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phpMyAdmin SQL Dump

version 4.0.4
Mquina: localhost
Data de Criao: 26-Out-2013 s 18:48
Verso do servidor: 5.6.12-log
verso do PHP: 5.4.16


SET time_zone = "+00:00";


NAMES utf8 */;

--- Base de Dados: `test`

USE `test`;
-- ---------------------------------------------------------- Estrutura da tabela `noticias`
`titulo` text NOT NULL,
`autor` text NOT NULL,
`imagem` text NOT NULL,
`data` text NOT NULL,
`data_c` text NOT NULL,
`principal` text NOT NULL,
`cat` text NOT NULL,
`conteudo` text NOT NULL,
--- Extraindo dados da tabela `noticias`
-INSERT INTO `noticias` (`id`, `titulo`, `autor`, `imagem`, `data`, `data_c`, `pr
incipal`, `cat`, `conteudo`) VALUES
(1, 'Marta concorre ao prmio de melhor jogadora do mundo pela 11 vez seguida', 'Joo
Filho', 'fut_marta_nelsonalmeidaAFP_625.jpg', 'sexta-feira, 25 de outubro de 20
13', '22h15', 'sim', 'esportes', '<p>Pelo 11&ordm; ano seguido, a brasileira Mar
ta, que atua no Tyreso, da Su&eacute;cia, est&aacute; concorrendo ao pr&ecirc;mi
o de melhor jogadora do mundo dado pela Fifa e pela revista France Football. Ven
cedora da disputa entre 2006 e 2010, Marta ter&aacute; como rivais outras nove j
ogadoras: as alem&atilde;es Nadine Angerer e Lena Goessling, as suecas Nilla Fis
cher e Lotta Schelin, as japonesas Saki Kumagai e Yuki Ogimi, as norte-americana
s Alex Morgan e Abby Wambach (ganhadora em 2012) e a canadense Christine Sinclai
r. Mais &agrave; frente, a lista ser&aacute; reduzida a apenas tr&ecirc;s jogado

ras. A vencedora ser&aacute; anunciada dia 13 de janeiro de 2014, em Zurique, na

(2, 'Lucro da Petrobras cai 45% no 3 trimestre e alcana R$ 3,4 bilhes', 'Joo Filho',
'Oil_platform_(Brazil)_1.jpg', 'sexta-feira, 25 de outubro de 2013', '22h30', '
sim', 'negocios', '<p>O lucro da Petrobras no terceiro trimestre alcan&ccedil;ou
R$ 3,395 bilh&otilde;es, uma queda de 45% em rela&ccedil;&atilde;o ao trimestre
anterior e de 39% em rela&ccedil;&atilde;o ao mesmo per&iacute;odo do ano passa
do, segundo balan&ccedil;o divulgado pela empresa nesta sexta-feira (25). No acu
mulado do ano, no entanto, o lucro teve alta de 29%, para R$ 17,289 bilh&otilde;
es. A estatal ficou com 40% do campo de Libra, o primeiro a ser leiloado em regi
me de partilha, na &uacute;ltima segunda-feira (21), pelo qual ter&aacute; de pa
gar R$ 6 bilh&otilde;es referente ao b&ocirc;nus de assinatura. Defasagem de pre
&ccedil;os Segundo a empresa, entre as principais raz&otilde;es para o resultado
do terceiro trimestre est&aacute; o aumento da "defasagem nos pre&ccedil;os de
derivados no Brasil, refletindo maiores cota&ccedil;&otilde;es internacionais e
desvaloriza&ccedil;&atilde;o cambial". "Ainda que tenhamos tido 4 reajustes de p
re&ccedil;o de diesel e 2 de gasolina nos &uacute;ltimos 16 meses, totalizando 2
1,9% e 14,9% de aumento, respectivamente, a forte deprecia&ccedil;&atilde;o do r
eal verificada desde maio de 2013, chegando a 22% de desvaloriza&ccedil;&atilde;
o, fez com que a defasagem voltasse a crescer nos &uacute;ltimos meses. Essa sit
ua&ccedil;&atilde;o tem impactado nosso fluxo de caixa e alavancagem", diz a pre
sidente da Petrobras, Gra&ccedil;a Foster, nos coment&aacute;rios do balan&ccedi
l;o. O &iacute;ndice de d&iacute;vida l&iacute;quida pelo Ebitda ajustado (que e
xclui a participa&ccedil;&atilde;o em investimentos e a perda na recupera&ccedil
;&atilde;o de ativos) passou de 2,77 no fim do ano passado para 3,05 no fim do t
erceiro trimestre deste ano. A diretoria executiva apresentou ao conselho de adm
inistra&ccedil;&atilde;o uma metodologia de pre&ccedil;os a ser praticada pela e
statal para ter "maior previsibilidade do alinhamento dos pre&ccedil;os dom&eacu
te;sticos do diesel e da gasolina aos pre&ccedil;os internacionais". Gra&ccedil;
a disse ainda, no relat&oacute;rio, que a empresa planeja "reduzir, ao longo dos
pr&oacute;ximos meses, os indicadores de alavancagem e endividamento" por meio
de desenvolvimento da produ&ccedil;&atilde;o, que aumentar&aacute; a gera&ccedil
;&atilde;o de caixa, e da corre&ccedil;&atilde;o dos pre&ccedil;os. Trimestres a
nteriores No 2&ordm; trimestre deste ano, a Petrobras teve lucro l&iacute;quido
de R$ 6,201 bilh&otilde;es, ap&oacute;s adotar uma estrat&eacute;gia cont&aacute
;bil que limitou o impacto da alta do d&oacute;lar e tirou cerca de R$ 8 bilh&ot
ilde;es em perdas financeiras do balan&ccedil;o. No mesmo per&iacute;odo de 2012
, a estatal tivera preju&iacute;zo de R$ 1,346 bilh&atilde;o. Produ&ccedil;&atil
de;o A produ&ccedil;&atilde;o total de &oacute;leo e g&aacute;s da companhia fic
ou praticamente est&aacute;vel, com redu&ccedil;&atilde;o de 1% em rela&ccedil;&
atilde;o ao trimestre anterior, de 2,5 milh&otilde;es de barris por dia. Segundo
o relat&oacute;rio, n&atilde;o foi poss&iacute;vel alcan&ccedil;ar n&iacute;vei
s mais altos de produ&ccedil;&atilde;o nesse 3&ordm; trimestre devido a atrasos
como no in&iacute;cio da opera&ccedil;&atilde;o de plataformas e contrata&ccedil
;&atilde;o de navios. A receita de vendas da empresa alcan&ccedil;ou R$ 77,7 bil
h&otilde;es, alta de 6% em rela&ccedil;&atilde;o ao 2&ordm; trimestre e 5,3% em
rela&ccedil;&atilde;o ao mesmo per&iacute;odo do ano anterior. A empresa teve pr
eju&iacute;zo financeiro l&iacute;quido de R$ 1,02 bilh&atilde;o. O lucro l&iacu
te;quido por a&ccedil;&atilde;o caiu em rela&ccedil;&atilde;o ao trimestre anter
ior (46%) e ao mesmo per&iacute;odo de 2012 (39,5%), para R$ 0,26. Os gastos com
abastecimento subiram em compara&ccedil;&atilde;o ao segundo trimestre e alcan&
ccedil;aram R$ 5,5 bilh&otilde;es, segundo a empresa, por conta de "maiores cust
os com aquisi&ccedil;&atilde;o/ transfer&ecirc;ncia de petr&oacute;leo", que ref
lete a valoriza&ccedil;&atilde;o do d&oacute;lar frente ao real e a eleva&ccedil
;&atilde;o das cota&ccedil;&otilde;es internacionais da petr&eacute;leo, al&eacu
te;m da maior "participa&ccedil;&atilde;o de derivados importados no mix de vend
as para atender a demanda sazonal". Na &aacute;rea de distribui&ccedil;&atilde;o
, o lucro caiu em rela&ccedil;&atilde;o ao 2&ordm; trimestre (32%) e ao mesmo pe
r&iacute;odo de 2012 (24,5%), para R$ 312 milh&otilde;es, pelas menores margens
m&eacute;dias de comercializa&ccedil;&atilde;o de combust&iacute;veis (8%). A em

presa mostrou ainda que o custo unit&aacute;rio do refino aumentou 13%, em fun&c
cedil;&atilde;o da menor carga processada neste trimestre no Jap&atilde;o e nos
EUA, decorrente de paradas n&atilde;o programadas.</p>\r\n<p><strong>Fonte: G1</
-- ---------------------------------------------------------- Estrutura da tabela `usuarios`
`id` int(11) NOT NULL,
`usuario` text NOT NULL,
`senha` text NOT NULL,
`nome` text NOT NULL,
--- Extraindo dados da tabela `usuarios`
-INSERT INTO `usuarios` (`id`, `usuario`, `senha`, `nome`) VALUES
(1, 'joaofilho', '96616108', 'joaofilho');
-- ---------------------------------------------------------- Estrutura da tabela `wp_commentmeta`
-CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `wp_commentmeta` (
`meta_id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`comment_id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`meta_key` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
`meta_value` longtext,
PRIMARY KEY (`meta_id`),
KEY `comment_id` (`comment_id`),
KEY `meta_key` (`meta_key`)
-- ---------------------------------------------------------- Estrutura da tabela `wp_comments`
`comment_ID` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`comment_post_ID` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`comment_author` tinytext NOT NULL,
`comment_author_email` varchar(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`comment_author_url` varchar(200) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`comment_author_IP` varchar(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`comment_date` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
`comment_date_gmt` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
`comment_content` text NOT NULL,
`comment_karma` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`comment_approved` varchar(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',

`comment_agent` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',

`comment_type` varchar(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
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PRIMARY KEY (`comment_ID`),
KEY `comment_post_ID` (`comment_post_ID`),
KEY `comment_approved_date_gmt` (`comment_approved`,`comment_date_gmt`),
KEY `comment_date_gmt` (`comment_date_gmt`),
KEY `comment_parent` (`comment_parent`)
--- Extraindo dados da tabela `wp_comments`

INSERT INTO `wp_comments` (`comment_ID`, `comment_post_ID`, `comment_author`, `c

omment_author_email`, `comment_author_url`, `comment_author_IP`, `comment_date`,
`comment_date_gmt`, `comment_content`, `comment_karma`, `comment_approved`, `co
mment_agent`, `comment_type`, `comment_parent`, `user_id`) VALUES
(1, 1, 'Sr. WordPress', '', '', '', '2013-10-25 21:05:09',
'2013-10-25 21:05:09', 'Ol, Isto um comentrio.\nPara excluir um comentrio, faa o log
in e veja os comentrios de posts. L voc ter a opo de edit-los ou exclu-los.', 0, '1',
, '', 0, 0);
-- ---------------------------------------------------------- Estrutura da tabela `wp_links`
`link_id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`link_url` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`link_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
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`link_owner` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
`link_rating` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`link_updated` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
`link_rel` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`link_notes` mediumtext NOT NULL,
`link_rss` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
PRIMARY KEY (`link_id`),
KEY `link_visible` (`link_visible`)
-- ---------------------------------------------------------- Estrutura da tabela `wp_options`
`option_id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`option_name` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`option_value` longtext NOT NULL,
`autoload` varchar(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'yes',
PRIMARY KEY (`option_id`),

UNIQUE KEY `option_name` (`option_name`)

--- Extraindo dados da tabela `wp_options`
-INSERT INTO `wp_options` (`option_id`, `option_name`, `option_value`, `autoload`
(1, 'siteurl', 'http://localhost:8080/wordpress', 'yes'),
(2, 'blogname', 'teste', 'yes'),
(3, 'blogdescription', 'S mais um site WordPress', 'yes'),
(4, 'users_can_register', '0', 'yes'),
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\n ";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base
ordpress/ - Google Blog Search";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"
ata";s:19:"About 8,580 results";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"
:5:"child";a:2:{s:0:"";a:3:{s:5:"title";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:88:"Zoom - Th
e LizardTech Community Blog Zoom A starting point for &lt;b&gt;...&lt;/b&gt;";s:
tps</em>://<em>localhost</em>:8443/geoserver. The GeoServer Welcome page appears
: GeoServer_ Welcome. Note that the <em>URL</em> uses <em>https</em>. Because Ex
press Server&#39;s configuration of Tomcat uses <em>https</em> for the Express S

erver Manager, GeoServer also uses <em>https</em>. To access imagery via WMS wit
h GeoServer, use <b>...</b> via WMS, you can use the following <em>URL</em>: <em
>http</em>://<em>localhost</em>:<em>8080</em>/geoserver/wms? <b>...</b> Log in &
middot; Entries (RSS) &middot; Comments (RSS) &middot; <em>WordPress</em>.org. 2
013 LizardTech, Inc. All rights reserved.";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:
h Recent News";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_base_explicit
ml_lang";s:0:"";}}s:4:"date";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:29:"Mon, 21 Oct 2013 22:
01:16 GMT";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_base_explicit";b:
tle";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:99:"How to install &lt;b&gt;wordpress&lt;/b&gt;
on local machine using WAMPSRVER &lt;b&gt;...&lt;/b&gt;";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8
g";s:0:"";}}s:11:"description";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:296:"Put in browser <e
m>http</em>://<em>localhost</em>:<em>8080</em> and go. You will see the <b>...</
b> For more <em>wordpress</em> helping tutorial to learn basic tools and require
d setting please <em>connect</em> with us using facebook, Google+ and twitter. a
ny query than put in below comment box.";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:
c/elements/1.1/";a:3:{s:9:"publisher";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:68:"How to blog
,seo,Tips And Tricks,Blogger,Wordpress,Website,Google,Doc";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s
reator";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:13:"jaysukh Patel";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"x
a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:29:"Sat, 19 Oct 2013 17:54:00 GMT";s:7:"attribs";a:0:
;s:97:"Java Evangelist John Yeary&amp;#39;s Blog: JAX-RS Tip of the Day: JIRA an
d &lt;b&gt;...&lt;/b&gt;";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_ba
vate static final String BASE_URI = &quot;<em>http</em>://<em>localhost</em>:<em
>8080</em>/rest/&quot;;. public IssueAssignmentClient(String issueIdOrKey) {. Cl
ientConfig config = new <b>...</b> user representation had errors.&quot;);. brea
k;. case 401: {. System.out.println(&quot;The calling user does not have permiss
ions to assign the issue.&quot;);. break;. case 404: {. System.out.println(&quot
;The user, or issue does not exist.&quot;);. break;. default: {. System.out.prin
tln(&quot;Unknown Status Code: &quot; + status);. break;. iac.close();. <em>Link
s</em> to this post. Create a <em>Link</em>.";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base"
org/dc/elements/1.1/";a:3:{s:9:"publisher";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:33:"Java E
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";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:259:"Download RKBATCHTOOL from rikomagic and instal
l drivers from <em>url http</em>:// Check part:
MK802IV Mini Pc and correct serial number from your stick! Download rest of the
stuff gathered from here (720p kernel&nbsp;<b>...</b>";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"
g";s:0:"";}}s:4:"date";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:29:"Tue, 15 Oct 2013 15:40:34
:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:69:"php - How to parse # in &lt;b&gt;HTTP&lt;/b&gt; GE
T? - Stack Overflow";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_base_ex
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connection</em> on port <em>8080</em>. Now you can <em>connect</em> a browser on
this machine to that port and request a <em>URL</em>, such as <em>http</em>://<
em>localhost</em>:<em>8080</em>/foobar/baz.html#abcde . The output of netcat ide
ntifies the <em>URL</em> the server sees:";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:
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{s:4:"data";s:17:"Vinmark Benedicto";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s
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;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:605:"php -S <em>localhost</em>:8000. Remember you can choose
the port you want. You can use <em>localhost</em>:8000 or <em>localhost</em>:<em
>8080</em> or what you want. If you want to start the server for a Laravel 4 app
your must set the public dir: php -S <em>localhost</em>:8000 -t public/. Ok. Th
is <b>...</b> In 99% of the cases this will work well but if you have a route li
ke <em>http</em>:// for example, this will not work. T
he way <b>...</b> Markdown is turned off in code blocks: [This is not a <em>link
</em>](<em>http</em>:// To create not a &nbsp;<b>...</b>";s:7:"attr
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HP | June - &lt;b&gt;WordPress&lt;/b&gt;.com";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base"
ompared to previous solutions such as long polling or comet, WebSockets entail m
uch lower latency, as there is no overhead of instantiating an <em>HTTP connecti
on</em> each time some data needs to be sent. The downside to WebSockets is that
it is <b>....</b> upstream node { server <em>localhost</em>:3000; } server { li
sten <em>8080</em>; server_name php-node-demo.<em>localhost</em>; root /home/lee
/public_html/php-node-demo; index index.php; location / { try_files $uri $uri/ /
index.php?$args; } location ~ \\.php$ { include&nbsp;<b>...</b>";s:7:"attribs";a
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"title";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:142:"&lt;b&gt;Connect&lt;/b&gt; to remote dat
abase using &lt;b&gt;Localhost&lt;/b&gt; install - &lt;b&gt;WordPress&lt;/b&gt;
ata";s:313:"Currently, I use XAMPP on port 81 so my project <em>URL</em> looks s
omething like <em>http</em>://<em>localhost</em>:81/projectname. My wp-config fi
le has all the settings I need to the remote DB and yet, when I run the <em>http
</em>://<em>localhost</em>:81/projectname. <em>URL</em> it constantly&nbsp;<b>..
er";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:36:"Recent Questions - WordPress Answers";s:7:"at
}}s:4:"date";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:29:"Fri, 11 Oct 2013 14:49:06 GMT";s:7:"
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"xml_lang";s:0:"";}}s:11:"description";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:571:"Related P
osts Plugin for <em>WordPress</em>, Blogger... Home &middot; Softwares <b>....</
b> QUICK HEAL 2013 FULL CRACK (direct download <em>link</em>)(TRIAL RESET-ER UPD
ATED) &quot;TESTED BY ME MANY TIMES&quot; You can even update you... AVG PC <b>.
..</b> 443<em>8080</em><em>8080</e


<em>8080</em> 46.249.66.... Download <b>....</b> Facebook Phishing Tutorial Adva
nce &middot; How to install <em>wordpress</em> on <em>localhost</em> with xampp
;a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:30:"Download Games Softwares Tools";s:7:"attribs";a:
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;s:84:"Setting up a Ubuntu 12.04 box with Apache and Varnish | Adler &lt;b&gt;..
ng";s:0:"";}}s:11:"description";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:294:"Varnish is an <e
m>HTTP</em> accelerator and it works like a reverse-proxy speeding up dynamic we
b sites. Basically <b>....</b> After, you need to change all your Virtual Hosts
to point to <em></em>:<em>8080</em> like this: <b>...</b> Orgulhosament
e desenvolvido com <em>WordPress</em>.";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"
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ong>unknown</strong> fez um link para c <a href=""
>dizendo</a>, "https://localhost:8443/geoserver. The GeoServer We &hellip;"</li>
<li><strong>jaysukh Patel</strong> fez um link para c <a href="http://kno
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ng> fez um link para c <a href="">dizendo</a>, "Download RKBATCHTOOL f
rom rikomagic and install dr &hellip;"</li>\n <li><strong>Vinmark Benedicto</s
trong> fez um link para c <a href="
w-to-parse-in-http-get">dizendo</a>, "which opens a reading connection on port 8
080. Now &hellip;"</li>\n
<li><strong>Grossi</strong> fez um link para c <a
ravel-4/">dizendo</a>, "php -S localhost:8000. Remember you can choose the &hell
<li><strong>csk6124</strong> fez um link para c <a href="http://s">dizendo</a>, "Comp
ared to previous solutions such as long pollin &hellip;"</li>\n <li><strong>Sixf
ootJames</strong> fez um link para c <a href="
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r Medrado</strong> fez um link para c <a href="
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n HTTP accelerator and it works like a &hellip;"</li>\n</ul>\n', 'no'),
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n 3.7 of WordPress, named &#8220;Basie&#8221; in honor of Count Basie, is availa
ble for download or update in your WordPress dashboard. This release features so
me of the most important architectural updates we&#8217;ve made to date. Here ar
e the big ones: Updates while you sleep: With WordPress 3.7, you don&#8217;t hav
e to lift a finger to [&#8230;]";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:
ts/1.1/";a:1:{s:7:"creator";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:14:"Matt Mullenweg";s:7:"
1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:17229:"<p>Version 3.7 of WordPress, named &#8220;Basie&
#8221; in honor of <a href="">Count Basi
e</a>, is available <a href="">for download</a> or
update in your WordPress dashboard. This release features some of the most impo
rtant architectural updates we&#8217;ve made to date. Here are the big ones:</p>
\n<ul>\n<li><strong>Updates while you sleep</strong>: With WordPress 3.7, you do
n&#8217;t have to lift a finger to apply maintenance and security updates. Most
sites are now able to automatically apply these updates in the background. The u
pdate process also has been made even more reliable and secure, with dozens of n
ew checks and safeguards.</li>\n<li><strong>Stronger password recommendations</s
trong>: Your password is your site&#8217;s first line of defense. It&#8217;s bes
t to create passwords that are complex, long, and unique. To that end, our passw
ord meter has been updated in WordPress 3.7 to recognize common mistakes that ca
n weaken your password: dates, names, keyboard patterns (123456789), and even po
p culture references.</li>\n<li><strong>Better global support</strong>: Localize
d versions of WordPress will receive faster and more complete translations. Word
Press 3.7 adds support for automatically installing the right language files and
keeping them up to date, a boon for the many millions who use WordPress in a la
nguage other than English.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>For developers there are lots of opti
ons around how to control the new updates feature, including allowing it to hand
le major upgrades as well as minor ones, more sophisticated date query support,
and multisite improvements. As always, if you&#8217;re hungry for more <a href="">dive into the Codex</a> or browse the <a
mp;milestone=3.7">over 400 closed tickets on Trac</a>.</p>\n<h3>A New Wave</h3>\
n<p>This release was led by Andrew Nacin, backed up by Dion Hulse and Jon Cave.
This is our first release using the new plugin-first development process, with a
much shorter timeframe than in the past. (3.6 was released in August.) The 3.8
release, due in December, will continue this plugin-led development cycle that g
ives much more autonomy to plugin leads and allows us to decouple feature develo
pment from a release. You can follow this grand experiment, and what we&#8217;re
learning from it, <a href="">on the make/core bl
og</a>. There are 211 contributors with props in this release:</p>\n<p><a href="">Aaron Brazell</a>,<a href="http://pro">Aaron D. Campbell</a>,<a href="http://profiles">Aaron Holbrook</a>,<a href="http://profiles.wordpre">Aaron Jorbin</a>,<a href="
stein">adamsilverstein</a>,<a href="">Alexa
nder Hoereth</a>,<a href="">Alex Mills
(Viper007Bond)</a>,<a href="">Amy Hendrix (
sabreuse)</a>,<a href="">andg</a>, <a href="htt

p://">Andrew Nacin</a>,<a href="http://profiles.wordp">Andrew Norcross</a>,<a href="
ozz">Andrew Ozz</a>,<a href="">Andrew
Spittle</a>,<a href="">askapache</a>,<a hre
f="">atimmer</a>,<a href="http://profiles.wo">Barry</a>,<a href="">B
eau Lebens</a>,<a href="">ben.moody</a>,<a h
ref="">Ben Miller</a>,<a href="http://profile">Bernhard Riedl</a>,<a href="
bftrick">BFTrick</a>, <a href="">Bi
lly (bananastalktome)</a>,<a href="">bmb</a>,<a h
ref="">Brandon Kraft</a>,<a href="http://pro">brianhogg</a>,<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.o
rg/rzen">Brian Richards</a>,<a href="">Bryan
Petty</a>,<a href="">Carl Danley</a>,<a hr
ef="">CharlesClarkson</a>,<a href="h
ttp://">Chip Bennett</a>,<a href="http://profil">Chouby</a>,<a href="
ital">Chris Olbekson</a>, <a href="">Ch
ris Rudzki</a>,<a href="">coderaaron</a>,<a h
ref="">Coen Jacobs</a>,<a href="http://pr">Colin Robinson</a>,<a href="http://profiles.wordpr">cyonite</a>,<a href="
bach">Daan Kortenbach</a>,<a href=""
>Daniel Bachhuber</a>,<a href="">Daniel Co
nvissor</a>,<a href="">dartiss</a>,<a href="h
ttp://">Daryl Koopersmith</a>, <a href="http://profil">Dave Ross</a>,<a href="
vidjlaietta">David Laietta</a>,<a href="">Dion
Hulse</a>,<a href="">dllh</a>,<a href="http://pr">Dominik Schilling (ocean90)</a>,<a href="http://pro">dpash</a>,<a href="
picture">Drew Jaynes</a>,<a href="">DrPr
otocols</a>,<a href="">Dustin Filippini</a>,<a
href="">dzver</a>,<a href="http://profiles.wo">Edward Caissie</a>,<a href=""
>enej</a>, <a href="">Eric Andrew Lewis</
a>,<a href="">Eric Mann</a>,<a href="http://">Evan Solomon</a>,<a href="http://profiles.wor">faishal</a>,<a href="">Fa
ison</a>,<a href="">Foofy</a>,<a href="http://p">Frankie Jarrett</a>,<a href="http://profiles.word">Frank Klein</a>,<a href="
yc40">Gary Cao</a>,<a href="">Gary Pendergast<
/a>,<a href="">Gaya Kessler</a>, <a href=
"">George Stephanis</a>,<a href="htt
p://">Gizburdt</a>,<a href="http://profiles.wordpr">goldenapples</a>,<a href="
dyetc">gradyetc</a>,<a href="">Gregory Cornel
ius</a>,<a href="">Gustavo Bordoni</a>,<a href
="">hakre</a>,<a href="http://profiles.wordpre">Helen Hou-Sandi</a>,<a href=""
>Ian Dunn</a>,<a href="">Ipstenu (Mika Epste
in)</a>,<a href="">itinerant</a>, <
a href="">J.D. Grimes</a>,<a href="http://p">jakub.tyrcha</a>,<a href="http://profiles.word">James Collins</a>,<a href="
jenmylo">Jen Mylo</a>,<a href="">Jeremy Bull
er</a>,<a href="">Jeremy Felt</a>,<a href=
"">Jesper Johansen (jayjdk)</a>,<a href="http

://">Joe Hoyle</a>,<a href="http://profiles.wordpr">Joey Kudish</a>,<a href="">
John Beales</a>, <a href="">John Blackb
ourn (johnbillion)</a>,<a href="">John Fis
h</a>,<a href="">John James Jacoby</
a>,<a href="">John P. Bloch</a>,<a href="h
ttp://">Jonas Bolinder (jond3r)</a>,<a href="http://">Jonathan Christopher</a>,<a href="http://pro">Jonathan Desrosiers</a>,<a href="http://profiles.wor">Jon Cave</a>, <a href=""
>Jon Lynch</a>,<a href="">Joost de Valk<
/a>,<a href="">Joseph Scott</a>,<a href="">Josh Betz</a>,<a href="http://profiles.wo">Justin de Vesine</a>,<a href="
/justinsainton">Justin Sainton</a>,<a href="
ite">K.Adam White</a>,<a href="">Kailey (tre
pmal)</a>,<a href="">Ketwaroo</a>,<a href="h
ttp://">kevinB</a>,<a href="http://profiles.wordpres">Kim Parsell</a>,<a href="">k
itchin</a>, <a href="">Konstantin Kovshen
in</a>,<a href="">Konstantin Obenland</a>,<a
href="">koopersmith</a>,<a href="http:/
/">Kurt Payne</a>,<a href="http://profiles.wordpr">Lance Willett</a>,<a href="
ewillis77">Lee Willis (leewillis77)</a>,<a href="
ssbloat">lessbloat</a>,<a href="">Lew Ayotte
</a>,<a href="">Luke Gedeon</a>, <a href="ht
tp://">Marcin Pietrzak</a>,<a href="http://profiles.">Marco Cimmino</a>,<a href="
co_teethgrinder">Marco Galasso</a>,<a href="
uith">Mark Jaquith</a>,<a href="">Mar
k McWilliams</a>,<a href="">Marko Heijn
en</a>,<a href="">Mel Choyce</a>,<a href="h
ttp://">Michael Beckwith</a>,<a href="http://profile">Mike Hansen</a>, <a href="http://profiles.wordpres">Mike Schinkel</a>,<a href="
hredder">Mike Schroder</a>,<a href="">Milan
Dinic</a>,<a href="">mitcho (Michael
Yoshitaka Erlewine)</a>,<a href="">Mr Pa
pa</a>,<a href="">Naoko Takano</a>,<a href="http:
//">Naomi</a>,<a href="http://profiles.wordpress
.org/alex-ye">Nashwan Doaqan</a>,<a href="
s">NateJacobs</a>,<a href="">nathanrice</
a>, <a href="">Niall Kennedy</a>,<a hre
f="">Nick Daugherty</a>,<a href="http:
//">Nick Halsey</a>,<a href="http://profil">Nick Momrik</a>,<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.o
rg/nikv">Nikhil Vimal (NikV)</a>,<a href="
i">Nikolay Bachiyski</a>,<a href="">
noahsilverstein</a>,<a href="">nofearinc</
a>,<a href="">nukaga</a>,<a href="http://profi">nullvariable</a>,<a href="http://profiles.wordpre">Oleg Butuzov</a>, <a href=""
>Paolo Belcastro</a>,<a href="">Parham</a>,<a
href="">Paul Biron</a>,<a href="http://profi">Paul de Wouters</a>,<a href="http://profiles.wor">pavelevap</a>,<a href="
aap">peterjaap</a>,<a href="">Peter Westwood</
a>,<a href="">Philip Arthur Moore<
/a>,<a href="">Pippin Williamson</a>,<a href=

"">plocha</a>,<a href="http://profiles.wordpr">Pollett</a>, <a href=""
>Ptah Dunbar</a>,<a href="">Rami Yushuvaev</a>
,<a href="">Rasheed Bydousi</a>,<a href="http
://">RayBernard</a>,<a href="http://profiles.wor">rboren</a>,<a href="">Reu
ben Gunday</a>,<a href="">rfair404</a>,<a hr
ef="">Richard Tape</a>,<a href="http://p">Rick Radko</a>,<a href="
/miqrogroove">Robert Chapin</a>,<a href="">Rob
ert Dall</a>, <a href="">Rodrigo Prim
o</a>,<a href="">Ron Rennick</a>,<a href="ht
tp://">rpattillo</a>,<a href="http://profiles.wor">Ryan Boren</a>,<a href="">Ry
an McCue</a>,<a href="">Sam Hotc
hkiss</a>,<a href="">Scott Reilly</a>,<a
href="">scottsweb</a>,<a href="http://prof">Scott Taylor</a>,<a href="http://profiles.word">scribu</a>,<a href="">sc
ruffian</a>, <a href="">Seisuke Kuraishi (t
enpura)</a>,<a href="">Sergey Biryuko
v</a>,<a href="">ShinichiN</a>,<a href="htt
p://">Simon Prosser</a>,<a href="http://profiles.word">Simon Wheatley</a>,<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.or
g/siobhan">Siobhan</a>,<a href="">Siobhan Ba
mber (siobhyb)</a>,<a href="">sirzooro</a>,<
a href="">solarissmoke</a>, <a href="h
ttp://">Stephanie Leary</a>,<a href="http://profi">Stephen Edgar (@netweb)</a>,<a href="http://profiles.wo">Stephen Harris</a>,<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.
org/strangerstudios">strangerstudios</a>,<a href="
weetie089">sweetie089</a>,<a href="">swis
sspidy</a>,<a href="">Takayuki Miyauchi</a>
,<a href="">Takuma Morikawa</a>,<a href="http:/
/">Taylor Lovett</a>, <a href="http://profiles.wo">tivnet</a>,<a href="">T
obiasBg</a>,<a href="">Tom Auger</a>,<a href
="">toscho</a>,<a href="http://profiles.wordp">Travis Smith</a>,<a href="
7">Ulrich Sossou</a>,<a href="">vericgar</a
>,<a href="">Vinod Dalvi</a>,<a href="htt
p://">Weston Ruter</a>,<a href="http://profiles">wikicms</a>,<a href="
rris">Will Norris</a>,<a href="">Wojt
ek Szkutnik</a>,<a href="">wycks</a>, <a href=
"">Yoav Farhi</a>, and<a href="http://profiles">Yuri Victor</a>.</p>\n<p>Enjoy what may be one of you
r last few manual updates. See you soon for version 3.8!</p>\n";s:7:"attribs";a:
d";a:5:{s:0:"";a:7:{s:5:"title";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:33:"WordPress 3.7 Rel

ease Candidate 2";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_base_expli

:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:31:"Wed, 23 Oct 2013 00:05:30 +0000";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:
g";s:0:"";}}s:11:"description";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:417:"The second releas
e candidate of WordPress 3.7 is now available for testing! Those of you already
testing WordPress 3.7 will be updated automatically to RC2. (Nice.) If you&#8217
;d like to start testing, there&#8217;s no time like the present! Try theWordPres
s Beta Testerplugin (youll want bleeding edge nightlies) ordownload the release candi
date here(zip).Please post to theAlpha/Beta [&#8230;]";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml
drew Nacin";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_base_explicit";b
{s:7:"encoded";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:1183:"<p>The second release candidate
of WordPress 3.7 is now available for testing!</p>\n<p>Those of you already test
ing WordPress 3.7 will be updated automatically to RC2. (<em>Nice.</em>) If you&
#8217;d like to start testing, there&#8217;s no time like the present! Try the<a
href="">WordPress Beta
Tester</a>plugin (youll want bleeding edge nightlies) or<a href="http://wordpress.or
g/">download the release candidate here</a>(zip).Please post
to the<a href="">Alpha/Beta area in
the support forums</a>if you think you&#8217;ve found a bug, and if any known iss
ues are raised, youll be able to<a href="">
find them here</a>.</p>\n<p>Developers,please test your plugins and themes agains
t WordPress 3.7. If there is a compatibility issue, let us know as soon as possi
ble so we can deal with it before the final release.</p>\n<p>For more on WordPre
ss 3.7, check out the<a href="
ease-candidate/">announcement post for Release Candidate 1</a>.</p>\n";s:7:"attr
;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:18:"Upcoming WordCamps";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:
0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:31:"Tue, 22 Oct 2013 19:25:26 +0000";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8

:0:"";}}s:11:"description";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:368:"WordCamps are casual,
locally-organized conferences that celebrate everything related to WordPress, a
ndare a great opportunity to meet other WordPress users and professionals in your
community. This has been a great year for WordCamps &#8212; there have been 56
so far in more than 20 countries, and there another 15 on the calendar before th
e year&#8217;s [&#8230;]";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_ba
";a:1:{s:7:"creator";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:8:"Jen Mylo";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{
4:"data";s:3584:"<p><a href="">WordCamps</a> are cas
ual, locally-organized conferences that celebrate everything related to WordPres
s, andare a great opportunity to meet other WordPress users and professionals in
your community. This has been a great year for WordCamps &#8212; there have been
56 so far in more than 20 countries, and there another 15 on the calendar befor
e the year&#8217;s over. If there&#8217;s one near you, check it out! In additio
n to getting to know your local WordPress community, most WordCamps attract some
traveling visitors a well, giving you the chance to meet contributors to the Wo
rdPress open source project and <a href="">get involve
d</a> yourself.</p>\n<p>Here are the WordCamps on the schedule for the rest of t
his year.</p>\n<p>October 25-27: <strong><a href="
g/">WordCamp Boston</a></strong>, Boston, MA, USA<br />\nOctober 25-26: <strong>
<a href="">WordCamp Malaga</a></strong>, Spain<b
r />\nOctober 26: <strong><a href="">WordCamp Nep
al</a></strong>,Kathmandu, Nepal<br />\nOctober 26: <strong><a href="http://2013.">WordCamp Sofia</a></strong>, Bulgaria<br />\nNovember 7: <s
trong><a href="">WordCamp Cape Town</a></stron
g>, South Africa<br />\nNovember 9:<strong><a href="http://2013.porto.wordcamp.or
g/">WordCamp Porto</a></strong>, Portugal<br />\nNovember 9-10:<strong><a href="h
ttp://">WordCamp Kenya</a></strong>, Nairobi, Kenya<br /
>\nNovember 15:<strong><a href="">WordCamp Edmo
nton</a></strong>, AB, Canada<br />\nNovember 16-17:<strong><a href="http://2013.">WordCamp Orlando</a></strong>, FL, USA<br />\nNovember 16
:<strong><a href="">WordCamp Denver</a></strong>,
CO, USA<br />\nNovember 23-24:<strong><a href=""
>WordCamp London</a></strong>, UK<br />\nNovember 23-24:<strong><a href="http://2">WordCamp Raleigh</a></strong>, NC, USA<br />\nNovembe
r 23:<strong><a href="">WordCamp So Paulo</a></s
trong>, Brazil<br />\nDecember 14:<strong><a href="
/">WordCamp Las Vegas</a></strong>, NV, USA<br />\nDecember 14-15:<strong><a href
="">WordCamp Sevilla</a></strong>, Spain</p>\n<
p>No WordCamps on this list in your area? Not to worry! There are thriving <a hr
ef="">WordPress meetups</a> all over the world where
you can meet like-minded people, and we maintain a library of <a href="http://w">WordCamp videos</a> at <a href="http://wordpre"></a>.</p>\n<h3>Get Involved</h3>\n<ul>\n<li>If you&#8217;re
interested in organizing a WordCamp in your area, check out our <a href="http://">WordCamp planning</a> site.</li>\n<li>If you&#8217;re intere
sted in <a href="">star
ting a WordPress meetup</a> in your area, let us know and we can set up a group
on for you.</li>\n<li>And speaking of WordCamp videos, we&#8217;ve re
cently enabled volunteer-generated subtitles/closed captioning of the videos on to make them more accessible. Interested in helping? Check out the

<a href=""> subtitling instructions</a>.</li>\n</ul>\n";s:7:"attribs

;s:31:"WordPress 3.7 Release Candidate";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"
7:"pubDate";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:31:"Fri, 18 Oct 2013 19:52:14 +0000";s:7:
"The first release candidate for WordPress 3.7 is now available! In RC 1, we&#82
17;ve made some adjustments to the update process to make it more reliable than
ever.We hope to ship WordPress 3.7 next week, but we need your help to get there.I
f you havent tested 3.7 yet, theres no time like the present. (Please, [&#8230;]";
i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:12:"Andrew Nacin";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"
he first release candidate for WordPress 3.7 is now available!</p>\n<p>In RC 1,
we&#8217;ve made some adjustments to the update process to make it more reliable
than ever.We hope to ship WordPress 3.7 <em>next week</em>, but we need your hel
p to get there.If you havent tested 3.7 yet, theres no time like the present. (Plea
se, not on a production site, unless youre adventurous.)</p>\n<p>WordPress 3.7 in
troduces <strong>automatic background updates</strong> for security and minor re
leases (like updating from 3.7 to 3.7.1). These are really easy to test RC 1 will
update every 12 hours or so to the latest development version, and then email y
ou the results. (You may get two emails: one for debugging, and one all users of
3.7 will receive.)If something went wrong, you can report it.</p>\n<p><strong>Th
ink youve found a bug?</strong>Please post to the<a href="
ort/forum/alphabeta/">Alpha/Beta area in the support forums</a>. If any known is
sues come up, youll be able to<a href="">fi
nd them here</a>.</p>\n<p>To test WordPress 3.7 RC1, try the<a href="http://wordp">WordPress Beta Tester</a>plugin (
youll want bleeding edge nightlies). Or you can<a href="">download the release candidate here</a>(zip).If youd like to learn
more about what&#8217;s new in WordPress 3.7, visit the awesome About screen in
your dashboard (<strong><img alt="" src="
3.6/wp-content/themes/twentyten/images/wordpress.png" /> About</strong>in the toolb
ar). There, you can also see if your install is eligible for background updates.W

ordPress wont automatically update,for example,if youre using version control like S
ubversion or Git.</p>\n<p><strong>Developers,</strong>please test your plugins an
d themes against WordPress 3.7, so that if there is a compatibility issue, we ca
n figure it out before the final release. Make sure you post any issues to the s
upport forums.</p>\n<p><em>WordPress three seven</em><br />\n<em>A self-updating
engine</em><br />\n<em>Lies beneath the hood</em></p>\n";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:
;s:20:"WordPress 3.7 Beta 2";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml
ta";s:31:"Thu, 10 Oct 2013 21:28:06 +0000";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:
1:"description";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:357:"WordPress 3.7 Beta 2 is now avai
lable for download and testing.This is software still in development, so wedon&#82
17;t recommend that you run it on a production site. This has been a quiet beta
period. We&#8217;re hoping to get some more testers for automatic background upd
ates, which will occur for security and minor releases (like updating [&#8230;]"
{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:12:"Andrew Nacin";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:
WordPress 3.7 Beta 2 is now available for download and testing.This is software s
till in development, so wedon&#8217;t recommend that you run it on a production s
ite.</p>\n<p>This has been a quiet beta period. We&#8217;re hoping to get some m
ore testers for <strong>automatic background updates</strong>, which will occur
for security and minor releases (like updating from 3.7 to 3.7.1). It&#8217;s re
ally easy to test this, as Beta 2 will update each day to the latest development
version and then email you the results. If something goes wrong, you can report
it it&#8217;s that simple. To get the beta, try the<a href="
/extend/plugins/wordpress-beta-tester/">WordPress Beta Tester</a>plugin (you&#821
7;ll want &#8220;bleeding edge nightlies&#8221;). Or you can<a href="http://wordp">download the beta here</a>(zip). Check out <str
ong>Dashboard Updates</strong> to see if your install is eligible for background
updates. WordPress won&#8217;t update if, for example, you&#8217;re using versi
on control like SVN or Git.</p>\n<p>For more of what&#8217;s new in version 3.7,<
a title="WordPress 3.7 Beta 1" href="
-3-7-beta-1/">check out the Beta 1 blog post</a>. In Beta 2, we further increase
d the stability of background updates and also added about 50 bug fixes, includi

ng a fix for Internet Explorer 11 in the visual editor.</p>\n<p>If you think youv
e found a bug, you can post to the<a href="
habeta">Alpha/Beta area</a>in the support forums. Or, if youre comfortable writing
a bug report,<a href="">file one on the WordPress
Trac</a>. There, you can also find<a href="
/5">a list of known bugs</a>and<a href="
s=closed&amp;group=component&amp;milestone=3.7">everything weve fixed</a>.</p>\n<
p>Happy testing!</p>\n<p><em>Beta 2 released<br />\nDotting i&#8217;s and crossi
ng t&#8217;s</em><br />\n<em>Expect RC next</em></p>\n";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:
d";a:5:{s:0:"";a:7:{s:5:"title";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:20:"WordPress 3.7 Bet
a 1";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_base_explicit";b:0;s:8:
:"xml_lang";s:0:"";}}s:7:"pubDate";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:31:"Sat, 28 Sep 20
13 07:25:44 +0000";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_base_expl
;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:339:"I&#8217;m pleased to announce the availability of WordPr
ess 3.7 Beta 1. For WordPress 3.7 we decided to shorten the development cycle an
d focus on a few key improvements. We plan to release the final product in Octob
er, and then follow it in December with a jam-packed WordPress 3.8 release, whic
h is already in development. Some [&#8230;]";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";
rg/dc/elements/1.1/";a:1:{s:7:"creator";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:12:"Andrew Na
ncoded";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:3684:"<p>I&#8217;m pleased to announce the av
ailability of WordPress 3.7 Beta 1.</p>\n<p>For WordPress 3.7 we decided to shor
ten the development cycle and focus on a few key improvements. We plan to releas
e the final product in October, and then follow it in December with a jam-packed
WordPress 3.8 release, which is already in development. Some of the best stuff
in WordPress 3.7 is subtle &#8212; by design! So let&#8217;s walk through what w
e&#8217;d love for you to test, just in time for the weekend.</p>\n<p><strong>Au
tomatic, background updates.</strong>3.7 Beta 1 will keep itself updated. That&#8
217;s right &#8212; you&#8217;ll be updated each night to the newest development
build, and eventually to Beta 2. We&#8217;re working to provide as many install
s as possible with fast updates to security releases of WordPress &#8212; and yo
u can help us test by just installing Beta 1 on your server and seeing how it wo
rks!</p>\n<p>When you go to<strong>Dashboard Updates</strong>, you&#8217;ll see a
note letting you know whether your install is working for automatic updates. Th
ere are a few situations where WordPress can&#8217;t reliably and securely updat

e itself. But if it can, you&#8217;ll get an email (sent to the &#8216;Admin Ema
il&#8217; on the General Settings page) after each update letting you know what
worked and what didn&#8217;t. If it worked, great! If something failed, the emai
l will suggest you make a post in the support forums or create a bug report.</p>
\n<p>Here are some other things you should test out:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>If you&#8217
;re running<strong>WordPress in another language</strong>, we&#8217;ll automatica
lly download any available translations for official WordPress importers and the
default themes. (More to come here.)</li>\n<li>Our<strong>password meter</strong
>got a whole lot better, thanks to Dropbox&#8217;s<a href="
m/2012/04/zxcvbn-realistic-password-strength-estimation/">zxcvbn</a>library. Agai
n, subtle but effective. Strong passwords are very important!</li>\n<li><strong>
Search results</strong>are now<a href="
632">ordered by relevance</a>, rather than just by date. When your keywords matc
h post titles and not just content, they&#8217;ll be pushed to the top.</li>\n<l
i>Developers should check out the new<strong>advanced date queries</strong>in<code>
WP_Query</code>. (<a href="">#18694</
a>)</li>\n</ul>\n<p><strong>This software is still in development</strong>, so w
e don&#8217;t recommend you run it on a production site. I&#8217;d suggest setti
ng up a test site just to play with the new version. To test WordPress 3.7, try
the<a href="">WordPress
Beta Tester</a>plugin (you&#8217;ll want &#8220;bleeding edge nightlies&#8221;).
Or you can<a href="">download the be
ta here</a>(zip).</p>\n<p>As always,<strong>if you think youve found a bug</strong>
, you can post to the<a href="">Alpha
/Beta area</a>in the support forums. Or, if youre comfortable writing a reproducib
le bug report,<a href="">file one on the WordPress
Trac</a>. There, you can also find<a href="
/5">a list of known bugs</a>and<a href="
s=closed&amp;group=component&amp;milestone=3.7">everything weve fixed</a>so far.</
p>\n<p>Happy testing!</p>\n<p><em>WordPress three seven<br />\nSaves your weary
hand a click<br />\nUpdates while you sleep</em></p>\n";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:
d";a:5:{s:0:"";a:7:{s:5:"title";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:48:"WordPress 3.6.1 M
aintenance and Security Release";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:
31:"Wed, 11 Sep 2013 20:48:23 +0000";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s
tion";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:353:"After nearly 7 million downloads of WordPr
ess 3.6, we are pleased to announce the availability of version 3.6.1. This main

tenance release fixes 13 bugs in version 3.6, which was a very smooth release. W
ordPress 3.6.1 is also a security release for all previous WordPress versions an
d we strongly encourage you to update your sites immediately. [&#8230;]";s:7:"at
:{s:4:"data";s:12:"Andrew Nacin";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:
odules/content/";a:1:{s:7:"encoded";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:2033:"<p>After <a
href="">nearly 7 million downloads</a> of
WordPress 3.6, we are pleased to announce the availability of version 3.6.1. Th
is maintenance release <a href="
ed&amp;group=resolution&amp;milestone=3.6.1">fixes 13 bugs</a> in version 3.6, w
hich was a very smooth release.</p>\n<p><strong>WordPress 3.6.1 is also a securi
ty release for all previous WordPress versions</strong> and we strongly encourag
e you to update your sites immediately. It addresses three issues fixed by the W
ordPress security team:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Block unsafe PHP unserialization that cou
ld occur in limited situations and setups, which can lead to remote code executi
on. Reported by <a href="" rel="nofollow">Tom Van Goethem</a>
.</li>\n<li>Prevent a user with an Author role, using a specially crafted reques
t, from being able to create a post &#8220;written by&#8221; another user. Repor
ted by <a href="" rel="nofollow">Anakorn Kyavatana
kij</a>.</li>\n<li>Fix insufficient input validation that could result in redire
cting or leading a user to another website. Reported by Dave Cummo, a Northrup G
rumman subcontractor for the <a href="" rel="nofollow">U.S. C
enters for Disease Control and Prevention</a>.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>Additionally, we&
#8217;ve adjusted security restrictions around file uploads to mitigate the pote
ntial for cross-site scripting.</p>\n<p>We appreciated <a href="http://codex.wor">responsible disclosure</a> of these issues directly to
our security team. For more information on the changes, see the <a href="http://">release notes</a> or consult <a href="http://;rev=25345">the list
of changes</a>.</p>\n<p><a href="">Downl
oad WordPress 3.6.1</a> or update now from the Dashboard Updates menu in your si
te&#8217;s admin area.</p>\n";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xm
;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:25:"WordPress 3.6 Oscar";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0
b:0;s:8:"xml_lang";s:0:"";}}s:7:"pubDate";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:31:"Thu, 01
Aug 2013 21:43:22 +0000";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_ba
0:"";}}s:11:"description";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:368:"The latest and greates
t WordPress, version 3.6, is now live to the world and includes a beautiful new

blog-centric theme, bullet-proof autosave and post locking, a revamped revision

browser, native support for audio and video embeds, and improved integrations wi
th Spotify, Rdio, and SoundCloud. Here&#8217;s a video that shows off some of th
e features using [&#8230;]";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_
1/";a:1:{s:7:"creator";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:14:"Matt Mullenweg";s:7:"attri
0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:18626:"<p>The latest and greatest WordPress, version 3.6, is
now <a href="">live to the world</a> and includes
a beautiful new blog-centric theme, bullet-proof autosave and post locking, a r
evamped revision browser, native support for audio and video embeds, and improve
d integrations with Spotify, Rdio, and SoundCloud. Here&#8217;s a video that sho
ws off some of the features using our cast of professional actors:</p>\n<div id=
"v-UmhwbWJH-1" class="video-player"><embed id="v-UmhwbWJH-1-video" src="http://s;guid=UmhwbWJH&amp;isDynamicSeeking=true"
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="692" height="388" title="Introducing
WordPress 3.6 &quot;Oscar&quot;" wmode="direct" seamlesstabbing="true" allowful
lscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" overstretch="true"></embed></div>\n<p>
We&#8217;re calling this release &#8220;Oscar&#8221; in honor of the great jazz
pianist <a href="">Oscar Peterson</a>
. Here&#8217;s a bit more about some of the new features, which you can also fin
d on the about page in your dashboard after you upgrade.</p>\n<h3>User Features<
/h3>\n<p><img class="alignright" alt="" src="
.6/twentythirteen.png" width="300" /></p>\n<ul>\n<li>The <strong>new Twenty Thir
teen theme</strong> inspired by modern art puts focus on your content with a col
orful, single-column design made for media-rich blogging.</li>\n<li><strong>Reva
mped Revisions</strong> save every change and the new interface allows you to sc
roll easily through changes to see line-by-line who changed what and when.</li>\
n<li><strong>Post Locking</strong> and <strong>Augmented Autosave</strong> will
especially be a boon to sites where more than a single author is working on a po
st. Each author now has their own autosave stream, which stores things locally a
s well as on the server (so much harder to lose something) and there&#8217;s an
interface for taking over editing of a post, as demonstrated beautifully by our
bearded buddies in the video above.</li>\n<li><strong>Built-in HTML5 media playe
r</strong> for native audio and video embeds with no reliance on external servic
es.</li>\n<li>The <strong>Menu Editor</strong> is now much easier to understand
and use.</li>\n</ul>\n<h3>Developer features</h3>\n<ul>\n<li>A new audio/video A
PI gives you access to metadata like ID3 tags.</li>\n<li>You can now choose HTML
5 markup for things like comment and search forms, and comment lists.</li>\n<li>
Better filters for how revisions work, so you can store a different amount of hi
story for different post types.</li>\n<li>Tons more <a href="http://codex.wordpr">listed on the Codex</a>, and of course you can always <a hr
milestone=3.6">browse the over 700 closed tickets</a>.</li>\n</ul>\n<h3>The Band
</h3>\n<p>This release was led by <a href="">Mark Jaquith
</a> and <a href="">Aaron Campbell</a>, and included con
tributions from the following fine folks. Pull up some Oscar Peterson on your mu
sic service of choice, or vinyl if you have it, and check out some of their prof
iles:</p>\n<p><a href="">Aaron Brazell
</a>, <a href="">Aaron D. Campbell</a
>, <a href="">Aaron Holbrook</a>, <a
href="">Aaron Jorbin</a>, <a href="http://pr">Adam Harley</a>, <a href="http://profiles.wordpres">adamsilverstein</a>, <a href="http://profiles.wordpress.o
rg/akted">AK Ted</a>, <a href="">Alex Concha
</a>, <a href="">Alex King</a>, <a href
="">Alex Mills (Viper007Bond)</a>, <a
href="">Amaury Balmer</a>, <a href="h
ttp://">Amy Hendrix (sabreuse)</a>, <a href="http

://">Anatol Broder</a>, <a href="http://profi">Andrew Nacin</a>, <a href="http://profiles.wordpress.or
g/azaozz">Andrew Ozz</a>, <a href="">And
rew Ryno</a>, <a href="">Andy Skelton</a>, <a
href="">Antonio</a>, <a href="ht
tp://">apimlott</a>, <a href="http://profiles.wor">awellis13</a>, <a href="
y">Barry</a>, <a href="">Beau Lebens</a>
, <a href="">BelloSwan</a>, <a href="http
://">bilalcoder</a>, <a href="http://profiles.w">Billy (bananastalktome)</a>, <a href="http://profi">bobbingwide</a>, <a href="http://profiles.wordpre">Bob Gregor</a>, <a href="
bs">bradparbs</a>, <a href="">Brady Ve
rcher</a>, <a href="">Brandon Kraft</a>, <a
href="">Brian Layman</a>, <a href="htt
p://">Brian Zeligson</a>, <a href="http://profiles">Bryan Petty</a>, <a href="
hmac">Callum Macdonald</a>, <a href="">C
arl Danley</a>, <a href="">Caspie</a>, <a hr
ef="">Charleston Software Associates</
a>, <a href="">cheeserolls</a>, <a href
="">Chip Bennett</a>, <a href="http://p">Chris Olbekson</a>, <a href="http://profiles.w">Christopher Cochran</a>, <a href="http://profiles.wordpres">Christopher Finke</a>, <a href="
swallace">Chris Wallace</a>, <a href="
os">Cor van Noorloos</a>, <a href="">cr
azycoders</a>, <a href="">Daniel Ba
chhuber</a>, <a href="">Daniel Dvorkin (MZAW
eb)</a>, <a href="">Daniel Jalkut (Red S
weater)</a>, <a href="">daniloercoli</
a>, <a href="">Danny de Haan</a>, <a hr
ef="">Dave Ross</a>, <a href="http://profil">David Favor</a>, <a href="
/jdtrower">David Trower</a>, <a href="
son">David Williamson</a>, <a href="">Dion Hul
se</a>, <a href="">dllh</a>, <a href="http://p">Dominik Schilling (ocean90)</a>, <a href="http://">dovyp</a>, <a href="
drewapicture">Drew Jaynes (DrewAPicture)</a>, <a href="http://profiles.wordpress
.org/dvarga">dvarga</a>, <a href="">Edward Cai
ssie</a>, <a href="">elfin</a>, <a href="http
://">Empireoflight</a>, <a href="http://prof">Eric Andrew Lewis</a>, <a href="http://profiles.wo">Erick Hitter</a>, <a href="
ricmann">Eric Mann</a>, <a href="">Evan
Solomon</a>, <a href="">faishal</a>, <a hr
ef="">feedmeastraycat</a>, <a href=
"">Frank Klein</a>, <a href="http://pro">Franz Josef Kaiser</a>, <a href="http://profiles">FStop</a>, <a href="
ed">Gabriel Koen</a>, <a href="">Gary Cao</
a>, <a href="">Gary Jones</a>, <a href="http:
//">gcorne</a>, <a href="http://profiles.wordpress.
org/geertdd">GeertDD</a>, <a href="">Gen
nady Kovshenin</a>, <a href="">Geor
ge Stephanis</a>, <a href="">gish</a>, <a href
="">Gregory Karpinsky</a>, <a href="http://p">hakre</a>, <a href="

banken">hbanken</a>, <a href="">hebbet</a>,

<a href="">Helen Hou-Sandi</a>, <a href="http
://">helgatheviking</a>, <a href="http://pr">hirozed</a>, <a href="http://profiles.wordpress.or
g/hurtige">hurtige</a>, <a href="">h
ypertextranch</a>, <a href="">Ian Dunn</a>,
<a href="">Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)</a>, <a
href="">jakub</a>, <a href="http://profiles.w">James Michael DuPont</a>, <a href="http://profiles.word">jbutkus</a>, <a href="
t">Jeremy Felt</a>, <a href="">Jerry
Bates (JerrySarcastic)</a>, <a href="">Jesp
er Johansen (Jayjdk)</a>, <a href="">Joe H
oyle</a>, <a href="">Joen Asmussen</a>, <a hre
f="">Joey Kudish</a>, <a href="http://profi">John Blackbourn (johnbillion)</a>, <a href="http:
//">John James Jacoby</a>, <a href="http:/
/">Jonas Bolinder (jond3r)</a>, <a href="http://pro">Jonathan Desrosiers</a>, <a href="http://profiles.w">Jon Bishop</a>, <a href="
uck_">Jon Cave</a>, <a href="">Jose Cast
aneda</a>, <a href="">Joseph Scott</a>,
<a href="">Josh Visick</a>, <a href="htt
p://">jrbeilke</a>, <a href="http://profiles.word">jrf</a>, <a href="">Justin
de Vesine</a>, <a href="">Justin Sain
ton</a>, <a href="">kadamwhite</a>, <a h
ref="">Kailey (trepmal)</a>, <a href="http:
//">karmatosed</a>, <a href="http://profiles.wo">Kelly Dwan</a>, <a href="
i">keoshi</a>, <a href="">Konstantin Kovs
henin</a>, <a href="">Konstantin Obenland<
/a>, <a href="">ktdreyer</a>, <a href="htt
p://">Kurt Payne</a>, <a href="http://profiles.w">kwight</a>, <a href="
lett">Lance Willett</a>, <a href="">Lee
Willis (leewillis77)</a>, <a href="">les
sbloat</a>, <a href="">Mantas Malcius</a>, <
a href="">Maor Chasen</a>, <a href="http://pro">Marcel Brinkkemper</a>, <a href="http://profiles.w">MarcusPope</a>, <a href="
mark-k">Mark-k</a>, <a href="">Mark Jaq
uith</a>, <a href="">Mark McWilliams
</a>, <a href="">Marko Heijnen</a>, <a
href="">Matt Banks</a>, <a href="http://pr">Matthew Boynes</a>, <a href="http://profiles.wordp">MatthewRuddy</a>, <a href="
mattwiebe">Matt Wiebe</a>, <a href="">Max
Cutler</a>, <a href="">Mel Choyce</a>, <
a href="">mgibbs189</a>, <a href="http://">Michael</a>, <a href="http://profiles.wordpress
.org/mdawaffe">Michael Adams (mdawaffe)</a>, <a href="http://profiles.wordpress.
org/tw2113">Michael Beckwith</a>, <a href="
">Michael Fields</a>, <a href="">Mike
Hansen</a>, <a href="">Mike Schroder</a
>, <a href="">Milan Dinic</a>, <a href="htt
p://">mitcho (Michael Yoshitaka Erlewine)<
/a>, <a href="">Mohammad Jangda</a>, <a href
="">najamelan</a>, <a href="http://profil">Naoko Takano</a>, <a href="

lex-ye">Nashwan Doaqan</a>, <a href=""

>Niall Kennedy</a>, <a href="">Nick D
augherty</a>, <a href="">Nick Hals
ey</a>, <a href="">ninnypants</a>, <a hr
ef="">norcross</a>, <a href="http://profil">ParadisePorridge</a>, <a href="http://profile">Paul</a>, <a href="
pdclark">Paul Clark</a>, <a href="">pavel
evap</a>, <a href="">Pete Mall</a>, <a hre
f="">Peter Westwood</a>, <a href="http://prof">Phill Brown</a>, <a href="http://profiles.wordpr">Pippin Williamson</a>, <a href="
ollett">Pollett</a>, <a href="">Prasath
Nadarajah</a>, <a href="">programmin</a
>, <a href="">rachelbaker</a>, <a href=
"">Rami Yushuvaev</a>, <a href="http://profil">redpixelstudios</a>, <a href="http://profiles.">reidburke</a>, <a href="
etlehs">retlehs</a>, <a href="">Reuben Gund
ay</a>, <a href="">rlerdorf</a>, <a href="">Rodrigo Primo</a>, <a href="http://">roulandf</a>, <a href="http://profiles.wordpres">rovo89</a>, <a href="">Ryan
Duff</a>, <a href="">Ryan Hellyer</a>,
<a href="">Ryan McCue</a>, <a href="http://p">Safirul Alredha</a>, <a href="http://profiles.wordpre">sara cannon</a>, <a href="
esmafia">scholesmafia</a>, <a href="">S
cott Kingsley Clark</a>, <a href="">Sco
tt Reilly</a>, <a href="">Scott Tayl
or</a>, <a href="">scribu</a>, <a href="http
://">Seisuke Kuraishi (tenpura)</a>, <a href="http
://">Sergej</a>, <a href="http://profiles.wordpress
.org/sergeybiryukov">Sergey Biryukov</a>, <a href="
/sim">Simon Hampel</a>, <a href="">Si
mon Wheatley</a>, <a href="">Siobhan</a>, <
a href="">sirzooro</a>, <a href="http://pr">slene</a>, <a href="
larissmoke">solarissmoke</a>, <a href="">Sri
niG</a>, <a href="">Stephen Harris</a>
, <a href="">storkontheroof</a>, <a
href="">Sunny Ratilal</a>, <a href="ht
tp://">sweetie089</a>, <a href="http://profiles">Tar</a>, <a href="">Ta
ylor Lovett</a>, <a href="">Thomas
van der Beek</a>, <a href="">Tim Carr</a
>, <a href="">tjsingleton</a>, <a href=
"">TobiasBg</a>, <a href="http://profiles.">toscho</a>, <a href="
t">Tracy Rotton</a>, <a href="">Travi
sHoffman</a>, <a href="">uuf6429</a>, <a hr
ef="">Vitor Carvalho</a>, <a href="">wojtek</a>, <a href="http://profiles.wordp">wpewill</a>, <a href="
y">WraithKenny</a>, <a href="">wycks</a>, <a
href="">Xavier Borderie</a>, <a href="http://p">Yoav Farhi</a>, <a href="http://profiles.wordpress.
org/thelastcicada">Zachary Brown</a>, <a href="
lmanz">Zack Tollman</a>, <a href="">zekew
eeks</a>, <a href="">ziegenberg</a>, and

<a href="">viniciusmassuchetto
</a>.</p>\n<p>Time to upgrade!</p>\n";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";
"title";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:33:"WordPress 3.6 Release Candidate 2";s:7:"a
"Wed, 24 Jul 2013 07:25:10 +0000";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17
tion";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:341:"The second release candidate for WordPress
3.6 is now available for download and testing. We&#8217;re down to only a few r
emaining issues, and the final release should be available in a matter of days.
In RC2, we&#8217;ve tightened up some aspects of revisions, autosave, and the me
dia player, and fixed some bugs that were spotted [&#8230;]";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{
;s:12:"Mark Jaquith";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_base_ex
nt/";a:1:{s:7:"encoded";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:1325:"<p>The second release c
andidate for WordPress 3.6 is now available for download and testing.</p>\n<p>We
&#8217;re down to only a few remaining issues, and the final release should be a
vailable in a matter of days. In RC2, we&#8217;ve tightened up some aspects of r
evisions, autosave, and the media player, and fixed some bugs that were spotted
in RC1. Please test this release candidate as much as you can, so we can deliver
a smooth final release!</p>\n<p><strong>Think you&#8217;ve found a bug?</strong
>Please post to the<a href="">Alpha/B
eta area in the support forums</a>.</p>\n<p><strong>Developers,</strong>please co
ntinue to test your plugins and themes, so that if there is a compatibility issu
e, we can figure it out before the final release.You can find our<a href="http://c">list of known issues here</a>.</p>\n<p>To test
WordPress 3.6, try the<a href="
-tester/">WordPress Beta Tester</a>plugin (you&#8217;ll want &#8220;bleeding edge
nightlies&#8221;). Or you can<a href="
">download the release candidate here (zip)</a>.</p>\n<p><em>Revisions so smooth
</em><br />\n<em>We autosave your changes</em><br />\n<em>Data loss begone!</em>

"title";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:31:"WordPress 3.6 Release Candidate";s:7:"att
13 Jul 2013 03:23:17 +0000";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_
a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:344:"The first release candidate for WordPress 3.6 is
now available. We hope to ship WordPress 3.6 in a couple weeks. But to do that,
we really need your help! If you haven&#8217;t tested 3.6 yet, there&#8217;s no
time like the present. (But please: not on a live production site, unless you&#
8217;re feeling especially adventurous.) Think [&#8230;]";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:
12:"Mark Jaquith";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_base_expli
";a:1:{s:7:"encoded";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:1504:"<p>The first release candi
date for WordPress 3.6 is now available.</p>\n<p>We hope to ship WordPress 3.6 i
n a couple weeks. But to do that, we really need your help! If you haven&#8217;t
tested 3.6 yet, there&#8217;s no time like the present. (But please: not on a l
ive production site, unless you&#8217;re feeling especially adventurous.)</p>\n<
p><strong>Think you&#8217;ve found a bug?</strong> Please post to the <a href="h
ttp://">Alpha/Beta area in the support for
ums</a>. If any known issues come up, youll be able to <a href="http://core.trac.">find them here</a>. <strong>Developers,</strong> please
test your plugins and themes, so that if there is a compatibility issue, we can
sort it out before the final release.</p>\n<p>To test WordPress 3.6, try the <a
href="">WordPress Beta
Tester</a> plugin (you&#8217;ll want &#8220;bleeding edge nightlies&#8221;). Or
you can <a href="">download the relea
se candidate here (zip)</a>.</p>\n<p>As you may have heard, we backed the Post F
ormat UI feature out of the release. On the other hand, our slick new revisions
browser had some extra time to develop. You should see it with 200+ revisions lo
aded scrubbing back and forth at lightning speed is a thing of beauty.</p>\n<p><
em>Delayed, but still loved</em><br />\n<em>The release will be out soon</em><br
/>\n<em>Test it, por favor</em></p>\n";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"

ype";i:128;s:7:"headers";a:8:{s:6:"server";s:5:"nginx";s:4:"date";s:29:"Fri, 25
Oct 2013 21:05:42 GMT";s:12:"content-type";s:23:"text/xml; charset=UTF-8";s:10:"
:"";s:13:"last-modified";s:29:"Thu, 24 Oct 2
013 22:40:34 GMT";s:4:"x-nc";s:11:"HIT lax 250";}s:5:"build";s:14:"2013070820101
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{s:0:"";a:1:{s:3:"rss";a:1:{i:0;a:6:{s:4:"data";s:3:"\n \n";s:7:"attribs";a:1:{s
ordPress Plugins View: Most Popular";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s
"description";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:39:"WordPress Plugins View: Most Popula
"";}}s:7:"pubDate";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:31:"Fri, 25 Oct 2013 21:01:37 +000
:5:"child";a:2:{s:0:"";a:5:{s:5:"title";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:14:"Contact F
orm 7";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_base_explicit";b:0;s:
5:{s:4:"data";s:31:"Thu, 02 Aug 2007 12:45:03 +0000";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xm
4:"data";s:54:"Just another contact form plugin. Simple but flexible.";s:7:"attr
s:4:"data";s:16:"Takayuki Miyoshi";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:1

;s:19:"All in One SEO Pack";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_
s:7:"pubDate";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:31:"Fri, 30 Mar 2007 20:08:18 +0000";s:
iption";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:126:"All in One SEO Pack is a WordPress SEO p
lugin to automatically optimize your Wordpress blog for Search Engines such as G
;s:19:"Google XML Sitemaps";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_
"";}}s:7:"pubDate";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:31:"Fri, 09 Mar 2007 22:31:32 +000
description";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:105:"This plugin will generate a special
XML sitemap which will help search engines to better index your blog.";s:7:"att
1:"Fri, 09 Mar 2007 22:11:30 +0000";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:
met checks your comments against the Akismet web service to see if they look lik
e spam or not.";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_base_explici
:"creator";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:14:"Matt Mullenweg";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:

;s:33:"WooCommerce - excelling eCommerce";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0

:0:"";}}s:7:"pubDate";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:31:"Mon, 05 Sep 2011 08:13:36 +
:11:"description";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:97:"WooCommerce is a powerful, exte
ndable eCommerce plugin that helps you sell anything. Beautifully.";s:7:"attribs
:5:"child";a:2:{s:0:"";a:5:{s:5:"title";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:15:"NextGEN G
a:5:{s:4:"data";s:31:"Mon, 23 Apr 2007 20:08:06 +0000";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"
s:4:"data";s:122:"The most popular WordPress gallery plugin and one of the most
popular plugins of all time with over 7.5 million downloads.";s:7:"attribs";a:0:
";s:9:"Alex Rabe";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_base_expli
SEO by Yoast";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_base_explicit
{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:31:"Thu, 01 Jan 2009 20:34:44 +0000";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}
a:5:{s:4:"data";s:131:"Improve your WordPress SEO: Write better content and have
a fully optimized WordPress site using the WordPress SEO plugin by Yoast.";s:7:
a:5:{s:4:"data";s:13:"Joost de Valk";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s
;s:24:"Jetpack by";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:

pubDate";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:31:"Thu, 20 Jan 2011 02:21:38 +0000";s:7:"at
ion";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:104:"Supercharge your WordPress site with powerf
ul features previously only available to users.";s:7:"attribs";a:0
a";s:9:"Tim Moore";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_base_expl
1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:31:"Thu, 20 May 2010 17:42:45 +0000";s:7:"attribs";a:0:
:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:101:"Import posts, pages, comments, custom fields, categori
es, tags and more from a WordPress export file.";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_ba
:5:"child";a:2:{s:0:"";a:5:{s:5:"title";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:14:"WP Super
5:{s:4:"data";s:31:"Mon, 05 Nov 2007 11:40:04 +0000";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xm
4:"data";s:73:"A very fast caching engine for WordPress that produces static htm
l files.";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_base_explicit";b:0
tor";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:16:"Donncha O Caoimh";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"x
;s:19:"Broken Link Checker";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_
}s:7:"pubDate";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:31:"Mon, 08 Oct 2007 21:35:04 +0000";s

cription";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:131:"This plugin will check your posts, com
ments and other content for broken links and missing images, and notify you if a
ny are found.";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_base_explicit
"creator";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:11:"Janis Elsts";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"x
;s:18:"Wordfence Security";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_b
ate";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:31:"Sun, 04 Sep 2011 03:13:51 +0000";s:7:"attrib
;a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:148:"Wordfence Security is a free enterprise class s
ecurity plugin that includes a firewall, virus scanning, real-time traffic with
geolocation and more.";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_base_
;s:12:"Contact Form";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_base_ex
pubDate";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:31:"Thu, 26 May 2011 07:34:58 +0000";s:7:"at
ion";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:43:"Add Contact Form to your WordPress website."
a:5:{s:4:"data";s:31:"Wed, 27 Apr 2011 05:53:50 +0000";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"
{s:4:"data";s:79:"This plugin allows you to implement super security captcha for
m into web forms.";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_base_expl

;s:40:"Yet Another Related Posts Plugin (YARPP)";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_ba
Wed, 02 Jan 2008 13:05:03 +0000";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:
lay a list of related entries on your site and feeds based on a unique algorithm
. Now with thumbnail support built-in!";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"
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(128, '_transient_dash_4077549d03da2e451c8b5f002294ff51', '<div class="rss-widge
t"><ul><li><a class=''rsswidget'' href=''
/'' title=''Version 3.7 of WordPress, named Basie in honor of Count Basie, is avai
lable for download or update in your WordPress dashboard. This release features
some of the most important architectural updates weve made to date. Here are the
big ones: Updates while you sleep: With WordPress 3.7, you dont have to lift a fi
nger to []''>WordPress 3.7 Basie</a> <span class="rss-date">24 de outubro de 2013</
span><div class=''rssSummary''>Version 3.7 of WordPress, named Basie in honor of C
ount Basie, is available for download or update in your WordPress dashboard. Thi
s release features some of the most important architectural updates weve made to
date. Here are the big ones: Updates while you sleep: With WordPress 3.7, you do
nt have to lift a finger to []</div></li><li><a class=''rsswidget'' href=''http://'' title=''The seco
nd release candidate of WordPress 3.7 is now available for testing! Those of you
already testing WordPress 3.7 will be updated automatically to RC2. (Nice.) If
youd like to start testing, theres no time like the present! Try theWordPress Beta
Testerplugin (youll want bleeding edge nightlies) ordownload the release candidate he
re(zip).Please post to theAlpha/Beta []''>WordPress 3.7 Release Candidate 2</a> <spa

n class="rss-date">23 de outubro de 2013</span><div class=''rssSummary''>The sec

ond release candidate of WordPress 3.7 is now available for testing! Those of yo
u already testing WordPress 3.7 will be updated automatically to RC2. (Nice.) If
youd like to start testing, theres no time like the present! Try theWordPress Beta
Testerplugin (youll want bleeding edge nightlies) ordownload the release candidate h
ere(zip).Please [&hellip;]</div></li></ul></div>', 'no'),
(129, '_transient_timeout_feed_77fa140e07ce53fe8c87136636f83d72', '1382778341',
(130, '_transient_feed_77fa140e07ce53fe8c87136636f83d72', 'a:4:{s:5:"child";a:1:
{s:0:"";a:1:{s:3:"rss";a:1:{i:0;a:6:{s:4:"data";s:3:"\n \n";s:7:"attribs";a:1:{s
ordPress Plugins View: Newest";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"x
on";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:33:"WordPress Plugins View: Newest";s:7:"attribs"
e";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:31:"Fri, 25 Oct 2013 20:33:26 +0000";s:7:"attribs"
data";s:31:"Tue, 15 Oct 2013 23:32:43 +0000";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";
";s:132:"Powerful visual editing for WordPress. Distraction free writing with b
eautifully simple UI, media embeds, markdown and spell check.";s:7:"attribs";a:0
";s:31:"Tue, 15 Oct 2013 19:49:18 +0000";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:

88:"Affilizr : Automatic conversion of &#34;standard&#34; product links into aff
iliate links";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_base_explicit"
;s:25:"Safari Push Notifications";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17
s:7:"pubDate";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:31:"Tue, 22 Oct 2013 10:54:58 +0000";s:
cription";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:72:"Allows WordPress to publish updates to
a push server for Safari browsers";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:1
:5:{s:5:"title";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:16:"Content Enhancer";s:7:"attribs";a
"Mon, 07 Oct 2013 02:16:05 +0000";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17
is plugin allows you to insert html/javascript code into your post&#039;s conten
t in a variety of different ways.";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:1
:5:{s:5:"title";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:15:"Game Dev Quotes";s:7:"attribs";a:
ed, 23 Oct 2013 00:09:48 +0000";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"

e shortcodes to style game developer quotes as they are on the developers site."
n Verify Install";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_base_expli
7:"pubDate";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:31:"Tue, 22 Oct 2013 21:11:18 +0000";s:7:
iption";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:122:"This plugin verifies your installed file
s against a hash to see if any are missing, changed or corrupt. Takes two second
;s:73:"Upcoming Concerts, Sports, and Theater - Content Reader and Ticket Widget
s:7:"pubDate";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:31:"Thu, 17 Oct 2013 16:41:46 +0000";s:
cription";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:150:"This plugin finds the artists (bands,
singers/songwriters, etc.), sports teams, and theatrical performances in your po
sts and adds a widget at the end";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17
:5:{s:5:"title";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:21:"Adfever Montisation";s:7:"attribs"
;s:31:"Thu, 17 Oct 2013 11:57:40 +0000";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"
5:"Plugin de montisation pour les membres de la rgie publicitaire AdFever.";s:7:"a

Custom Fields: Multiple Coordinates";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s
Tue, 22 Oct 2013 22:29:43 +0000";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:
is an add-on to ACF that adds a field to select multiple Google Map points in a
;s:37:"Free SEO Audit Google Speed API Check";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base"
1:"Tue, 22 Oct 2013 16:25:16 +0000";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:
Do a quick audit to check for the necessary elements of SEO. This scores your Wo
rdPress site instantly out of 100, check it out completely free!";s:7:"attribs";
ing Live Chat for WordPress";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml
"pubDate";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:31:"Mon, 21 Oct 2013 09:17:43 +0000";s:7:"a
tion";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:60:"An easy to install live chat plugin for you
r wordpress site.";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_base_expl
s:7:"creator";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:22:"IMsupporting Live Chat";s:7:"attrib

:5:{s:5:"title";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:11:"Nano Slider";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}
;s:8:"xml_lang";s:0:"";}}s:7:"pubDate";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:31:"Tue, 15 Oc
t 2013 18:23:49 +0000";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_base_
_lang";s:0:"";}}s:11:"description";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:35:"image slider t
o your Wordpress blog";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_base_
;s:14:"Name Generator";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_base_
Date";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:31:"Wed, 23 Oct 2013 22:13:18 +0000";s:7:"attri
";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:61:"Create fun random Name Generators for your Word
Press website.";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_base_explici
:"creator";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:10:"John Regan";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"x
;s:12:"Just Writing";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_base_ex
";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:31:"Wed, 23 Oct 2013 12:57:17 +0000";s:7:"attribs";
1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:83:"Adds buttons to the Distraction Free Writing Mode f
or all kinds of extra functions.";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17
:5:{s:5:"title";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:20:"Image Gallery Import";s:7:"attrib

:4:"data";s:31:"Mon, 21 Oct 2013 13:19:50 +0000";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_ba
data";s:95:"This plugin takes remote page, examines its content and lists all fo
und images for your choice.";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml
:"Fri, 25 Oct 2013 21:05:45 GMT";s:12:"content-type";s:23:"text/xml; charset=UTF
";s:29:"Fri, 25 Oct 2013 21:08:26 GMT";s:13:"cache-control";s:0:"";s:6:"pragma";
s:0:"";s:13:"last-modified";s:31:"Fri, 25 Oct 2013 20:33:26 +0000";s:4:"x-nc";s:
11:"HIT lax 250";}s:5:"build";s:14:"20130708201016";}', 'no'),
(131, '_transient_timeout_feed_mod_77fa140e07ce53fe8c87136636f83d72', '138277834
1', 'no'),
(132, '_transient_feed_mod_77fa140e07ce53fe8c87136636f83d72', '1382735141', 'no'
(133, '_transient_timeout_plugin_slugs', '1382821543', 'no'),
(134, '_transient_plugin_slugs', 'a:2:{i:0;s:19:"akismet/akismet.php";i:1;s:9:"h
ello.php";}', 'no'),
(135, '_transient_timeout_dash_de3249c4736ad3bd2cd29147c4a0d43e', '1382778341',
INSERT INTO `wp_options` (`option_id`, `option_name`, `option_value`, `autoload`
(136, '_transient_dash_de3249c4736ad3bd2cd29147c4a0d43e', '<h4>Mais populares</h
4>\n<h5><a href=''''>Captcha</a></h5>&nbsp;
<span>(<a href=''plugin-install.php?tab=plugin-information&amp;plugin=captcha&am
p;_wpnonce=84727ae142&amp;TB_iframe=true&amp;width=600&amp;height=800'' class=''
thickbox'' title=''Captcha''>Instalar</a>)</span>\n<p>This plugin allows you to
implement super security captcha form into web forms.</p>\n<h4>Plugins mais rece
ntes</h4>\n<h5><a href=''''>Just Writi
ng</a></h5>&nbsp;<span>(<a href=''plugin-install.php?tab=plugin-information&amp;
;height=800'' class=''thickbox'' title=''Just Writing''>Instalar</a>)</span>\n<p
>Adds buttons to the Distraction Free Writing Mode for all kinds of extra functi
ons.</p>\n', 'no'),
(137, 'recently_activated', 'a:0:{}', 'yes'),
(138, '_site_transient_timeout_wporg_theme_feature_list', '1382745949', 'yes'),
(139, '_site_transient_wporg_theme_feature_list', 'a:5:{s:6:"Colors";a:15:{i:0;s

1;s:13:"photoblogging";i:2;s:8:"seasonal";}}', 'yes'),
(140, '_transient_timeout_feed_867bd5c64f85878d03a060509cd2f92c', '1382778346',
INSERT INTO `wp_options` (`option_id`, `option_name`, `option_value`, `autoload`
(141, '_transient_feed_867bd5c64f85878d03a060509cd2f92c', 'a:4:{s:5:"child";a:1:
a";s:16:"WordPress Planet";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_b
7:"WordPress Planet -";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml
a";s:92:" Nic Haralambous: Nicsocks: Selling Limited Edition Socks
Online With WordPress";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_base_
;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:733:"<div id="v-StESGW0i-1" class="video-player">\n</div>\n<b
r /> <a rel="nofollow" href=""><img alt="" border="0" src="
mments/" /></a> <img alt="" border="0" src="http://stat
eed=1" width="1" height="1" /><div><a href="
aralambous-nicsocks-selling-limited-edition-socks-online-with-wordpress/"><img a
lt="Nic Haralambous: Nicsocks: Selling Limited Edition Socks Online With WordPre
ss" src="
" width="160" height="120" /></a></div>";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:
:5:{s:4:"data";s:31:"Fri, 25 Oct 2013 20:38:54 +0000";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"x
";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:58:"WPTavern: WordPress Distraction Free Writing Mo
de Enhanced";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_base_explicit";

:{s:4:"data";s:4656:"<p>It&#8217;s easy to get distracted while writing posts. Y

ou&#8217;re in a browser and you probably have a few other tabs open with notifi
cations beeping at you from every direction. On top of that, the WordPress post
editor has a ton of meta boxes competing for your attention. With all of this go
ing on, how can you focus on crafting beautiful words?</p>\n<p>The Distraction F
ree Writing Mode (DFWM) feature was introduced in WordPress 3.2, giving users th
e opportunity to find a zen place for writing while staying within the dashboard
. It&#8217;s launched via the &#8220;fullscreen&#8221; button in the editor, whi
sking you away to a screen with an intentionally-limited button selection. These
buttons fade away in the top menu as you begin composing. Here&#8217;s the defa
ult DFWM screen:<span id="more-10409"></span></p>\n<div id="attachment_10461" cl
ass="wp-caption aligncenter"><a href="
nt/uploads/2013/10/default.png" rel="thumbnail"><img src="" alt="WordPr
ess Distraction Free Writing Mode" class="size-full wp-image-10461" /></a><p cla
ss="wp-caption-text">WordPress Distraction Free Writing Mode</p></div>\n<h3>Enha
nce Distraction Free Writing Mode with the Visual Editor</h3>\n<p>Many users lov
e the minimalism of this screen and will write the text of their post but format
it later within the regular post editor. <a href="
just-writing/" title="Just Writing - WordPress Plugin" target="_blank">Just Writ
ing</a> is a new plugin that aims to keep you in the DFWM for the entire writing
and formatting process.</p>\n<p>Essentially, the plugin enhances DFWM by adding
the <a href="
" target="_blank">visual editor</a> to the top with the other buttons. It also d
isappears as per the normal behavior. Here&#8217;s a look at the enhanced versio
n with all the extra buttons turned on:</p>\n<p><a href="" rel="thumbnail"><img sr
g?resize=560%2C289" alt="allthebuttons" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-10
464" /></a></p>\n<p>With the plugin installed you gain the &#8220;Undo&#8221; an
d &#8220;Redo&#8221; functions, text align, underline. proofreading and everythi
ng that you would expect with the visual editor. Beyond that, Just Writing also
performs a few more subtle functions:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Adds a Preview button to th
e right of the Save button</li>\n<li>Moves the exit link to the right of the new
Preview button as a real button</li>\n<li>Re-orders the button list to make mor
e sense</li>\n<li>Per-user preferences for enabling Just Writing</li>\n<li>Per-u
ser preferences for which buttons to display</li>\n</ul>\n<p>Even if you&#8217;r
e not a fan of the visual editor buttons, the extra Preview button is a definite
improvement over the DFWM in its default form. Installing the plugin also doesn
&#8217;t universally apply the settings to all users. Each user is able to choos
e the buttons he wants to display to create his own zen writing place.</p>\n<h3>
Customize Your Distraction Free Writing Mode Experience</h3>\n<p>Enhanced? Isn&#
8217;t the point of the distraction free writing mode to get rid of everything a
nd just write? Sure there are some of you out there who hate the visual editor w
ith a passion, but there are also many who currently depend upon it.</p>\n<p>Jus
t Writing isn&#8217;t an all-or-nothing plugin. It has an options panel where yo
u can add or remove support for any of the visual editor buttons:</p>\n<div id="
attachment_10468" class="wp-caption aligncenter"><a href="" rel="thumbnail"><img src="ht
0%2C363" alt="Just Writing plugin options" class="size-full wp-image-10468" /></
a><p class="wp-caption-text">Just Writing plugin options</p></div>\n<p>These opt
ions allow you to select the buttons that help you to stay in the flow while com
posing posts. </p>\n<p><a href="" titl
e="Just Writing - WordPress Plugin" target="_blank">Just Writing</a> is availabl
e for free in the WordPress plugin repository. If you feel like the Distraction
Free Writing Mode is missing a few functions, give this plugin a spin and see if
it enhances your writing experience.</p>\n<img src="
/~r/WordpressTavern/~4/HM_lJnooDn8" height="1" width="1" />";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{

"pubDate";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:31:"Fri, 25 Oct 2013 20:21:26 +0000";s:7:"a

5:{s:4:"data";s:13:"Sarah Gooding";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:1
:{s:0:"";a:5:{s:5:"title";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:67:"WPTavern: How to Config
ure Automatic Core Updates for WordPress 3.7";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base"
";s:0:"";}}s:11:"description";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:4272:"<p><div id="attac
hment_10448" class="wp-caption alignright"><a href="" rel="thumbnail"><img src
.jpg?resize=300%2C198" alt="So, how does this work?" class="size-medium wp-image
-10448" /></a><p class="wp-caption-text">So, how does this work?</p></div>Today
following the <a href="" target="_blank">release of WordPress 3.7</a> many users are
wondering where the settings page is to configure these options. The answer is t
hat there is no settings page in the WordPress admin. If you upgrade to WordPres
s 3.7, the default behavior is that you&#8217;ll be automatically upgraded for s
ecurity and minor releases. </p>\n<p><strong>The fact that it&#8217;s security a
nd minor releases only is a very important distinction here.</strong> These gene
rally do not break anyone&#8217;s website, plugin or themes. If you&#8217;re usi
ng a plugin that gets broken due to a security release, then that raises a red f
lag and a few questions about how that plugin is interacting with the WordPress
core. </p>\n<p>If you want to make changes to WordPress default behavior of keep
ing your site current with security/minor releases, you will need to edit your <
em>wp-config.php</em> file. <span id="more-10437"></span></p>\n<p>I asked Andrew
Nacin if there is a plan to expose the core update configuration options to the
UI in the future. He replied that there is &#8220;no good reason for an opt-out
UI now, but as we grow more confident, I imagine an opt-in UI for major version
s could be next.&#8221; So maybe this is around the corner, but for now, read on
to learn how to configure your updates.</p>\n<h2>3 Basic Options for Core Updat
es in WordPress 3.7</h2>\n<p>Let&#8217;s simplify things here. You basically hav
e three options for WordPress core updates:</p>\n<h4><strong>1. Update the core
for minor versions (on by default):</strong></h4>\n<p>If you&#8217;re running Wo
rdPress 3.7, there&#8217;s nothing you need to do to turn this on. You&#8217;ll
be automatically updated for security and minor releases. Here&#8217;s what it w
ould look like in <em>wp-config.php</em>:</p>\n<pre>define( ''WP_AUTO_UPDATE_COR
E'', ''minor'' );</pre>\n<h4><strong>2. Disable all core updates:</strong></h4>\
n<p>If you&#8217;re uncomfortable with WordPress keeping your site current with
minor releases and security updates, here&#8217;s how you turn it off. Add this
to your <em>wp-config.php</em> file:</p>\n<pre>define( ''WP_AUTO_UPDATE_CORE'',
false );</pre>\n<p>However, I would encourage you to read this <a href="http://m
-in-wordpress-3-7/" target="_blank">definitive guide</a> from Nacin before turni
ng off core updates completely.</p>\n<h4><strong>3. Get all updates, including d
evelopment, major and minor releases:</strong></h4>\n<p>This is the cowboy optio
n that is probably more likely something you&#8217;d want to enable on a persona
l blog. If you turn this on in <em>wp-config.php</em>, you&#8217;ll be automatic
ally updated for every release that WordPress puts out: </p>\n<pre>define( ''WP_
AUTO_UPDATE_CORE'', true );</pre>\n<p>You can also apply all of the above via ne
w filters added in WordPress 3.7, as outlined in the codex article on <a href="h
ttp://" target="_blank

">Configuring Automatic Background Updates</a>. Filters are also available for p

lugin, theme and translation updates should you want to add those in the mix, to
o.</p>\n<p>If you&#8217;re scratching your head and trying to get your brain aro
und all of these options, wondering what to do, then just leave the default opti
ons in place and don&#8217;t mess with it. <strong>WordPress strongly discourage
s disabling the automatic security updates.</strong> These updates have been hea
vily tested and are quite safe. Getting hacked because you didn&#8217;t want to
take security updates would be really lame. The best option is to leave securit
y updates in place.</p>\n<img src="
n/~4/Bl1O4Pw_P3c" height="1" width="1" />";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:
;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:31:"Fri, 25 Oct 2013 16:37:26 +0000";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:
:"Sarah Gooding";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_base_explic
it";b:0;s:8:"xml_lang";s:0:"";}}}}}i:3;a:6:{s:4:"data";s:13:"\n \n
";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:62:"WPTavern: WordPress 3.7 Released: WordPress Now
Updates Itself";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_base_explic
i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:4510:"<p>WordPress 3.7 has been <a href="http://wordpress.
org/news/2013/10/basie/" target="_blank">released</a> and the big news is that W
ordPress now has the ability to update itself. This begins a new era of automati
c background updates for security and minor releases. Web hosts around the world
have been eagerly awaiting this release and are cheering its arrival. The upgra
de process has been greatly improved and boy is it ever solid:</p>\n<blockquote
class="twitter-tweet" width="550"><p>We ended the WordPress 3.7 beta cycle with
112,434 automatic background updates attempted and not a single critical failure
.</p>\n<p>&mdash; Andrew Nacin (@nacin) <a href="
ses/393547010801803264">October 25, 2013</a></p></blockquote>\n<p></p>\n<p><stro
ng>Not a single critical failure.</strong> Try blaming Nacin for that, folks. </
p>\n<p>WordPress 3.7 is dubbed Basie, after <a href="
i/Count_basie" target="_blank">Count Basie</a>, an American jazz pianist with an
unparalleled talent for improvisation. He learned to improvise while playing al
ong to silent films for a local movie theater. Before he was famous, Basie sharp
ened his improv skills by playing jazz piano at parties and resorts. He went on
to create his own jazz orchestra and mentor many other musicians along the way.<
span id="more-10414"></span></p>\n<p><div id="attachment_10421" class="wp-captio
n alignright"><a href="
/10/basie.jpg" rel="thumbnail"><img src="
ntent/uploads/2013/10/basie.jpg?resize=234%2C300" alt="Count Basie" class="sizemedium wp-image-10421" /></a><p class="wp-caption-text">Count Basie</p></div>It
seems fitting that this release honors Basie. The web is full of hackers who see
k to exploit any vulnerability they can find in WordPress. Users have to be quic
k to improvise and secure our sites as soon as minor releases are shipped out. A
utomatic background updates give millions of users the ability to stay current w
ith each security update. The beautiful thing is that it&#8217;s totally effortl
ess on the part of the user.</p>\n<p>On the surface you won&#8217;t see too many
flashy UI improvements, but under the hood you&#8217;ll find a better engine. W
hen you search WordPress you&#8217;ll see better and more relevant results. Deve
lopers will be happy to find improved support for multisite, <a href="http://www" target="_blank">ad
vanced date queries</a> and a ton of new functions to play with. You can review
every last detail on the dedicated <a href="

.7" target="_blank">3.7 release page</a>.</p>\n<p><div id="attachment_10415" cla

ss="wp-caption alignleft"><a href="
uploads/2013/10/about.jpg" rel="thumbnail"><img src="" alt="wp-admin/abou
t.php" class="size-medium wp-image-10415" /></a><p class="wp-caption-text">wp-ad
min/about.php</p></div>WordPress 3.7 has a beautiful about.php page that you can
only see if you upgrade. <em>Hint, hint.</em> It includes a live demo of the <a
ress-3-7" target="_blank">new password strength meter</a> that will help you to
create stronger passwords.</p>\n<p>This release also includes better global supp
ort for translations, meaning that it will automatically install language files
and silently keep them up to date. There&#8217;s a trend here: WordPress is doin
g a lot more for you in the background so that you can focus on creating content
. This sets the bar pretty high for what users can expect from their publishing
software in the future.</p>\n<p>Now that WordPress can update itself, I am once
again reminded that this software is a living, breathing thing. Andrew Nacin, Di
on Hulse and Jon Cave had the help of 211 contributors in shipping 3.7. Hats off
to these folks &#8211; they&#8217;ve worked hard and done well. </p>\n<p>Time t
o celebrate with a few tunes from Count Basie and his jazz orchestra to kick off
your upgrades. By the way, if you&#8217;re configuring automatic updates for ev
erything, this is the last time you&#8217;ll ever have to update WordPress manua
lly. </p>\n<p><span class="embed-youtube"></span></p>\n<img src="http://feeds.fe" height="1" width="1" />";s:7:"at
:0:"";}}s:7:"pubDate";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:31:"Fri, 25 Oct 2013 05:09:31 +
;a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:13:"Sarah Gooding";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base
ata";s:13:"\n \n
ild";a:2:{s:0:"";a:5:{s:5:"title";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:35:"Dev Blog: WordP
ress 3.7 Basie";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_base_explicit"
:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:17220:"<p>Version 3.7 of WordPress, named &#8220;Basie
&#8221; in honor of <a href="">Count Bas
ie</a>, is available <a href="">for download</a> o
r update in your WordPress dashboard. This release features some of the most imp
ortant architectural updates we&#8217;ve made to date. Here are the big ones:</p
>\n<ul>\n<li><strong>Updates while you sleep</strong>: With WordPress 3.7, you d
on&#8217;t have to lift a finger to apply maintenance and security updates. Most
sites are now able to automatically apply these updates in the background. The
update process also has been made even more reliable and secure, with dozens of
new checks and safeguards.</li>\n<li><strong>Stronger password recommendations</
strong>: Your password is your site&#8217;s first line of defense. It&#8217;s be
st to create passwords that are complex, long, and unique. To that end, our pass
word meter has been updated in WordPress 3.7 to recognize common mistakes that c
an weaken your password: dates, names, keyboard patterns (123456789), and even p
op culture references.</li>\n<li><strong>Better global support</strong>: Localiz
ed versions of WordPress will receive faster and more complete translations. Wor
dPress 3.7 adds support for automatically installing the right language files an
d keeping them up to date, a boon for the many millions who use WordPress in a l
anguage other than English.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>For developers there are lots of opt
ions around how to control the new updates feature, including allowing it to han
dle major upgrades as well as minor ones, more sophisticated date query support,
and multisite improvements. As always, if you&#8217;re hungry for more <a href=

"">dive into the Codex</a> or browse the <

a href="
stone=3.7">over 400 closed tickets on Trac</a>.</p>\n<h3>A New Wave</h3>\n<p>Thi
s release was led by Andrew Nacin, backed up by Dion Hulse and Jon Cave. This is
our first release using the new plugin-first development process, with a much s
horter timeframe than in the past. (3.6 was released in August.) The 3.8 release
, due in December, will continue this plugin-led development cycle that gives mu
ch more autonomy to plugin leads and allows us to decouple feature development f
rom a release. You can follow this grand experiment, and what we&#8217;re learni
ng from it, <a href="">on the make/core blog</a>.
There are 211 contributors with props in this release:</p>\n<p><a href="http://">Aaron Brazell</a>,<a href="http://profiles.w">Aaron D. Campbell</a>,<a href="http://profiles.wordpr">Aaron Holbrook</a>,<a href="
jorbin">Aaron Jorbin</a>,<a href="">
adamsilverstein</a>,<a href="">Alexander Ho
ereth</a>,<a href="">Alex Mills (Viper0
07Bond)</a>,<a href="">Amy Hendrix (sabreus
e)</a>,<a href="">andg</a>, <a href="http://pro">Andrew Nacin</a>,<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.or
g/norcross">Andrew Norcross</a>,<a href="">An
drew Ozz</a>,<a href="">Andrew Spittle
</a>,<a href="">askapache</a>,<a href="http
://">atimmer</a>,<a href="http://profiles.wordpress
.org/barry">Barry</a>,<a href="">Beau Leb
ens</a>,<a href="">ben.moody</a>,<a href="ht
tp://">Ben Miller</a>,<a href="http://profiles.wordp">Bernhard Riedl</a>,<a href="
">BFTrick</a>, <a href="">Billy (ba
nanastalktome)</a>,<a href="">bmb</a>,<a href="ht
tp://">Brandon Kraft</a>,<a href="http://profiles.w">brianhogg</a>,<a href="
">Brian Richards</a>,<a href="">Bryan Petty</
a>,<a href="">Carl Danley</a>,<a href="htt
p://">CharlesClarkson</a>,<a href="http://p">Chip Bennett</a>,<a href="http://profiles.word">Chouby</a>,<a href="">C
hris Olbekson</a>, <a href="">Chris Rud
zki</a>,<a href="">coderaaron</a>,<a href="ht
tp://">Coen Jacobs</a>,<a href="http://profiles.">Colin Robinson</a>,<a href="
/andreasnrb">cyonite</a>,<a href="">D
aan Kortenbach</a>,<a href="">Daniel
Bachhuber</a>,<a href="">Daniel Convissor
</a>,<a href="">dartiss</a>,<a href="http://p">Daryl Koopersmith</a>, <a href="http://profiles.word">Dave Ross</a>,<a href="
etta">David Laietta</a>,<a href="">Dion Hulse</
a>,<a href="">dllh</a>,<a href="http://profiles.">Dominik Schilling (ocean90)</a>,<a href="http://profiles.w">dpash</a>,<a href="
">Drew Jaynes</a>,<a href="">DrProtocols
</a>,<a href="">Dustin Filippini</a>,<a href="">dzver</a>,<a href="http://profiles.wordpress
.org/cais">Edward Caissie</a>,<a href="">enej</
a>, <a href="">Eric Andrew Lewis</a>,<a hr
ef="">Eric Mann</a>,<a href="http://profile">Evan Solomon</a>,<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.
org/faishal">faishal</a>,<a href="">Faison</a
>,<a href="">Foofy</a>,<a href="http://profiles">Frankie Jarrett</a>,<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.o

rg/frank-klein">Frank Klein</a>,<a href="">G
ary Cao</a>,<a href="">Gary Pendergast</a>,<a h
ref="">Gaya Kessler</a>, <a href="http:/
/">George Stephanis</a>,<a href="http://pro">Gizburdt</a>,<a href="
/goldenapples">goldenapples</a>,<a href="">
gradyetc</a>,<a href="">Gregory Cornelius</a>
,<a href="">Gustavo Bordoni</a>,<a href="http:
//">hakre</a>,<a href="
helen">Helen Hou-Sandi</a>,<a href="">Ian Du
nn</a>,<a href="">Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)</a>
,<a href="">itinerant</a>, <a href=
"">J.D. Grimes</a>,<a href="http://profiles">jakub.tyrcha</a>,<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.o
rg/jamescollins">James Collins</a>,<a href="
">Jen Mylo</a>,<a href="">Jeremy Buller</a>,<
a href="">Jeremy Felt</a>,<a href="http:/
/">Jesper Johansen (jayjdk)</a>,<a href="http://prof">Joe Hoyle</a>,<a href="
/jkudish">Joey Kudish</a>,<a href="">John Be
ales</a>, <a href="">John Blackbourn (j
ohnbillion)</a>,<a href="">John Fish</a>,<a
href="">John James Jacoby</a>,<a hr
ef="">John P. Bloch</a>,<a href="http://p">Jonas Bolinder (jond3r)</a>,<a href="http://profile">Jonathan Christopher</a>,<a href="http://profiles.w">Jonathan Desrosiers</a>,<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.
org/duck_">Jon Cave</a>, <a href="">Jon Ly
nch</a>,<a href="">Joost de Valk</a>,<a h
ref="">Joseph Scott</a>,<a href="http://">Josh Betz</a>,<a href="http://profiles.wordpress
.org/devesine">Justin de Vesine</a>,<a href="
sainton">Justin Sainton</a>,<a href="">K.
Adam White</a>,<a href="">Kailey (trepmal)</
a>,<a href="">Ketwaroo</a>,<a href="http://p">kevinB</a>,<a href="
pdesign">Kim Parsell</a>,<a href="">kitchin<
/a>, <a href="">Konstantin Kovshenin</a>,<
a href="">Konstantin Obenland</a>,<a href="">koopersmith</a>,<a href="http://profil">Kurt Payne</a>,<a href="
/lancewillett">Lance Willett</a>,<a href="
77">Lee Willis (leewillis77)</a>,<a href="
">lessbloat</a>,<a href="">Lew Ayotte</a>,<a
href="">Luke Gedeon</a>, <a href="http://pr">Marcin Pietrzak</a>,<a href="http://profiles.wordpre">Marco Cimmino</a>,<a href="
hgrinder">Marco Galasso</a>,<a href="">M
ark Jaquith</a>,<a href="">Mark McWil
liams</a>,<a href="">Marko Heijnen</a>,<
a href="">Mel Choyce</a>,<a href="http://p">Michael Beckwith</a>,<a href="http://profiles.wordp">Mike Hansen</a>, <a href="
ikeschinkel">Mike Schinkel</a>,<a href="
">Mike Schroder</a>,<a href="">Milan Dinic</
a>,<a href="">mitcho (Michael Yoshit
aka Erlewine)</a>,<a href="">Mr Papa</a>,<
a href="">Naoko Takano</a>,<a href="http://profi">Naomi</a>,<a href="

ex-ye">Nashwan Doaqan</a>,<a href="">Nate

Jacobs</a>,<a href="">nathanrice</a>, <a
href="">Niall Kennedy</a>,<a href="http
://">Nick Daugherty</a>,<a href="http://profi">Nick Halsey</a>,<a href="http://profiles.word">Nick Momrik</a>,<a href="
">Nikhil Vimal (NikV)</a>,<a href="">Niko
lay Bachiyski</a>,<a href="">noahsil
verstein</a>,<a href="">nofearinc</a>,<a hr
ef="">nukaga</a>,<a href="http://profiles.wor">nullvariable</a>,<a href="
butuzov">Oleg Butuzov</a>, <a href="">Paolo
Belcastro</a>,<a href="">Parham</a>,<a href="">Paul Biron</a>,<a href="http://profiles.wor">Paul de Wouters</a>,<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.
org/pavelevap">pavelevap</a>,<a href="">pe
terjaap</a>,<a href="">Peter Westwood</a>,<a hr
ef="">Philip Arthur Moore</a>,<a h
ref="">Pippin Williamson</a>,<a href="http:/
/">plocha</a>,<a href="
/pollett">Pollett</a>, <a href="">Ptah D
unbar</a>,<a href="">Rami Yushuvaev</a>,<a href
="">Rasheed Bydousi</a>,<a href="http://prof">RayBernard</a>,<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.
org/rboren">rboren</a>,<a href="">Reuben Gun
day</a>,<a href="">rfair404</a>,<a href="htt
p://">Richard Tape</a>,<a href="http://profiles">Rick Radko</a>,<a href="
roove">Robert Chapin</a>,<a href="">Robert Dal
l</a>, <a href="">Rodrigo Primo</a>,<a
href="">Ron Rennick</a>,<a href="http://pr">rpattillo</a>,<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.
org/ryan">Ryan Boren</a>,<a href="">Ryan McCu
e</a>,<a href="">Sam Hotchkiss</
a>,<a href="">Scott Reilly</a>,<a href="h
ttp://">scottsweb</a>,<a href="http://profiles.wo">Scott Taylor</a>,<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.o
rg/scribu">scribu</a>,<a href="">scruffian
</a>, <a href="">Seisuke Kuraishi (tenpura)
</a>,<a href="">Sergey Biryukov</a>,<a
href="">ShinichiN</a>,<a href="http://pro">Simon Prosser</a>,<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.o
rg/simonwheatley">Simon Wheatley</a>,<a href="
an">Siobhan</a>,<a href="">Siobhan Bamber (s
iobhyb)</a>,<a href="">sirzooro</a>,<a href=
"">solarissmoke</a>, <a href="http://p">Stephanie Leary</a>,<a href="http://profiles.wor">Stephen Edgar (@netweb)</a>,<a href="http://profiles.wordpress
.org/stephenharris">Stephen Harris</a>,<a href="
angerstudios">strangerstudios</a>,<a href="
89">sweetie089</a>,<a href="">swissspidy<
/a>,<a href="">Takayuki Miyauchi</a>,<a href
="">Takuma Morikawa</a>,<a href="http://profil">Taylor Lovett</a>, <a href="http://profiles.wordpress
.org/tivnet">tivnet</a>,<a href="">TobiasBg
</a>,<a href="">Tom Auger</a>,<a href="http:
//">toscho</a>,<a href="http://profiles.wordpress.or
g/wpsmith">Travis Smith</a>,<a href="">Ulri
ch Sossou</a>,<a href="">vericgar</a>,<a hre
f="">Vinod Dalvi</a>,<a href="http://pro">Weston Ruter</a>,<a href="http://profiles.wordpr">wikicms</a>,<a href="">W
ill Norris</a>,<a href="">Wojtek Szku
tnik</a>,<a href="">wycks</a>, <a href="http:/
/">Yoav Farhi</a>, and<a href="http://profiles.wordpr">Yuri Victor</a>.</p>\n<p>Enjoy what may be one of your last
few manual updates. See you soon for version 3.8!</p>";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"
te";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:31:"Thu, 24 Oct 2013 22:35:10 +0000";s:7:"attribs
:"data";s:14:"Matt Mullenweg";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xm
;a:5:{s:5:"title";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:83:"WPTavern: Disrupting The WordPr
ess Commercial Theme Market A 3themes Experiment";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_b
l_lang";s:0:"";}}s:11:"description";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:3501:"<p><a href=
jpg" rel="thumbnail"><img src="
ads/2013/10/3themessplashpage.jpg?resize=173%2C300" alt="3 themes splash page" c
lass="alignright size-medium wp-image-10399" /></a>The questions are simple but
the answers are not. <em>Can a theme that is built for developers using best pra
ctices be successful in the commercial space? Can a commercial theme add value w
ithout adding functionality and bloat?</em> Those are the questions that a trio
of WordPress developers are going to try to answer with their <a href="http://3t" title=""> experiment</a>. </p>\n<p>Michelle Sch
ulp of Marktimemedia has <a href="" title="
ess-commercial-theme-marketplace/">published her experience</a> at <a href="http
://" title="">Pressnomics 2013</a> and th
e reasoning behind the new experiment. While at the event, she attended the<a hr
ef="" title="">
Commercialization in the WordPress ecosystem</a> panel session featuring busines
s owners Pippin Williamson, Carl Hancock, Cory Miller, and Helen Souness. In tha
t discussion, the following question was asked. <em>How do you build a commercia
l digital product, especially one built using the GPL, that adds value in a way
that is distinguishable from its competitors?</em> According to Michelle, the pa
nel was quick to dismiss commercial themes as being easily commoditized. <span
id="more-10398"></span></p>\n<p>After talking with a number of people at the con
ference, Michelle decided to partner with <a href="
" title="">Kiko Doran</a>, and <a href="https://twi" title="">Josh Broton</a> to s
tart the 3themes experiment.</p>\n<blockquote><p>3themes is a unique collaborati
on because we will also be documenting it every step of the way: recording our w
eekly meetings on Google Hangout in the form of a podcast, blogging about our pr
ocess on the website, hosting code on GitHub, voicing our thoughts on Twitter, e
tc. We want this not only to be a case study in the commercial theme marketplace
, but in working as a small distributed team and problem solving just as we woul
d for a client. The hope is to create some dialogue in the WordPress community,
as well as just have some fun and see what great things we can build together.</
p></blockquote>\n<p>If you&#8217;re interested to see where this goes, check out
the live <a href="" title="http://www.yout">Google hangout at 8:30 PM CST</a> on Tuesday nights as t

hey begin the process of experimentation by first building their website and bra
nd. </p>\n<p>This is going to be an excellent experiment and I bet many are curi
ous as to what the end result will be. If you remember, Justin Tadlock <a href="" title="">performed a similar experiment</a> via ThemeFores
t with mildly successful results. </p>\n<img src="
/WordpressTavern/~4/w5xTWijIX1o" height="1" width="1" />";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:
bDate";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:31:"Thu, 24 Oct 2013 21:21:11 +0000";s:7:"attr
_explicit";b:0;s:8:"xml_lang";s:0:"";}}}}}i:6;a:6:{s:4:"data";s:13:"\n \n
5:"title";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:105:" Brian Krogsgard and Pipp
in Williamson: WordPress Plugins, Code And The Ecosystem In General";s:7:"attrib
9:"<div id="v-htWbPDZb-1" class="video-player">\n</div>\n<br /> <a rel="nofollo
w" href=""><i
mg alt="" border="0" src="
.com/24111/" /></a> <img alt="" border="0" src="
?" width="1" heig
ht="1" /><div><a href="
-williamson-wordpress-plugins-code-and-the-ecosystem-in-general/"><img alt="Bria
n Krogsgard and Pippin Williamson: WordPress Plugins, Code And The Ecosystem In
General" src="
l.jpg" width="160" height="120" /></a></div>";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base"
i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:31:"Thu, 24 Oct 2013 20:37:15 +0000";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s
5:"title";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:78:"WPTavern: Add Your Meetup Group to the
Central WordPress Account on";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:
l_lang";s:0:"";}}s:11:"description";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:2127:"<p><a href=
"" rel="
thumbnail"><img src="
0/meetups.jpg?resize=282%2C300" alt="meetups" class="alignright size-medium wp-i
mage-10389" /></a>If you run a local WordPress meetup, you&#8217;re invited to m
ove it under the <a href="" target="_blank">cent
ral WordPress account</a> on Jen Mylo <a href="http://make.wordpress
.org/community/2013/10/22/new-meetups/" target="_blank">created a form</a> where
meetup coordinators can submit their meetup to be included. The awesome benefit

is that WordPress will cover the dues for your listing. </p>\n<p>Je
n posted a number of simple guidelines that were created by active meetup group
volunteers. Your group will have to fulfill these before submitting to the centr
al account. I won&#8217;t list them all here, but this is a summary: Essentially
, you can&#8217;t use your local meetup to pimp out your business or yourself. L
eave Mr. Salesman at home and join a meetup to connect with other WordPress fans
. Meetups are for the benefit of the community and polite and respectful behavio
r is expected. If you organize a meetup that qualifies, use the form to get in t
ouch with Jen Mylo.<span id="more-10313"></span></p>\n<p>A some point in the fut
ure, meetup group listings will most likely switch over to using SupportPress, a
s they do for WordCamps. For now, they&#8217;ll be consolidating all the meetups
on Please note that the <a href="
y/meetup-interest-form/" target="_blank">meetup interest form</a> is not just fo
r new meetup groups but is also available for existing WordPress meetups that wa
nt to transfer the group over to the central account.</p>\n<p>It&#8217;s very co
ol that WordPress is supporting local meetups by covering their dues.
Help spread the word to get this information out there to local meetup organize
rs that you know. </p>\n<img src="
/~4/o_k5yMGxjF4" height="1" width="1" />";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0
a:5:{s:4:"data";s:31:"Thu, 24 Oct 2013 19:33:57 +0000";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"
"Sarah Gooding";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_base_explici
t";b:0;s:8:"xml_lang";s:0:"";}}}}}i:8;a:6:{s:4:"data";s:13:"\n \n
";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:69:"WPTavern: Jarvis: A Free Quicksearch Tool for t
he WordPress Dashboard";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_base
ription";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:3233:"<p>If you&#8217;ve ever used a WordPre
ss site with thousands of posts and/or hundreds of pages, you might have found i
t a challenge to quickly navigate to the content you&#8217;re looking for. <a hr
ef="" title="Jarvis WordPress Dashboard Quicksearch Plugin"
target="_blank">Jarvis</a> is a new dashboard quicksearch plugin that addresses
this very problem. </p>\n<p><a href="
t/uploads/2013/10/jarvis.png" rel="thumbnail"><img src="" alt="jarvis" c
lass="aligncenter size-full wp-image-10372" /></a></p>\n<p>Created by the folks
at <a href="" target="_blank">The Web Develop
ment Group</a>, the Jarvis plugin lets you easily search anything that you&#8217
;re looking for inside the WordPress admin area, including plugins, themes, cont
ent, settings pages and everything else. <span id="more-10359"></span></p>\n<p>J
arvis is available on <a href="" target="_bl
ank"></a> but it also has its own homepage where you can find a dem
o that shows how it works:</p>\n<p><a href="
-content/uploads/2013/10/jarvis-preview.gif" rel="thumbnail"><img src="http://i1
0%2C259" alt="jarvis-preview" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-10362" /></a
></p>\n<p>While different areas of the WordPress dashboard do include a search o
ption, i.e. installed plugins or post content, there is no centralized search fo
rm to search everything. Ever install a plugin and then can&#8217;t, for the lif
e of you, find its settings page? The Jarvis search helps you to instantly locat
e it. I can see how this could be very useful for a new user. For example, one m
ight not know that the import feature is located under Tools. Using Jarvis he ca

n quickly search and navigate to the import screen. </p>\n<p>There&#8217;s anoth

er similar tool out there called <a href="" target="_blank">
WP Butler</a>, which also launches from the admin bar. I don&#8217;t know if Jar
vis grabbed some inspiration from its code or not but the tools seem somewhat si
milar in that they both make it easier to get to pages in the WordPress admin.</
p>\n<p>Beyond just helping you find things, the Jarvis plugin allows you to quic
kly zoom through the WordPress dashboard. For many, typing in a search box is se
cond nature and much quicker than mousing around to the correct menu. Jarvis sea
rch appears to be lightning fast. This is one plugin that seems to be universall
y beneficial to both new and experienced WordPress users.</p>\n<p>The folks at <
a href="" target="_blank">The Web Development
Group</a> created Jarvis to fill a need they saw in the WordPress admin area. T
his tool is the first of many that they plan to release. You can download it for
free at the <a href="" target="_blank">WP Jarvis</a> homepa
ge or via the Add New plugins page within the WordPress admin.</p>\n<img src="ht
tp://" height="1" width="1
" />";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_base_explicit";b:0;s:8
:"xml_lang";s:0:"";}}s:7:"pubDate";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:31:"Thu, 24 Oct 20
13 17:35:19 +0000";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_base_expl
s:7:"creator";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:13:"Sarah Gooding";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}
" Daniel Espinoza: Creating and Selling Premium WordPress Plugins";
lang";s:0:"";}}s:11:"description";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:710:"<div id="v-7cL
5XX5Y-1" class="video-player">\n</div>\n<br /> <a rel="nofollow" href="http://f"><img alt="" border=
"0" src="" /></
a> <img alt="" border="0" src="
v&blog=5089392&post=23010&subd=wptv&ref=&feed=1" width="1" height="1" /><div><a
m-wordpress-plugins/"><img alt="Daniel Espinoza: Creating and Selling Premium Wo
rdPress Plugins" src="
uberthumbnail_0.jpg" width="160" height="120" /></a></div>";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}
pubDate";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:31:"Thu, 24 Oct 2013 14:33:43 +0000";s:7:"at
;a:5:{s:5:"title";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:68:"WPTavern: Pulse: An Example Wor
dPress Plugin Using the Heartbeat API";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:""
";}}s:11:"description";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:3401:"<p>I&#8217;ve long been
a fan of WordPress developer Jeffrey Pearce, better known online as <a href="htt

p://" target="_blank">Jeffikus</a>. He&#8217;s created several

educational resources for WordPress over the past few years. Today he released P
ulse on github. <a href="" target="_blank">Puls
e</a> is an open source plugin that will help developers get started with Heartb
eat API development.</p>\n<p><div id="attachment_10317" class="wp-caption alignc
enter"><a href="
gin_4365641577.jpg" rel="thumbnail"><img src="
wp-content/uploads/2013/10/origin_4365641577.jpg?resize=560%2C315" alt="photo cr
edit: Lars P. via photopin cc" class="size-full wp-image-10317" /></a><p class="
wp-caption-text">photo credit: <a href="
641577/">Lars P.</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="htt
p://">cc</a></p></div><span id="more-10304">
</span></p>\n<h3>What is the WordPress Heartbeat API?</h3>\n<p>The <a href="http
://" target="_blank">Heartbeat API</a> was a
new feature as of WordPress 3.6. It currently powers the autosave, post locking
and log-in expiration warning that users receive while writing posts. This API
works in the background to manage communication between a user&#8217;s browser a
nd the server, enabling the creation of WordPress-powered asynchronous apps.</p>
\n<p>Jeffikus&#8217; Pulse plugin example demonstrates how to do two simple thin
gs:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Outputs console data for a logged in user &#8211; the object
will state that the user is logged in:<br />\n<a href="" rel="thumbnail"><img src="http:/
1" alt="output" class="alignleft size-full wp-image-10310" /></a></li>\n<li>Outp
uts console data for a non logged in user &#8211; the object will state that the
user is not logged in:<br />\n<a href="
tent/uploads/2013/10/output-not-logged-in.png" rel="thumbnail"><img src="http://
esize=560%2C54" alt="output-not-logged-in" class="alignleft size-full wp-image-1
0311" /></a>\n</li>\n</ul>\n<p>This plugin doesn&#8217;t actually perform any sp
ecific function, except to show you how you can interact with the WordPress Hear
tbeat API. It&#8217;s a learning tool to help developers get started building th
eir own plugins. </p>\n<p>At the bottom of the <a href="
kus/pulse" target="_blank">Pulse plugin readme file</a> on github Jeffikus inclu
des a list of all the tutorials on the Heartbeat API that helped him to learn ab
out it in the first place. If it wasn&#8217;t for other developers writing about
what they are learning, he probably wouldn&#8217;t have had the inspiration to
create this handy starter plugin. Hopefully, developers can use it to build some
thing cool and help contribute back to the Heartbeat API <a href="http://codex.w" target="_blank">documenta
tion</a>.</p>\n<img src="
PJabQ4" height="1" width="1" />";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:
"data";s:31:"Wed, 23 Oct 2013 22:04:46 +0000";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base"
org/dc/elements/1.1/";a:1:{s:7:"creator";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:13:"Sarah Go
8:"xml_lang";s:0:"";}}}}}i:11;a:6:{s:4:"data";s:13:"\n \n
:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:73:"WPTavern: Your Members Plugin Closes Its Doors, Release
s Assets Under GPL";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_base_exp
ription";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:3069:"<p><a href="" rel="thumbnail"><img src

pg?resize=300%2C99" alt="Your Members Logo" class="alignright size-medium wp-ima
ge-10342" /></a>The membership plugin <a href="
3/end-of-your-members/" title="
mbers/">Your Members has announced</a> that they are ceasing operations. Your Me
mbers, which has been around since 2008, was one of the early successful commerc
ial plugins in the membership space. The tale of the plugin&#8217;s demise is an
interesting one because it has more to do with development than anything else.
<span id="more-10307"></span></p>\n<blockquote><p>We started work on YM13 early
this year and it became clear the new version wasnt going to work with our curren
t codebase. Indeed it reached the stage where even little changes are causing ma
ssive issues. So in August it was decided that we needed to make YM13 the last r
elease on the current codebase and start on YMv2. I was rereading the blog posts
that are sitting in drafts explaining where we were going and why, we never pub
lished them.</p>\n<p>It became clear it was just not financially feasible to bui
ld YMv2 we estimated it was 6 to 9 months work to do what we wanted to do proper
ly and to do it we need to do it properly. We also believe we cant continue to su
pport and update the existing codebase. </p></blockquote>\n<p>While the develope
rs of Your Members received offers to be purchased, they declined them as they d
idn&#8217;t feel the buyer would provide the community with genuine support and
were after their email list instead. Thus, it was decided that Your Members be w
ithdrawn from the market and would no longer be for sale. </p>\n<p>One of the un
ique aspects of Your Members is that it contained a sunset clause. Now that the
plugin has been withdrawn from the market, that clause has been invoked meaning
everything in the Your Members download, including assets are available under th
e GPL license. Prior to closing, Your Members operated under a split license wit
h the PHP licensed under the GPL and all other files under a different license.
The <a href="" title="https://github.c
om/YourMembers/yourmembers">plugin</a> as well as the <a href="
m/YourMembers/yourmembers/wiki/Your-Members-Documentation" title="https://github
will now live on Github. </p>\n<h3>Is This The Way To Close a Business?</h3>\n<p
>It&#8217;s disappointing to see any business fold but I have to hand it to the
folks behind Your Members. They are making everything open source and laying the
ground work for anyone else who wants to try to pick up where they left off. Ho
w do you feel about the way they closed up shop?</p>\n<img src="http://feeds.fee" height="1" width="1" />";s:7:"att
0:"";}}s:7:"pubDate";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:31:"Wed, 23 Oct 2013 21:00:22 +0
3:"\n \n
:{s:0:"";a:5:{s:5:"title";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:80:"WPTavern: WordPress Hos
t WP Engine Will Not Support Automatic Background Updates";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s
;s:5152:"<p><a href="
0/wpengine.png" rel="thumbnail"><img src="
ontent/uploads/2013/10/wpengine.png?resize=216%2C55" alt="wpengine" class="align
right size-full wp-image-10333" /></a>Managed updates have always been one of th
e main selling points for WP Engine&#8217;s WordPress <a href="http://wpengine.c
om/plans/" target="_blank">hosting packages</a>. Customers have the luxury of ne

ver having to update their own sites because WP Engine keeps them on the cutting
edge:</p>\n<blockquote><p>We keep your site secure without you having to think
about it. Whenever WordPress issues a security update, we test it, and then proa
ctively apply it to your site.</p></blockquote>\n<p>However, the company <a href
target="_blank">announced</a> today that it will not be offering support for Wor
dPress&#8217; new ability to update itself. </p>\n<blockquote><p>WP Engine will
not be supporting the background updates for WordPress. We will continue managin
g the updates for your installs, testing each release on our infrastructure, and
fully managing the releases of the minor updates. For example, when there is a
security update to WordPress, as soon as the patch is released, well update all c
ustomer sites to ensure we continue to keep your sites safe and sound.</p></bloc
kquote>\n<p><span id="more-10293"></span></p>\n<p>I asked WP Engine to clarify t
his statement. Does this mean that customers cannot enable automatic updates via
the <strong>WP_AUTO_UPDATE_CORE</strong> define in <em>wp-config.php</em>? It s
eems that is the case. Their official policy is that automatic background update
s will be disabled and customers will not be able to turn them on:</p>\n<blockqu
ote><p>The function will be disabled because when we update we also automaticall
y create site backups for you.</p></blockquote>\n<p>WP Engine will still continu
e to update customer sites as they always have. There&#8217;s no change here, bu
t it is always interesting to note when a company restricts access to something
that will soon be native to WordPress.</p>\n<h3>Playing it Safe</h3>\n<p>One hug
e advantage of enabling automatic background updates for WordPress is that a sit
e can get those security improvements the very same day they are released with n
o waiting time. The same applies with major releases, plugins and themes, if one
wants to live adventurously. However, if you host with WP Engine, you&#8217;ll
have to settle with living on the safe side.</p>\n<p>WP Engine customers will ei
ther need to manually update their sites through the dashboard or wait for WP En
gine to initiate those updates. The company tries to ship security updates out a
s soon as possible and these updates are usually applied within the same day. Th
e reason for this is to keep customers from accidentally breaking their own site
s without backing them up. WP Engine customers will be upgraded within a week or
two of the 3.7 release, as per their announcement today. For many customers, th
is is exactly why they have chosen WP Engine. Not having to worry about testing
major updates is a huge relief for WordPress site admins.</p>\n<h3>The Future of
Managed WordPress Hosting: A Growing List of Restrictions</h3>\n<p>I am surpris
ed that this popular WordPress hosting company is preventing its customers from
taking advantage of one of the most exciting new features of WordPress 3.7. Alth
ough customers always have the freedom to manually update their sites early, the
y will not be permitted to allow WordPress to update itself. This makes sense as
a company policy, but as a developer I can&#8217;t help but see it as a limitat
ion. </p>\n<p>Why not allow developers to override the WP Engine restrictions vi
a WP_AUTO_UPDATE_CORE in wp-config.php? Your average user isn&#8217;t likely to
venture into this file to make any modifications, so it would be safe to assume
that anyone who applied those settings knew what they were doing. The WP Engine
infrastructure, however, does not allow for this.</p>\n<p>WP Engine does a lot o
f things right when it comes to speed and prioritizing the customer&#8217;s abil
ity to have a development environment. The company is a proven and reliable Word
Press host that I would recommend to anyone. For many customers, trading freedo
m for security is well worth it in order to have their sites fully &#8220;manage
d.&#8221; </p>\n<p>But what about the others who may want the freedom to let Wor
dPress update itself? The company has very good reasons for limiting developers
from doing this. But will the number of <a href="
allowed-plugins/" target="_blank">restrictions</a> continue to grow? Managed Wor
dPress hosts are a relatively new development in the marketplace of WordPress se
rvices. It will be interesting to see how their policies develop in relationship
to WordPress core enhancements, which more often than not err on the side of gi
ving more freedom to the user. </p>\n<img src="
rdpressTavern/~4/1vIBBXFTK7M" height="1" width="1" />";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"

te";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:31:"Wed, 23 Oct 2013 19:13:05 +0000";s:7:"attribs

:"data";s:13:"Sarah Gooding";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml
;a:5:{s:5:"title";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:63:"WPTavern: How To Navigate The W
ordPress Ecosystem As a New User";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17
"description";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:6305:"<p>The WordPress ecosystem is mad
e up of thousands of websites, code repositories, blogs, forums, etc. To a new W
ordPress user, it can be intimidating or downright frustrating figuring out wher
e to go. My goal with this post is to provide a map for those who are brand new
to the world of WordPress to be able to navigate with confidence. I&#8217;ve per
sonally experienced being in a city I&#8217;ve never been to before and not know
ing which direction to travel to reach my destination. It&#8217;s a frustrating
experience. This guide ought to alleviate those frustrations for WordPress first
timers. <span id="more-10237"></span></p>\n<h3>Themes</h3>\n<p>So the default t
heme isn&#8217;t your cup of tea. Before going to Google and searching for &#822
0;<em>free WordPress themes</em>&#8221; head over to the <a href="http://wordpre" title="">WordPress Theme Repository<
/a>. It&#8217;s the safest place to obtain a new design for your site. Themes th
at are added to the repository are scanned and go through a <a href="http://code" title="">th
orough checklist</a> before they are accepted. All of the themes hosted on the r
epository are free of charge. If you want to know the reasons why using Google t
o find free WordPress themes is bad, watch this video by <a href="http://www.the" title="">Leland of</a>. </p>\n<
div class="aligncenter"></div>\n<h3>Plugins</h3>\n<p>Much like the theme reposit
ory, WordPress has its own <a href="" title="http:/
/">plugin repository</a> filled to the brim with plugins t
o add functionality to your WordPress powered website. The WordPress plugin repo
sitory is the safest place to get code to add features to your website. Plugins
are scanned and reviewed by volunteers before they are accepted into the reposit
ory. However, this does not guarantee that the code will function properly or is
100% secure for your website. </p>\n<h3>Support</h3>\n<p>The <a href="http://wo" title=""> suppor
t forums</a> enable the community to help each other. Creating an account is fre
e of charge as is the support. The forums are staffed by volunteer moderators th
at do their best to help as many people as possibly every day. With so many peop
le seeking help, you should exercise patience when using the forums. </p>\n<h3>D
ocumentation</h3>\n<p>If you feel a little adventurous and want to try helping y
ourself first, you can <a href="" title="htt
p://">visit the Codex</a>. This Codex is like a rep
ository for all of the detailed information for how WordPress works, inside and
out. The main page of the Codex provides a number of great links to those starti
ng out with WordPress. </p>\n<h3>Learning WordPress Through Video</h3>\n<p>While
there is no official classroom to learn WordPress material, has t
he next best thing in <a href="" title="
"></a>. is the official website dedicated to WordPress
that contains recorded sessions from <a href="" titl
e="">WordCamps</a> held all over the world. In fact,
there is an entire <a href="" title="http:/
/">how to section</a> on the website dedicated to t

utorial type videos. </p>\n<div class="aligncenter"></div>\n<h3>Creative Inspira

tion</h3>\n<p>If you&#8217;re not sure what WordPress is capable of or have run
into a creative block, you should browse through the <a href="http://wordpress.o
rg/showcase/" title="">WordPress showcase</a>. The
showcase is a collection of websites that have taken WordPress to the next leve
l. There are a lot of great looking designs as well to help provide inspiration.
</p>\n<p><a href="
BBCOnTheWPShowcase.jpg" rel="thumbnail"><img src="
com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/BBCOnTheWPShowcase.jpg?resize=500%2C207" alt="bbc
on the WordPress showcase" class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-10299" /></a>
</p>\n<h3>WordPress Face to Face</h3>\n<p>While not officially a part of the Wor project, <a href="" title="
m/"></a> is used by WordPress users all across the world to put togeth
er local meetups that bring like-minded people together. I&#8217;ve attended mul
tiple WordPress meetups in my area and I&#8217;ve helped a lot of new WordPress
users find their way. It&#8217;s one of the best forms of learning and getting W
ordPress help that I can imagine. </p>\n<h3>Keeping Tabs On WordPress Developmen
t</h3>\n<p>While there are not many posts on the <a href="
ews/" title="">official WordPress blog</a>, it is wher
e official news of releases are published. </p>\n<h3>Installing WordPress On You
r Phone</h3>\n<p>There is an official WordPress app for most of the smart phone
devices currently out on the market such as iOS devices, BlackBerry, and Android
. If you&#8217;d like to install WordPress on your phone, be sure to check out t
he <a href="" title="">m
obile section of the website</a> to see if there is one available
for your device.</p>\n<h2>Wrap Up</h2>\n<p>Now you might be wondering, why didn&
#8217;t I include this site or that site when putting this guide together. The p
urpose of the guide is to provide a map that contains the essential information
new users need to know. Using this knowledge as your foundation, you should find
yourself more comfortable in the WordPress ecosystem. After getting to grips wi
th WordPress, new users will expand beyond these pillars and discover the other
resources that are on the web dedicated to WordPress. It doesn&#8217;t make sens
e to point new users into different directions when the above information is all
they really need to get started. </p>\n<img src="
/WordpressTavern/~4/gJiQc_Kl5ZA" height="1" width="1" />";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:
bDate";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:31:"Wed, 23 Oct 2013 16:59:54 +0000";s:7:"attr
_explicit";b:0;s:8:"xml_lang";s:0:"";}}}}}i:14;a:6:{s:4:"data";s:13:"\n \n
5:"title";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:100:" Greg Douglas: Designing
Awesome WordPress Websites For Small To Medium Size Businesses";s:7:"attribs";a:
:8:"xml_lang";s:0:"";}}s:11:"description";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:750:"<div i
d="v-uJnUBEdM-1" class="video-player">\n</div>\n<br /> <a rel="nofollow" href=""><img alt=""
border="0" src="
2/" /></a> <img alt="" border="0" src="" width="1" height="1" />
<div><a href="
press-websites-for-small-to-medium-size-businesses/"><img alt="Greg Douglas: Des
igning Awesome WordPress Websites For Small To Medium Size Businesses" src="http

://" width="160"
height="120" /></a></div>";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_
";s:31:"Wed, 23 Oct 2013 13:37:54 +0000";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:
:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:65:" Ben Lobaugh: Taking Flight With JetPack D
lang";s:0:"";}}s:11:"description";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:686:"<div id="v-PDJ
y3p13-1" class="video-player">\n</div>\n<br /> <a rel="nofollow" href="http://f"><img alt="" border=
"0" src="" /></
a> <img alt="" border="0" src="
v&blog=5089392&post=24051&subd=wptv&ref=&feed=1" width="1" height="1" /><div><a
lopment/"><img alt="Ben Lobaugh: Taking Flight With JetPack Development" src="ht
tp://" wid
th="160" height="120" /></a></div>";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:
:4:"data";s:31:"Wed, 23 Oct 2013 13:24:07 +0000";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_ba
";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:51:"WPTavern: Monitor WordCamps Online with WP Armc
:7386:"<p><a href="
wcsf.png" rel="thumbnail"><img src="
/uploads/2013/10/wcsf.png?resize=278%2C300" alt="WordCamp San Francisco on WP Ar
mchair" class="alignright size-medium wp-image-10267" /></a><a href="http://www." target="_blank">David Bisset</a> may have been the first perso
n to coin the term Armchair WordCampers, referring to those who live vicariously t
hrough WordCamp attendees via Twitter. The concept sparked an idea for him and h
e decided to create <a href="" title="WP Armchair" target="
_blank">WP Armchair</a> for this very audience. </p>\n<p>His first version was a
ctually created for the <a href="" target="_blank">Word
Press 10th Anniversary</a>, a site he collaborated on with the WordPress Foundat
ion.</p>\n<p>Bisset is a WordPress and BuddyPress developer. He also helps to or
ganize WordCamp Miami. The inspiration for creating WP Armchair came from his ex
periences as an organizer and an attendee at WordCamps.<span id="more-10260"></s
pan></p>\n<blockquote><p>I monitor WordCamps and conferences via Twitter hashtag
s and simply thought there was a better way. I notice that a lot of people are i
nterested in monitoring conference activity as well. Even those that attend conf

erences &#8211; I see many of them with their laptops open to Tweetdeck or some
Twitter client. I figured there should be a better way, especially since social
networks like Instagram are becoming more popular.</p>\n<p>On top of that, as a
WordPress developer, I wanted the solution running on WordPress. And instead of
passively showing pictures and tweets, the site would naturally store these as c
ustom post types. So it serves as an archive of the conference.</p></blockquote>
\n<p>In a way, the WP Armchair websites are chronicling the history of these Wor
dPress events as seen through their respective hashtags on Twitter, Instagram, V
ine and Flickr. Right now, each event is a separate site but Bisset said that he
&#8217;s likely to combine them all into a multisite installation somewhere in t
he near future.</p>\n<p><div id="attachment_10277" class="wp-caption alignleft">
<a href=""
rel="thumbnail"><img src="
013/10/wceu.png?resize=300%2C268" alt="WP Armchair Monitoring WordCamp Europe" c
lass="size-medium wp-image-10277" /></a><p class="wp-caption-text">WP Armchair M
onitoring WordCamp Europe</p></div>When <a href="" ta
rget="_blank">WP Armchair monitored WordCamp San Francisco</a> the site was able
to aggregate 1,600 tweets and 1,020 photos. For <a href="http://wceu.wparmchair
.com/" target="_blank">WordCamp Europe</a>, the site captured even more &#8211;
in the end it was 4,223 tweets and 1,500 photos. WordPress fans monitoring from
afar were able to get a taste of how awesome these events were and perhaps even
resolve to attend next year.</p>\n<h3>What Plugins Make WP Armchair Work?</h3>\n
<p>If you visit any of the WP Armchair sites you&#8217;ll see support for videos
, pictures, embedded tweets, post favoriting and more. There&#8217;s a lot going
on behind the scenes to bring all of this event information into the site.</p>\
n<p>I asked Bisset to tell me about some of the important plugins he uses to mak
e WP Armchair work and he gave us a look behind the scenes. </p>\n<blockquote><p
>I wrote three plugins that scanned Twitter, Instagram, and Flickr for tweets, p
hotos, and videos based on a hashtag and saved them as custom post types. These
make up the bulk of the site, but I also used the following plugins:</p>\n<p><a
href="" target="_blank">Bulk Delete</a>
&#8211; comes in handy when you want to get rid of alot of tweets or instragram
posts that aren&#8217;t related to the conference (maybe you used a bad keyword
or hashtag). Since tweets can come in 30 or 40 at a time, this plugin does save
a little bit of time.</p>\n<p><a href=""
target="_blank">Love It Pro</a> &#8211; was great to drop in and give site visit
ors the ability to mark posts as favorites. It was a fun experiment during WordC
amp San Francisco. </p>\n<p><a href="" target="_blan
k">Gravity Forms</a> &#8211; on some installs, it allows us to quickly get forms
(surprise!) in place for user registration, so some people could upload their o
wn photos to the site via the WordPress Mobile app or a custom form.</p>\n<p><a
href="" target="_blank">Search Ev
erything</a> &#8211; allowed the cool ability to search for tweets, instagram ph
otos, etc that were created by a specific user or via keyword. As an example, yo
u could search for your own name and see if anyone mentioned you on whatever soc
ial networks the WPArmchair site was scanning. Unfortunately, it looks like Sear
ch Everything isn&#8217;t being supported as of now, so I recommend switching ov
er to</p></blockquote>\n<h3>WP Armchair Theme and Plugins are GPL
and Available on github</h3>\n<p>Bisset has made both the <a href="https://githu" target="_blank">WP Armchair Theme</a> and plugi
ns available on his <a href="" target="_blank">
github</a> account. He invites contribution to the project. &#8220;There are no
doubt better and different ways to do what the site does, and I welcome anyone w
ho wants to improve it,&#8221; he said.</p>\n<p>The <a href="http://wordpressfou" target="_blank">WordPress Foundation</a> has also made some of the
WP Armchair functionality available to its officially hosted WordCamp site usin
g a new plugin called <a href="
tor/trunk" target="_blank">Tagregator</a>, which is also open to contribution.</
p>\n<p>Bisset believes that WP Armchair is a valuable resource for both those at
home and those who are attending WordCamp events. It has even been used by <a h

ref="" target="_blank">The Front-End D

esign Conference</a>, a non-WordPress event, to aggregate the references to the
event on social media. Ultimately, WP Armchair is about bringing people and ide
as together.</p>\n<blockquote><p> Even if you did go to the conference, you woul
d be able to see everyone&#8217;s photos there instead of a gallery of a smaller
group of photos the site admin posted a few days later. You also get to see who
authored interesting tweets and potentially find new people to follow this way p
eople that are in theory just as motivated by WordPress as you are.</p></blockqu
ote>\n<p>Monitoring posts from WordCamps online is by no means a replacement for
actually attending the event. Realistically, you won&#8217;t be able to attend
every WordCamp in the world, but WP Armchair gives you a better way to monitor o
nline from wherever you may be. Many thanks to <a href="http://www.davidbisset.c
om/" title="David Bisset" target="_blank">David Bisset</a> for taking us behind
the scenes and for creating a way for WordPress fans around the world to join in
on events together.</p>\n<img src="
rn/~4/fDHtRUBVmHs" height="1" width="1" />";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s
0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:31:"Wed, 23 Oct 2013 13:01:04 +0000";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8
3:"Sarah Gooding";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_base_expli
5:"title";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:27:"Donncha: WP Super Cache 1.4";s:7:"attri
ta";s:1932:"<p><a href="">WP Super C
ache</a> version 1.4 is out now. This release finally removes the mfunc, mclude
and dynamic-cached-content tags as <a href="
func-is-going-away-in-the-next-version?replies=27">I warned about</a> three mont
hs ago. </p>\n<p>If your site uses that dynamic cached content functionality do
not upgrade yet. There is a replacement <a href="
iny-new-dynamic-content-wp-super-cache/">dynamic cached content system</a> but i
t&#8217;s not compatible so you&#8217;ll need to update your themes and helper p
lugins. It&#8217;s not difficult but there&#8217;s a lot to take in. I hope the
example plugin and explanation in that post gets you most of the way there.</p>\
n<p>If you don&#8217;t use mfunc and it&#8217;s friends then you should upgrade
immediately and it should be painless.</p>\n<p>This release also has a few bug f
ixes and other features. It will now try to repair broken installs after a site
migrates. It will update the wp-config.php and rebuild wp-content/advanced-cache
.php. It will also delete tags and category cache files when a post publish stat
us changes.</p>\n\n<p><strong>Related Posts</strong><ul><li> <a href="http://oca" rel="bookmark" tit
le="Permanent Link: WP Super Cache 0.8.4, the garbage collector">WP Super Cache
0.8.4, the garbage collector</a></li><li> <a href="
wp-super-cache-087/" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link: WP Super Cache 0.8.7"
>WP Super Cache 0.8.7</a></li><li> <a href="
r-cache-099/" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link: WP Super Cache 0.9.9">WP Sup
er Cache 0.9.9</a></li></ul></p><p><a href="
r-cache-1-4/">WP Super Cache 1.4</a> originally appeared on <a href="http://ocao">Holy Shmoly!</a>.</p>";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"x
ata";s:31:"Wed, 23 Oct 2013 11:14:09 +0000";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s

ng";s:0:"";}}}}}i:18;a:6:{s:4:"data";s:13:"\n \n
s:4:"data";s:43:"Dev Blog: WordPress 3.7 Release Candidate 2";s:7:"attribs";a:0:
i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:1182:"<p>The second release candidate of WordPress 3.7 is
now available for testing!</p>\n<p>Those of you already testing WordPress 3.7 wi
ll be updated automatically to RC2. (<em>Nice.</em>) If you&#8217;d like to star
t testing, there&#8217;s no time like the present! Try the<a href="http://wordpre">WordPress Beta Tester</a>plugin (yo
ull want bleeding edge nightlies) or<a href="
zip">download the release candidate here</a>(zip).Please post to the<a href="http:/
/">Alpha/Beta area in the support forums</
a>if you think you&#8217;ve found a bug, and if any known issues are raised, youll
be able to<a href="">find them here</a>.<
/p>\n<p>Developers,please test your plugins and themes against WordPress 3.7. If
there is a compatibility issue, let us know as soon as possible so we can deal w
ith it before the final release.</p>\n<p>For more on WordPress 3.7, check out th
e<a href="">ann
ouncement post for Release Candidate 1</a>.</p>";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_ba
1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:31:"Wed, 23 Oct 2013 00:05:30 +0000";s:7:"attribs";a:0:
";s:12:"Andrew Nacin";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_base_e
xplicit";b:0;s:8:"xml_lang";s:0:"";}}}}}i:19;a:6:{s:4:"data";s:13:"\n \n
5:"title";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:56:"WPTavern: WordPress 3.7 Introduces Adva
nced Date Queries";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_base_expl
;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:3933:"<p>WordPress 3.7 should be arriving any day now. Everyo
ne is excited about WordPress&#8217; new ability to <a href="http://www.wptavern
.com/wordpress-3-7-automatic-upgrades-proving-to-be-reliable" target="_blank">up
date itself</a> for security and minor releases (and even themes and plugins, if
you&#8217;re adventurous). The <a href="
art-password-meter-coming-to-wordpress-3-7" target="_blank">new password strengt
h meter</a> is highlighted on the About page for the release with a live demo th
at users can play with after they upgrade. But there&#8217;s one cool new featur
e that hasn&#8217;t received as much fanfare: <strong><em>advanced date queries<
/em></strong>. </p>\n<p><div id="attachment_10244" class="wp-caption aligncenter
"><a href="
-date-queries.jpg" rel="thumbnail"><img src="
p-content/uploads/2013/10/advanced-date-queries.jpg?resize=560%2C302" alt="photo
credit: Andrew Morrell Photography via photopin cc" class="size-full wp-image-1
0244" /></a><p class="wp-caption-text">photo credit: <a href="
com/photos/andrewmorrell/61613238/">Andrew Morrell Photography</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="
y-nd/2.0/">cc</a></p></div> <span id="more-10239"></span></p>\n<p>You might be w

ondering what&#8217;s so exciting about advanced date queries. Alex Mills, bette
r known online as &#8220;<a href="" target="_blank">
Viper007Bond</a>&#8221; was the originator of the <a href="http://core.trac.word" target="_blank">patch</a> to improve date arguments for
<a href="" target="_blank">WP
_Query</a>, a class for querying the database for specific content. Up until now
, WordPress had no easy way to get a set of posts that fall within a specific da
te range.</p>\n<p>A few months ago, Alex introduced a patch that adds the abilit
y to get complex date-based queries when fetching both posts and comments from t
he WordPress database. Code examples can be found on his <a href="" target="_blank">p
ost</a> where he roughly outlines a few ways one might implement date-based quer
ies. </p>\n<p>There are virtually unlimited combinations. Here are a few example
s of what is possible with the new advanced date queries:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Query a
ll posts written on a specific day over the years, ie. the author&#8217;s birhtd
ay</li>\n<li>Query all the posts written before or after a certain date</li>\n<l
i>Query all posts written on Monday mornings</li>\n<li>Query 5 most recent posts
made after midnight but before 5am</li>\n</ul>\n<p>You can check out all the <a
href="" targ
et="_blank">date parameters</a> in the codex and browse a few of the examples. I
magine all the fun that could be had here! The advanced date queries should enab
le developers to do some interesting things with displaying timelines, custom ar
chives, selectively random post widgets and anything else imaginable with date r
anges. </p>\n<p>Advanced date queries replaces <a href="
pport/topic/posts_where-filter-doesnt-work-in-a-class?replies=1#post-4634263" ta
rget="_blank">bulkier methods</a> used in the past, such as adding a filter to <
em><a href=""
target="_blank">posts_where</a></em>. How did we ever live without it? Check out
the canonical discussion on <a href="
4" target="_blank">Trac</a> to explore the evolution of this feature and put it
to good use in WordPress 3.7.</p>\n<img src="
pressTavern/~4/SBf0LiyU_A4" height="1" width="1" />";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xm
";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:31:"Tue, 22 Oct 2013 23:28:08 +0000";s:7:"attribs";
data";s:13:"Sarah Gooding";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_b
;a:5:{s:5:"title";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:57:" Topher DeRosia: I
ntro To Plugin Development";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_
:8:"xml_lang";s:0:"";}}s:11:"description";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:670:"<div i
d="v-WunjullW-1" class="video-player">\n</div>\n<br /> <a rel="nofollow" href=""><img alt=""
border="0" src="
6/" /></a> <img alt="" border="0" src="" width="1" height="1" />
<div><a href="
lopment/"><img alt="Topher DeRosia: Intro To Plugin Development" src="http://vid" width="160"
height="120" /></a></div>";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_
";s:31:"Tue, 22 Oct 2013 21:43:20 +0000";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:

:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:58:" Tharon Rodriguez: Getting Familiar With P
}s:11:"description";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:666:"<div id="v-Dz9C2pZ5-1" class
="video-player">\n</div>\n<br /> <a rel="nofollow" href="http://feeds.wordpress
.com/1.0/gocomments/"><img alt="" border="0" src="http:
//" /></a> <img alt=""
border="0" src="
&post=23060&subd=wptv&ref=&feed=1" width="1" height="1" /><div><a href="http://w"><img alt="T
haron Rodriguez: Getting Familiar With PODS" src="
z9C2pZ5/video-6c73184008_std.original.jpg" width="160" height="120" /></a></div>
l_lang";s:0:"";}}s:7:"pubDate";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:31:"Tue, 22 Oct 2013 2
1:20:42 +0000";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_base_explicit
6:{s:4:"data";s:13:"\n \n
n: ForumEngine Turns WordPress Into a Forum Via Custom Post Types";s:7:"attribs"
;s:4745:"<p><a href="
0/EnginethemesLogo.jpg" rel="thumbnail"><img class="alignright size-full wp-imag
e-10164" alt="EngineThemes Logo" src="
nt/uploads/2013/10/EnginethemesLogo.jpg?resize=211%2C47" /></a> <a title="http:/
/" href=""></a>
recently released version 1.0 of their latest project, <a title="http://www.eng" href="
mengine/">ForumEngine</a>. ForumEngine is a theme that uses Custom Post Types to
turn WordPress into a forum. I caught wind of this new theme via a <a title="ht
tp://" href="
heme">review published on WPLift</a> by Joe Fylan. It&#8217;s nice to finally se
e theme companies thinking outside the box for once instead of whipping up the n
ext boring portfolio theme. I have not had the opportunity to try out the theme
but based on Joe&#8217;s review, there is one thing in particular that may be a
showstopper for a lot of people.<span id="more-10158"></span></p>\n<p><a href="h
ttp://" re
l="thumbnail"><img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-10168" alt="Writing A
Post In ForumEngine" src="
013/10/ForumEngine1.jpg?resize=500%2C302" /></a></p>\n<p>Unfortunately, in order
to use this theme, you&#8217;ll either need a brand new WordPress install, sepa
rate WordPress install, or be willing to see your existing content disappear.</p
>\n<blockquote><p>With ForumEngine installed on your site, the site now function

s as a forum, which the threads accessed directly from the homepage. Any existin
g posts that mightve been on the site or those you create afterward activating th
e theme will now no longer be accessible, essentially removing the main function
ality of WordPress: creating posts so bare that in mind if you wish to use this
alongside a regular blog you would need a separate installation. &#8211; Joe Fyl
an</p></blockquote>\n<p>I remember when the discussion around bbPress 2.0 was ta
king place. It was <a title="
press-forum-plugin-using-custom-post-types" href="
ves/2010/07/16/a-wordpress-forum-plugin-using-custom-post-types">suggested that
using a plugin that utilizes custom post types</a> be used. At the time, bbPress
was transitioning from being stand alone software into a WordPress plugin. Now
we have a theme that is using custom post types and if I remember correctly, com
munity members like <a title="
ustom-post-types-belong-in-plugins" href="
/09/14/why-custom-post-types-belong-in-plugins">Justin Tadlock frown on this pra
ctice</a>. I reached out to John James Jacoby to get his thoughts on this theme
as well as how its implementation compares with bbPress.</p>\n<blockquote><p>bbP
ress 2.x does use custom post types, and actually uses three of them. Forums is
only a post type because of a lack of taxonomy term meta, otherwise it would be
a custom taxonomy. CPT&#8217;s are fine, though it&#8217;s too bad it completely
overrides the blog. Seems pretty pointless to make users decide to have either
a blog or a forum, and not both.</p>\n<p>bbPress takes other things into conside
ration, like forum profiles VS blog author archives, separate roles for the foru
ms VS the blog, and goes the extra mile so forums only intersect with the blog w
hen you want it to. If a theme was really going to do this correctly it should pro
bably use a CPT for topics, and comments (with a custom comment form template) f
or replies; that way the behavior is familiar.</p>\n<p>Forums are such an integr
al part of online communities, if I were looking for forums inside of WordPress,
baking it into a commercial theme that won&#8217;t work with my existing blog d
oesn&#8217;t sound very appealing.</p></blockquote>\n<p>While I like the design
and the thinking out of the box idea in this theme, not being able to use it wit
h an existing blog is a huge blow towards it ever becoming a popular alternative
to bbPress or other forum solutions. However, thanks to the advice provided by
John James Jacoby above, there are ways of going about it that make sense. I hop
e to see other theme providers give it a shot. At the very least, it would be go
od to see theme providers list native bbPress support as one of their selling po
ints.</p>\n<img src="
5g" height="1" width="1" />";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml
a";s:31:"Tue, 22 Oct 2013 20:30:16 +0000";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0
s:4:"data";s:28:"Dev Blog: Upcoming WordCamps";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base
<p><a href="">WordCamps</a> are casual, locally-orga
nized conferences that celebrate everything related to WordPress, andare a great
opportunity to meet other WordPress users and professionals in your community. T
his has been a great year for WordCamps &#8212; there have been 56 so far in mor
e than 20 countries, and there another 15 on the calendar before the year&#8217;
s over. If there&#8217;s one near you, check it out! In addition to getting to k
now your local WordPress community, most WordCamps attract some traveling visito

rs a well, giving you the chance to meet contributors to the WordPress open sour
ce project and <a href="">get involved</a> yourself.</
p>\n<p>Here are the WordCamps on the schedule for the rest of this year.</p>\n<p
>October 25-27: <strong><a href="">WordCamp Bost
on</a></strong>, Boston, MA, USA<br />\nOctober 25-26: <strong><a href="http://2">WordCamp Malaga</a></strong>, Spain<br />\nOctober 26:
<strong><a href="">WordCamp Nepal</a></strong>,Ka
thmandu, Nepal<br />\nOctober 26: <strong><a href="http://2013.sofia.wordcamp.or
g/">WordCamp Sofia</a></strong>, Bulgaria<br />\nNovember 7: <strong><a href="ht
tp://">WordCamp Cape Town</a></strong>, South Africa<
br />\nNovember 9:<strong><a href="">WordCamp Port
o</a></strong>, Portugal<br />\nNovember 9-10:<strong><a href="http://2013.kenya.">WordCamp Kenya</a></strong>, Nairobi, Kenya<br />\nNovember 15:<st
rong><a href="">WordCamp Edmonton</a></strong>
, AB, Canada<br />\nNovember 16-17:<strong><a href="http://2013.orlando.wordcamp.
org/">WordCamp Orlando</a></strong>, FL, USA<br />\nNovember 16:<strong><a href="">WordCamp Denver</a></strong>, CO, USA<br />\nN
ovember 23-24:<strong><a href="">WordCamp London<
/a></strong>, UK<br />\nNovember 23-24:<strong><a href="http://2013.raleigh.wordc">WordCamp Raleigh</a></strong>, NC, USA<br />\nNovember 23:<strong><a hr
ef="">WordCamp So Paulo</a></strong>, Brazil<br
/>\nDecember 14:<strong><a href="">WordCamp Las V
egas</a></strong>, NV, USA<br />\nDecember 14-15:<strong><a href="http://2013.sev">WordCamp Sevilla</a></strong>, Spain</p>\n<p>No WordCamps on
this list in your area? Not to worry! There are thriving <a href="http://wordpr">WordPress meetups</a> all over the world where you can meet lik
e-minded people, and we maintain a library of <a href="
ory/wordcamptv/">WordCamp videos</a> at <a href="">WordPress
.tv</a>.</p>\n<h3>Get Involved</h3>\n<ul>\n<li>If you&#8217;re interested in org
anizing a WordCamp in your area, check out our <a href="
/">WordCamp planning</a> site.</li>\n<li>If you&#8217;re interested in <a href="">starting a WordPress
meetup</a> in your area, let us know and we can set up a group on for
you.</li>\n<li>And speaking of WordCamp videos, we&#8217;ve recently enabled vo
lunteer-generated subtitles/closed captioning of the videos on to m
ake them more accessible. Interested in helping? Check out the <a href="http://w">WordPr subtitling instructions</a>.</li>\n</ul>";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_ba
1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:31:"Tue, 22 Oct 2013 19:25:26 +0000";s:7:"attribs";a:0:
";s:8:"Jen Mylo";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_base_explic
5:"title";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:67:"WPTavern: BuddyPress Theme Development
Book Now Available on Amazon";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xm
on";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:3233:"<p><a href="
om/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/bpthemedev.jpg" rel="thumbnail"><img src="http://i
C394" alt="bpthemedev" class="alignright size-full wp-image-10216" /></a>If you
want to grow in your BuddyPress skills, there&#8217;s a new book on the market t
hat you&#8217;ll want to get your hands on. <a href="

id=1382456253&sr=8-2&keywords=tammie+lister" title="BuddyPress Theme Development
" target="_blank">BuddyPress Theme Development</a> has just hit Amazon. The digi
tal version is out now and you&#8217;ll be able to get a printed copy on October
24th, 2013. Packt will also have a version of the book that includes access to
code for those who want to &#8220;follow along at home&#8221; with the code exam
ples.</p>\n<p>Written by expert BuddyPress theme developer and contributor, <a h
ref="" title="Tammie Lister" target="_blank">Tammie Lis
ter</a>, this book will help you learn how to create BuddyPress themes from star
t to finish. <em>BuddyPress Theme Development</em> provides a comprehensive guid
e to BuddyPress theming with practical, hands-on tutorials that will put you on
the path to building your own themes. <span id="more-10213"></span></p>\n<p>Tamm
ie walks you through the basics, such as how to use CSS to make changes to theme
s. She also includes more advanced topics like creating custom templates for Bud
dyPress components. You&#8217;ll learn how to add functionality to enhance your
community, including how to build your own widgets into your theme. Once your th
eme is finished, Tammie shows you how to run theme-checks to ensure that it&#821
7;s ready for launch.</p>\n<p>I checked in with <a href="
matosed" title="Tammie Lister on Twitter" target="_blank">Tammie</a> for a mini
Twitter interview on the details of the book. She has been working on it since j
ust after <a href="" title="BuddyCamp Miami" targ
et="_blank">BuddyCamp Miami</a>, which took place in early April of this year. M
any theming books are outdated even before they hit the shelves, but Tammie has
made sure that everything in her book is up to date with the upcoming BuddyPress
1.9 release. She is the developer heading up the work on the new template pack
that will ship with BuddyPress 1.9. </p>\n<p>If you&#8217;re a BuddyPress develo
per looking for resources to keep your skills sharp, BuddyPress Theme Developmen
t is a good one to add to your collection. Packt Publishing couldn&#8217;t have
found a better person to write this book. Get your copy today on <a href="http:/
/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1382456253&sr=8-2&keywords=tammie+lister" target="_blank
">Amazon</a> or <a href="
ok" target="_blank">pre-order the printed edition</a> from Packt Publishing to g
et the eBook and PacktLib access thrown in for free. </p>\n<img src="http://feed" height="1" width="1" />";s:7
g";s:0:"";}}s:7:"pubDate";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:31:"Tue, 22 Oct 2013 18:46:
45 +0000";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_base_explicit";b:0
tor";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:13:"Sarah Gooding";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_
n: Seamless Integration for WordPress and Magento";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_
"";}}s:11:"description";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:6448:"<p>Believe it or not, t
here are a lot of WordPress fans in the <a href="
" target="_blank">Magento</a> community. While Magento provides supremely robust
e-commerce capabilities with support for complex product variations and multipl
e shipping options, it&#8217;s entirely lacking in CMS features. As a result, ma
ny sites merge WordPress and Magento in order to take advantage of each platform
&#8217;s unique strengths. </p>\n<p>However, it is unbelievably difficult to mak
e WordPress and Magento work together in a seamless fashion without some sort of
bridge. That&#8217;s where <a href="" target="_blank">Jam

es Kemp</a>&#8216;s Magento WordPress Integration plugin comes in. It does all t

he fancy footwork necessary to make your Magento store look like part of your Wo
rdPress site. </p>\n<p><a href="
oads/2013/10/mwi.jpg" rel="thumbnail"><img src="
m/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/mwi.jpg?resize=560%2C124" alt="mwi" class="aligncen
ter size-full wp-image-10193" /></a><span id="more-10189"></span></p>\n<p>The <a
href="" t
arget="_blank">Magento WordPress Integration</a> plugin (MWI), is a solution tha
t Kemp has been developing for several years. It provides the easiest way to get
blocks, sessions and products from your Magento store and is capable of doing t
he following:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Bring out any of the default Magento Blocks in your
WordPress theme</li>\n<li>Bring out any Magento blocks that you have created yo
urself</li>\n<li>Bring out any static blocks that you have made in your Magento
admin area</li>\n<li>Show Magento products on a WordPress post or page by using
the shortcode add-on</li>\n<li>Show products from any category using the widget
add-on</li>\n</ul>\n<p>Think there&#8217;s no demand for this? Think again. Kemp
&#8217;s plugin has been downloaded more than 10,000 times. To celebrate, Kemp h
as made the code available on <a href="
nto-wordpress-integration/src" target="_blank">BitBucket</a>. He&#8217;s hoping
that having the code available to the public will help to spark more contributio
n.</p>\n<p><div id="attachment_10196" class="wp-caption alignright"><a href="htt
p://" rel="thumbna
il"><img src="
jpg?resize=264%2C300" alt="James Kemp, creator of the Magento WordPress Integrat
ion plugin" class="size-medium wp-image-10196" /></a><p class="wp-caption-text">
James Kemp, creator of the Magento WordPress Integration plugin</p></div>I&#8217
;ve been following James Kemp&#8217;s work for several years and finally had the
chance to chat with him about how the plugin is doing. </p>\n<p>He continues to
develop the plugin due to the demand, which comes from both &#8220;light&#8221;
users and developers. &#8220;The demand for MWI is fairly consistent,&#8221; he
said. &#8220;On a calm day the mwi-plugin site gets ~30 unique visits, and midweek on a busier day it will get ~100. It&#8217;s a very niche plugin, so I don&
#8217;t expect thousands! The core plugin is mainly useful for developers I&#821
7;d say, but I also get &#8220;light&#8221; users who are interested in the addons, so they can display products within their blogs. The demand for it is fairl
y steady at the moment.&#8221;</p>\n<p>The Magento and WordPress communities are
fairly disconnected, which is understandable. You don&#8217;t see too many deve
lopers wanting to specialize in both platforms. Yet many users want them to work
together. When building sites with a bridge, Kemp relies on WordPress for the m
ore content-heavy aspects of the site:</p>\n<blockquote><p>Each system has solut
ions for the other, but none of them are quite as good as WordPress or Magento.
I personally prefer to use WP for all aspects of content management; pages, news
, callouts &#8211; using Magento for this is a bit of a nightmare. I use Magento
for large stores, with complex product set-ups and discount systems, purely for
the product catalogue and back-end ecommerce system.</p></blockquote>\n<p>Altho
ugh he is an expert Magento developer, he has also built many sites using WooCom
merce and Jigoshop. I asked him when he might opt for Magento over a WordPress-b
ased e-commerce solution and he replied:</p>\n<blockquote><p> I tend to use Mage
nto for larger sites, where there are thousands of products and likely to be a l
ot of activity. This is because of the back-end system of Magento; it offers so
much more in terms of tax rules, discounts, product set-up, import/export, order
history, invoicing, etc. it&#8217;s just a full, heavy-duty, ecommerce system.
The WordPress solutions are great, but not for bigger ecommerce store owners who
need more control.</p></blockquote>\n<p>The Magento WordPress Integration plugi
n provides a much needed bridge between the two open source projects and enables
them to work together seamlessly. It can also save you from having to do too mu
ch theming to Magento, which is quite a pain because all the files are located a
bout 10 directories deep. MWI allows you to feature your categories and products
on your WordPress pages, as well as any blocks created within Magento. If you w
ant to synchronize your sites even further, Kemp has also developed a plugin pro

viding <a href="

ss/861453" target="_blank">Single Sign-On For Magento And WordPress</a>.</p>\n<p
>Kemp and his colleague Jay Pick have formed a new WordPress development company
called <a href="" target="_blank">Platfrm</a>, based o
ut of their rural office in Lutterworth, England. He plans to continue supportin
g the MWI plugin for as long as it&#8217;s needed. You can find documentation at
the <a href="" target="_blank">Magento WordPress Inte
gration homepage</a> and can <a href="
ress-integration/" target="_blank">download the plugin</a> from the WordPress re
pository. If you want to get involved contributing, check out MWI on <a href="ht
tps://" target="_b
lank">BitBucket</a>.</p>\n<img src="
rn/~4/F6uyX3Wt0E8" height="1" width="1" />";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s
0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:31:"Tue, 22 Oct 2013 14:00:10 +0000";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8
3:"Sarah Gooding";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_base_expli
5:"title";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:50:"WPTavern: New Holiday Talk Like a Spamm
er Day!";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_base_explicit";b:0;
3:"<p><a href="
rcelogo.jpg" rel="thumbnail"><img src="
ent/uploads/2013/10/wpforcelogo.jpg?resize=300%2C62" alt="WPForce Logo" class="a
lignright size-medium wp-image-10183" /></a> Jonathan Dingman over at
m has <a href="" title="">published a funny piec
e</a> that illustrates how comment spammers are able to be so randomly creative
with their posts. One of his spam comments contained the entire template of text
used to generate random comments. How many combinations of spam can you make wi
th the following template?</p>\n<blockquote><p>I {want to|wish to|desire to} rea
d {more|even more} things about it!|<br />\n{It is|Its} {appropriate|perfect|the
best} time to make {a few|some} plans<br />\nfor {the future|the longer term|the
long run} and {it is|its} time to be happy.</p></blockquote>\n<p>Check out the l
ong list of different replies on his post. I think this calls for a new holiday.
Talk like a spammer day! We humans have to guess which combination is the corre
ct one! But giving this some more thought, if there was a talk like a spammer da
y and we were legitimately using templates like the ones presented in the post t
o generate our comments and those comments were published even though Akismet th
inks they are spam, how big of an impact would we have on screwing up the Akisme
t spam algorithm? Maybe this holiday is not such a good idea!</p>\n<img src="htt
p://" height="1" width="1"
"xml_lang";s:0:"";}}s:7:"pubDate";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:31:"Tue, 22 Oct 201
3 13:00:44 +0000";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_base_expli
: The shiny new dynamic content in WP Super Cache";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_

"data";s:9301:"<p>With the next release of WP Super Cache in a day or two <a hre
f="">the lon
g awaited</a> move away from mfunc, mclude and friends will be complete.</p>\n<p
>This means that if you have been using mfunc, mclude or dynamic-cached-content
the dynamic portions of your sites will go blank if you upgrade WP Super Cache w
ithout updating that dynamic code. This may seem complicated but there&#8217;s a
n example script included and detailed explanations below. A lot of effort was m
ade to make this backwards compatible but unfortunately it wasn&#8217;t possible
.</p>\n<p>In their place is a new cacheaction filter called wpsc_cachedata and i
t&#8217;s sidekick wpsc_cachedata_safety. In the future when a site owner using
WP Super Cache wants to make part of their website dynamic they will use those f
ilters to modify pre-defined text strings and replace them with the data they wa
nt displayed to the end user. There&#8217;s an <a href="http://svn.wp-plugins.or
g/wp-super-cache/trunk/plugins/dynamic-cache-test.php">example script</a> ready
to be ripped apart to help you figure all this out.</p>\n<p>There are two ways o
f using this:</p>\n<ol>\n<li> The dynamic content is the return value of a simpl
e process, be it <code>date()</code> or any of the numerous get_*() functions in
WordPress. That data can simply be slotted in place of the pre-defined text men
tioned above.</li>\n<li> The more difficult bit comes when you need to use an ou
tput buffer to collect the data for display. Due to a limitation in PHP it&#8217
;s impossible to run an output buffer in the callback function of another output
buffer, which is when the wpsc_cachedata filter runs. We need to collect that d
ata <em>before</em> the callback function executes.</li>\n</ol>\n<p>The first wa
y above is easy. Simply add a text string of random characters to your theme whe
re you want the dynamic content to appear, then hook a function on to the wpsc_c
achedata filter to str_replace() it with your dynamic content. These functions i
n <a href="">this script</a> do that:\n<ul>\n<li>dynamic_cache_test_filter()</li>\n
</ul>\n<p>You&#8217;ll have to hook on to the wpsc_cachedata_safety action and r
eturn the numeral 1 to actually run the wpsc_cachedata filter. This is a fail sa
fe used by the plugin to make sure things are ok when the filter runs.</p>\n<p>U
nfortunately if you want to use an output buffer it&#8217;s a lot harder. As sta
ted above an output buffer can&#8217;t run in the callback function of another o
utput buffer. This means you have to generate your dynamic content earlier in th
e PHP process.<br />\nThis could be as easy as calling your dynamic content func
tion (dynamic_output_buffer_test() in the example script) from the wp_footer act
ion, or calling it from any action before shutdown, whichever is appropriate. Yo
u&#8217;ll also need to add a template tag of your own choosing to your theme.<b
r />\nYour dynamic content function will run just fine for cached pages, so afte
r the new page has run it store the output in a constant or global variable that
the same function can look for when the wpsc_cacheaction runs it. If it finds t
hat information, it can do the search and replace of your template tag without r
unning the output buffer again.<br />\nSome pages won&#8217;t run the dynamic co
ntent function however. This includes feeds and sitemaps. Those pages will gener
ate a PHP error because the output buffer will try to run in the callback!</p>\n
<blockquote><p>&#8220;PHP Fatal error: ob_start(): Cannot use output buffering
in output buffering display handlers in&#8230;&#8221;</p></blockquote>\n<p>To st
op that happening you must check that there&#8217;s text to shove in the cached
page. That&#8217;s what happens in the function dynamic_output_buffer_test_safet
y() in the example script. It fires on the wpsc_cachedata_safety filter and retu
rns the numeral 1 if successful. </p>\n<h3>Anatomy of an Output Buffer</h3>\n<p>
I&#8217;m going to try and explain the output buffer functions in more detail he
re. They&#8217;re only example functions and if you spot a bug or can suggest im

provements please do!</p>\n<pre class="brush: php; gutter: false; title: ; notra

nslate">define( ''DYNAMIC_OUTPUT_BUFFER_TAG'', '''' ); // CHANGE THIS!</pre>\n<p
>This is the string you add to your theme where your dynamic content will appear
. The plugin will replace this string with the code generated by your dynamic co
ntent function.</p>\n<pre class="brush: php; title: ; notranslate">function dyna
mic_output_buffer_test( &amp;$cachedata = 0 ) {\n
if ( defined( ''DYNAMIC_
OB_TEXT'' ) )\n
B_TEXT, $cachedata );\n ob_start();\n // call the sidebar function, do somethi
ng dynamic\n
echo "&lt;p&gt;This is a test. The current time on the server is
: " . date( ''H:i:s'' ) . "&lt;/p&gt;";\n
$text = ob_get_contents();\n
if ( $cachedata === 0 ) // called directly from the them
e so store the output\n
define( ''DYNAMIC_OB_TEXT'', $text );\n else //
called via the wpsc_cachedata filter. We only get here in cached pages in wp-cac
return str_replace( DYNAMIC_OUTPUT_BUFFER_TAG, $text, $c
achedata );\n\n}\nadd_cacheaction( ''wpsc_cachedata'', ''dynamic_output_buffer_t
est'' );</pre>\n<ul>\n<li> 1. dynamic_output_buffer_test() is the function that
will generate the dynamic content inserted into the cached page.</li>\n<li> 2-3.
DYNAMIC_OB_TEXT stores the previous output of this function. If it&#8217;s set
that means we&#8217;re in the wpsc_cachedata filter and should insert it into th
e cached page and return it.</li>\n<li> 4-8. This creates the output buffer, ech
oes a string with the current time and copies the buffer into a variable called
$text before closing the output buffer.</li>\n<li> 10-13. This is how we decide
to return data. If $cachedata is 0 that means this function was called from the
theme so we should define the constant DYNAMIC_OB_TEXT for later use. Otherwise,
we must be dealing with an already cached page so insert the dynamic content in
to the page and return it.</li>\n<li> 16. Add the dynamic_output_buffer_test() f
unction to the wpsc_cachedata action. &#8220;add_cacheaction&#8221; is used as i
t loads before the regular WordPress action code loads.</li>\n</ul>\n<pre class=
"brush: php; title: ; notranslate">function dynamic_output_buffer_test_safety( $
safety ) {\n
if ( defined( ''DYNAMIC_OB_TEXT'' ) )\n
return 1; // rea
dy to replace tag with dynamic content.\n
return 0; // tag
cannot be replaced.\n}\nadd_cacheaction( ''wpsc_cachedata_safety'', ''dynamic_o
utput_buffer_test_safety'' );</pre>\n<ul>\n<li>1-6. dynamic_output_buffer_test_s
afety() is a function that checks if dynamic content was generated correctly. If
that constant is not defined the output buffer will run within the callback fun
ction of the main WP Super Cache output buffer and generate a PHP error.</li>\n<
li> 7. Add the wpsc_cachedata_safety() function to the dynamic_output_buffer_tes
t_safety action.</li>\n</ul>\n<h3>sidebar.php</h3>\n<p>As an example, if I wante
d to display my dynamic content in the sidebar of my blog I would load sidebar.p
hp in my theme&#8217;s directory and add the following code. </p>\n<pre class="b
rush: php; title: ; notranslate">if ( function_exists( ''dynamic_output_buffer_t
est'' ) )\n
dynamic_output_buffer_test();\n?&gt;WORDPRESS ROCKS THE WORLD&lt;
?php</pre>\n<p>I had previously edited the example script, uncommented it and ch
anged the appropriate tag:</p>\n<pre class="brush: php; gutter: false; title: ;
' ); // CHANGE THIS!</pre>\n<h3>Final Note and Download Link</h3>\n<p>Please gra
b the <a href="">dev
elopment version</a> of the plugin and try it on a staging server before you put
it live. Feedback would be appreciated!</p>\n<p>Warning! Keep the tags you use
secret. You don&#8217;t want someone leaving a comment on your blog with that st
ring! Do not use the same function names or constant names as in this post or ex
ample script. They&#8217;re in this very public post. Someone is bound to use th
em and cause you problems when you install their plugin.</p>\n<p>Finally, barrin
g any last minute major bugs this version of WP Super Cache will be released on
Wednesday. Be careful upgrading. Pass the word around if you know someone is usi
ng mfunc as their site will stop working!</p>\n\n<p><strong>Related Posts</stron
g><ul><li> <a href="" rel="bookm
ark" title="Permanent Link: WP Super Cache 1.4">WP Super Cache 1.4</a></li><li>
<a href="" rel="bookmark" titl
e="Permanent Link: WP Super Cache 0.9.5">WP Super Cache 0.9.5</a></li><li> <a hr

ef="" rel="bookmark" title="Pe

rmanent Link: WP Super Cache 1.3.2">WP Super Cache 1.3.2</a></li></ul></p><p><a
e shiny new dynamic content in WP Super Cache</a> originally appeared on <a href
="">Holy Shmoly!</a>.</p>";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s
0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:31:"Mon, 21 Oct 2013 22:06:09 +0000";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8
";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:45:" WordCamp Europe 2013 Interviews";
n";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:641:"<div id="v-jxAPy8J5-1" class="video-player">\
n</div>\n<br /> <a rel="nofollow" href="
ts/"><img alt="" border="0" src="http://feeds.wordpress
.com/1.0/comments/" /></a> <img alt="" border="0" src="
wptv&ref=&feed=1" width="1" height="1" /><div><a href="
10/21/wordcamp-europe-2013-interviews/"><img alt="WordCamp Europe 2013 Interview
s" src=""
width="160" height="120" /></a></div>";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"
5:{s:4:"data";s:31:"Mon, 21 Oct 2013 20:07:31 +0000";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xm
";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:50:"WPTavern: Why Are We Paying For GPL Licensed Co
"<p>Kevin Muldoon has published a great post that may change the mindset of both
WordPress end users and developers. In his post, he talks about WordPress, GPL,
and ethics but further into the post, he mentions that perhaps we should not be
thinking about what sites like <a href="" title="http://w">GPL Avengers</a> or <a href="" title="http://">GPL Club</a> are doing as right or wrong but rather, good or bad.
</p>\n<blockquote><p>When you start talking about premium GPL products, the line
between what is right or wrong gets a little blurred. Perhaps the terms Right and
Wrong should not be used in this debate at all. Good and Bad are more suitable. GPL i
s supposed to benefit the WordPress community. So we need to consider what is go
od and what is bad for the community?</p></blockquote>\n<p>Ethics is subjective
so let&#8217;s skip that word. It&#8217;s as bad as saying &#8220;spirit&#8221;
when talking about the GPL. What GPL Avengers and GPL CLub are doing is not ille
gal and I don&#8217;t think anyone will argue that point. Let&#8217;s take the g
ood and bad approach.<span id="more-10128"></span></p>\n<h3>The Good:</h3>\n<p>

Both are offering commercial products either for free or for a substantially low
er price. This is good because those who don&#8217;t need support can make do wi
th the lower price. It&#8217;s also good in that it exposes the commercial offer
ings to a larger market segment that perhaps otherwise wouldn&#8217;t be able to
afford purchasing from the original developer.</p>\n<h3>The Bad:</h3>\n<p> GPL
Club points out that support is only provided by the original product authors. M
eanwhile, WP Avengers provides automatic updates and premium support via forums
and support credits. I am not sure how this works but their forum is not publicl
y accessible. In general, the best people to provide support for the product are
the people who created it. By acquiring products through either of these two si
tes, unknowing customers will either be out of luck in getting support, or may n
ot get the best support money can buy. </p>\n<p>There are a number of great comm
ents about this situation that I encourage you to read like, <a href="http://www" title="http://www.kevinmul">this one from Paul</a>, or <a href=
"" title="http://w">Andrew</a>. What is boil
s down to is these two sites have started a race to the bottom but I think that
race has been going on for a long time. </p>\n<p>One of the scenarios that Kevin
laid out was the following:</p>\n<blockquote><p>With regards to where the buck
stops :) WP Avengers and GPL Club are charging money for premium plugins that ot
her people developed. Heres a thought.what if someone went one step further and re
leased all premium plugins free. For example, a plugin and theme directory that
allowed every single premium WordPress theme and plugin to be downloaded free of
charge. No malware, no hidden agenda. Simply someone who wanted to share all pr
emium plugins with the world.</p>\n<p>How do you think the WordPress community w
ould react to this? Would it kill the market for premium WordPress products or w
ould developers have to focus on support? &#8211; <a href="http://www.kevinmuldo" title="
rdpress-gpl-ethics/#comment-5254">Kevin Muldoon</a></p></blockquote>\n<p>I think
it would be fantastic. On paper, it seems pretty stupid to pay for GPL code. We
hear the phrase &#8220;<em>paying for support and product updates</em>&#8221; r
epeatedly but it still seems as though we&#8217;re paying for the code first. So
let&#8217;s make all code free. If we pay money, we&#8217;re actually paying fo
r upgrades and support of that free code. But I know exactly what this would do
to commercial themes and plugins. We&#8217;d end up with free code that only has
one purpose. To serve up a prompt asking for an API key. In a way, I&#8217;d be
ok with this because it would be less code running on my site but on the flip s
ide, I&#8217;d then be relying on an increasing number of third-party sites to b
e online to make sure my forms worked. If all commercial themes and plugins were
free, it wouldn&#8217;t be the end of the world. We would just rapidly make the
transition to purchasing support and upgrades or service add-ons. Also, if comm
ercial themes and plugins were free, sites like GPL Club and WP Avengers suddenl
y become the losers as they would then be charging for GPL code without the supp
ort to back it. </p>\n<h3>A Few Questions For My Commercial WordPress Developer
Friends</h2>\n<p>It&#8217;s fascinating to think about all GPL licensed code in
themes and plugins being free as in beer. How would this change the way vendors
today do business? If the real value is in support and upgrades, then the questi
on I have for commercial plugin and theme developers is why are they charging fo
r their GPL licensed code? The GPL license says you can do it, but what&#8217;s
the point? I&#8217;ll guess and say that it would then be too confusing for cust
omers to figure this all out so it&#8217;s easier to bundle everything in one pu
rchase. At the end of the day, WP Avengers, GPL Club and sites like them are not
going to put the original vendors out of business. All they are is an inconveni
ence. </p>\n<img src="
FZE" height="1" width="1" />";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xm
ta";s:31:"Mon, 21 Oct 2013 19:00:52 +0000";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:

s:4:"data";s:65:"WPTavern: WordPress 3.7 Automatic Upgrades Proving to Be Reliab
s:4:"data";s:2957:"<p>The first <a href="
ress-3-7-release-candidate/" target="_blank">WordPress 3.7 Release Candidate</a>
was sent out into the wild last Friday. So far it&#8217;s been testing very wel
l. The flagship feature of this release is the ability for WordPress to automati
cally update itself, as highlighted in the customary haiku:</p>\n<blockquote><p>
\nWordPress three seven<br />\nA self-updating engine<br />\nLies beneath the ho
od\n</p></blockquote>\n<p>Automatic background updates seems like a daunting fea
ture to launch across millions of blogs, but WordPress 3.7 includes code to roll
back a failed automatic upgrade. Even so, Nacin <a href="
cin/status/392132430129139713" target="_blank">tweeted</a> yesterday that after
25,000 updates to RC1, there hasn&#8217;t been one single rollback. So far it lo
oks like the automatic background updates for security and minor releases is pro
ving to be remarkably reliable. <span id="more-10151"></span></p>\n<p>Nacin has
done everything in his power to determine points of failure within the feature b
ut so far it&#8217;s been holding up nicely:</p>\n<blockquote class="twitter-twe
et" width="550"><p>Weve tried all sorts of things to trip up the updater in WP 3.
7, like changing file perms, simulating network issues, having no disk space.</p
>\n<p>&mdash; Andrew Nacin (@nacin) <a href="
391303056047865856">October 18, 2013</a></p></blockquote>\n<p></p>\n<blockquote
class="twitter-tweet" width="550"><p>Short of unplugging the server halfway thro
ugh, Im not actually sure its possible for a background update in WP 3.7 to critic
ally fail.</p>\n<p>&mdash; Andrew Nacin (@nacin) <a href="
cin/statuses/391265227058061312">October 18, 2013</a></p></blockquote>\n<p></p>\
n<p>Currently two emails are being sent out when the automatic upgrades are succ
essful: one for debugging and the other standard email that all users of 3.7 wil
l receive. Once 3.7 is officially released you will no longer get the debugging
email. However, there is a <a href="
2504064" target="_blank">filter</a> that you can use to keep it turned on if you
like.</p>\n<p>Jeff recently <a href="
gure-auto-updates-in-wordpress-3-7" target="_blank">polled Tavern readers</a> to
see how they will be implementing the automatic updates on their sites, as many
readers previously had expressed reservations. At this time it seems that only
1 in 4 people polled will be disabling automatic updates completely, while the r
emaining 75% are open to using them to varying degrees. The results of Nacin&#82
17;s testing of RC1 should inspire even more confidence. If all goes well, it lo
oks like we should have the official WordPress 3.7 release sometime this week.</
p>\n<img src="" hei
ght="1" width="1" />";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_base_e
:"Mon, 21 Oct 2013 17:56:38 +0000";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:1
ents/1.1/";a:1:{s:7:"creator";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:13:"Sarah Gooding";s:7:
s:4:"data";s:97:" Justin Jones: WordPress Security or Why Google Sa
ys You Shouldnt Visit My Church";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"

on";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:747:"<div id="v-yIqcqtwl-1" class="video-player">
\n</div>\n<br /> <a rel="nofollow" href="
nts/"><img alt="" border="0" src="http://feeds.wordpres" /></a> <img alt="" border="0" src=
=wptv&ref=&feed=1" width="1" height="1" /><div><a href="
/10/21/justin-jones-wordpress-security-or-why-google-says-you-shouldnt-visit-mychurch/"><img alt="Justin Jones: WordPress Security or Why Google Says You Shoul
dnt Visit My Church" src="
scruberthumbnail_1.jpg" width="160" height="120" /></a></div>";s:7:"attribs";a:0
7:"pubDate";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:31:"Mon, 21 Oct 2013 17:19:25 +0000";s:7:
:{s:0:"";a:5:{s:5:"title";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:61:"WPTavern: New Grid View
Coming to the WordPress Media Library";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"
11:"description";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:3915:"<p>Your experience in the Word
Press media library is about to get a whole lot better. Very soon you&#8217;ll h
ave the option to display media items in a grid view. An exciting project to enh
ance the media library is well underway and will eventually be added to the Word
Press core. The good news is that you don&#8217;t have to wait. This new feature
, although still in development, is now available as a plugin.</p>\n<p><a href="" target="_blank">Media Grid</a>, develo
ped by <a href="" target="_blank">Shaun Andrews<
/a>, just showed up in the WordPress plugin repository this weekend. Shaun has b
een a busy bee lately and he&#8217;s on a roll. The Media Grid plugin is the sec
ond plugin he&#8217;s released with improvements for the WordPress core UI. His
first was the Widgets Area Chooser plugin that we <a href="http://www.wptavern.c
om/wordpress-widgets-area-chooser-plugin-a-handy-addition-to-mp6" target="_blank
">featured</a> earlier today.<span id="more-9218"></span></p>\n<p>When combined
with the <a href="" target="_blank">MP6 plugin<
/a>, the Media Grid plugin currently lets you select between seeing the library
displayed in the old list style or with the new grid view: </p>\n<div id="attach
ment_10120" class="wp-caption aligncenter"><a href="" rel="thumbnail"><img src="h
esize=560%2C316" alt="WordPress Media Library Grid View" class="size-full wp-ima
ge-10120" /></a><p class="wp-caption-text">WordPress Media Library Grid View</p>
</div>\n<p>What&#8217;s cool about this plugin? It lets you toggle the thumbnail
s to a larger size for ease of browsing. Pagination is handled beautifully via i
nfinite scroll. The search is also very responsive and returns results instantly
as you type, even if you only enter one letter. </p>\n<p>We&#8217;ve seen a lot
of changes lately when it comes to WordPress user interface design. These rapid
changes have been set in motion to arrange information in a way that is easier

to use and understand.</p>\n<p>Scientific <a href="

5/5/2703.full" target="_blank">studies of neural memory encoding</a> have shown
that the human brain remembers pictures better than words. If you&#8217;re searc
hing for an image you recently uploaded, browsing through thumbnails is likely t
o be much more helpful than trying to use words to search for your image. An opt
ional grid view makes a lot of sense for this interface and I&#8217;m hoping it
will become the default view. </p>\n<h3>When Will We See the Media Grid in the W
ordPress Core?</h3>\n<p>Of course, the burning question everyone wants to know,
is when can we see this added to the WordPress core? The Media Library Grid View
project is led by <a href="" target="_blank">H
elen Hou-Sandi</a>. The plugin is part of the &#8220;Features as Plugins&#8221;
initiative that enables developers to propose new features to core in the form o
f a plugin. Last time I checked with Shaun he said that they would love to have
it ready for 3.8 or 3.9 but really it comes down to whenever it&#8217;s ready. <
/p>\n<p>This plugin is the future of the WordPress media library. I&#8217;m conv
inced that once you try the grid view you won&#8217;t ever want to go back to th
e boring list style. Although the Media Grid plugin is still being actively deve
loped, it&#8217;s working quite nicely already. Shaun Andrews welcomes your sugg
estions and patches. If you&#8217;d like to help test it you can <a href="http:/
/" target="_blank">download</a> Media Grid from
the WordPress plugin repository.</p>\n<img src="
WordpressTavern/~4/qM4VP9q4HBo" height="1" width="1" />";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8
Date";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:31:"Mon, 21 Oct 2013 17:00:28 +0000";s:7:"attri
:4:"data";s:13:"Sarah Gooding";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"x
;a:5:{s:5:"title";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:37:"Joseph: Books: The Year Without
}}s:11:"description";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:10188:"<p>I finished reading Sco
tt Berkun&#8217;s book <a href="">The Ye
ar Without Pants</a>. The book tells the tale of Scott&#8217;s time at <a href=
"">Automattic</a> as the lead of Team Social, which worked
on <a href=""></a>. I&#8217;ve never read a
book about a place that I&#8217;ve worked at, so I was curious to see things fro
m his point of view.</p>\n<p>I&#8217;ve worked at Automattic for over six years,
well before Scott started there. We were always on separate teams and I never
worked directly with Scott on any projects. As a result some of the things Scot
t talks about in the book take on a different angle than my own. While reading
through the book I made notes on things that I wanted to expand on a bit, provid
e a different point of reference for, or just struck me as interesting. I&#8217
;m including the page number for easy reference.</p>\n<p><strong>Page 10</strong
>, talking about how for many people Automattic was the largest company they had
ever worked for. I definitely didn&#8217;t fall into that camp. Oddly enough
I&#8217;ve alternated between large and small companies, though not on purpose.
Before Automattic I worked at a university that had thousands of employees. Be
fore that I was at small regional ISP that never had more than 10 full time empl
oyees. Going back one more job I was at a large international company with more
than 10,000 people across the planet. And the job before that was at a company
with 20 people. That pretty much covers all of the jobs I&#8217;ve had as an a
dult.</p>\n<p><strong>Page 15</strong>, about IRC being an ancient chat program.
When I mention to other people that we use IRC I&#8217;ll often describe it as

being &#8220;as old as dirt&#8221;, meaning <a href="

_docs/jarkko.html">1988</a>. Being old doesn&#8217;t change the fact that it is
still one of the best solutions to the problem of text based chat.</p>\n<p><str
ong>Page 16</strong>, about Automattic demanding great communication skills. In
some ways we have to overcommunicate in order to make up for not all being in t
he same building.</p>\n<p><strong>Page 20</strong>, Caturday. Long running thin
g at Automattic from the world of LOLcats. On page 25 Scott shows a screenshot
of some stats, and the week ends with Caturday. Some time ago a new hire at Aut
omattic &#8220;fixed&#8221; the typo by changing it to Saturday. We had to expl
ain the joke, then had them revert it back to Caturday :-)</p>\n<p><strong>Page
25</strong>, experts don&#8217;t go back to regular jobs because regular jobs ar
e hard. This is worth keeping in mind the next time you read an article or book
from a professional expert.</p>\n<p><strong>Page 28</strong>, on jamming practi
ces from one culture into another. This is a hard lesson to learn and I think m
ost who have learned it have only done so through experience. Culture isn&#8217
;t something you can easily transplant. Culture, like trust, is hard to build a
nd easy to destroy.</p>\n<p><strong>Page 29</strong>, about trust. Trust is a r
eally big deal in any company culture. The lack of it usually results in grindi
ng political structures. High degrees of trust can result in the whole being so
much more than the sum of the parts.</p>\n<p><strong>Page 42</strong>, remember
how I mentioned that I described IRC being as old as dirt? I&#8217;m not the o
nly one who thinks that way :-)</p>\n<p><strong>Page 43</strong>, about many thi
ngs at Automattic being inherited from the open source WordPress project. I don
&#8217;t think it is an overstatement to say that this is one of the core attrib
utes in the formation of Automattic. In many ways it looks like a group of peop
le working on an open source project that just happens to also involve money, so
metimes.</p>\n<p><strong>Page 46</strong>, about the WordPress theme P2. One day
I&#8217;ll write a separate post about how P2 came to be. Naming things can be
hard, and sometimes beyond your control.</p>\n<p><strong>Page 48</strong>, on t
he communication break down between P2, IRC, Skype, and email. The ratio varies
between teams. For my experience I&#8217;d say P2 and IRC are closer to 50 / 5
0, Skype and email nearly rounding errors. IRC was good for talking about somet
hing right now ( synchronous ) and P2 was good for things that weren&#8217;t nea
rly so time sensitive ( asynchronous ) or needed a better way to be tracked.</p>
\n<p><strong>Page 54</strong>, about the size of a company being the ultimate go
al. I&#8217;ve had conversations with people about companies that stay intentio
nally small. In the technology field it isn&#8217;t often that you come across
people who want to have a limit to how big their company gets. I think there is
an idea worth exploring in there.</p>\n<p><strong>Page 61</strong>, regarding k
illing a project or experiment. It isn&#8217;t easy to shutdown something that
you&#8217;ve put energy into. That said, we could be better about letting go.</
p>\n<p><strong>Page 104</strong>, data-influenced culture versus a data-driven o
ne. I&#8217;ll give an example of one experience I had that shows how this work
ed. A new A / B test was launched around a signup flow and I was fairly certain
that the new version was going to do worse because the resulting experience was
so bad for the user. It quickly became clear that the new version resulted in
more revenue. As a team we talked it over and decided against using the new ver
sion, even though it meant giving up some of that increase in revenue. I was ha
ppy we were able to agree on that because the user experience in the new version
was one I&#8217;d never want to use. The results of the A / B test were one pa
rt of our decision making process, but it wasn&#8217;t the only consideration.</
p>\n<p><strong>Page 111</strong>, vision. Someone having a clear vision of wher
e things are going as a whole is a different dynamic in a company that focuses o
n individuals being super proactive about coming up with their own ideas on what
to work on next. Not that you can&#8217;t have it, just that at some point you
realize everyone can&#8217;t do everything. See also page 126 regarding clarit
y vs. quantity of ideas.</p>\n<p><strong>Page 132</strong>, &#8220;Without the t
ime machine, all choices have the possibility of being wrong.&#8221; I need to
put that on a t-shirt. Sometimes the value of making a decision outweighs any o
f the potential outcomes of the decision itself.</p>\n<p><strong>Page 134</stron

g>, on not being tied down too much by a pre-selected process. I&#8217;ve been
asked before if Automattic uses [ insert current trendy methodology here ]. My
answer has always been no. We work out what works best for us as a team, then s
tart moving forward, adjusting along the way as needed.</p>\n<p><strong>Page 136
</strong>, &#8220;To start big projects, you must have the capacity for delusion
.&#8221; Probably also worth a t-shirt. At some point after going through enou
gh big projects you learn that you always underestimate them at the beginning.
Then after even more of them you learn that under estimating them is sometimes a
good thing, because if you didn&#8217;t you would never actually start them.</p
>\n<p><strong>Page 152</strong>, about work environments. When I talk with peop
le about Automattic being a distributed company, I usually end up explaining tha
t like most things it is about trade offs. Distributed vs. non-distributed is o
ften less about which one is better and more about which trade offs you want to
work with. The same is true of individuals. Not everyone is going to excel in
a distributed situation, and that is fine, it doesn&#8217;t make them bad at wha
t they do or who they are.</p>\n<p><strong>Page 171</strong>, talking about Team
Social being stretched even further. When Scott joined Automattic I started wo
rking on the Akismet team. Our team was always stretched, with people in Melbou
rne ( Australia ), California, Utah, North Carolina, and England. From UTC that
is +11, -7, -6, -4, and +1 for everyone playing along at home. Not the same br
oad and even distribution that Team Social ended up with, but not always easy ei
ther. But we made it work.</p>\n<p><strong>Page 198</strong>, a reference to th
e bike shed problem. Long time FreeBSD users will remember <a href="http://bike">the bike shed post by PHK</a>.</p>\n<p><strong>Page 200</strong>, on
few people being willing to dive in and make changes. That is pretty much the o
pposite of my experience.</p>\n<p><strong>Page 200</strong>, about broken window
s for good and bad. I think our ability to fix a bug that came up quickly is a
good thing. There obviously has to be some balance with other things, but I wou
ld never want to lose our ability to go from getting a ping from a friend about
something on our service being broken, to being able to reply that it has now be
en fixed, often in a matter of minutes.</p>\n<p><strong>Page 201</strong>, some
people being afraid to post on a P2 because they think it is a megaphone and eve
ryone is reading it. What is funny about reading that is that before we had P2,
there was just one internal blog for all of Automattic and it was rarely used.
It was common for it to only get one post per month. P2 changed that dramatica
lly.</p>\n<p><strong>Page 225</strong>, &#8220;No one should be expected to carr
y the burden of a secret their peers would love to know.&#8221; Not worth putti
ng on a t-shirt, but something that every leader should remember.</p>\n<hr />\n<
p>I could comment on every page in the book, but these were the points that I no
ted specifically as I read through it.</p>\n<p>The book itself is an enjoyable r
ead, and easy to get through. If you&#8217;ve ever wondered what things are lik
e at Automattic, The Year Without Pants, is a pretty good window. Just keep in
mind that it is from one point of view and that each team has a high degree of f
lexibility in doing things in a way that works best for them.</p>\n<p>If you wou
ld rather live it than read about it, <a href="
s/">Automattic is hiring</a>.</p>";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:1
4:"data";s:31:"Mon, 21 Oct 2013 15:05:31 +0000";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_bas
:8:"xml_lang";s:0:"";}}}}}i:34;a:6:{s:4:"data";s:13:"\n \n
:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:61:"WPTavern: After Four Years WPShout Is Under New Ownersh

a";s:2615:"<p><a href="
/10/wpshoutlogo.jpg" rel="thumbnail"><img src="
/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/wpshoutlogo.jpg?resize=300%2C46" alt="wpshout logo"
class="alignright size-medium wp-image-10125" /></a>Long time WordPress communit
y member Alex Denning <a href="" titl
e="">has announced</a> that his WordP
ress centric site <a href="" title="
">WPShout</a> is now under new ownership. Alex has reached the point where his j
ob combined with his university study work has made it impossible for him to kee
p the site going. Thankfully, Alex has found a great home for the site. New owne
rs Fred and David of <a href="" title="http://pressupinc.c
om/">Press Up</a> will be taking over the site. According to their introductions
within the announcement post, they seem to fit in naturally with providing the
type of content WPShout readers have come to expect. <span id="more-10124"></spa
n></p>\n<blockquote><p>Were really excited to be taking over WPShout, and glad th
at we were able to talk Alex into sticking around in an advising role for the tr
ansitional period. Hes built a great resource here, and were eager to keep his vis
ion alive and make it even better.</p></blockquote>\n<p>Kudos to Alex for findin
g the right individuals to take over the site. I know from experience that givin
g up something that was built from the ground up is not an easy task but handing
it over to the right individuals makes the process a lot easier to cope with. F
or those of you that would like to keep in touch with Alex, you can <a href="htt
p://" title="">follow him o
n Twitter</a> or keep an eye on his personal site <a href="http://sevenironcows.
com/" title="">Sevenironcows</a>. </p>\n<p>Before I let
you go, please check out Alex Denning&#8217;s <a href="
ng-review-results/" title="">Webhostin
g Review 2013 Results</a> that he published two weeks ago. Also, I&#8217;ll have
Alex, Fred, and David on this week&#8217;s episode of WordPress Weekly to discu
ss the transition of the WPShout website. Considering how busy Alex will be with
university, this may be the only opportunity we get to talk to him about his ex
perience in the WordPress community.</p>\n<img src="
~r/WordpressTavern/~4/sUm_0G9JveY" height="1" width="1" />";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}
pubDate";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:31:"Mon, 21 Oct 2013 15:00:20 +0000";s:7:"at
;a:5:{s:5:"title";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:72:"WPTavern: WordPress Widgets Are
a Chooser Plugin: A Handy Addition to MP6";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:
g";s:0:"";}}s:11:"description";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:3160:"<p>If you&#8217;
ve ever worked on a WordPress site with a long list of widget areas and dozens o
f widgets, then you know how crowded this page can become. In this scenario the
drag-and-drop interface becomes virtually useless, as you struggle to drag the w
idget to the right area while trying to force your browser window to scroll down
.</p>\n<p><div id="attachment_10101" class="wp-caption alignright"><a href="http
g" rel="thumbnail"><img src="
s/2013/10/widgets-area-chooser.jpg?resize=353%2C250" alt="Widgets Area Chooser"

class="size-full wp-image-10101" /></a><p class="wp-caption-text">Widgets Area C

hooser</p></div>While the new widgets page design in MP6 makes it easier to mana
ge widgets, the drag-and-drop doesn&#8217;t always provide the best experience.
That&#8217;s where the <a href="
/" target="_blank">Widgets Area Chooser</a> plugin comes in handy. <span id="mor
e-10090"></span></p>\n<p>Created by <a href=""
target="_blank">MP6</a> member <a href="" target
="_blank">Shaun Andrews</a>, this plugin lets you click a widget in order to cho
ose where it should be placed. According to Shaun, the plugin is really just a b
it of CSS and JS, so it would be an easy addition to MP6.</p>\n<p>Here&#8217;s a
quick demo of the Widgets Area Chooser in action:</p>\n<div id="attachment_1010
5" class="wp-caption aligncenter"><a href="" rel="thumbnail"><img src="" alt="(
note: The experience is actually not as jumpy as it appears in the screencast)"
class="size-full wp-image-10105" /></a><p class="wp-caption-text">(note: The exp
erience is actually not as jumpy as it appears in the screencast)</p></div>\n<p>
After testing this plugin on my desktop as well as mobile devices, I believe the
re are several merits which should be considered in the discussion about whether
or not this should be a part of MP6 and eventually WordPress 3.8:</p>\n<ul>\n<l
i>Makes it easier to add new widgets &#8211; clicking is easier than drag-and-dr
op</li>\n<li>Reduces frustration when working with a large number of widget area
s</li>\n<li>Makes it easier to manage widgets on a mobile device</li>\n</ul>\n<p
>It&#8217;s important to recognize that this doesn&#8217;t actually remove dragand-drop capabilities. The Widgets Area Chooser simply adds a new way to move wi
dgets around, and users will still have the option of dragging and dropping if t
hey prefer. Please note that you will need to have <a href="
/plugins/mp6/" target="_blank">MP6</a> installed and activated in order to test
this plugin. </p>\n<p>So what do you think? Should the <a href="http://wordpress
.org/plugins/widget-area-chooser/" target="_blank">Widgets Area Chooser</a> be i
ncluded in MP6?</p>\n<img src="
/mvgunDECZL0" height="1" width="1" />";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:""
:{s:4:"data";s:31:"Mon, 21 Oct 2013 13:01:04 +0000";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml
rah Gooding";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_base_explicit";
";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:44:" Paul Kortman: Stop Selling SEO";s
a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:638:"<div id="v-Oc6EhwH0-1" class="video-player">\n</
div>\n<br /> <a rel="nofollow" href=""><img alt="" border="0" src="
m/1.0/comments/" /></a> <img alt="" border="0" src="htt
v&ref=&feed=1" width="1" height="1" /><div><a href="
20/paul-kortman-stop-selling-seo/"><img alt="Paul Kortman: Stop Selling SEO" src
="" width
="160" height="120" /></a></div>";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17
:"data";s:31:"Sun, 20 Oct 2013 14:17:23 +0000";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base
8:"xml_lang";s:0:"";}}}}}i:37;a:6:{s:4:"data";s:13:"\n \n
:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:73:" K. Adam White: Building Apps With Backbon
e.js and WordPress";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_base_exp
"<div id="v-XpFmdpC9-1" class="video-player">\n</div>\n<br /> <a rel="nofollow"
alt="" border="0" src="
om/23856/" /></a> <img alt="" border="0" src="" width="1" height
="1" /><div><a href="
ith-backbone-js-and-wordpress/"><img alt="K. Adam White: Building Apps With Back
bone.js and WordPress" src="
7b_std.original.jpg" width="160" height="120" /></a></div>";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}
pubDate";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:31:"Sun, 20 Oct 2013 13:26:45 +0000";s:7:"at
;a:5:{s:5:"title";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:100:" Panel Discussion
: WordPress Face-to-Face: Fostering Your Local (And Digital) Community";s:7:"att
div id="v-tfytkU2x-1" class="video-player">\n</div>\n<br /> <a rel="nofollow" h
ref=""><img a
lt="" border="0" src="
/23858/" /></a> <img alt="" border="0" src="" width="1" height="
1" /><div><a href="
e-to-face-fostering-your-local-and-digital-community/"><img alt="Panel Discussio
n: WordPress Face-to-Face: Fostering Your Local (And Digital) Community" src="ht
tp://" width="16
0" height="120" /></a></div>";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xm
ta";s:31:"Sat, 19 Oct 2013 13:16:54 +0000";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:
:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:53:" Jeremy Felt: Hi WordPress, Meet Vagrant";

ription";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:655:"<div id="v-7MOIAJbN-1" class="video-pla
yer">\n</div>\n<br /> <a rel="nofollow" href="
comments/"><img alt="" border="0" src="http://feeds.wor" /></a> <img alt="" border="0"
&subd=wptv&ref=&feed=1" width="1" height="1" /><div><a href="
/2013/10/19/jeremy-felt-hi-wordpress-meet-vagrant/"><img alt="Jeremy Felt: Hi Wo
rdPress, Meet Vagrant" src="
cd_std.original.jpg" width="160" height="120" /></a></div>";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}
pubDate";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:31:"Sat, 19 Oct 2013 12:26:32 +0000";s:7:"at
;a:5:{s:5:"title";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:60:"WPTavern: WPWeekly Episode 124
The Three WordPressteers";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_b
:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:3545:"<p><a href="
-content/uploads/2013/08/WordPressWeekly_albumart2.jpg" rel="thumbnail"><img src
lbumart2.jpg?resize=150%2C150" alt="WordPress Weekly Cover Art" class="alignrigh
t size-thumbnail wp-image-8715" /></a> For the first time since returning to the
airwaves, we had all three contributing authors to WordPress Tavern on the show
at once. While we originally scheduled Alex Denning for this episode, we needed
to reschedule him for October 25th. So in this episode, we each took turns disc
ussing this weeks headlines. As a bonus, we got a live version of Marcus&#8217;
plugin roundup post. I had a blast on this show and hope to do more of these in
the future. <span id="more-10085"></span></p>\n<h2>Stories Discussed:</h2>\n<p><
a href="
ws-site" title="
press-news-site">ManageWP Launches Community-Curated WordPress News Site</a><br
/>\n<a href="
nks" title="
ks">BuddyPress 1.9 Will Include Dynamic Menu Links</a><br />\n<a href="http://ww" title="http
://">How Wi
ll You Configure Auto Updates In WordPress 3.7?</a><br />\n<a href="http://www.w" title="
ook-review-the-year-without-pants">Book Review: The Year Without Pants</a><br />
\n<a href="
get" title="
dget">Dashboard Makeover Removes Incoming Links Widget</a><br />\n<a href="http:
t-formats-ui">Mark Jaquith on WordPress 3.6 Postmortem and Post Formats UI</a></
p>\n<h2>Plugins Mentioned By Marcus:</h2>\n<p><a href="
ins/quick-wp-setup/" title="">Quick
WP Setup</a><br />\n<a href="
re/" title="">Preview Post

s Everywhere</a><br />\n<a href="" title="

st-and-page/">Custom Background for Post and Page</a></p>\n<h2>WPWeekly Meta:</h
2>\n<p><strong>Next Episode:</strong> Friday, October 25th 3 P.M. Eastern &#8211
; Special Guest Alex Denning Of</p>\n<p><strong>Subscribe To WPWeekl
y Via Itunes: </strong><a href="
ekly/id694849738" target="_blank">Click here to subscribe</a></p>\n<p><strong>Su
bscribe To WPWeekly Via RSS: </strong><a href="
ast" target="_blank">Click here to subscribe</a></p>\n<p><strong>Subscribe To WP
Weekly Via Stitcher Radio: </strong><a href="
dpress-weekly-podcast?refid=stpr" target="_blank">Click here to subscribe</a></p
>\n<p><strong>Listen To Episode #124:</strong><br />\n</p>\n<img src="http://fee" height="1" width="1" />";s:
ng";s:0:"";}}s:7:"pubDate";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:31:"Sat, 19 Oct 2013 06:37
:45 +0000";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_base_explicit";b:
ild";a:2:{s:0:"";a:5:{s:5:"title";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:31:"Matt: Fast Comp
any on Simperium";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_base_expli
1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:230:"<p>Fast Company&#8217;s Co.Labs writes a great art
icle on <a href="
-scrappy-icloud-alternative">Why WordPress[.com] Gobbled Up This Scrappy iCloud
:"Fri, 18 Oct 2013 23:56:44 +0000";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:1
ents/1.1/";a:1:{s:7:"creator";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:14:"Matt Mullenweg";s:7
s:4:"data";s:76:"WPTavern: WordSesh 2013: Live Streaming 24 Hours of Free WordPr
ess Education";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_base_explicit
tion";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:2232:"<p>Mark your calenders for December 6th a
nd 7th, 2013. <a href="" target="_blank">WordSesh</a> will b
e back in session! In case you missed the first WordSesh, the basic idea is very
similar to a WordCamp, except everything is streamed live on the web. The event
is totally free and anyone can attend by tuning in from home. WordSesh is compr
ised of 24 sessions that cater to every type of WordPress user. There will be on
e session every hour, on the hour, for 24 hours. </p>\n<p><a href="http://i2.wp.
com/" rel="thumbnail"><i
mg src="
g?resize=560%2C274" alt="wordsesh" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-10072"
/></a><span id="more-9992"></span></p>\n<p>If you haven&#8217;t been able to mak
e it to as many WordCamps as you&#8217;d like, here&#8217;s your chance to get i

n on some awesome free WordPress sessions. WordSesh offers a community learning

experience that you can enjoy with other WordPress fans around the world. The ev
ent utilizes Google Hangouts to broadcast sessions from wherever the speakers ar
e located.</p>\n<p>In case you missed last year&#8217;s event, all of the sessio
ns were recorded and are available on <a href="
ist=PL9bmvLB3RpG7zGrbwbd2R9a2tqT-FiYiG" target="_blank">youtube</a>. This should
give you an idea of the high quality speakers you can expect when you tune in.
The <a href="" target="_blank">DradCast podcast</a> will be
kicking off WordSesh 2, ushering in &#8220;24 hours of non-stop WordPress knowl
edge and fun.&#8221; </p>\n<p>WordSesh is still taking applications for speakers
and you can submit directly on the <a href="" target="_blan
k">website</a>. If you want to join in, make sure to add the dates to your calen
der, <a href="" target="_blank">follow WordSesh on T
witter</a>, and subscribe to <a href="" target="_blank">Word
Sesh news</a> and announcements. You don&#8217;t want to miss a minute of this a
wesome event. </p>\n<img src="
HjNrHEFpulo" height="1" width="1" />";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";
{s:4:"data";s:31:"Fri, 18 Oct 2013 21:23:09 +0000";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_
ah Gooding";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_base_explicit";b
";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:41:"Dev Blog: WordPress 3.7 Release Candidate";s:7:
ption";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:2236:"<p>The first release candidate for WordP
ress 3.7 is now available!</p>\n<p>In RC 1, we&#8217;ve made some adjustments to
the update process to make it more reliable than ever.We hope to ship WordPress
3.7 <em>next week</em>, but we need your help to get there.If you havent tested 3.
7 yet, theres no time like the present. (Please, not on a production site, unless
youre adventurous.)</p>\n<p>WordPress 3.7 introduces <strong>automatic backgroun
d updates</strong> for security and minor releases (like updating from 3.7 to 3.
7.1). These are really easy to test RC 1 will update every 12 hours or so to the
latest development version, and then email you the results. (You may get two ema
ils: one for debugging, and one all users of 3.7 will receive.)If something went
wrong, you can report it.</p>\n<p><strong>Think youve found a bug?</strong>Please
post to the<a href="">Alpha/Beta are
a in the support forums</a>. If any known issues come up, youll be able to<a href=
"">find them here</a>.</p>\n<p>To test Wo
rdPress 3.7 RC1, try the<a href="
ta-tester/">WordPress Beta Tester</a>plugin (youll want bleeding edge nightlies). Or
you can<a href="">download the release
candidate here</a>(zip).If youd like to learn more about what&#8217;s new in WordP
ress 3.7, visit the awesome About screen in your dashboard (<strong><img alt=""
es/wordpress.png" /> About</strong>in the toolbar). There, you can also see if your
install is eligible for background updates.WordPress wont automatically update,for
example,if youre using version control like Subversion or Git.</p>\n<p><strong>De
velopers,</strong>please test your plugins and themes against WordPress 3.7, so t
hat if there is a compatibility issue, we can figure it out before the final rel
ease. Make sure you post any issues to the support forums.</p>\n<p><em>WordPress
three seven</em><br />\n<em>A self-updating engine</em><br />\n<em>Lies beneath
the hood</em></p>";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_base_exp

Fri, 18 Oct 2013 19:52:14 +0000";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:
ts/1.1/";a:1:{s:7:"creator";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:12:"Andrew Nacin";s:7:"at
s:4:"data";s:57:" Chad Warner: WordPress Admin: A Guided Tour";s:7:
ription";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:663:"<div id="v-lrHdq3sq-1" class="video-pla
yer">\n</div>\n<br /> <a rel="nofollow" href="
comments/"><img alt="" border="0" src="http://feeds.wor" /></a> <img alt="" border="0"
&subd=wptv&ref=&feed=1" width="1" height="1" /><div><a href="
/2013/10/18/chad-warner-wordpress-admin-a-guided-tour/"><img alt="Chad Warner: W
ordPress Admin: A Guided Tour" src="" width="160" height="120" /></a></div>";s:7:"attribs
;}}s:7:"pubDate";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:31:"Fri, 18 Oct 2013 16:35:05 +0000"
ild";a:2:{s:0:"";a:5:{s:5:"title";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:78:"WPTavern: WordP
ress MP6 Plugin Adds New Widgets Page and Midnight Color Scheme";s:7:"attribs";a
ata";s:3425:"<p>Although <a href="" target="_bl
ank">MP6</a> may sound like the code name of a covert spy mission, it&#8217;s ac
tually one of the most exciting WordPress plugins in the repository right now. M
P6 is part of the &#8220;features as plugins&#8221; initiative and houses the in
tended design updates to the WordPress admin. The plan is to include the changes
in the core with the upcoming WordPress 3.8 release. </p>\n<p>Many WordPress s
ites are already using MP6 to transform their dashboards and there are <a href="" target="_
blank">several dozen reasons</a> to upgrade to the latest version. Here are just
a few of the highlights:<span id="more-10040"></span></p>\n<ul>\n<li>A bunch of
new dashicons</li>\n<li>A re-designed widgets page by <a href="https://twitter.
com/shaunandrews" target="_blank">Shaun Andrews</a> from his Widgets project</li
>\n<li>Improvements to customizer, color schemes, menus section and much more</l
i>\n<li>New Midnight color scheme</li>\n</ul>\n<p>You may have seen a <a href="h
ttp://" target="_blank">poll</a> floating around abou
t extra color schemes for MP6. The Midnight color scheme must have proven the mo
st popular, as it has now been included in the latest MP6 update. This bold skin
for the dashboard sports red highlights:</p>\n<div id="attachment_10043" class=
"wp-caption aligncenter"><a href="

ploads/2013/10/midnight-color-scheme.png" rel="thumbnail"><img src="http://i0.wp

e=560%2C305" alt="MP6 Midnight Color Scheme" class="size-full wp-image-10043" />
</a><p class="wp-caption-text">MP6 Midnight Color Scheme</p></div>\n<p>The new w
idgets page design is much cleaner, allows you to see more widgets at once and i
s easier to navigate if you&#8217;re using a theme with many different widgetize
d areas. </p>\n<div id="attachment_10047" class="wp-caption aligncenter"><a href
="" rel=
"thumbnail"><img src="
10/widgets.jpg?resize=560%2C349" alt="New widgets page design" class="size-full
wp-image-10047" /></a><p class="wp-caption-text">New widgets page design</p></di
v>\n<p>In order to achieve this cleaner look, the widgets page had to sacrifice
the widget descriptions, which seems to be a main point of concern for those who
have already upgraded MP6. Plugin authors can be rather generic in how they nam
e their widgets, so descriptions are helpful for knowing which widget you&#8217;
re looking at. The scrollbar within the widgets section is also a point of conte
ntion. Overall, the MP6 2.1 updates have been very well received and there&#8217
;s still plenty of time to work through any challenges.</p>\n<p>Your feedback is
important! If you want to be a part of testing or you&#8217;re just curious abo
ut where the WordPress admin is going, <a href="
/" target="_blank">install MP6</a> and put it through the paces of your daily ro
utine. If you&#8217;re already using MP6, you can take advantage of all the new
features and bug fixes by upgrading the plugin through your dashboard.</p>\n<img
src="" height="1"
width="1" />";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_base_explicit"
;b:0;s:8:"xml_lang";s:0:"";}}s:7:"pubDate";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:31:"Fri, 1
8 Oct 2013 13:21:04 +0000";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_b
/";a:1:{s:7:"creator";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:13:"Sarah Gooding";s:7:"attribs
a";s:64:" Ross Johnson: The Overlap Of Emotion And Usability";s:7:"
:11:"description";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:686:"<div id="v-K4qaPBBC-1" class="
video-player">\n</div>\n<br /> <a rel="nofollow" href="http://feeds.wordpress.c
om/1.0/gocomments/"><img alt="" border="0" src="http://" /></a> <img alt="" b
order="0" src="
ost=23074&subd=wptv&ref=&feed=1" width="1" height="1" /><div><a href="http://wor"><img
alt="Ross Johnson: The Overlap Of Emotion And Usability" src="http://videos.vide" width="160" height=
"120" /></a></div>";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_base_exp
Fri, 18 Oct 2013 12:32:09 +0000";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:
s:4:"data";s:70:"WPTavern: Mark Jaquith on WordPress 3.6 Postmortem and Post For
mats UI";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_base_explicit";b:0;

{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:3783:"<p>One of the most anticipated features of WordPres
s 3.6 was the new <a href="
-6-the-post-formats-ui-feature/" title="
7/wordpress-3-6-the-post-formats-ui-feature/">Post Formats UI</a> which would ha
ve exposed the feature to users who may not have known of its existence. Unfortu
nately, near the tail end of development for 3.6, Mark Jaquith <a href="http://m
-plugin/" title="
iting-core-will-live-as-a-plugin/">made the announcement</a> that the feature wo
uld be exiting core and that the work involved would most likely end up as a plu
gin. This generated a lot of mixed reviews from developers. In the midst of all
the discussion, <a href="" title="http://make.wordp
comment-8863">Mark Jaquith stated</a> that he would publish a postmortem to expl
ain the lessons learned. <span id="more-10034"></span></p>\n<p>WordPress 3.7 is
around the corner and we have yet to see the postmortem post, or a post formats
UI plugin for that matter. I managed to get in touch with Mark Jaquith, who is a
n incredibly busy man, to find out what the status was on the post as well as th
e plugin. Mark tells me that he is working on the blog post that will explain th
e WordPress 3.6 development cycle, the lessons learned, and the struggles the te
am had during this time. The post will also cover the new approach to feature de
velopment that WordPress is now embracing with features being developed as plugi
ns first. For those that will be attending <a href="
wordcamps/wordcamp-london/" title="
p-london/">WordCamp London</a> on November 23 and 24th, Mark will be giving a pr
esentation that shares the lessons learned in 3.6. </p>\n<p><a href="http://i2.w" rel="thumbn
ail"><img src="
FormatsUI.jpg?resize=500%2C133" alt="Post Formats UI" class="aligncenter size-la
rge wp-image-6994" /></a></p>\n<p>The reason for the delay in getting this infor
mation out to the public is that Mark is not an employee that gets to work on Wo
rdPress full-time. He was the lead developer for 3.6 and while trying to ensure
the project stayed on time, he also had to make a living through his consultancy
business. Some of his projects were even pushed back to make room for 3.6 devel
opment. To put it mildly, the 3.6 development process took a lot out of the man
and he&#8217;s been playing catch up ever since. </p>\n<p>Mark concluded the ema
il with his main takeaway of the post formats UI.</p>\n<blockquote><p>With regar
ds to post formats UI, the main takeaway I had was that the approach we took was
the wrong approach and I didn&#8217;t really see that until very late in the pr
ocess. So if or when the post formats UI feature gets taken back up in plugin fo
rm (in 3.9 or later), it will be a fresh effort, not one based on the work we di
d in 3.6. I am also watching the content creation experience efforts to see how
that might play in.</p></blockquote>\n<p>We&#8217;ll be keeping an eye out for t
he post and will link to it once it&#8217;s published. Thanks to Mark Jaquith fo
r not only providing me with this update, but for all the hard work he did to le
ad the team to get 3.6 out the door. </p>\n<img src="
/~r/WordpressTavern/~4/TrujuHuq6co" height="1" width="1" />";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{
"pubDate";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:31:"Thu, 17 Oct 2013 22:53:05 +0000";s:7:"a

;a:5:{s:5:"title";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:66:" Dustin Hartzler:
Live Podcast Recording With Q&amp;A";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s
s:679:"<div id="v-SrXtLCKn-1" class="video-player">\n</div>\n<br /> <a rel="nof
ollow" href="
"><img alt="" border="0" src="" /></a> <img alt="" border="0" src="
.gif?" width="1"
height="1" /><div><a href="
odcast-recording-with-qa/"><img alt="Dustin Hartzler: Live Podcast Recording Wit
h Q&A" src="
ail_1.jpg" width="160" height="120" /></a></div>";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_b
:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:31:"Thu, 17 Oct 2013 14:42:57 +0000";s:7:"attribs";a:0
explicit";b:0;s:8:"xml_lang";s:0:"";}}}}}i:49;a:6:{s:4:"data";s:13:"\n \n
5:"title";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:56:" Dustin Hartzler: Podcasti
ng With WordPress";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_base_expl
ng";s:0:"";}}s:11:"description";a:1:{i:0;a:5:{s:4:"data";s:668:"<div id="v-4cEo2
Gdv-1" class="video-player">\n</div>\n<br /> <a rel="nofollow" href="http://fee"><img alt="" border="0
" src="" /></a>
<img alt="" border="0" src="
blog=5089392&post=23070&subd=wptv&ref=&feed=1" width="1" height="1" /><div><a hr
img alt="Dustin Hartzler: Podcasting With WordPress" src="http://videos.videopre" width="160" height="120
" /></a></div>";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml_base_explici
17 Oct 2013 14:35:57 +0000";s:7:"attribs";a:0:{}s:8:"xml_base";s:0:"";s:17:"xml
:4:"date";s:29:"Fri, 25 Oct 2013 21:05:43 GMT";s:12:"content-type";s:8:"text/xml
15:"Accept-Encoding";s:13:"last-modified";s:29:"Fri, 25 Oct 2013 20:45:19 GMT";s
:4:"x-nc";s:11:"HIT lax 249";s:13:"accept-ranges";s:5:"bytes";}s:5:"build";s:14:
"20130708201016";}', 'no');
INSERT INTO `wp_options` (`option_id`, `option_name`, `option_value`, `autoload`
(142, '_transient_timeout_feed_mod_867bd5c64f85878d03a060509cd2f92c', '138277834
6', 'no'),
(143, '_transient_feed_mod_867bd5c64f85878d03a060509cd2f92c', '1382735146', 'no'

(144, '_transient_timeout_dash_aa95765b5cc111c56d5993d476b1c2f0', '1382778347',
(145, '_transient_dash_aa95765b5cc111c56d5993d476b1c2f0', '<div class="rss-widge
t"><ul><li><a class=''rsswidget'' href=''
lambous-nicsocks-selling-limited-edition-socks-online-with-wordpress/'' title=''
''> Nic Haralambous: Nicsocks: Selling Limited Edition Socks O
nline With WordPress</a></li><li><a class=''rsswidget'' href=''http://feedproxy.'' title=''Its easy to get distracted while writing posts. Youre in a
browser and you probably have a few other tabs open with notifications beeping
at you from every direction. On top of that, the WordPress post editor has a ton
of meta boxes competing for your attention. With all of this going on, how can
you focus on crafting beautiful words? The Distraction Free Writing Mode (DFWM)
feature was introduced in WordPress 3.2, giving users the opportunity to find a
zen place for writing while staying within the dashboard. Its launched via the ful
lscreen button in the editor, whisking you away to a screen with an intentionally
-limited button selection. These buttons fade away in the top menu as you begin
composing. Heres the default DFWM screen: WordPress Distraction Free Writing Mode
Enhance Distraction Free Writing Mode with the Visual Editor Many users love th
e minimalism of this screen and will write the text of their post but format it
later within the regular post editor. Just Writing is a new plugin that aims to
keep you in the DFWM for the entire writing and formatting process. Essentially,
the plugin enhances DFWM by adding the visual editor to the top with the other
buttons. It also disappears as per the normal behavior. Heres a look at the enhan
ced version with all the extra buttons turned on: With the plugin installed you
gain the Undo and Redo functions, text align, underline. proofreading and everythin
g that you would expect with the visual editor. Beyond that, Just Writing also p
erforms a few more subtle functions: Adds a Preview button to the right of the
Save button Moves the exit link to the right of the new Preview button as a real
button Re-orders the button list to make more sense Per-user preferences for en
abling Just Writing Per-user preferences for which buttons to display Even if y
oure not a fan of the visual editor buttons, the extra Preview button is a defini
te improvement over the DFWM in its default form. Installing the plugin also doe
snt universally apply the settings to all users. Each user is able to choose the
buttons he wants to display to create his own zen writing place. Customize Your
Distraction Free Writing Mode Experience Enhanced? Isnt the point of the distract
ion free writing mode to get rid of everything and just write? Sure there are so
me of you out there who hate the visual editor with a passion, but there are als
o many who currently depend upon it. Just Writing isnt an all-or-nothing plugin.
It has an options panel where you can add or remove support for any of the visua
l editor buttons: Just Writing plugin options These options allow you to select
the buttons that help you to stay in the flow while composing posts. Just Writi
ng is available for free in the WordPress plugin repository. If you feel like th
e Distraction Free Writing Mode is missing a few functions, give this plugin a s
pin and see if it enhances your writing experience. ''>WPTavern: WordPress Distr
action Free Writing Mode Enhanced</a></li><li><a class=''rsswidget'' href=''http
atic-core-updates-for-wordpress-3-7'' title=''So, how does this work?Today follo
wing the release of WordPress 3.7 many users are wondering where the settings pa
ge is to configure these options. The answer is that there is no settings page i
n the WordPress admin. If you upgrade to WordPress 3.7, the default behavior is
that youll be automatically upgraded for security and minor releases. The fact t
hat its security and minor releases only is a very important distinction here. Th
ese generally do not break anyones website, plugin or themes. If youre using a plu
gin that gets broken due to a security release, then that raises a red flag and
a few questions about how that plugin is interacting with the WordPress core. I
f you want to make changes to WordPress default behavior of keeping your site cu
rrent with security/minor releases, you will need to edit your wp-config.php fil
e. I asked Andrew Nacin if there is a plan to expose the core update configurat

ion options to the UI in the future. He replied that there is no good reason for
an opt-out UI now, but as we grow more confident, I imagine an opt-in UI for maj
or versions could be next. So maybe this is around the corner, but for now, read
on to learn how to configure your updates. 3 Basic Options for Core Updates in W
ordPress 3.7 Lets simplify things here. You basically have three options for Word
Press core updates: 1. Update the core for minor versions (on by default): If yo
ure running WordPress 3.7, theres nothing you need to do to turn this on. Youll be
automatically updated for security and minor releases. Heres what it would look l
ike in wp-config.php: define( &#039;WP_AUTO_UPDATE_CORE&#039;, &#039;minor&#039;
); 2. Disable all core updates: If youre uncomfortable with WordPress keeping yo
ur site current with minor releases and security updates, heres how you turn it o
ff. Add this to your wp-config.php file: define( &#039;WP_AUTO_UPDATE_CORE&#039;
, false ); However, I would encourage you to read this definitive guide from Nac
in before turning off core updates completely. 3. Get all updates, including dev
elopment, major and minor releases: This is the cowboy option that is probably m
ore likely something youd want to enable on a personal blog. If you turn this on
in wp-config.php, youll be automatically updated for every release that WordPress
puts out: define( &#039;WP_AUTO_UPDATE_CORE&#039;, true ); You can also apply
all of the above via new filters added in WordPress 3.7, as outlined in the code
x article on Configuring Automatic Background Updates. Filters are also availabl
e for plugin, theme and translation updates should you want to add those in the
mix, too. If youre scratching your head and trying to get your brain around all o
f these options, wondering what to do, then just leave the default options in pl
ace and dont mess with it. WordPress strongly discourages disabling the automatic
security updates. These updates have been heavily tested and are quite safe. G
etting hacked because you didnt want to take security updates would be really lam
e. The best option is to leave security updates in place. ''>WPTavern: How to Co
nfigure Automatic Core Updates for WordPress 3.7</a></li><li><a class=''rsswidge
t'' href=''
ss-3-7-released-wordpress-now-updates-itself'' title=''WordPress 3.7 has been re
leased and the big news is that WordPress now has the ability to update itself.
This begins a new era of automatic background updates for security and minor rel
eases. Web hosts around the world have been eagerly awaiting this release and ar
e cheering its arrival. The upgrade process has been greatly improved and boy is
it ever solid: We ended the WordPress 3.7 beta cycle with 112,434 automatic bac
kground updates attempted and not a single critical failure. Andrew Nacin (@naci
n) October 25, 2013 Not a single critical failure. Try blaming Nacin for that,
folks. WordPress 3.7 is dubbed Basie, after Count Basie, an American jazz piani
st with an unparalleled talent for improvisation. He learned to improvise while
playing along to silent films for a local movie theater. Before he was famous, B
asie sharpened his improv skills by playing jazz piano at parties and resorts. H
e went on to create his own jazz orchestra and mentor many other musicians along
the way. Count BasieIt seems fitting that this release honors Basie. The web is
full of hackers who seek to exploit any vulnerability they can find in WordPres
s. Users have to be quick to improvise and secure our sites as soon as minor rel
eases are shipped out. Automatic background updates give millions of users the a
bility to stay current with each security update. The beautiful thing is that its
totally effortless on the part of the user. On the surface you wont see too many
flashy UI improvements, but under the hood youll find a better engine. When you
search WordPress youll see better and more relevant results. Developers will be h
appy to find improved support for multisite, advanced date queries and a ton of
new functions to play with. You can review every last detail on the dedicated 3.
7 release page. wp-admin/about.phpWordPress 3.7 has a beautiful about.php page t
hat you can only see if you upgrade. Hint, hint. It includes a live demo of the
new password strength meter that will help you to create stronger passwords. Thi
s release also includes better global support for translations, meaning that it
will automatically install language files and silently keep them up to date. The
res a trend here: WordPress is doing a lot more for you in the background so that
you can focus on creating content. This sets the bar pretty high for what users
can expect from their publishing software in the future. Now that WordPress can

update itself, I am once again reminded that this software is a living, breathi
ng thing. Andrew Nacin, Dion Hulse and Jon Cave had the help of 211 contributors
in shipping 3.7. Hats off to these folks theyve worked hard and done well. Time
to celebrate with a few tunes from Count Basie and his jazz orchestra to kick o
ff your upgrades. By the way, if youre configuring automatic updates for everythi
ng, this is the last time youll ever have to update WordPress manually. ''>WPTa
vern: WordPress 3.7 Released: WordPress Now Updates Itself</a></li><li><a class=
''rsswidget'' href='''' title=''Version
3.7 of WordPress, named Basie in honor of Count Basie, is available for download o
r update in your WordPress dashboard. This release features some of the most imp
ortant architectural updates weve made to date. Here are the big ones: Updates w
hile you sleep: With WordPress 3.7, you dont have to lift a finger to apply maint
enance and security updates. Most sites are now able to automatically apply thes
e updates in the background. The update process also has been made even more rel
iable and secure, with dozens of new checks and safeguards. Stronger password re
commendations: Your password is your sites first line of defense. Its best to crea
te passwords that are complex, long, and unique. To that end, our password meter
has been updated in WordPress 3.7 to recognize common mistakes that can weaken
your password: dates, names, keyboard patterns (123456789), and even pop culture
references. Better global support: Localized versions of WordPress will receive
faster and more complete translations. WordPress 3.7 adds support for automatic
ally installing the right language files and keeping them up to date, a boon for
the many millions who use WordPress in a language other than English. For deve
lopers there are lots of options around how to control the new updates feature,
including allowing it to handle major upgrades as well as minor ones, more sophi
sticated date query support, and multisite improvements. As always, if youre hung
ry for more dive into the Codex or browse the over 400 closed tickets on Trac. A
New Wave This release was led by Andrew Nacin, backed up by Dion Hulse and Jon
Cave. This is our first release using the new plugin-first development process,
with a much shorter timeframe than in the past. (3.6 was released in August.) Th
e 3.8 release, due in December, will continue this plugin-led development cycle
that gives much more autonomy to plugin leads and allows us to decouple feature
development from a release. You can follow this grand experiment, and what were l
earning from it, on the make/core blog. There are 211 contributors with props in
this release: Aaron Brazell,Aaron D. Campbell,Aaron Holbrook,Aaron Jorbin,adamsilve
rstein,Alexander Hoereth,Alex Mills (Viper007Bond),Amy Hendrix (sabreuse),andg, Andr
ew Nacin,Andrew Norcross,Andrew Ozz,Andrew Spittle,askapache,atimmer,Barry,Beau Lebens
en.moody,Ben Miller,Bernhard Riedl,BFTrick, Billy (bananastalktome),bmb,Brandon Kraft
,brianhogg,Brian Richards,Bryan Petty,Carl Danley,CharlesClarkson,Chip Bennett,Chouby,
ris Olbekson, Chris Rudzki,coderaaron,Coen Jacobs,Colin Robinson,cyonite,Daan Kortenb
ach,Daniel Bachhuber,Daniel Convissor,dartiss,Daryl Koopersmith, Dave Ross,David Laie
tta,Dion Hulse,dllh,Dominik Schilling (ocean90),dpash,Drew Jaynes,DrProtocols,Dustin F
lippini,dzver,Edward Caissie,enej, Eric Andrew Lewis,Eric Mann,Evan Solomon,faishal,Fa
son,Foofy,Frankie Jarrett,Frank Klein,Gary Cao,Gary Pendergast,Gaya Kessler, George St
ephanis,Gizburdt,goldenapples,gradyetc,Gregory Cornelius,Gustavo Bordoni,hakre,Helen H
u-Sandi,Ian Dunn,Ipstenu (Mika Epstein),itinerant, J.D. Grimes,jakub.tyrcha,James Col
lins,Jen Mylo,Jeremy Buller,Jeremy Felt,Jesper Johansen (jayjdk),Joe Hoyle,Joey Kudish
,John Beales, John Blackbourn (johnbillion),John Fish,John James Jacoby,John P. Bloc
h,Jonas Bolinder (jond3r),Jonathan Christopher,Jonathan Desrosiers,Jon Cave, Jon Lyn
ch,Joost de Valk,Joseph Scott,Josh Betz,Justin de Vesine,Justin Sainton,K.Adam White,K
iley (trepmal),Ketwaroo,kevinB,Kim Parsell,kitchin, Konstantin Kovshenin,Konstantin O
benland,koopersmith,Kurt Payne,Lance Willett,Lee Willis (leewillis77),lessbloat,Lew Ay
otte,Luke Gedeon, Marcin Pietrzak,Marco Cimmino,Marco Galasso,Mark Jaquith,Mark McWil
liams,Marko Heijnen,Mel Choyce,Michael Beckwith,Mike Hansen, Mike Schinkel,Mike Schro
der,Milan Dinic,mitcho (Michael Yoshitaka Erlewine),Mr Papa,Naoko Takano,Naomi,Nashwan
Doaqan,NateJacobs,nathanrice, Niall Kennedy,Nick Daugherty,Nick Halsey,Nick Momrik,Ni
khil Vimal (NikV),Nikolay Bachiyski,noahsilverstein,nofearinc,nukaga,nullvariable,Oleg
Butuzov, Paolo Belcastro,Parham,Paul Biron,Paul de Wouters,pavelevap,peterjaap,Peter
Westwood,Philip Arthur Moore,Pippin Williamson,plocha,Pollett, Ptah Dunbar,Rami Yushu
vaev,Rasheed Bydousi,RayBernard,rboren,Reuben Gunday,rfair404,Richard Tape,Rick Radko,

bert Chapin,Robert Dall, Rodrigo Primo,Ron Rennick,rpattillo,Ryan Boren,Ryan McCue,Sam

Hotchkiss,Scott Reilly,scottsweb,Scott Taylor,scribu,scruffian, Seisuke Kuraishi (te
npura),Sergey Biryukov,ShinichiN,Simon Prosser,Simon Wheatley,Siobhan,Siobhan Bamber (
siobhyb),sirzooro,solarissmoke, Stephanie Leary,Stephen Edgar (@netweb),Stephen Harr
is,strangerstudios,sweetie089,swissspidy,Takayuki Miyauchi,Takuma Morikawa,Taylor Love
tt, tivnet,TobiasBg,Tom Auger,toscho,Travis Smith,Ulrich Sossou,vericgar,Vinod Dalvi,
ton Ruter,wikicms,Will Norris,Wojtek Szkutnik,wycks, Yoav Farhi, andYuri Victor. Enjo
y what may be one of your last few manual updates. See you soon for version 3.8!
''>Dev Blog: WordPress 3.7 Basie</a></li></ul></div> , 'no'),
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:"";}}}', 'yes'),
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0:{}}}}', 'yes'),
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(1, 1, '2013-10-25 21:05:09', '2013-10-25 21:05:09', 'Bem-vindo ao WordPress. Es
se o seu primeiro post. Edite-o ou exclua-o, e ento comece a publicar!', 'Ol, mund
o!', '', 'publish', 'open', 'open', '', 'ola-mundo', '', '', '2013-10-25 21:05:0
9', '2013-10-25 21:05:09', '', 0, 'http://localhost:8080/wordpress/?p=1', 0, 'po
st', '', 1),
(2, 1, '2013-10-25 21:05:09', '2013-10-25 21:05:09', 'Esta uma pgina de exemplo.
diferente de um post porque ela ficar em um local e ser exibida na navegao do seu si
te (na maioria dos temas). A maioria das pessoas comea com uma pgina de introduo aos
potenciais visitantes do site. Ela pode ser assim:\n\n<blockquote>Ol! Eu sou um
bike courrier de dia, ator amador noite e este meu blog. Eu moro em So Paulo, ten
ho um cachorro chamado Tonico e eu gosto de caipirinhas. (E de ser pego pela chu
va.)</blockquote>\n\nou assim:\n\n<blockquote>A XYZ foi fundada em 1971 e desde
ento vem proporcionando produtos de qualidade a seus clientes. Localizada em Vali
nhos, XYZ emprega mais de 2.000 pessoas e faz vrias contribuies para a comunidade l
ocal.</blockquote>\nComo um novo usurio do WordPress, voc deve ir at o <a href="htt
p://localhost:8080/wordpress/wp-admin/">seu painel</a> para excluir essa pgina e
criar novas pginas com seu prprio contedo. Divirta-se!', 'Pgina de Exemplo', '', 'pu
blish', 'open', 'open', '', 'pagina-exemplo', '', '', '2013-10-25 21:05:09', '20
13-10-25 21:05:09', '', 0, 'http://localhost:8080/wordpress/?page_id=2', 0, 'pag
e', '', 0),

(3, 1, '2013-10-25 21:05:35', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '', 'Rascunho automtico', ''

, 'auto-draft', 'open', 'open', '', '', '', '', '2013-10-25 21:05:35', '0000-0000 00:00:00', '', 0, 'http://localhost:8080/wordpress/?p=3', 0, 'post', '', 0);
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ription`, `parent`, `count`) VALUES
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om', '', '2013-10-25 21:05:08', '', 0, 'admin');

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