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Kindergarten Class Syllabus
Miss Toapanta

Contact Information
School Phone: 1-323-292-7066
Class Website:

Daily Schedule
Our class schedule is attached to the back of the syllabus. Students will have Language Arts and
Math daily. P.E. will be on Monday, Dance will be Tuesday, Art will be Friday and Science and Social
Studies will rotate Monday through Friday.

Learning Expectations for the Year
Throughout the year, I expect to cover the following content areas in each of the different subject
matters. Content is based on the Common Core Standards for Language Arts and Math, California State
Standards for Social Studies, and the Next Generation State Standards for Science.

Language Arts
Kindergarten uses the Pearson Reading Street series. The following standards are written in a student
friendly matter and are covered in our units of study.

Reading Foundational Skills
I can understand how books are meant to be read
- I can read the words in a book in the right order
- I can understand that words I say can be written using letters in a certain order
- I can name all uppercase and lowercase letters
I can understand the sounds that letters and words make
- I can recognize and make rhyming words
- I can count and divide words into syllables
- I can blend sounds to make words
- I can take apart beginning sounds and ending parts of one-syllable words
- I can make new words by changing letters in words I already know
I can read and understand books at my level
I can understand and tell about fiction/non-fiction
- I can ask and answer questions about important details in stories
- I can retell stories
- I can tell characters, setting and what happens in the story
- I can tell how words and pictures go together in stories

I can write different types of writing for different reasons
- I can draw or write to help me share what I think
- I can draw or write to help me explain a topic


I can make my writing better and get it read for others to read
- I can listen to my friends ideas to help add details to my story
I can use research to help my writing
- I can help my class learn about a subject and then write about it

Listening and Speaking
I can have and understand conversations with all kinds of people.
- I can show that I know how to have a good conversation with my friends and teachers
- I can listen and take turns
I can have and understand conversations with all kinds of people
- I can tell what a story is about
- I can ask and answer questions about what I have heard

I can show that I know how to use words correctly when I write and speak
- I can print upper and lowercase letters
- I can use nouns and verbs
- I can make my nouns plural by adding s or es
- I can use questions words
I can show that I know how to write sentences correctly
- I can capitalize the first word in a sentence
- I can capitalize the word I
- I can find and name punctuation
- I can use what I know about letters and sounds to spell easy words
I can figure out how words are related. I can figure out how their meanings might be alike.

Kindergarten uses the Sadlier-Oxford Mathematics. The following standards are written in a student
friendly matter and are covered in our units of study.

I know my numbers and can count.
- I can count to 100 by ones and tens
- I can count forward starting at any number I have learned
- I can write numbers from 0 to 20
- I can write a number to tell about a group of 0 to 20 things
I can count to tell the number of things
- I can understand how number names go with counting in the right order
- I can compare two written numbers between 1 and 10
- I can understand that the next number I say when I count means that there is one more
I can understand addition and subtraction
- I can add and subtract using objects and drawings
- I can solve word problems up to 10
- I can take apart any number from 1 to 10 to show that I understand that number
- I can add/subtract within 5
I can work with bigger numbers to understand place value


- I can make and take apart numbers from 11 to 19 by telling how many tens and ones are in the
I can tell about and compare things that can be measured
- I can compare things to be measured using tools and words like longer and shorter
I can sort things and put them into groups
- I can put things into groups by seeing how they are the same
I can name and tell about shapes
- I can use positional words (above, below, beside)
- I can tell if a shape is flat or solid

Social Studies
The following standards are written in a student friendly matter and are covered in our units of study.
I know what it means to be a good citizen
- I can follow rules of sharing and taking turns
- I can tell about history and people that show honesty, courage and determination
I can name national and state symbols
- I can name the flag, the bald eagle and Statue of Liberty
I can name different jobs in my community
- I can name jobs in my school
- I can name jobs in history
I can tell about location
- I can use words like near/far/left/right to tell where I am
- I can read a basic map
- I can create a small map
I know basic history
- I can tell about holidays and people we celebrate
- I can tell about heroes
- I can see how life was different in earlier times

Kindergarten uses Nancy Larson Kindergarten Science Curriculum. Throughout the year, students will be
learning about physical, earth, and life science. The following standards are written in a student friendly
matter and are covered in our units of study.
I can describe how humans and animals acts because of where they live
- I can tell how humans live
- I can tell how plants live
I can find ways to help the earth
- I can describe recycling
I know about the weather
- I can tell if it is hot, cold, raining ect.
- I can tell what to use to help me stay comfortable in the weather (umbrellas, coats)
- I can tell what the weather will be like using the local weather reports
I can describe force
- I can use objects to push and pull
I can use objects to help me push and pull things
- I can use/create ramps


Students will complete different art projects throughout the year.
Please have your child bring a large, old t-shirt for our messier projects!

Homework Policy
Homework is always due Friday or the last day of the school week. Students have been assigned a
binder, which must be checked and brought back to school daily. If a binder is lost, parents are
responsible for replacing it.

Read Aloud Chart
Students will receive a read aloud chart once a month. It must be completed by the last school day
of the month. Entire chart must be completed to receive credit.

Start time: First week of school

Sight Words
Sight words will begin in late September/early October. Sight words must be studied every
night. Students will be tested throughout the week and must know words automatically. When the entire
class passes a set of twenty we will hold a class party! More information on sight words will be provided
in September.

RAN Board
RAN stands for Rapid Automatic Naming Response. Students must read the letters/words as fast
as they can. Parents must sign for each day and record the time it took to read the chart by the end of the
week. Credit/no credit.

Overnight Express
Parents must check the Overnight Express pocket everyday. Office forms, permission slips and
other important paperwork will be put in this pocket and must be returned the next day.

Homework packets will be given out on the first day of the school week. These packets must be
returned at the end of the week. All work must be done to receive credit. If homework is not completed
students will be asked to complete it during class time.
Points: 1 point per assignment
1 point for completing the assignment on time
Absent work must be completed within 2 days

Black Assessment Folder
Please check this folder every Thursday. Students tests will be sent home so you can see
progress. These must be returned the following day with a parents signature, as they will be added to the
students portfolio. Any corrected work will be included in this folder and must be kept at home.

Book Bags


Students are also asked to read from their book bags each night. As a part of their homework,
students must read aloud to an adult. The adult must then sign the childs book card, indicating that they
practiced reading. Students will be assessed for fluency the following day and will either receive a new or
the same reading assignment the following night.

Assessment Schedule
Students will be assessed in Reading weekly. Other assessments will depend on the unit of study.
Spelling tests will begin later in the year, depending on the readiness of the class. More
information will be given when we move into word family study.
If your child misses an assessment, they will be asked to take it the following school day.

New grades are posted on GradeLink every Wednesday evening. Please check GradeLink often
and email me with any questions of concerns. You can get GradeLink information and passwords at the

Behavior Expectations and Classroom Rules
I expect students to follow both school-wide behavior policies, as well as the expectations I have
put in place for our classroom. On the second week of school, students will help me create classroom
rules. A copy of the rules will be sent home as soon as they are available.

Absences and Tardiness
The school year begins promptly at 7:45 a.m. Monday-Friday. Children who arrive after the
7:45 bell must get a late slip before coming to class. If your child is absent, please send a note upon
their return to school. If they have a dentist or doctors appointment, a doctors note is necessary to excuse
their absence. If you know that your child will be out of school for several days, please see me in advance
so that I can arrange assignments and homework. Please see the Parent Handbook for further school-wide
policies on absences and tardys.

I encourage you to make time to volunteer in our classroom! I can always use volunteers for both
everyday activities and special occasions, such as field trips. This year, I would like to have a room parent
who can help organize our Halloween, Christmas, Easter, and Valentines Day parties. Please let me know
if you would like to volunteer, or if you are interested in being our room parent. You may also see the
Parent Handbook for more detailed volunteer instructions.

My Availability
I encourage you to contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns. I am available before
and after school either in person or on my classroom phone. You may also reach me by email. My contact
information is at the top of the first page of the syllabus.
I look forward to a wonderful school year with your child! Again, please feel free to contact me
with any questions, comments, or concerns.


Kindergarten Syllabus Agreement

Please sign and return by August 19

I, the parent or guardian of ____________________________, have read and reviewed
the classroom syllabus for Miss Toapantas Kindergarten class.


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