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Teacher Name: Ms.

LeBlanc Content Area: Art

Date: 9/15/14 Class Hour: Pre-K (6
Desired Outcomes
I can identify shapes
I can arrange shapes
Assessment of Learning

Formative: Students hold up correct shapes when prompted
Students put shapes together to create a picture
Arts/Technology Integration Strategy

Shapes Powerpoint presentation
Time Frame Learning Plan
1. Intro: We have been learning about shapes! Who can hold up the Square?
The oval?... etc.
2. Direct Instruction (I DO): T demonstrates how to arrange shapes along the bottom
edge of paper to look like buildings
3. Guided Practice (We DO) T lays a rectangle along bottom of paper and S do the
same. T lays another next to the first, S do the same.
4. Independent Practice (You DO): S continue to fill the paper with shapes that
represent buildings
5. Lesson Closure: S point to one shape on their picture and name it as T walks
around the room.

Construction paper, pre-cut shapes

Teacher Name: Ms. LeBlanc Content Area: Art
Date: 9/16/14 Class Hour: 2
grade (6
Desired Outcomes
I can identify different types of lines
I can create different types of lines
Assessment of Learning

Formative: S creates different types of lines on art project

Arts/Technology Integration Strategy

Powerpoint presentation
Time Frame Learning Plan
1. Intro: Review; who can give an example of a geometric shape?
Well today we are going to talk about different types of lines!
2. Direct Instruction (I DO): Teacher shows slides of different types of lines and
students help name them
3. Guided Practice (We DO): Teacher demonstrates drawing each type of line and
labeling it while students follow along
4. Independent Practice (You DO): Students draw different types of lines inside of
the shapes on their project.

5. Lesson Closure: Line quiz; T shows slides of each line and class shouts out the
name of each.


Paper, markers, rulers

Teacher Name: Ms. LeBlanc Content Area: Art
Date: 9/17/14 Class Hour: Pre-K (6
Desired Outcomes
I can use shapes to create a picture
I can use a glue stick correctly
Assessment of Learning
Formative: S layer shapes to create art; S attach shapes with glue; S twist glue down and replace cap

Arts/Technology Integration Strategy
Powerpoint slides

Time Frame Learning Plan
1. Today we are going to put our shapes together to make buildings!
2. Direct Instruction (I DO): T demonstrates how to use gluesstick, then how to glue
shapes to paper
3. Guided Practice (We DO): T and S practice removing cap and twisting gluestick
up together. T & S practice gluing shapes together. T & S practice twisting
gluestick down and returning cap together.
4. Independent Practice (You DO): S work independently to glue shapes to paper to
create buildings.

5. Lesson Closure:
T walks around and has each S point to and identify one shape in their artwork.

Pre-cut shapes, construction paper, glue sticks

Teacher Name: Ms. LeBlanc Content Area: Art
Date: 9/18/14 Class Hour: 2
grade (6
Desired Outcomes
I can color inside of the lines
I can follow directions to create artwork
Assessment of Learning

Formative: S color shapes of buildings only (inside of the lines), S follow directions correctly to create

Arts/Technology Integration Strategy
Powerpoint slides
Time Frame Learning Plan
1. Intro: Today we will add color to our artwork!
2. Direct Instruction (I DO): T demonstrates parts of artwork that may be colored in.
T demonstrates tips for coloring inside of the lines.
3. Guided Practice (We DO): S point to parts of picture that are to be colored. S
follow along with T to color one shape inside of the lines.
4. Independent Practice (You DO): S continue to color until all buildings are colored

5. Lesson Closure: T demonstrates how to create a reflection by spraying picture
with water and folding paper. T sprays pictures and S fold their own to create a


Paper, Washable markers, Spray bottle, water

Teacher Name: Ms. LeBlanc Content Area: Art
Date: 9/19/14 Class Hour: Pre-K (6
Desired Outcomes
Objectives: I can identify colors
I can use markers correctly
Assessment of Learning

Formative: Students use correct color when prompted; Students color with markers and return caps to

Arts/Technology Integration Strategy

Power point slides

Time Frame Learning Plan
1. Intro: T provides each S with a pile of different colored slips of paper. S hold up
each color when prompted
2. Direct Instruction (I DO): T demonstrates how to use markers by removing cap,
coloring, and returning cap. . T shows class an artists palette and explains how it
is used to choose paint colors. T demonstrates how to draw a shape of color on
the palette.
3. Guided Practice (We DO) T prompts S to create shapes one color at a time while
demonstrating on the board.
4. Independent Practice (You DO):
S use markers to create a colorful background picture, while T monitors use of

5. Lesson Closure: T has S review their colors by pointing to each color on their
picture when prompted. T has S double check to make sure all marker caps are on

Pre-cut paint palettes, washable markers, construction paper

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