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Teacher Candidate Megan Schoolcraft Date October 8, 2013

School Cross Lanes Elementar !rade"S#b$ect %indergarten
Lesson To&ic Learning the Letter 'T(
St#dents )ill recogni*e letters of the al&habet
St#dents )ill identif sight )ords the ha+e learned
St#dents )ill ,no) and recogni*e the letter T
St#dents )ill listen to so#nds of letter, re&eat letter, and )rite do)n the letter
St#dents )ill &rod#ce )ords the ,no) that start )ith letter T or ha+e the letter T in them-
RLA!"!#!1!$ % .ame all lo)er"#&&er case letters in random order
RLA!"!#!1!1 / Segment )ords into &honemes 0cat 1 "c" "a" "t"2
RLA!"!#!1!& / #se basic elements of &honetic analsis 0e-g-, common letter"so#nd relationshi&s,
beginning"ending consonant so#nds, short +o)el so#nds, )ord &atterns2-
o 3- St#dents a&&l ,no)ledge of lang#age str#ct#re, lang#age con+entions 0e-g-, s&elling and
&#nct#ation2, media techni4#es, fig#rati+e lang#age, and genre to create, criti4#e, and disc#ss &rint and
non/&rint te5ts-
Le'( t'') * epa+ate da, t' -'.p/ete
O+erall Time / 100 min- lesson
Time 6rame 7 20 min re+ie) &honics
80 min- introd#ction and bod
80 min- assessment and clos#re
Start Sa5on 9honics lesson )ith the st#dents, do :l&habet :cti+it )ith the ball, 9honological"9honemic :)areness
acti+it )ith ball, Dail Letter and So#nd ;e+ie), S&elling So#nd ;e+ie), Sa5on 9honics letter T )or,sheet, read 'M T
<oo,(, 9ict#re of T items, Treas#re =#nt, !ro#& assessment acti+ities 0Com&#ter Center, T#rtle Craft, <o5 of ;ice, >ord
>eb )ith Letter T-
%inesthetic learners )ill be able to hands on dig in rice and hold ob$ects that do and do not start )ith the letter T-
<eha+ioral &roblem st#dents )ill be monitored and if get o#t of hand, )ill ha+e assistant to hel& them )ith acti+it-
St#dents )ith +is#al &roblems can sit closer to board-
St#dents )ere introd#ced to the letter T earlier in the )ee,-
I(t+'d0-t1'(/ Le'( Set
? )ill introd#ce the lesson b going o+er their ro#tine Sa5on 9honics-
9la al&habet acti+it and &honological"&honemic a)areness ball game )ith st#dents
Com&lete dail letter and so#nd re+ie) )ith the children
;e+ie) s&elling and so#nd
:&&lication and contin#al re+ie) )ith the letter T )or,sheet
ED@ 300/01 S&ring 2013
B'd, 2 T+a(1t1'(
? )ill read the 'M T <oo,( to the st#dents to get them more familiar )ith the letter T
.e5t )e )ill loo, at a Sa5on 9honics &ict#re that has a lot of items that start )ith the letter T in the &ict#re and
let st#dents &ic, o#t things in the &ict#re that the can find that start )ith the letter T
.e5t ? )ill transition the gro#& and hel& them go on a 'Treas#re =#nt( aro#nd the classroom to find things that
start )ith the letter T-
? )ill bring gro#& bac, to the car&et to let them listen to an al&habet song abo#t the letter T
? )ill assess the st#dents thro#gh their gro#& )or,-
? )ill ha+e 8 different gro#&s )or,ing at the same time
o Com&#ter Center
o Craft Center" T is for T#rtle
o =#nting for letter T items in rice bin
o Letter T )ord )eb-
E+er ten to fifteen min#tes ? )ill rotate gro#&s so that each st#dent )ill be able to go to each gro#&
? )ill be diagnosticall assessing st#dents b obser+ing the st#dents com&lete the Sa5on 9honics Letter T
)or,sheet- ? )ill )al, aro#nd the room as ? assist the st#dents and tell them )hat to do ne5t- ? )ill ma,e mental
note of )hich st#dents )o#ld &robabl need more )or, than others-
6ormati+e assessment )ill ta,e &lace d#ring the treas#re h#nt- :fter st#dents ha+e been introd#ced to the letter T
and ha+e been able to see things in a boo, or in a &ict#re that start )ith letter T, st#dents )ill )al, aro#nd the
classroom finding and identifing things that start )ith the letter T or the recogni*e the letter T so#nd in the
name of the ob$ect-
S#mmati+e assessment )ill ta,e &lace d#ring gro#& )or,- ? )ill be able to see )hich st#dents #nderstand the
so#nd that the letter T ma,es and )ill be able to identif it in the )or,- One gro#& )ill be on the com&#ters
)or,ing on the )ebsite :<Ca-com- :nother gro#& )ill be in the bac,, c#tting and gl#ing together a T is for
T#rtle craft- There )ill be an assistant teacher )ho )ill administer the sand bo5 gro#&- ? )ill ha+e items hidden
in the bo5 of sand- St#dents )ill ta,e t#rns finding items in the bo5 and the )ill ha+e to tell the teacher )hether
or not the ob$ect starts )ith the letter T- ? )ill go aro#nd the gro#& and one b one, st#dents )ill tell me a )ord
that the ,no) starts )ith the letter T or has the letter T in it-
1/A letter cards
1/A &ict#re cards
Sa5on 9honics )or,sheet 18- 0 Letter T >or,sheet2
'M T <oo,(
Letter T &ict#re
Letter T song on Smart<oard
Letter T materials" non letter T materials
Bes and .o notecards
2A T#rtle foam &lates
2A co&ies of T#rtle c#t o#t
ED@ 300/01 S&ring 2013
8 9oster <oards
shar&ie mar,er
'Chic,a Chic,a <oom <oom( boo,
I7 St0de(t F1(18e Ea+/,
?f st#dents finish earl the can go to the classroom librar and &ic, #& a boo, to read and loo, at #ntil class is
abo#t to go to l#nch-
I7 Le'( F1(18e Ea+/,
?f the lesson finishes earl, st#dents can share )hat )ords the came #& )ith on the Letter T )ord )eb- ?f there
is still time, teacher )ill read 'Chic,a Chic,a <oom <oom( to st#dents #ntil it is time to go to l#nch
I7 Te-8('/'3, Fa1//N't A--e19/e
?f technolog fails, teacher )ill &re&are a mi5 and match sight )ord acti+it for st#dents on the com&#ter center-
:lso, teacher )ill read boo, b holding it and sho)ing st#dents aro#nd the room &ict#res-
? thin, that this lesson )ent e5tremel )ell- =a+ing this be one of m first lessons e+er ta#ght,
m coo&erati+e teacher told me ? did a )onderf#l $ob- D#ring this lesson the st#dents seemed
to sta engaged and foc#sed on the tas, at hand- ? had &lanned to teach for a straight C0
min#tes- >hen ? )ent in the first da, ? )ent )a o+er m time- ? had alread ta#ght for o+er
an ho#r and a half, and still had other some acti+ities to do in gro#& )or,- O+erall, the entire
lesson ended #& being abo#t 2 ho#rs long- One thing ? learned from this lesson )as that ?
needed to manage m time better )ith st#dents- O+erall the st#dents had a great learning
e5&erience and ? thoro#ghl en$oed teaching ,indergarten for the first time-
ED@ 300/01 S&ring 2013

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