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The student is in high school and is studying abroad in Germany.

She is
taking history, math and language classes. Gender does not matter very
much for this student. She is treated just as other students are treated in the
classroom. In order to efectively teach this student I need to understand her
culture as an American. Being that she is from ennsylvania I kno! that by
la! she is re"uired to meet s#eci$c standards in each subject. %ath should
not be a struggle for us, but communicating in language arts and history
could #resent a challenge. In America, she goes to school from eight in the
morning to three in the afternoon. &ere, in Germany she !ill be attending
school from eight in the morning until noon or one in the afternoon. 'nlike in
the states, she !ill be faced !ith a large amount of home!ork that is
e(#ected to be com#leted in the hours she is not at school. The content
kno!ledge that I !ill be teaching my class !ill not need to change too
drastically. I !ill be going more in)de#th !ith our history content in order to
give *iernan a better understanding of our country and our culture. I !ill be
using several visuals in order to hel# *iernan in her learning. I !ill be
sho!ing videos, as !ell as #ictures to teach her about the history. +e may
also do role)#lay to hel# her to really get involved !ith her #eers in the
classroom. In order to #re#are the class for *iernan,s arrival, I !ill be labeling
everything in the classroom. The students !ill come to the understanding
that !e need to have #atience !ith *iernan and hel# her !hen she may
need assistance. I !ill remind them that she is very ca#able of doing !hat I
e(#ect of her, but that they should understand if she makes a mistake. I !ill
e(#ect *iernan to try her best !hile she is in my classroom. +e !ill be
learning about this history of Berlin. Throughout her time here I !ill challenge
her to make com#arisons bet!een our culture, and her o!n culture at home.
-or one of the history lessons !e !ill focus on German food. This !ill hel# us
to focus on history, social studies, and culture, as !ell as communication
skills. By the end of the lesson I !ould like the class to have an
understanding as to !hat traditional German food is, ho! to make a sim#le
dish, and communicate their e(#eriences !ith food through a narrative. In
the lesson, I !ill #resent #hotos, and videos illustrating a traditional German
meal. I !ill also bring in sam#les of traditional food in order for the class to
try. *iernan !ill be able to connect !ith the culture through this by being
directly involved in !hat the rest of the class is doing. She !ill come to
understand a small #art of the German culture through trying the food. Then,
I !ill give student ingredients and a reci#e. In grou#s, they !ill make the
sim#le dish I have assigned them. *iernan !ill be #laced !ith an
understanding grou# of students !ho !ill hel# her identify ingredients and
#erha#s act out the instructions on the reci#e. After this activity, the
students !ill share their dishes !ith the rest of the class. -inally, each
student !ill !rite a narrative of an e(#erience they have had !ith traditional
German food, or #erha#s !rite a story about the im#ortance of food in the
home. *iernan !ill be able to !rite in .nglish, and incor#orate any German
!ords that she does kno!. %y ho#es for the activity are that *iernan !ill be
able to learn some ne! vocabulary through the reci#es and develo# a sense
of con$dence in her !riting.

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