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Laura Robison 3R Literacy Groups

Monday Week 7: Literacy groups

Learning intention: I can recognise collective nouns and use them correctly in talking and writing.
Success criteria:
I understand a collective noun refers to a group of people, animals, places or objects.
I use collective nouns in the correct context
I can match animals/people/places/things with their collective noun terms
I can link collective nouns between animals/places or things that are similar e.g. dogs and cats both have
litters of puppies/kittens.
Write 3-5 complex sentences with collective nouns in them. Each collective noun must represent
people/animals/places or things!
For example:
1. The party of friends arrived early at Daniels house, to surprise him.
2. The gaggle of geese chased Olivia through the school grounds until she became angry and chased them back until
they ran away.
3. Georgia bought Ms Robinson a huge bouquet of flowers because she was thankful for all the times she let
her play with her shoes.
4. The mound of dirt seemed really exciting to jump on until it began to rain and Nahim began sinking into mud
5. Aden and Syrus dived into the ocean and accidentally ate a school of fish because they kept their mouths
open under water.

Tuesday Week 7: Literacy groups focus
Learning intention: I can recognise and describe adverbial phrases.
Success criteria:
I know what a phrase is.
A can identify verbs in a phrase.
I know that an adverb is a combination of an adjective and a verb, e.g: steadily, cunningly, angrily, hungrily,
I understand that an adverbial phrase is 2 or more words which describe when, where, why or how
something was done. The explanation or description always relates to the verb in the phrase.

What Are Adverbial Phrases? (with Examples)

Wednesday Week 8: Literacy Groups focus
Learning intention: I can experiment with my poetry as an editing process.
Laura Robison 3R Literacy Groups
Success criteria:
I can critically analyse my own writing
I can experiment with how imagery is portrayed in my poem, by how the lines are presented.
1. Write your poem onto the blue lined paper, line by line.
2. Cut out each line and rearrange them until you create a different composition
3. Read out the different arrangements of the lines until you are satisfied with the overall sequence.
4. Paste the lines to coloured cardboard.

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