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Teacher Candidate Megan Schoolcraft Date__________________________

School Point Harmony Elementary Grade/Subject 2
e!!on To"ic "ha!e! of the moon Soft#are and Scenario______________________
o Student! #ill identify all "ha!e! of the moon$
o Student! #ill be able to accurately "roduce a model of the "ha!e! of the moon$
o Student! #ill %no# the order of the "ha!e! of the moon$
o SC!"!#!#!17 $ &nder!tand that the moon ha! "ha!e!$
o 'GSS ( %&#&ETS1&# $ De)elo" a !im"le !%etch* dra#ing* or "hy!ical model to illu!trate ho# the !ha"e of an
object hel"! it function a! needed to !ol)e a gi)en "roblem$
+)erall Time ( 60 minute lesson
Time ,rame - 2. min introduction
2. min formati)e a!!e!!ment
2. min !ummati)e a!!e!!ment
o Ha)e !tudent! com"lete /0 chart* go o)er /0 chart* !tart Po#erPoint on the moon* do fla!hlight and ball
demon!tration and acti)ity of the moon for formati)e a!!e!!ment* do etching "ha!e! of the moon for !ummati)e
o Thi! le!!on #ill greatly benefit !tudent! #ho are %ine!thetic* tactile* and )i!ual learner!$ During the le!!on*
!tudent! #ill be a"art of an acti)ity #ill they #ill hold a ball that act! a! the moon and they #ill rotate around the
!un* allo#ing them to !ee #hat "art! of the moon are lit u" at each !tage* thi! #ill greatly benefit the %ine!thetic
and tactile learner$ There #ill al!o be a #ritten Po#erPoint for !tudent! to #atch and go o)er* thi! #ill be great
for )i!ual learner!$ 1t the end of the le!!on* !tudent! #ill com"lete and etching #ith crayon of the different
"ha!e! of the moon$ Thi! #ill benefit all learning !tyle! 2 belie)e becau!e it i! hand! on* it! get! the !tudent!
mo)ing* and it i! a )i!ual re"re!entation of #hat the moon loo%! li%e$ Student! #ho !truggle #ith reading #ill be
read the Po#erPoint out loud$
I't()d*+t,)'/ Le)' Set
o ,or introduction of le!!on* !tart by "a!!ing out the /0 chart to !tudent!$ Chec% for under!tanding of #hat a
/0 chart i! and e3"lain to them that you #ant to %no# ho# much they %no# about #hy the moon change!
!ha"e or goe! through "ha!e!$ Gi)e !tudent! 4 min to com"lete the chart$
o +nce the !tudent! are done #ith the chart* call on about 5(4 !tudent! and ha)e them tell you #hat they already
%no# about the moon6! !ha"e and #hy it goe! through "ha!e!$ Then call on 5(4 !tudent! and ha)e them tell you
#hat they #ant to %no# about the !ubject$
B)d- . T(a',t,)'
o Go through the Moon Po#erPoint$ Ta%e time to go through each !lide and go o)er the different "ha!e! of the
moon$ 2f !tudent! need to !ee it dra#n out* then u!e the #hiteboard to illu!trate ho# the moon change! "ha!e!$
o 2f the !tudent! need the Po#erPoint to be gone o)er a !econd time* then go through it again and ma%e !ure
!tudent! a!% all the 7ue!tion! they need$
o 1fter the Po#erPoint* tell !tudent! to clear their de!%!$ They are no# going to tran!ition into a ne# acti)ity$
Place the fla!hlight in the front of the cla!!room and ha)e !tudent! !tand in the middle 8about 9 !tudent! at a
time: #ith a #hite foam ball !tuc% on their "encil$ Ha)e all other !tudent! mo)e to the !ide !o that !tudent!
"artici"ating can !ee$
ED& 5..(.; S"ring 2.;5
o 0ith that #hite ball* !tudent! #ill rotate ju!t li%e a moon doe! around the Sun$ Their head! #ill be acting a! the
earth< therefore* #hat they can !ee #ith their eye! i! #hat "ha!e of the moon i! ha""ening$ Student! #ill !tudy
and recall #hat the different "ha!e! loo% li%e$ 1fter !tudent! go through a full cycle of the "ha!e! of the moon*
bring u" 9 more !tudent!$ Each time a !tudent rotate!* ha)e them all tell you out loud #hat "ha!e of the moon
they are at$ Ha)ing !tudent! re"eat thi! o)er and o)er #ill hel" it !tic% in the child6! memory$
o 1fter the acti)ity* ha)e !tudent! all go bac% to their !eat! and clear off their !eat of e)erything e3ce"t for a blac%
crayon and a #hite crayon$
o 1t thi! time* !tudent! are going to ma%e an etching of the different "ha!e! of the moon$ Thi! acti)ity #ill !er)e a!
their !ummati)e a!!e!!ment$
o E3"lain to !tudent! #hat they are going to do before you hand them material!$ Go through the !te"! #ith the
children and #rite them do#n on the board !o that they ha)e !omething to reference bac% to$
o +nce you ha)e gone through the !te"!* !ho# children #hat a fini!hed "roduct of the a!!e!!ment #ould loo% li%e$
o 'e3t* hand out material! and a!!i!t any !tudent! #ho need hel"$
o Gi)e !tudent! about 2. minute! to fini!h a!!e!!ment$
o +nce !tudent! fini!h a!!e!!ment* ha)e then fill out the re!t of their /0 chart and turn it in$
o ,or my diagno!tic a!!e!!ment* 2 #ill ha)e !tudent! fill out a /0 chart$ Student! #ill tell me #hat they already
%no# about the moon6! "ha!e! and different !ha"e!$
o ,or my formati)e a!!e!!ment* 2 #ill ha)e !tudent! "artici"ate in an acti)ity that i! teacher led$ Student! #ill get
to demon!trate ho# the moon rotate! around the !un and earth in order to get "ha!e!$ 2 #ill "lace a big fla!hlight
at the front of the cla!!room that #ill act a! the !un$ 2 #ill choo!e four !tudent! at a time to come to the middle of
the cla!!room and "ut !mall foam ball! on the end of their "encil and hold it !traight out in front of them$ Their
head #ill act a! the earth and #hat the earth can !ee$ Student! #ill turn their bodie! around the cla!!room*
re"re!enting ho# the moon #ill only be lit u" either #holly or "artly by the !un and #hich "ha!e that re"re!ent!$
1fter tho!e four !tudent! "artici"ate in the acti)ity* 2 #ill choo!e four more$ Student! #ill tell me the "ha!e! of
the moon out loud !o that it i! mentioned re"etiti)ely and #ill !tic% in !tudent6! memory$
o ,or my !ummati)e a!!e!!ment* 2 #ill hand !tudent! a !mall "iece of com"uter "a"er$ 2 #ill tell !tudent! to get out
a #hite and blac% mar%er only$ 2 #ill demon!trate and e3"lain to !tudent! that they #ill be etching out "ha!e! of
the moon$ 2 #ill e3"lain to !tudent! the different !te"! 8color the entire !heet #ith #hite crayon* then to bac%
o)er it hard #ith blac% crayon* then u!e tooth"ic% to etch out "ha!e! of the moon: and then 2 #ill li!t the !te"! on
the board for the !tudent! to refer bac% to$ ,inally* 2 #ill !ho# !tudent! the finial "roduct and #hat it !hould loo%
li%e$ 2 #ill then "a!! out the tooth"ic%! or the !tudent! to u!e and a!!i!t !tudent! #ho ha)e any 7ue!tion! or
"roblem!$ 1fter !tudent! fini!h #ith the a!!e!!ment* 2 #ill ha)e them fini!h their /0 chart and turn it in$
o Com"uter
o Smart=oard
o Po#erPoint "re!entation
o Thumbdri)e
o ,oam ball!
o ,la!hlight
o 0hite com"uter "a"er
o =lac% and #hite crayon
o Tooth"ic%!
o /0 chart!
o ,inal "roduct of the etching acti)ity
o htt">//!ciencenetlin%!$com/interacti)e!/moon/moon_challenge/moon_challenge$html
o "ha!e! of moon handout
I5 St*de't F,',6e Ea(/-
ED& 5..(.; S"ring 2.;5
o 2f !tudent fini!he! early 2 #ill ha)e them fini!h the /0 chart$ 2f !tudent fini!he! that* then 2 #ill ha)e them try
to com"lete an online game dealing #it the "ha!e! of the moon on the com"uter$
I5 Le)' F,',6e Ea(/-
o 2f le!!on fini!he! early* 2 #ill ha)e !tudent! tell me one by one #hat all they learned from the le!!on and if they
got all of the 7ue!tion! an!#ered on the /0 chart$
I5 Te+6')/)0- Fa,//N)t A++e,7/e
o 2f technology fail!* 2 #ill "ro)ide a handout to the !tudent! of all of the "ha!e! of the moon and e3"lain to them
through lecture ho# the moon goe! through different "ha!e! during a month$
o 2 felt li%e thi! le!!on #ent )ery #ell$ +ne thing 2 #ould change about thi! le!!on i! that 2 #ould allot more time
for it$ 2 !cheduled for an hour le!!on and it too% me almo!t t#o hour! to get through it$ 1l!o* if 2 could do it o)er*
2 #ould ha)e e3"lained to !tudent! that they ha)e to "re!! hard #ith etching and coloring the "age$ 2 #ould al!o
allo# them much more time for that acti)ity too becau!e it too% !o long to color the "a"er$
Data Baed De+,,)' Ma9,'0 (I5 Needed)
o 1fter going o)er my final a!!e!!ment! that 2 ga)e my !tudent!* 2 found that in order for my a!!e!!ment! to be
com"letely accurate* 2 needed to allo# more time for !tudent! to com"lete the a!!e!!ment$ ,or my !ummati)e
a!!e!!ment 2 had !tudent! etch the "ha!e! of the moon out of #ith crayon and a tooth"ic%$ The !tudent! really
!eemed to li%e the a!!ignment but didn6t ha)e time$ 0hat 2 found after loo%ing at my rubric and com"aring it to
my !tudent6! #or% i! that mo!t !tudent! recei)ed 56! on their a!!ignment$ +ne that 2 found intere!ting i! that one
!tudent ju!t dre# ? circle! and #rote the name! of the "ha!e! underneath the moon but didn6t etch #hat "ha!e it
#a!$ Thi!* along #ith ha)ing a lot of !tudent! that only mi!!ed ; or 2 "ha!e!* let! me %no# that 2 !hould ha)e
allotted more time for the !tudent! to com"lete their a!!ignment$
ED& 5..(.; S"ring 2.;5

Scientific Drawings : Moon Phases Etching
Teacher 'ame> Me0a' S+6))/+(a5t
Student 'ame> ________________________________________
C1TEG+@A 9 5 2 ;
Dra#ing Student accurately
dra#! all ? "ha!e!
of the moon$
Student accurately
dra#! all B(4 "ha!e!
of the moon$
Student accurately
dra#! all 9(2 "ha!e!
of the moon$
Student accurately
dra#! all ;(. "ha!e!
of the moon$

2dentification Student accurately
identifie! all ?
"ha!e! of the moon$
Student accurately
dra#! all B(4 "ha!e!
of the moon$
Student accurately
dra#! all 9(2 "ha!e!
of the moon$
Student accurately
dra#! all ;(. "ha!e!
of the moon$

+rder Student correctly
li!t! ? of the "ha!e!
of the moon in
Student correctly
li!t! B(4 of the
"ha!e! of the moon
in order$
Student correctly
li!t! 9(2 of the
"ha!e! of the moon
in order$
Student correctly
li!t! ;(. of the
"ha!e! of the moon
in order$

ED& 5..(.; S"ring 2.;5
2dentification +rder
4 ? ? C
3 2 2 5
2 ; 2 2
1 ; . 2
Dra#ing 2dentification +rder
4 4 4 9
3 2 ; 2
2 ; ; ;
1 . ; ;
1ccording to thi! data* 2 learned that my girl! !truggled #ith thi! le!!on more than my boy!
did$ The boy! under!tood the material and #ere doing #ell at the dra#ing and the identifying* the
order a fe# boy! !truggled$ +n the girl! !ide* about C.D #ere !coring 96! on e)erything* the re!t #ere
!truggling$ 2f 2 could reteach thi! le!!on again* 2 #ould !"end more time on the le!!on and find
different !trategie! to hel" the girl! !ucceed more
ED& 5..(.; S"ring 2.;5

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