tectur e and Oper ati on
Module 1 11
A relay output allow s the M icroLogix to interface w ith output
devices that m ust receive a signal ranging betw een either 5 and
264 VAC or 5 and 125 VD C. A transistor output is specifically
designed for outputs requiring a 24 VD C output signal. A triac
specifically supplies a 120/240 VAC signal to its output devices.
Figure 1-17 show s the types of input and output interfaces avail-
able in the M icroLogix 1000.
Figure 1-17. The inputs and outputs available in a M icroLogix 1000.
24 volts DC
120 volts AC
MicroLogix 1000
Outputs Inputs
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12 Module 1
1-3 I/O Structure and Memory System
This section covers the I/O structure and the m em ory system of
the M icroLogix 1000. Both are very im portant aspects of the
PLC. At the end of this section, you w ill know :
how the I/O system is structured
w hat m akes up the M icroLogix 1000 m em ory system
how the m em ory system is organized
I/O Structure
A M icroLogixs I/O structure is directly related to the w ay its
m em ory system is organized. Each input is connected to a sepa-
rate input term inal that has a unique address in the PLC. Also,
each output is connected to a separate output term inal that has
a unique term inal and m em ory address. Figure 1-18 show s an
exam ple of addressed inputs and outputs connected to the ter-
m inals of a M icroLogix PLC.
Memory System
The m em ory system of a M icroLogix 1000 consists of four units
(see Figure 1-19):
file sections
w ords
File sections are the largest unit of m em ory. They specify w here
m ajor categories of data are stored. The M icroLogixs m em ory
contains tw o file sections, the program file section and the data
Figure 1-18.The lim it sw itch is connected to the input term inal w ith address 2.
Thus, its status is stored in input address 2 in m em ory.Likew ise,the
pilot light is connected to the output term inal w ith address 3 and has
this sam e address in m em ory.
Figure 1-19. The four units used in a M icroLogixs m em ory system .
09080706050403020100 050403020100
Inputs Outputs
L1 L2 L1 L2
1 1
Archi tectur e and Oper ati on
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file section. Each file section is m ade up of a particular num ber
of files. Files are areas in the M icroLogixs m em ory w here a
specific type of data, like input data, is stored. Each file consists
of a certain num ber of words. W ords are groups of m em ory
locations that store pieces of data. Each w ord can hold up to 16
pieces of data, and each piece of data is called a bit. A bit is a
binary digit that com prises the sm allest unit of m em ory. A bit
holds only one piece of inform ation, either a 1 or a 0.
The M icroLogixs m em ory system is organized into file sections,
files, w ords, and bits in order to store all of the inform ation that
the PLC needs to operate. This inform ation includes the control
program , input and output status data, internal data, and routine
functioning data. The M icroLogixs m em ory system has a lot of
inform ation to keep track of, so it needs a w ell-structured orga-
nization in order to do that.
As m entioned previously, the M icroLogixs m em ory contains tw o
file sectionsthe program file section and the data file sec-
tion (see Figure 1-20). Each of these file sections stores a differ-
ent kind of inform ation.
Program File Section. The program file section stores all the
data a M icroLogix needs to operate. This includes data about
the processor, the m ain control program , and any subroutines.
Figure 1-21 show s a m ap of the M icroLogixs program section.
The program section consists of 16 files num bered 0 through 15.
They store inform ation as follow s:
Files 0 and 1 contain the executive softw are of the
M icroLogix 1000. This softw are is responsible for con-
trolling all of the functions of the PLC and keeping
track of w hat is happening w hile the PLC is operating.
These files also contain data about the processor, in-
cluding type, configuration, and passw ords access.
Figure 1-21.The program file section of the M icroLogix 1000.
Figure 1-20.The tw o file sections of a M icroLogix 1000s m em ory system .
Data File
Main Ladder Program
User Error Fault Routine
HighSpeed Counter Interrupt
Selectable Timed Interrupt
Subroutine Ladder
Program File Section
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14 Module 1
File 2 holds the m ain ladder program that is entered
into the PLCs m em ory. This ladder program controls
the m achine or process.
File 3 stores an error fault routine that is executed w hen
a recoverable, or fixable, fault occurs in the PLCs con-
trol program . W hen this routine is executed, the
M icroLogix corrects the problem to get the system up
and running again.
File 4 stores the high-speed counter interrupt program
that is executed w hen a high-speed counter instruc-
tion causes an interruption in the control program .
File 5 contains the selectable tim ed interrupt program ,
w hich is used to interrupt the norm al program scan so
that a subroutine can be executed im m ediately.
Files 615 store the subroutine ladder program s that
are called by the m ain ladder control program . This
area can store up to ten subroutines. Files 4 and 5 can
be used to store additional subroutines, if necessary.
Data File Section. The data file section stores all of the pro-
gram and I/O data used by the M icroLogix 1000. This section is
divided into eight files num bered 0 through 7, as show n in Fig-
ure 1-22. Each file stores a different type of inform ation. Follow -
ing is an outline of the data files:
File 0 is the output file. It stores data about the status
of each output device connected to the M icroLogixs
output term inals. Each of the PLCs outputs is m apped
to an address bit in this file. File 0 is also know n as the
output image table. The output file contains one w ord.
File 1 is the input file. It stores data about the status of
each input device. The input file is also know n as the
input image table. As w ith the output file, each of
Figure 1-22. The data file section of the M icroLogix 1000.
Data File Section
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the M icroLogixs inputs is m apped to a specific bit in
the input file. The input file is different from the out-
put file because it contains tw o w ords to account for
all of the possible input devices that can be connected
to a 32 I/O M icroLogix.
File 2 is the status file. It stores inform ation about how
the PLC is operating and how it is set up. This file
contains 33 w ords that hold three types of data: basic
status data, dynam ic configuration data, and static con-
figuration data (see Figure 1-23).
File 3 is the binary, or bit, file. It stores data about the
status of internal coils and contacts. The binary file
contains 32 w ords. Because the binary file stores data
about internal instructions, its bits do not m ap real
field devices, as the bits in the input and output
files do.
File 4 is the tim er file. It contains data about the tim ers
used in the control program . It includes data about
each tim ers status, preset value, and accum ulated value.
The M icroLogix can use up to 40 tim ers in its control
program , and it dedicates one w ord to each of the
three pieces of inform ation it stores about each tim er.
So, in essence, the tim er file has 120 w ords, three for
each of its 40 tim ers.
File 5 is the counter file. It stores data about the 32
counters available in the M icroLogix 1000. It stores
three pieces of data about each counter: the counters
status, preset value, and accum ulated value. Each piece
of counter data is stored in its ow n w ord. So, in es-
sence, this file has 96 w ords, three w ords for each of
the 32 counters.
Figure 1-23.The contents of a M icroLogix 1000s status file.
Status Status
Dynamic configuration
Static configuration
off-line settings
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16 Module 1
File 6 is the control file. It stores inform ation used by
specialized PLC instructions, like shift and sequencer
instructions. This file can hold data for 16 instructions.
It uses three w ords for each instruction. Therefore,
this file can contain up to 48 w ords.
File 7 is the integer file. This file stores m iscellaneous
num erical data, such as constant and variable data,
binary codes, and m ask patterns. The integer file uses
105 w ords to store all of this inform ation.
Job Aid 1-1 at the end of this m odule provides an overview of
the program and data file sections of the M icroLogix 1000s
m em ory system .
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1-4 Addressing Notation
The concept of addressing is very im portant in a PLC. This is
how the PLC keeps track of all of its data. At the end of this
section, you w ill understand:
the m nem onics of the M icroLogix 1000 addressing
the unique addressing of tim ers, counters, control files,
and input files
the addressing concepts used for specific situations
Addressing Mnemonics
Every bit in every file of the M icroLogixs data section has a
unique address. This address allow s the M icroLogix to keep
track of all its data. The M icroLogixs addressing code has its
ow n language, or m nem onics, w hich is used to express an ad-
dress. This addressing code gives the PLC all of the inform ation
it needs to find any piece of data stored anyw here in the PLCs
m em ory. Each address has three parts:
the file label
the w ord label
the bit label
The first part of a M icroLogixs address is the file label. This
label tells the PLC w hich file the data is stored in. A letter or a
letter/num ber com bination is used to denote each file. Figure
1-24 lists the letter codes used for each file in the data section.
The word label is the next part of the address. It lets the PLC
know w hich w ord in the file the data is located in. The last part
of the address is the bit label. This label tells the PLC w hich bit
of the w ord the data is in.
Figure 1-24.The letter codes used for each file in the data file section.
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18 Module 1
Additionally, the M icroLogix 1000 uses delimiters to separate
the different parts of an address. A colon (:) is used to separate
the file label and the w ord label. A slash (/) is used to separate
the w ord label and the bit label. Figure 1-25 show s an exam ple
of the M icroLogix 1000s addressing notation.
Special Addressing Situations
The tim er, counter, and control files also use the addressing
system just explained. H ow ever, they add tw o extra characters
to the w ord labela period and a num ber.
The first num ber in this special w ord label identifies the tim er,
counter, or special instruction num ber. The period acts as a de-
lim iter. The last num ber in the w ord label refers to one of the
three w ords associated w ith the tim er, counter, or special in-
struction. Figure 1-26 show s an exam ple of the addresses for
three tim ers.
Like the tim er, counter, and control files, the input file also has a
unique address code. It also adds tw o extra characters, a period
and a num ber, to the w ord label. This is done to account for the
additional input w ord needed for a 32 I/O M icroLogix (see Fig-
ure 1-27). The first input w ord is labeled I:0.0. It holds the data
for the first 16 inputs. The second w ord is labeled I:0.1. It holds
the data for the rem aining 4 inputs.
Addressing Examples
Follow ing are som e exam ples of the addressing schem e used in
a M icroLogix 1000 program m able controller:
Example 1Output Device. Figure 1-28 show s a pilot light
connected to output term inal 4 of a 16 I/O M icroLogix 1000.
Since the pilot light is an output, its address w ill start w ith the
letter O follow ed by a colon (O:). The output file has only one
w ord, so the pilot lights status data w ill be stored in w ord 0
Figure 1-25.This address indicates that the data is stored in the integer file in w ord
6, bit 14.
Figure 1-26.Three tim ers,each w ith three w ord addresses. N ote that the period/
w ord num ber extension is dropped from each tim ers first w ord address.
Figure 1-27.The M icroLogix 1000s input file w ith the tw o w ords contained in it.
Timer File
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 8 7 5 6 4 3 2 1 0
32 I/O MicroLogix20 inputs
Input File
I: 0.0
I: 0.1
N 7:6/ 14
Archi tectur e and Oper ati on
Module 1 19
(O:0). Finally, the pilot light is connected to term inal 4, so it w ill
be m apped to bit 4 of output w ord 0 (O:0/4). Therefore, the
pilot light w ill have the address O:0/4.
Example 2Counter. Figure 1-29 show s the address used to
check the data value stored in bit 8 of counter 7s accum ulated
value. The M icroLogix stores the accum ulated value for a counter
in the last w ord of the three w ords associated w ith the counter.
The first part of the address (C5:) indicates that the data is stored
in the counter file, since it is counter data. The second part of
the address indicates that the accum ulated value for counter 7 is
stored in w ord 2 (C5:7.2). The data value specified is located in
bit 8, so this data has the address C5:7.2/8.
Example 3Input Device. Figure 1-30 show s the m em ory m ap
for a push button connected to the last input term inal, input 19,
of a 32 I/O M icroLogix. A push button is an input, so this devices
address w ill start w ith an I and a colon (I:). The push button is
connected to the last input term inal, term inal 19. Since a w ord
has only 16 bits, this inputs address m ust be located in the
second w ord (I:0.1). Specifically, this input devices status is
stored in bit 3 of the second w ord of the 32 I/O M icroLogix;
therefore, its address is I:0.1/3.
Entering Address Data
W hen w orking w ith a M icroLogix 1000, address and other pro-
gram data can be entered in one of tw o w aysw ith a handheld
program m ing device or w ith a personal com puter equipped w ith
the RSLogix softw are. Each of these addressing m ethods uses its
ow n addressing notation. The addressing notation show n in the
video and in this book is the basic one used by the RSLogix
softw are. Job Aid 1-2 at the end of this m odule show s the differ-
ences betw een the RSLogix and handheld program m er address-
ing notations. Job Aid 1-3 show s som e special addressing nota-
tions you m ay encounter w hen using the RSLogix softw are.
Figure 1-29. C ounter file address.
Figure 1-28. O utput device address.
Figure 1-30. Input file address.
Word 0
Word 1
Word 2
Counter 7
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 8 7 5 6 4 3 2 1 0
Input 19
(20th input)
Input File
Word 0.0
Word 0.1
First 16
Last 4
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 8 7 5 6 4 3 2 1 0
Archi tectur e and Oper ati on
20 Module 1
1-5 Review
PLCs m ake it cheaper and easier to m ake changes to a control system .
The M icroLogix 1000, like other PLCs, is an industrial com puter that controls a m achine or process.
PLCs consist of tw o basic parts: the CPU and the I/O system .
All PLCs perform a three-step operation called a scan, w hich involves reading the inputs, executing the control program
stored in m em ory, and updating the status of the output devices.
The M icroLogixs control program , w hich is represented by ladder diagram s, im plem ents the softw ired logic connections
betw een the PLCs input and output devices.
The M icroLogix 1000 uses several different num ber system sbinary, decim al, hexadecim al, and octal, as w ell as binary
codesto represent data.
The M icroLogix com es in tw o sizes16 I/O and 32 I/O and has tw o types of pow er supplies24 V D C and
120/240 VAC.
The M icroLogix is available w ith tw o types of input interfaces24 VD C or 120 VACand three types of outputsrelay,
transistor, and triac.
The I/O structure of the M icroLogix is directly related to the w ay the m em ory system is organized.
The M icroLogixs m em ory system , w hich stores all of the inform ation the PLC needs to operate, is divided into four units:
file sections, files, w ords, and bits.
The M icroLogix 1000 has tw o file sections: the program file section and the data file section.
The program file section contains 16 files, w hile the data file section contains 8 files.
PLCs use addresses to keep track of their data and to specify w hich contacts and coils reference w hich input and
output devices.
A M icroLogixs address has three parts: a file label, a w ord label, and a bit label.
M ost of the files in the M icroLogixs m em ory system use the sam e addressing notation; how ever, som e files use a special
w ord labeling m nem onic.
Archi tectur e and Oper ati on
Module 1 21
m a r g o r P
n o i t c e S
e v i t u c e x E . s d r o w s s a p d n a , n o i t a r u g i f n o c , e p y t : a t a d r o s s e c o r p s n i a t n o c d n a C L P e h t f o n o i t c n u f e h t s l o r t n o C
2 m a r g o r P r e d d a L n i a M . s s e c o r p r o e n i h c a m e h t s l o r t n o C
3 e n i t u o R t l u a F r o r r E . s r u c c o r o r r e t l u a f , e l b a x i f r o , e l b a r e v o c e r a n e h w d e t u c e x E
r e t n u o C d e e p S - h g i H
e l i F t p u r r e t n I
. m a r g o r p l o r t n o c e h t n i n o i t p u r r e t n i n a s e s u a c n o i t c u r t s n i r e t n u o c d e e p s - h g i h a n e h w d e t u c e x E
d e m i T e l b a t c e l e S
m a r g o r P t p u r r e t n I
. d e t u c e x e e b n a c e n i t u o r b u s a o s x i g o L o r c i M e h t f o n a c s m a r g o r p l a m r o n e h t t p u r r e t n i o t d e s U
5 1
r e d d a L e n i t u o r b u S
s m a r g o r P
. s e n i t u o r b u s n e t o t p u e r o t s n a C . m a r g o r p l o r t n o c r e d d a l n i a m e h t y b d e l l a C
a t a D
n o i t c e S
0 s t u p t u O O
e h t o t d e t c e n n o c e c i v e d t u p t u o h c a e f o s u t a t s e h t t u o b a a t a d s n i a t n o C
. s l a n i m r e t t u p t u o
1 0 : 0
1 s t u p n I I
t u p n i e h t o t d e t c e n n o c e c i v e d t u p n i h c a e f o s u t a t s e h t t u o b a a t a d s n i a t n o C
. s l a n i m r e t
0 . 0 : I
1 . 0 : I
2 s u t a t S 2 S
. p u t e s s i t i w o h d n a g n i t a r e p o s i C L P e h t w o h t u o b a n o i t a m r o f n i s e r o t S
d n a a t a d n o i t a r u g i f n o c c i m a n y d , a t a d s u t a t s c i s a b : a t a d f o s e p y t e e r h t s d l o H
. a t a d s n o i t a r u g i f n o c c i t a t s
3 3
0 : 2 S
2 3 : 2 S
3 y r a n i B 3 B . s t c a t n o c d n a s l i o c l a n r e t n i f o s u t a t s e h t t u o b a a t a d s e r o t S 2 3
0 : 3 B
1 3 : 3 B
4 s r e m i T 4 T
a t a d s p e e K . m a r g o r p l o r t n o c e h t n i d e s u s r e m i t e h t t u o b a a t a d s n i a t n o C
e t a r a p e s 3 n i e u l a v d e t a l u m u c c a d n a , e u l a v t e s e r p , s u t a t s s r e m i t h c a e t u o b a
. s d r o w
0 4
0 4 0 2 1
0 4
2 . 0 : 4 T , 1 . 0 : 4 T , 0 : 4 T
2 . 9 3 : 4 T , 1 . 9 3 : 4 T , 9 3 : 4 T
5 s r e t n u o C 5 C
a t a d s p e e K . m a r g o r p l o r t n o c e h t n i d e s u s r e t n u o c e h t t u o b a a t a d s n i a t n o C
e r o t s n a C . e u l a v d e t a l u m u c c a d n a , e u l a v t e s e r p , s u t a t s s r e t n u o c h c a e t u o b a
. r e t n u o c h c a e r o f s d r o w 3 s e s u d n a s r e t n u o c 2 3 o t p u
2 3
2 3 6 9
2 3
2 . 0 : 5 C , 1 . 0 : 5 C , 0 : 5 C
2 . 1 3 : 5 C , 1 . 1 3 : 5 C , 1 3 : 5 C
6 l o r t n o C 6 R
6 1 r o f a t a d d l o h n a C . n o i t c u r t s n i d e z i l a i c e p s y b d e s u n o i t a m r o f n i s e r o t S
. n o i t c u r t s n i h c a e r o f s d r o w 3 g n i s u , s n o i t c u r t s n i
6 1
6 1 8 4
6 1
2 . 0 : 6 R , 1 . 0 : 6 R , 0 : 6 R
2 . 5 1 : 6 R , 1 . 5 1 : 6 R , 5 1 : 6 R
7 r e g e t n I 7 N
y b d e s u a t a d e l b a i r a v d n a t n a t s n o c : a t a d l a c i r e m u n s u o e n a l l e c s i m s e r o t S
. s n r e t t a p k s a m d n a , s e d o c y r a n i b , s n o i t c u r t s n i c i t e m h t i r a
5 0 1
0 : 7 N
4 0 1 : 7 N

1-6 Job Aids

Job Aid 1-1: MicroLogix 1000 Memory Structure
Archi tectur e and Oper ati on
22 Module 1
Job Aid 1-2: Differences Between the RSLogix And Handheld Programmer Addressing Notations
The RSLogix softw are program and a handheld program m er use slightly different notations for displaying an address. The follow -
ing exam ple illustrates tw o of these differences.
The address B3:3/2 is show n as follow s on an RSLogix screen, depending on the properties settings:
This sam e address is show n as follow s on a handheld program m ing screen:
N ote that the handheld program m er drops the num ber from the w ord label (B3). It also expresses the addressed bit according to
w hich bit it is in the total file (50), rather than w hich bit it is in w hich w ord (3/2).
B/50 0
Archi tectur e and Oper ati on
Module 1 23
Job Aid 1-3: Addressing Notations Used with the RSLogix Software
An address, such as the address I:0.1/2 can be show n several different w ays on an RSLogix program m ing screen, depending on the
w ay the softw ares properties are set up (V iew /Properties/Ladder):
Bit Address Form at:
Single Line Split Line
Binary Bit D isplay M ode:
/Bit W ord/Bit
I/O Bit D isplay M ode:
Slot/Bit Slot.W ord/Bit
Short Address:
D isplay Entry
Bit Address Form at:
Single Line Split Line
Binary Bit D isplay M ode:
/Bit W ord/Bit
I/O Bit D isplay M ode:
Slot/Bit Slot.W ord/Bit
Short Address:
D isplay Entry
Bit Address Form at:
Single Line Split Line
Binary Bit D isplay M ode:
/Bit W ord/Bit
I/O Bit D isplay M ode:
Slot/Bit Slot.W ord/Bit
Short Address:
D isplay Entry
Bit Address Form at:
Single Line Split Line
Binary Bit D isplay M ode:
/Bit W ord/Bit
I/O Bit D isplay M ode:
Slot/Bit Slot.W ord/Bit
Short Address:
D isplay Entry
Bit Address Form at:
Single Line Split Line
Binary Bit D isplay M ode:
/Bit W ord/Bit
I/O Bit D isplay M ode:
Slot/Bit Slot.W ord/Bit
Short Address:
D isplay Entry
Bit Address Form at:
Single Line Split Line
Binary Bit D isplay M ode:
/Bit W ord/Bit
I/O Bit D isplay M ode:
Slot/Bit Slot.W ord/Bit
Short Address:
D isplay Entry


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