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Symposium agenda

ACIAR Project FIS/2007/124 Diversification of smallholder coastal aquaculture in Indonesia

Time Topic Presenter/Chair
0800 - 0900 Travel to venue (Unhas)
0900 - 0930 Opening and welcome KMB /UNHAS
Prof. Dr. Ir. A. Niartiningsih, MP
0930 -1000 Introduction to FIS/2007/124
Mike Rimmer, Imran Lapong
1000 - 1030 Outcomes of pond trials in South Sulawesi
Tilapia trials at Samalanga
Rajungan trials at Laikang
BBAP Takalar
1030 - 1100 Coffee break
1100 - 1130 Outcomes of ponds trials in Aceh
Tilapia trials at Samalanga
BBAP Ujung Batee
1130 - 1330 Lunch and Sholat Jumat
1330 - 1400 Land suitability mapping RICA Maros
1400 - 1430 Socio-economic aspect of technology adoption
By farmers in South Sulawesi
Mardiana E. Fachri, Nana S.,
Imran Lapong, Jo millar
1430 - 1500 Disscussion link with NGOs and other
agencies in South Sulawesi and Aceh
Mahatma Lanuru, Ageng Herianto
1500 - 1530 Closing KMB

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