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Preparation to the Young Physicists Tournaments 2015

Ilya Martchenko,

1 *
Andrei lishin,

!e"a Monta"eri #amin,

%tanis&a' ('id'i)ski,

Aliaksandr Mamoika,

and %tanis&a+ Piatru,a

-ni.ersity o/ 0ri1ourg and 2und -ni.ersity3
Massachusetts Institute o/ Technology3
%hari/ -ni.ersity o/ Technology3
Yale -ni.ersity3
4elarusian %tate -ni.ersity
0irst day dra/t 55 6uly 11, 201*

7all /or cooperation

I/ you are interested in the idea 1ehind the it 8 to structure the earlier kno'ledge a1out the
physics 1ehind the pro1lems and to encourage students to contrast their personal
contri1ution /rom the e9isting kno'ledge 8 your cooperation is 'elcome

I/ more contri1utors :oin the 'ork on the it /or 2015, or plan 1ringing together the it /or
201;, good editions may 1e completed earlier

It 'ould 1e o/ 1ene/it /or e.ery1ody,

students and team leaders, 'ho 'ould ha.e an early re/erence <pro.iding a /irst impetus
to the 'ork= and a strong 'arning that IYPT is all a1out appropriate, no.el research, and
not a1out >re?in.enting the 'heel@

:urors, 'ho 'ould ha.e a 1rie/, in/ormal supporting material, possi1ly making them more
skeptical and o1:ecti.e a1out the presentations

the audience outside the IYPT, 'ho 1ene/its /rom the structured re/erences in eAgA physics
populari"ation acti.ities and physics teaching

the IYPT, as a community and a center o/ competence, that generates .i1rant, state?o/?
the?art research pro1lems, 'idely used in other acti.ities and at other e.ents

and also the author <?s= o/ the it, 'ho could rapidly acBuire a competence /or the /uture
acti.ities and ha.e a great learning e9perience

Co you like 'hat the IYPT organi"ers doD

Eatch the promo .ideoF httpF55youtuA1e5G51EHC?BeiA

0ollo' Iiypt and Iiyptarchi.e on T'itter


The IYPT is seeking /or sponsors

I/ you do not donate today, another pro:ect

o/ the IYPT 'ill 1e put on hold

4eing a supporter o/ the IYPT o//ers uniBue

pu1licity, po'er/ul re'ards, and much more the e9citing opportunities
at httpF55iyptAorg5%ponsors
Ilya Martchenko
IYPT Treasurer
2und -ni.ersity, 4o9 12*,
%J?22100 2und %'eden
I4A# 7KH1 0L00 0000 L1$$ 0HMH *

Ko' to structure a reportD

Ehat le.el is competiti.eD

Ko' to set the goals, /i9 the

priorities, and set the direction
o/ the 'orkD

Ko' 'ere people

particular issues in the pastD

2ook through the historical solutions in the Archi.e F?=

an opportunity /or goal?oriented

critical learning

e9amples, not guidelines

those solutions 'ere good, 1ut

yours should 1e 1etterO
Ko' to tackle the IYPT pro1lemsD
Meet the - 1LL1 team

The IYPT Archi.e missed the names o/ the - team mem1ers at the IYPT 1LL1

The names are /ound thanks to Pordon Eoods, - .isitor in 1LL1O

T'o photos sho' the team on the stairs o/ Physics 1uilding, Mosco' %tate -ni.ersity
Photo 1y Pordon Eoods, 6uly 2M, 1LL1 Photo 1y %ergey !omanchuk, taken nearly simultaneously

Is the no.el research
limited and discouraged
1y the e9isting common
kno'ledge and the
ongoing 'ork o/
competing groupsD F?=

The 1asic goal o/ this it is not in pro.iding students 'ith a start?to?/inish manual or in limiting their
creati.ity, 1ut in encouraging them to

regard their 'ork critically,

look deeper,

ha.e a 1etter 1ackground kno'ledge,

1e skeptical in em1edding their pro:ects into the standards o/ pro/essional research,

and, as o/ a /irst priority, 1e attenti.e in not >re?in.enting the 'heel@

An early e9posure to the culture o/ scienti/ic citations, and de.eloping a responsi1le attitude to'ard
making o'n 'ork truly no.el and original, is assumed to 1e a help/ul learning e9perience in
de.eloping necessary standards and attitudes

Pood e9amples are kno'n 'hen the it has 1een used as a concise supporting material /or :urors and
the e9ternal community3 the 1ene/its 'ere in the common kno'ledge structured and 1etter

J.en i/ linked /rom iyptAorg, this /ile is not an o//icial, 1inding release o/ the IYPT, and should under no
circumstances 1e considered as a collection o/ authoritati.e >musts@ or >instructions@ /or '

%erious conclusions 'ill 1e dra'n, up to discontinuing the pro:ect in its current /orm, i/ systematic
misuse o/ the it is detected, such as e9plicit /ailure o/ citing properly, replacing o'n research 'ith a
compilation, or interpreting the it itsel/ as a 1inding >user guide@

All suggestions, /eed1ack, and criticism a1out the it are 'armly appreciated F?=
Important in/ormation

Ka1its and customs

Griginality and independence o/ your 'ork is al'ays considered as o/ a /irst priority

There is no >correct ans'er@ to any o/ the IYPT pro1lems a deep 1ackground kno'ledge a1out earlier 'ork is a must

Taking ideas 'ithout citing is a serious misconduct

7ritically distinguishing 1et'een personal contri1ution and common kno'ledge is likely

to 1e appreciated

!eading more in a non?nati.e language may 1e .ery help/ul

2ocal li1raries and institutions can al'ays help in getting access to paid articles in
:ournals, 1ooks and data1ases

The IYPT is not a1out rein.enting the 'heel, or inno.ating, creating, disco.ering, and
1eing a1le to contrasto'n 'ork'ith earlier kno'ledge and the achie.ements o/

Is IYPT all a1out competing, or a1out de.eloping pro/essional personal standardsD

!eBuirements /or a success/ul IYPT report

#o.el research, not a sur.ey or a compilation o/ kno'n /acts

4alance 1et'een e9perimental in.estigation and theoretical analysis

7omprehensi1le, logical and interesting presentation, not a detailed description o/


7lear understanding o/ the .alidity o/ your e9periments, and ho' e9actly you analy"ed
the o1tained data

7lear understanding o/ 'hat physical model is used, and 'hy it is considered appropriate

7lear understanding o/ 'hat your theory relies upon, and in 'hat limits it may 1e applied

7omparison o/ your theory 'ith your e9periments

7lear conclusions and clear ans'ers to the raised Buestions, especially those in the task

7lear understanding o/ 'hat is your no.el contri1ution, in comparison to pre.ious studies

%olid kno'ledge o/ rele.ant physics

Proo/read nice?looking slides

An une9pected trick, such as a demonstration in situ, 'ill al'ays 1e a plus

Ko' to gi.e a science talk

Take care o/ your listeners

i/ they all dont get 'hat you say, its your pro1lem

its your :o1 to do science 'ork and make conclusionsA Its their :o1 to listen

Put yoursel/ in conte9t o/ e9isting results

your no.elty is only .isi1le in contrast 'ith e9isting kno'ledge

making pro/ound conclusions is harder than measuring and 'riting /ormulas and
reading papers

1e proud o/ your higher?le.el achie.ements <i/ you ha.e such=

Present a compelling argument

you 'ant to say that you sol.ed the reBuired pro1lem

saying ho' much you.e struggled on it doesnt help the case

7ut the non?essential in/ormation

i/ your math is thick, sho' only core assumptions and deri.ed results, 'e trust
alge1ra and simulations

i/ your data is 1ig, sho' us trends 5 slopes 5 a.eraging 5 /its, not all o/ it

.ery o/ten, less is more

0eynmanF to 1e sel/?con/identD

>I.e .ery o/ten made mistakes

in my physics 1y thinking the
theory isnt as good as it really
is, thinking that there are lots o/
complications that are going to
spoil it

S an attitude that anything can

happen, in spite o/ 'hat youre
pretty sure should happenA@
!APA 0eynmanA %urely Youre 6oking, MrA 0eynman <#orton, #e' York, #Y, 1LH5=

55 The epigraph /or the IYPT 2015 pro1lems appro.ed
1y the IYPT 0ounder J.geny Yunoso.

The /raction o/ space occupied 1y granular particles depends on their shapeA Pour non?
spherical particles such as rice, matches, or M&Ms candies into a 1o9A Ko' do
characteristics like coordination num1er, orientational order, or the random close
packing /raction depend on the rele.ant parametersD
Pro1lem #oA 1 >Packing@
T7arlos 2oren"o 2011U

4ackground reading

EikipediaF epler con:ecture, httpsF55enA'ikipediaAorg5'iki5eplerVcon:ecture

EikipediaF !andom close pack, httpsF55enA'ikipediaAorg5'iki5!andomVcloseVpack

EikipediaF 7oordination num1er, httpsF55enA'ikipediaAorg5'iki57oordinationVnum1er

EA Man, AA Cone., 0A KA %tillinger, MA TA, EA 4A !ussel, CA Keeger, %A Inati, %A TorBuato,

and PA MA 7haikinA J9periments on !andom Packings o/ JllipsoidsA PhysA !e.A 2ettA L*, 1LH001

AA Cone., IA 7isse, CA %achs, JA AA Wariano, 0A KA %tillinger, !A 7onnelly, %A TorBuato, and PA MA

7haikinA the density o/ :ammed disordered packings using ellipsoidsA %cience $0$,
LL0?LL$ <200*=

AA Cone., 0A KA %tillinger, PA MA 7haikin, and %A TorBuatoA -nusually dense crystal packings o/

ellipsoidsA PhysA !e.A 2ettA L2, 25550; <200*=

7hA %ong, PA Eang, and KA AA MakseA A phase diagram /or :ammed matterA #ature *5$, ;2L?;$2
<200H=, arNi.F0H0HA21L; Tcond?matAso/tU

6A CA 4ernal and 6A MasonAPacking o/ spheresF co?ordination o/ randomly packed

spheresA#ature1HH, L10XL11 <1L;0=

AA Cone., !A 7onnelly, 0A KA %tillinger, and %A TorBuatoA Kypoconstrained :ammed packings o/

nonspherical hard particlesF Jllipses and JllipsoidsA PhysA !e.A JM5, 051$0* <200M=,
arNi.Fcond?mat50;0H$$* Tcond?matAmtrl?sciU

6A CA 4errymanA!andom close packing o/ hard spheres and disksAPhysA !e.A A2M, 105$X10;1

4ackground reading

MA PA 7iamarra, AA 7oniglio, and MA #icodemiAThermodynamics and statistical mechanics o/

dense granular mediaAPhysA !e.A 2ettALM, 15H001 <200;=

%A 2i, 6A Yhao, PA 2u, and YA NieA Ma9imum packing densities o/ 1asic $C o1:ectsA 7hinA %ciA 4ullA
55, 2, 11*?11L <2010=

PA Celaney, CA Eeaire, %A Kut"ler, and %A MurphyA !andom packing o/ elliptical disksA PhilA MagA
2ettA H5, 2, HL?L; <2005=

%A TorBuato, TA MA Truskett, and PA PA Ce1enedettiA Is random close packing o/ spheres 'ell

de/inedD PhysA !e.A 2ettA H*, 20;* <2000=

WA 4aranau and -A TallarekA !andom?close packing limits /or monodisperse and polydisperse
hard spheresA %o/t Matter, 10, $H2;?$H*1 <201*=

Pro1lem #oA 2 >Plume o/ smoke@
T%chrayer 200LU
I/ a 1urning candle is co.ered 1y a transparent glass, the /lame e9tinguishes and a
steady up'ard stream o/ smoke is producedA In.estigate the plume o/ smoke at
.arious magni/icationsA

4ackground reading

A KillA Ea91o'sF The Incredi1le 4eauty o/ a 4lo'n Gut 7andle <scienti/icamericanAcom,

201$=, httpF551logsAscienti/icamericanAcom51ut?not?simpler5201$50L50L5'a91o's?the?
incredi1le?1eauty?o/?a?1lo'n?out?candle5 %chrayerF 7andle al1um on 0lickr <200L=,


6A KemmingsA Ehy do candles only smoke a/ter they.e 1een e9tinguishedD

<science/ocusAcom, 201$=, httpF55science/ocusAcom5Ba5'hy?do?candles?only?smoke?a/ter?

Kollo' 0lame ? looking inside a candle /lame <thenakedscientistsAcom, 2010=,


%A !A KannaA 7oncentration /luctuations in a smoke plumeA Atmospheric Jn.ironment 1H,

;, 1LH*, 10L1?110; <1L;M=

Carren !ossiterF 0un 'ith 7andles Al1um on 0lickr <201*=,


6earl EalkerA The Physics and 7hemistry -nderlying the In/inite 7harm o/ a 7andle
0lameF Amateur %cientistA %ciA AmA 2$H, *, 15*?1;2 <1LMH=

EikipediaF #ucleation, httpsF55enA'ikipediaAorg5'iki5#ucleation

Pro1lem #oA $ >Arti/icial muscle@
Attach a polymer /ishing line to an electric drill and apply tension to the lineA As it
t'ists, the /i1re 'ill /orm tight coils in a spring?like arrangementA Apply heat to the
coils to permanently /i9 that spring?like shapeA Ehen you apply heat again, the coil 'ill
contractA In.estigate this Zarti/icial muscleA
T- Te9as at Callas 201*U

4ackground reading

7A %A Kaines, MA CA 2ima, #A 2i, PA MA %pinks, 6A 0oroughi, 6A CA EA Madden, %A KA im,

%A 0ang, MA 6A de Andrade, 0A P[ktepe, \A P[ktepe, %A MA Mir.akili, %A #a/icy, NA
2epr], 6A Gh, MA JA o"lo., %A 6A im, NA Nu, 4A 6A %'edlo.e, PA PA Eallace, and !A KA
4aughmanA Arti/icial muscles /rom /ishing line and se'ing threadA %cience $*$,
;1M$, H;H?HM2 <201*=,

6A Yuan and PA PoulinA 0i1ers do the t'istA %cience $*$, H*5?H*; <201*=

0ishing 2ine Arti/icial Muscles <youtu1eAcom, /rom A7J%Jlectromaterials,

1LA02A101*=, httpF55youtuA1e5T1aH#/02G%I

AA hanA EatchF %cientists make super?strong arti/icial muscle /rom /ishing line <2A
Times, 201*=, httpF55'''AlatimesAcom5science5scienceno'5la?sci?sn?arti/icial?

CA 7ooperA %pun /ishing line turned into muscleA <A47 %cience, 201*=,

Pro1lem #oA * >2iBuid /ilm motor@
0orm a soap /ilm on a /lat /rameA Put the /ilm in an electric /ield parallel to the /ilm
sur/ace and pass an electric current through the /ilmA The /ilm rotates in its planeA
In.estigate and e9plain the phenomenonA

4ackground reading

AA Am:adi, !A, #A Kamedani !ad:a, and MA !A J:tehadiA A liBuid /ilm motorA

Micro/luid and nano/luidA ;, 5 M11?M15 <200L=

JA WA %hiryae.a, WA AA Wladimiro., and MA Yu Yhuko.A Theory o/ rotating

electrohydrodynamic /lo's in a liBuid /ilmA PhysA !e.A J H0, *, 0*1;0$ <200L=,
arNi.F0L02A$M$$.1 TphysicsA/lu?dynU,

YhA?_A 2iu, YA?6A 2i, PA?7A Yhang, and %A?!A 6iangA Cynamical mechanism o/ the liBuid /ilm
motorA PhysA !e.A J H$, 2, 02;$0$ <2011=

!A, AA Am:adi, AA Tonddast?#a.aei, and MA !A J:tehadiA Jlectrically rotating

suspended /ilms o/ polar liBuidsA J9pA 0luids, 50, 2, *1L?*2H <2011=

YA?_A 2iu, PA?7A Yhang, YA?6A 2i, and %A?!A 6iangA Eater /ilm motor dri.en 1y alternating
electric /ieldsF Its dynamical characteristicsA PhysA !e.A J H5, $, 0$;$1* <2012=

YA?_A 2iu, YA?6A 2i, A?YA Pan, %A?!A 6iang, and PA?7A YhangA Eater /ilm 'ashers and mi9ersF
Their rotational modes and electro?hydrodynamical /lo's induced 1y sBuare?'a.e
electric /ieldsA Micro/luidA and #ano/luidA 1*, 1?2, $1L?$2H <201$=

AA Am:adi, !A #a"i/i, !A MA #amin, and MA Mokhtar"adehA %tates o/ motion in an A7 liBuid

/ilm motorF e9periments and theory <201$=, arNi.F1$05A1MML.1 TphysicsA/lu?dynU

4ackground reading

AA Am:adi, MA %A 0ei", and !A MA #aminA 2iBuid soap /ilm generates electricityF A

suspended liBuid /ilm rotating in an e9ternal electric /ield as an electric
generatorAMicro/luidA and #ano/luidA5, 1?M <201$=, arNi.F1$05AM1;5.2Tcond?matAso/tU

200L?Eater 0ilm Motor <Cept Physics, %hari/ -ni.A TechA, 200L=,


2010?!otation o/ Polar 2iBuid 0ilms <Cept Physics, %hari/ -ni.A TechA, 2010=,

2010?Insta1ility and !otation o/ 2iBuid 7rystal 0ilms <Cept Physics, %hari/ -ni.A TechA,
2010=, httpF55physAshari/Aedu5'e15medphysla152010?insta1ility

2iBuid Motor !e.s -p <scienti/icamericanAcom=,


Pro1lem #oA 5 >T'o 1alloons@
T'o ru11er 1alloons are partially in/lated 'ith air and connected together 1y a hose
'ith a .al.eA It is /ound that depending on initial 1alloon .olumes, the air can /lo' in
di//erent directionsA In.estigate this phenomenonA
T1ro'nAedu 2011U

4ackground reading

0A Eeinhaus and EA 4arkerA Gn the eBuili1rium states o/ interconnected 1u11les or 1alloonsA AmA 6A
PhysA *;, LMH?LH2 <1LMH=

EikipediaF T'o 1alloons e9periment, httpF55enA'ikipediaAorg5'iki5T'o?1alloonVe9periment

EikipediaF Jlasticity, httpF55enA'ikipediaAorg5'iki5JlasticityV<physics=

YA and 0A 2A da %il.eiraA T'o ru11er 1alloonsF Phase diagram o/ air trans/erA PhysA !e.A J, ;L,
05110H <200*=

YA and 0A 2A da %il.eiraA To gro' or to shrinkF A tale o/ t'o ru11er 1alloons <200*=, arNi.Fcond?
mat50*0$1M1.1 Tcond?matAso/tU

Pressure inside a 1alloon <%7IPP=, httpF55scippAucscAedu5outreach51alloon5la1s5In/lationJ9pAhtm

4A Cenardo and !A MasadaA !u11er hysteresis e9perimentA PhysA TeachA 2H, M, *HL?*L1 <1LL0=

PA Yendedel #o1ari, !A MA #amin, and KA A"i"inaghshA Jnergy losses and e//iciency in a 1alloon
po'ered carA IYPT ProcA 2010?2011 <AYIMI, IYPT Archi.e, 2011=,

EikipediaF Mullins J//ect, httpF55enA'ikipediaAorg5'iki5MullinsVe//ect

EikipediaF 2aplace Pressure, httpF55enA'ikipediaAorg5'iki52aplaceVpressure

Try thisF 4a//ling 1alloons <csiroAau=, httpF55'''AcsiroAau5heli95sciencemail5acti.ities5laplaceAhtml

2A10A51 !u11er 4alloons <1ro'nAedu=,


7hA?%hA 7henA T'o interconnected ru11er 1alloons as a demonstration sho'ing the e//ect o/ sur/ace
tension <circleAu1cAca, 200L=,

Pro1lem #oA ; >Magnus glider@
Plue the 1ottoms o/ t'o light cups together to make a gliderA Eind an elastic 1and
around the centre and hold the /ree end that remainsA Ehile holding the glider, stretch
the /ree end o/ the elastic 1and and then release the gliderA In.estigate its motionA
T7MK 2012U

4ackground reading

EikipediaF Magnus e//ect, httpsF55enA'ikipediaAorg5'iki5MagnusVe//ect

Eendy %adler ? Magnus J//ectAmp* <youtu1eAcom, /rom Eendy %adler,

21A0;A2011=, httpF55youtuA1e5ClGMM*Py!r'

Magnus Plider <youtu1eAcom, /rom 7hildrens Museum o/ Kouston, 20A0;A2012=,


Magnus Plider1y7hildrens Museum o/ Kouston <instructa1lesAcom, 2012=,


eith Gst/eldA Make Your G'n Magnus Plider <7MK, 2010=,


!A #icholsA J9amination o/ the aerodynamic characteristics o/ a Magnus e//ect

gliderA PhC Thesis <7ali/ornia PolytechA %tate -ni.A, 200H=

KA MA 4arkla and 2A 6A AuchterlonieA The Magnus or !o1ins e//ect on rotating

spheresA 6A 0luid MechA *M, 0$, *$M <1LM1=

EA MA %'ansonA The Magnus e//ectF A summary o/ in.estigations to dateA 6A 4asic

JngA H$, $, *;1 <1L;1=

Pro1lem #oA M >%haded pole@
Place a non?/erromagnetic metal disk an electromagnet po'ered 1y an A7 supplyA
The disk 'ill 1e repelled, 1ut not rotatedA Ko', i/ a non?/erromagnetic metal sheet
is partially inserted 1et'een the electromagnet and the disk, the disk 'ill rotateA
In.estigate the phenomenonA

4ackground reading

6A AA 0lemingA Gn electromagnetic repulsionAProcA!oyal InstA o/ Preat 4ritain <March

1HL1=, ppA M2?L2,
Physical%cienceWol*5!oyalInstitutionWol0*Vte9tApd/3 and6ournA %ocAo/ Arts <May 1*, 1HL0=,
ppA 2L;?$1;,

6earl EalkerA ;A22F Turning in the shade o/ a magnetic /ieldA InF The 0lying 7ircus o/ Physics
'ith Ans'ers <6ohn Eiley a %ons, 1LM5=,

EikipediaF %haded?pole motor, httpF55enA'ikipediaAorg5'iki5%haded?poleVmotor

Jasy shaded pole motor e9periment <youtu1eAcom, /rom stroll$;5, 11A0MA200L=,


%haded pole motor e9periment <youtu1eAcom, /rom Thomas im, $0A0MA201$=,


eith Pi11sA <.= The shaded pole motor <schoolphysics, 201$=,


Pro1lem #oA H >%ugar and salt@
Ehen a container 'ith a layer o/ sugar 'ater placed a1o.e a layer o/ salt 'ater is
illuminated, a distincti.e /ingering pattern may 1e seen in the pro:ected shado'A
In.estigate the phenomenon and its dependence on the rele.ant parametersA

4ackground reading

EikipediaF %chlieren photography, httpF55enA'ikipediaAorg5'iki5%chlierenVphotography

6A Taylor and PA WeronisA J9periments on dou1le?di//usi.e sugar?salt /ingers at high sta1ility ratioA 6A
0luid MechA $21, $15X$$$ <1LL;=

GA PA %ingh and 6A %rini.asanA J//ect o/ !ayleigh num1ers on the e.olution o/ dou1le?di//usi.e salt
/ingersA PhysA 0luids 2;, 0;210* <201*=

!A EA %chmittA The characteristics o/ salt /ingers in .ariety o/ /luid systems, including stellar interiors,
liBuid metals, oceans, and magmasA PhysA 0luids 2;, L, 2$M$X2$MM <1LH$=

EikipediaF !ayleigh?Taylor insta1ility, httpF55enA'ikipediaAorg5'iki5!ayleigh


PA Paraud, 6A 4ro'n, AA Tra9ler, %A %tellmach, and TA !adkoA 0ingering con.ection <-7 %anta 7ru"=,

YA?#A Young, KA Tu/o, AA Cu1ey, and !A !osnerA Gn the misci1le !ayleighXTaylor insta1ilityF

t'o and three dimensionsA 6A 0luid MechA **M, $MM?*0H <2001=

6A Yoshida and KA #agashimaA #umerical e9periments on salt?/inger con.ection <physAoceanAdalAca=,


TA PA 2A %hirtcli//e and 6A %A TurnerA G1ser.ations o/ the cell structure o/ salt /ingersA 6A 0luid MechA, *1,
*, M0M?M1L <1LM0=

6A EalkerA The salt /ountain and other curiosities 1ased on the di//erent density o/ /luidsA Amateur
%cientistA InF %ciA AmA 10 <1LMM=, httpF55:esseenterprisesAnet5amsci51LMM51051LMM?10?1odyAhtml

The initial gro'th o/ salt /ingersF 0igA 2 <-ni.A o/ Wictoria=, httpF55csaAphysAu.icAca5teaching5multi?


Mi9ing Physics %cience J9periment <youtu1eAcom, /rom Physics 7entral, 10A01A201$=, httpF55youtuA1e5#IH5o7?

Pro1lem #oA L >Ko.ercra/t@
A simple model ho.ercra/t can 1e 1uilt using a 7C and a 1alloon /illed 'ith air attached
.ia a tu1eA J9iting air can li/t the making it /loat a sur/ace 'ith lo' /rictionA
In.estigate ho' the rele.ant parameters in/luence the time o/ the Zlo'?/riction stateA
Tsan:oseli1rary 2010U

4ackground reading

7A de I"arra and PA de I"arraA %tokes eBuation in a toy 7C ho.ercra/tA JurA 6A PhysA $2, HL?LL
<2011=, httpF55'''Arose?hulmanAedu5^moloney5Ph*25501*$?0H0MV$2V1V00Hb20cd

CA 4urchillA 7heap?n?cool ho.ercra/tA PhysA JducA $H, ;, *L0 <200$=

7heap toy <cheaperthancupo/:oe, 02A01A2010=,


4A !A Jl1ing, JA %A Einkel, A AA 2ay, %A 2A 7eccio, CA !A Co'ling, and MA PerlinAA Air?layer Induced

%kin?/riction Crag !eduction <umichAedu, 200M=,

4alloon Ko.ercra/t <hometrainingtoolsAcom=, httpF55'''AhometrainingtoolsAcom5a51alloon?


7A ap/er and AA raushaarA Ko.ercra/tFThe Myth, The 2egend, The %cience <Tualatin Kigh
%chool=, httpF55tuhsphysicsAttsdAk12AorAus5!esearch5i1005ap/rau5ho.erpageAhtm

7C Ko.ercra/t ? %ick %cienceO Q0*5 <tesAcoAuk, 2012=, httpF55'''AtesAcoAuk5teaching?


Ko' a Ko.ercra/t Eorks <6amesc Ko.ercra/t %ite, 2012=,


KA %chlichtingA 4oundary?2ayer Theory <McPra'?Kill, 1L;H=

MA YA AA !ashid, MA %A MA Aras, MA AA assim, YA I1rahim, and AA 6amaliA Cynamic mathematical

modeling and simulation study o/ small scale autonomous ho.ercra/tA IntA 6A Ad.A %ciA TechA *;,
L5?11* <2012=, httpF55'''AserscAorg5:ournals5I6A%T5.ol*;5;Apd/

4ackground reading

TA CeneryA Multi?domain modeling o/ the dynamics o/ a ho.ercra/t /or controller de.elopment

<MathEorks, 2005=, httpF55'''Amath'orksAcom5tagteam52H**2VAIAA?2005?;2L$VCeneryApd/

7C Ko.ercra/t ? %ick %cienceO <%te.e %pangler %cience=,


7C Ko.ercra/t <youtu1eAcom, /rom PrandadIsAnGldMan, 1HA02A201$=,


Make Toy 7C Ko.ercra/t <youtu1eAcom, /rom %pacepainter, 2MA0*A200H=,


7C 1alloon ho.ercra/t <youtu1eAcom, /rom _uestacon#%T7, 0;A01A200L=,


%A 4A PatesA A crude theory o/ ho.ercra/t per/ormance at "ero tilt <MinA A.iation 7APA #oA ;0H,
1L;2=, httpF55nacaAcentralAcran/ieldAacAuk5reports5arc5cp50;0HApd/

Pro1lem #oA 10 >%inging 1lades o/ grass@
It is possi1le to produce a sound 1y 1lo'ing across a 1lade o/ grass, a paper strip or
similarA In.estigate this e//ectA
T6erry 4o'ley 2011U

Ko' to Ehistle 'ith a 4lade o/ Prass <youtu1eAcom, /rom Ko'cast, 1HA0HA2010=,


Ko' To 4lo' a Prass Ehistle <youtu1eAcom, /rom Prismistic Inkclicks, 2;A0;A200L=,


ho' to 'histle 'ith grass <youtu1eAcom, /rom minimemario12, 02A12A200L=,


7A Jloy, !A 2agrange, 7A %ouillie", and 2A %cho.eillerA Aeroelastic insta1ility o/ cantile.ered

de9i1le plates in uni/orm do'A 6A 0luid MechA ;11, LM?10; <200H=

4A %A KA 7onnel and CA A PA YueA 0lapping dynamics o/ a /lag in a uni/orm streamA 6A 0luid

MechA 5H1, $$?;M <200M=

2A Tang and MA PA PaedoussisA The dynamics o/ t'o?dimensional cantile.ered plates 'ith an

additional spring support in a9ial /lo'A #onlinA CynA 51, $, *2L?*$H <200H=

6A Yhang, %A 7hildress, AA 2i1cha1er, and MA %helleyA 0le9i1le /ilaments in a /lo'ing soap /ilm as
a model /or one?dimensional /lags in a t'o?dimensional 'indA #ature *0H, H$5XH$L <2000=

7A JloyA Insta1litf multipolaire de tour1illonsA Thgse de Coctorat, a lc-ni.ersitf Ai9?Marseille II


WA WA Wedenee.A Kigh?/reBuency /lutter o/ a rectangular plateA 0luid Cynamics *1, *, ;*1?;*H


WA WA Wedenee.A 0lutter o/ a 'ide strip plate in a supersonic gas /lo'A 0luid Cynamics *0, 5,
H05XH1M <2005=
4ackground reading

AA CA 0itt and MAPA PopeA The unsteady motion o/ t'o?dimensional /lags 'ith 1ending sti//nessA
6A JngA MathA *0, 22M?2*H <2001=

MA TA Morris?Thomas and %A %teenA J9periments on the sta1ility and drag o/ a /le9i1le sheet
under in?plane tension in uni/orm /lo'A 6A 0luids %tructures 25, 5, H15?H$0 <6uly 200L=

MA Argentina and 2A Mahade.anA 0luid?/lo'?induced /lutter o/ a /lagA ProcA #atlA AcadA %ciA 102,
;, 1H2L?1H$* <2005=

7A 2emaitre, PA Kfmon, and JA de 2angreA Insta1ility o/ a long ri11on hanging in a9ial air /lo'A 6A
0luids %tructures 20, L1$ <2005=

2A %chou.eiler, 7A Jloy, and PA 2e PalA 0lo'?induced .i1rations o/ high mass ratio /le9i1le
/ilaments /reely hanging in a /lo'A PhysA 0luids 1M, *, 0*M10*A1?0*M10*AH <2005=

2A %chou.eiler and 7A JloyA 7oupled /lutter o/ parallel platesA PhysA 0luids 21, 0H1M0$ <200L=

7A Jloy, 7A %ouillie", and 2A %chou.eilerA 0lutter o/ a rectangular plateA 6A 0luids %tructA 2$, L0*?
L1L <200M=

7A %ouillie", 2A %chou.eiler, and 7A JloyA 0lutter modes o/ a /le9i1le plate in an air /lo'A 6A
Wisuali"ation L, 2*2 <200;=

%A TanedaA motions o/ /lagsA 6A PhysA %ocA 6pnA 2*, $L2X*01 <1L;H=

%AA CattaA Insta1ility o/ an elastic strip hanging in an airstreamA A%MJ 6A AppA MechA *2, 1L5

AA7A 7arruthersA Aerodynamic drag o/ streamers and /lagsA 6A Aircra/t *2, LM; <2005=

%A Al1enA The /lapping?/lag insta1ility as a nonlinear eigen.alue pro1lemA PhysA 0luids 20,
10*10; <200H=
4ackground reading

YA Eatana1e, %A %u"uki, MA %ugihara, and YA %ueokaA An e9perimental study o/ paper /lutterA 6A

0luids %tructures 1;, *, 52L?5*2 <2002=

2A Tang and MA PA PaedoussisA The in/luence o/ the 'ake on the sta1ility o/ cantile.ered /le9i1le
plates in a9ial /lo'A 6A %ound Wi1ration $10, $, 512?52; <200H=

#A Yamaguchi, A Ito, and MA GgataA 0lutter limits and 1eha.iors o/ /le9i1le 'e1s a
simpli/ied 1asic con/iguration in high?speed /lo'A A%MJ 6A 0luids JngA 125, 2, $*5?$5$ <200$=

%A TanedaA motions o/ /lagsA 6A PhysA %ocA 6pnA 2*, $L2X*01 <1L;H=

%A TanedaA J9periment on /lo' around a ' plateA 6A PhysA %ocA 6pnA $;, 1;H$?1;HL <1LM*=

2A KuangA 0lutter o/ cantile.ered plates in a9ial /lo'A 6A 0luids %tructA L, 2, 12M?1*M <1LL5=

CA MA tang, KA Yamamoto, and JA KA Co'ellA 0lutter and limit cycle oscillations o/ t'o?
dimensional panels in three?dimensional a9ial /lo'A 6A 0luids %tructA 1M, 2, 225?2*2 <200$=

!A 7oeneA 0lutter o/ slender 1odies under a9ial stressA AppA %ciA !esA *L, 2, 1M5?1HM <1LL2=

CA PA 7righton and 6A JA Gs'ellA 0luid loading 'ith mean /lo'A IA !esponse o/ an elastic plate to
locali"ed e9citationA PhilA TransA !A %ocA AA $$5, 55MX5L2 <1LL1=

WA WA Wedenee.A Kigh?/reBuency plate /lutterA 0luid Cynamics *1, 2, $1$X$21 <200;=

2A CA Yhu and 7A %A PeskinA %imulation o/ a /lapping /le9i1le /ilament in a /lo'ing soap /ilm 1y
the immersed 1oundary methodA 6A 7ompA PhysA 1ML, 2, *52?*;H <2002=
4ackground reading

Pro1lem #oA 11 >7ats 'hisker@
The /irst semiconductor diodes, 'idely used in crystal radios, consisted o/ a thin 'ire
that lightly touched a crystal o/ a semiconducting material <eAgA galena=A 4uild your
o'n Zcats?'hisker diode and in.estigate its electrical propertiesA
T7unningham 200HU

4ackground reading

EikipediaF 7ats?'hisker detector, httpF55enA'ikipediaAorg5'iki57atcs?


Alan JA 0lo'ersA 7rystal and %olid 7ontact !ecti/iers,


6A 0A 7orriganA The Popular Eireless 7rystal J9perimentercs Kand1ook <1L25=,


KA Ein/ield %ecor, !adio Cetector Ce.elopment, The Jlectrical J9perimenter,

6anuary, 1L1M, pages ;52`, httpF55earlyradiohistoryAus51L1MdeAhtm

4uild an antiBue style crystal radio 1y Ghm, httpF55'''Ainstructa1lesAcom5id54uild?


Ko' toF Make a simple 7rystal !adio 1y microman1M1,


1L01 ? %emiconductor !ecti/iers Patented as h7atcs Ehiskerh Cetectors, 7omputer

Kistory Museum, httpF55'''AcomputerhistoryAorg5semiconductor5timeline51L01?

Pro1lem #oA 12 >Thick lens@
A 1ottle /illed 'ith a liBuid can 'ork as a lensA Argua1ly, such a 1ottle is dangerous i/
le/t on a ta1le on a sunny dayA 7an one use such a Zlens to scorch a sur/aceD
TPra:esh1hat 2011U

4ackground reading

%A 4ednarek and 6A rysiakA The use o/ cylindrical lenses in easy e9periments /or physics
education and the magic artsA PhysA JducA *;, 5, 5L1 <2011=

%tart a 0ire Eith a Eater 4ottle <youtu1eAcom, /rom Prant Thompson, 1HA12A2012=,

5 Eays to %tart a 0ire, -sing Eater <youtu1eAcom, /rom Prant Thompson ? hThe king o/
!andomh, 2MA0LA201$=, httpF55youtuA1e5K7yK7MlnMy_

6im 4lack1urnA Eater 0illed 6ugs 7an 7ause 0ires <CA7, 2010=,

EikipediaF 2ens, httpF55enA'ikipediaAorg5'iki52ensV<optics=

EikipediaF 7ylindrical lens, httpsF55enA'ikipediaAorg5'iki57ylindricalVlens

Gptics Tutorial ? H ? 7ardinal Points <youtu1eAcom, /rom opticsrealm, 0;A12A2012=,


AA 2atham 4akerA Thick?lens opticsF An elementary treatise /or the student and the amateur
< CA .an #ostrand, 1L12=, httpsF55archi.eAorg5details5thicklensopticse001akerich

EA 0A 2ongA Thick lenses and lens systems <drdr1illAcom, 200M=,


Thick lens /ormula <science'orldA'ol/ramAcom=,


Thick lenses and A47C /ormalism <sisuAedu=,


4ackground reading

CA?7hA %u and 7hA?EA 7hangA A ne' techniBue /or measuring the a//ecti.e /ocal length o/ a
thick lens or a compound lensAGptA 7ommAMH, 2 11H?122 <1LL0=

!A ingslake and !A 4A 6ohnsonA2ens design /undamentals <Academic Press, 200L=,


EikipediaF 4urning glass, httpF55enA'ikipediaAorg5'iki54urningVglass

AA 6A 4A 7haneyA 4urning glass <Princeton -ni.A=,


EikipediaF !eal Image, httpF55enA'ikipediaAorg5'iki5!ealVimage

EikipediaF A1erration, httpF55enA'ikipediaAorg5'iki5GpticalVa1erration

EikipediaF %pherical A1erration, httpF55enA'ikipediaAorg5'iki5%phericalVa1erration

Pro1lem #oA 1$ >Magnetic pendulum@
Make a light pendulum 'ith a small magnet at the /ree endA An ad:acent
electromagnet connected to an A7 po'er source o/ a much higher /reBuency than the
natural /reBuency o/ the pendulum can lead to undamped oscillations 'ith .arious
amplitudesA %tudy and e9plain the phenomenonA
T.eggie/rog 2010U

4ackground reading

Magnet po'ered pendulum <youtu1eAcom, /rom !KJAC100, 12A05A200H=,


%tephen Ko1leyA Jlectromagnetic pendulum <stephenho1leyAcom, 2011=,


The %olar1otics %un%'inger Pendulum,


Perpetual %'inging Pendulum <1o'densho11ycircuitsAin/o=,


JnriBue YelenyA 7haotic Motion o/ Pertur1ed Pendulum <Eol/ram Cemonstrations Pro:ect,

April 1L, 201$=, httpF55demonstrationsA'ol/ramAcom57haoticMotionG/Pertur1edPendulum5

#asser MA A11asiA 7haotic Motion o/ a Camped Cri.en PendulumF 4i/urcation, Poincarf

Map, Po'er %pectrum, and Phase Portrait < Eol/ram Cemonstrations Pro:ect, Gcto1er 12,

MyPhysics2a1 ? 7haotic pendulum, httpF55'''Amyphysicsla1Acom5pendulum2Ahtml

Thomas Pasen"erA The chaotic physical pendulum <-ni.A o/ Keidel1erg=,


4ackground reading

6osh 4e.i.inoA The Path /rom the %imple Pendulum to 7haos <200L=,

KA Kaupt/leisch, TA Pasen"er, A Meier, GA #achtmann, and 6A %chemmel, A computer

controlled pendulum 'ith position readout <200L=, arNi.F0L05A2015 TphysicsApop?phU

The Camped Cri.en PendulumF A 7haotic %ystem,


6ohn KA Ku11ard, The 0orced Camped PendulumF 7haos, 7omplication and 7ontrol,

Pro1lem #oA 1* >7ircle o/ light@
Ehen a laser 1eam is aimed at a 'ire, a circle o/ light can 1e o1ser.ed on a screen
perpendicular to the 'ireA J9plain this phenomenon and in.estigate ho' it depends on
the rele.ant parametersA
T%chetniko. 201*U

4ackground reading

EikipediaF Ci//raction, httpF55enA'ikipediaAorg5'iki5Ci//raction

EikipediaF Inter/erence, httpF55enA'ikipediaAorg5'iki5Inter/erenceV<'a.eVpropagation=

6A %egal, AA 7edarman, and CA MacIsaacA Ci//raction 'ith hair or 'ire <4u//alo %tate -ni.A=,

Measuring the diameter o/ human hair 'ith laser di//raction <stemakAorg, 200H=,

%A PanciA 0raunho/er di//raction 1y a thin 'ire and 4a1inets principleA AmA 6A PhysA M$, 1,
H$?H* <2005=, httpF55/pAopticsAari"onaAedu5Eright5images5ThinEire2Apd/

0raunho/er Ci//ractionF Thin Eires <MIT Wideo=,


4ill 7asselmanA %ingle slit di//raction pattern o/ light <-ni.A 4ritA 7olum1ia=,

Pro1lem #oA 15 > 1rush@
A 1rush may start 'hen placed on a .i1rating hori"ontal sur/aceA
In.estigate the motionA
T%te/an 2010U

4ackground reading

Mini 1rush ro1ot <youtu1eAcom, /rom YJ-% MJ0I%TG, 0HA11A201$=,


!G4GT 4!-%K ? 4-I2T and in A7TIG# ? Toy /or idsO <youtu1eAcom, /rom
The Peneral J9pert, 2*A0$A2012=, httpF55youtuA1e5?VnVGC!_BEo

jklmnonp <youtu1eAcom, /rom pri"olo., 1$A02A201*=,



qA rstuvwktA jklmnonpx 55 ytxz {sotkw | ;, 1LMM, ;5?;M,


yA }nmk~nA jklmnonp kpv t ~sv 55 ytxz {sotkw | *, 1LMH, M2?M$,


Pro1lem #oA 1; >Eet and dark@
7lothes can look darker or change colour 'hen they get 'etA In.estigate the
TPaul Eatson 2005U

4ackground reading

6A 2ekner and MA 7A Cor/A Ehy some things are darker 'hen 'etA ApplA Gptics2M, M,
12MH?12H0 <1LHH=

Jugene KechtA Gptics <Addison?Eesley 2ongman, 2002=

Ehy 'et is darkD <physicsAstacke9changeAcom=,


%cientists 'hy 'et soil is dark <scottishscepticA'ordpressAcom, 2011=,


EA PhilpotA %pectral !e/lectance o/ Eetted %oildA ProcA A%C and IJJJ P!%, II
<4oulder, 2010=, httpF55'''AasdiAcom5getmedia5eee1Mad1?cL;*?**/d?L*0*?

%A AA T'omey, 7A 0A 4ohren, and 6A 2A MergenthalerA !e/lectance and al1edo

di//erences 1et'een 'et and dry sur/acesAApplA Gptics25, $, *$1?*$M <1LH;=

KA 4A Mall 6r, and #A da Witoria 2o1oA Cetermining 'et sur/aces /rom dryAIJJJ ProcA
5th Intl 7on/ on 7omputer Wision, L;$?L;H <1LL5=

A 2A 7oulson, PA MA 4ouricius, and JA 2A PrayA Gptical re/lection properties o/ natural

sur/acesA6A PeophysA !esAM0, 1H, *;01?*;11 <1L;5=

Pro1lem #oA 1M >7o//ee cup@
Physicists like drinking co//ee, ho' 'alking 1et'een la1oratories 'ith a cup o/
co//ee can 1e pro1lematicA In.estigate ho' the shape o/ the cup, speed o/ 'alking and
other parameters a//ect the likelihood o/ co//ee 1eing spilt 'hile 'alkingA
T%imon 6ames 2012U

4ackground reading

KA 7A Mayer and !A rechetniko.A Ealking 'ith co//eeF Ehy does it spillD PhysA !e.A
J H5, 0*;11M <2012=

Yeling CaiA Ehy does co//ee spillD <-7%C, 2012=, httpF559?


KA 7A Mayer and !A rechetniko.A Ealking 'ith co//eeF 'hen and 'hy co//ee spillsA

TA ulc"ycki, MA 'asnicki, 4A %iude:aA %pilling /rom a cognac glass <201$=,


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