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Jenny Berlin
Room 107

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English 7 integrates reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Pre-writing activities from mapping to outlining
help students organize and focus ideas. Fluency is developed in writing paragraphs, essays, stories, character
sketches, etc. and independent reading skills continue to develop. The study of literature includes fiction and
nonfiction to which students are expected to apply critical-thinking skills. Vocabulary, grammar, and spelling
are taught through the reading and writing process.
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Literature available in print (in class) and online at (at home)
Students will receive usernames and passwords during the first few weeks of school
Freak the Mighty by Rodman Philbrick
The Westing Game by Ellen Raskin

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Student ID card (to check out books in the media center)
Folder for this class only
Checking pencil(s) for editing and revising
A blue or black pen for publishing
An independent reading book

Technology usage will follow all TSD and Baker Middle School rules. There will be situations in which personal
technology will be used in class. Acceptable technology use includes: calendars/organizers, E-readers, or
English related applications. If a student is found using technology inappropriately during class, an office
referral will be written. Parents and students may sign up for our Remind 101 account to stay informed of
information related to our class. We will sign up for this texting account in class, however, students must ask
parental permission before signing up for this service. Students also have a Google school account already
created and will be expected and informed of how to use this resource in class. More information regarding
technology can be found on our classroom Weebly:

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Be Respectful
Be Responsible
Be safe
All school rules apply in this classroom. Please visit the student/parent handbook for more information:

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violation (after positive redirection has been modeled):
Student fills out Reflection Form
Parent contact is made and reflection form is sent home requesting a parent signature

Same procedure as 1
Teacher fills out a Referral Form
Administer lunch detention (if teacher and student have common lunch) or an administrative after
school detention will be issued
Administrator and counselor are notified

Student fills out a Reflection Form
Student is sent to the office with an Office Referral Form

**Major behavioral violations will be immediately sent to the office**

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Students grades will be determined through tasks and assessments. These include, but are not limited
to: essays, tests, quizzes, writing projects and other formative assessment tasks. Students are
responsible for completing and turning in assignments on time. Any in class work that is not finished is
considered homework. Homework will be noted on the board and students are expected to write it in
their agenda books. All homework is due at the beginning of the hour to receive full credit. Specific
assignments and points can be found on Edline.

The grading scale is as follows:
A = 100-90%
B = 89-80%
C = 79-70%
D = 69-60%
E = 59-50%

Students will also earn an IB grade for the course. The objectives (criteria) of any MYP subject state the
specific target for learning. The objectives (criteria) for Language and Literature are: Criterion A
Analyzing, Criterion B Organizing, Criterion C Producing text, and Criterion D Using language.
Students will receive assessment rubrics that outline objectives prior to submitting their tasks.

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Assignments will be accepted up to two class periods after the assigned due date with a deduction of

1 class period late: 25% deduction
2 class periods late: 50% deduction

If an outstanding assignment is not turned in after the two days, the student may be required to come in
for a working lunch or before school detention to complete the assignment and earn a maximum of 50%.

If a student receives a score below a 75%, he/she will have the option to revise his/her writing, project or
retake a test. However, there are certain conditions that apply:
If it is a writing piece or project, the original piece must be returned with the revised copy, and a
parent signature. Revisions that are turned in without the original piece will not be graded.
The score received on the makeup assignment will be averaged with the original score. The new
score will be the grade in the grade book.

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Students are responsible for the material covered in class while they are absent. On they day
they return, they should:
Turn in any work that was due during absence.
Collect the work theyve missed from classmates.
Absent work due date is dependent on the number of classes missed.

If a student is absent the day of a test and knew the date ahead of time, he/she will make it up on the
day that he/she returns as long as no new material was covered.

If a student is gone for more than two days, missed a test review and missed instruction of a new
lesson, he/she will be given the change to come in before school to ask for help and a new test time will
be set up; either before school, after school, or during lunch.

If a project is due while a student is absent and he/she knew of it ahead of time, it is expected to be
turned in on the day that he/she returns.

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Plagiarizing, cheating or gaining unauthorized access to material through such behavior as going into a
teacher file or looking through a teacher desk will result in an office referral form, as well as, no credit for
the assignment.

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Student Name: _____________________________________________________________________

Hour (circle one): 1 3 4 5 6

Parent(s)/Guardian(s) - First and Last Name(s):

1._________________________________ 2.___________________________________

Parent/Guardian Email(s):
1._________________________________ 2.___________________________________

Contact Phone Number(s):
1._________________________________ 2.___________________________________

Please check box if:

I have visited

I have signed up for Remind 101 text/email alerts.

My student has regular Internet access through a computer, laptop, tablet, or
My student does NOT have regular Internet access through a computer, laptop, tablet, or

My student is given permission to sign up for text alerts via Remind 101.
My student is NOT given permission to sign up for text alerts via Remind 101.

My students picture may appear on the classroom website.
My students picture may NOT appear on the classroom website.

I have read the syllabus for Ms. Berlins English 7 class with my student and we understand the
expectations and responsibilities for this course, as well as the policies and procedures.

Parent:_________________________________________________Date: ______________

Student: ________________________________________________Date: _____________

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