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ANALISIS A!"#$%A!"#$ &AN' ()(*)N'A$+,I !IN)$-A
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S"+/I *A/A .(" SA$ANA 0I$AS0AS"A (+SLI( !#"A (ALAN'
Henny Indrawati
Staf Pengajar Program Studi Pendidikan Ekonomi FKPI Universitas Riau Pekanbaru
This research is a case study of BMT Sarana Wiraswasta Muslim (SWM) malang, with
the objectives to: () analy!e the significant of the variables of ca"itali!ing structure,
"roductive asset #uality, li#uidity, cost efficiency, ca"itali!ing efficiency, economic
rentability, self$ca"ital rentability on the financial "erformance of that BMT% and to (&)
analy!e which variable affects dominantly the financial "erformance of BMT' The (ind
of data used are secondary data, monthly financial re"orts for ) years (&***$&**+) by
using documentary techni#ue' The data are analy!ed by using multi"le linear regression
analyses' The research found that financial "erformance of BMT during ) years was
unstable because of bad management' The result of multi"le linear regression showed that
there were only , inde"endent variables which had significant affects, "roductive asset
#uality, li#uidity and ca"itali!ing efficiency' -roductive asset #uality gives more
significant role in financial "erformance of BMT'
!e1 0ord2:
.inancial -erformance /f BMT, -roductive 0sset 1uality, 2i#uidity, 3a"itali!ing

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