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Exp 7 (Raman)

Spectroscopy based on amount of radiation absorbed or produced by molecules.

IR and Raman are complementary; both probe characteristic vibrations in order to provide information
about the chemical structure of compounds.
Visible Light: 400 700 nm
(0.0001 nm) Gamma Rays -> (0.01 nm) Xrays -> (10 nm) UV -> Visible->(1000 nm) Infrared -> Radio
Waves (1 cm - 100 m)
IR spectra occur by measuring the absorption of IR radiation which is caused by the absorption of a
photon of energy hv (which is normally the vibrational energy spacing). (This is why IR is a branch of
vibrational spectroscopy). one photon process.
Vibrational states = quantized energy levels.
Vibrational transitions occur because a molecule has a number of vibrational states associated with the
bonds holding the molecule together.
Three ranges of IR: Far-IR [ x < 400 cm
], Mid-IR (MIR) [400 cm
, 4000 cm
], and Near-IR (NIR)
[between Mid-IR and Visible].
The interaction of radiation with matter can lead to absorption, emission, luminescence, refraction,
reflection, or scattering. Scattering of radiation is the basics of Raman spectroscopy.
Raman spectroscopy has scattering after a laser (highly monochromatic source) exposes the sample to
radiation. two-photon process.
Raman measurements usually pick up elastic scattering, where incident and scattered radiation are
equivalent. This is referred to as Rayleigh scattering.

In this experiment, the wavelength selector is the monochromator, the radiation transducer is the CCD
detector and the computer is the readout system.
Compounds used:

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