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contributor fong wa ing, ‘occupation: freelance writ cts = T HE YEAR | big adventure SS THE LE Ap” At my age, most people would have graduated from college and be working in a full time job, earning a stable income and living the life that they want. Being young has its advantages and the biggest of them all is that we have the rest of our lives ahead of us. But some say youth is wasted on the young. We've been thought of as frivolous and reckless, often making mistakes that lead us astray. However, a decision | made a couple of months back launched me to discover a new side of Malaysian youths that many people are oblivious to. This new generation of Malaysians is slowly changing the face of Malaysia and their stories need to be heard [Not too long ago, | was in a job that was as exciting as it was exhilaratingly fast 1 pay was good — I was working in one, =n stan la ecandie sale ae Oi iovls, unstable eating times, and vory itl ime for oat a sloniysankinto a position where wer ‘was all that could define me. | wasn't sure fit was my work that launched me into early exhaustion or the fact that | was born with a Generation birth code, You can say wo GonY babies are luckier -we wer raised in better economic era and most of us don't have a dependent next ‘of kn when we obtain our first pay cheque. We'w apable of doing what we want. With tis, most Gen ers belive that thre is something bigger to strive for ini about more then just having a career or {amily And as long as ve are not on that path fo pursue what we believe in, we will never beat pea

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