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Strategies implanted in our year 5 class room to carer ALL students:

delay in
To cater to these students the teacher will allow as much time needs for
each of these students to complete task at hand. Students will also have
the opportunity to work together in group. The teacher aid will also assist
these students to help them and guide them through tasks.

To accommodate to the student's short attention span, academic
assignments should be brief and feedback regarding accuracy
immediate. Longer projects should be broken up into manageable
parts. Short time limits for task completion should be specified and can
be enforced with timers.

Attention to task is improved when the student with ADHD is engaged in
teacher-directed as opposed to independent seat-work activities. Also,
the teaching of note-taking strategies increases the benefits of direct
instruction. Both comprehension and on-task behaviour improve with
the development of these skills.

Class-wide peer tutoring provides many of the instructional variables
known to be important in setting up students with ADHD for success. For
example, it provides frequent and immediate feedback. When
combined with a token economy, peer tutoring has been found to yield
dramatic academic gains.

The rules given to students with ADHD must be well defined, specific and
frequently reinforced through visible modes of presentation. Well-
defined rules with clear consequences are essential. Relying on the
student's memory of rules is not sufficient. Visual rule reminders or cues
should be placed throughout the classroom. It is also helpful if rules are
reviewed before activity transitions and following school breaks. For
example, token economy systems are especially effective when the
rules for these programs are reviewed daily.

The regular parent will also assist the student with task as hand to keep
the child focus and to support and help the student when needed.

Extension exercise and analysing them critically.
Allow students to pursue independent projects based on their own
individual Interests. Independent projects can be assigned on the basis
of ability level. Encourage creativity and original thinking among
students. Allow them to explore ways of connecting unrelated issues in
creative ways.

Team teaching, collaboration, and consultation with other teachers. Use
the knowledge, skills, and support of other educators or professionals in
the schools. (Callahan,1997)

Callahan, C. (1997). Giftedness. In G.G. Bear & K.M. Minke(Eds.), Childrens
needs II:Development, problems, and alternatives. Bethesda, MD: National
Association of School Psychologists.

English as
a second
Some ESL students do not have sufficient knowledge of the English
language to understand the instructions that are provided by their
teachers. As such, they may not know exactly what is going on in their
classes. Teachers have to encourage their students to ask for
clarification when they do not understand certain instructions. During
the course of a lesson, they have to let their students know which points
are important and give them more time to ask questions. At the end of
the lesson, they should ask the students to write down all the things that
they have learned and aspects of the lesson that they are unsure of.
Then, they can use the information to provide better clarification at the
beginning of the next lesson. (Cintro,2014)
Journals are especially helpful in ESL classrooms if students are reminded
that they are personal, thus they can put grammar and spelling aside
and simply let their thoughts and ideas flow. Once relaxed, second-
language learners can experiment with vocabulary and won't feel
hindered by the idea that their paper will come back riddled with red

Giving students the option to read their journal entries aloud creates a
close-knit group of students who felt free to share what was on their
mind. When I used journals in a general education setting -- which
included all students, including ESL -- the journals helped students realize
that they often share the same problems, frustrations and hopes for the

For many students, the trauma related to the
refugee experience will also interfere with
their capacity to learn and they will take a lot
longer to make progress in learning English
in the first instance. The key strategies can be categorised into
two groups
Existing programs
Program responses

Create an environment where learners feel secure and are
prepared to take risks
Support and value learners languages and cultures
Build on the knowledge, skills and understandings that students
bring to the learning context
Build on the linguistic understandings students have of their own
Encourage the use of the learners first language if the learner is
literate in that language
Use themes and topics which are relevant to learners particular
needs and experiences.
Reading for the second language learner involves transferring
skills from the first language (if he or she can read in the first
language) to the second as well as becoming familiar with:
new set of sounds and sound groupings which differ from
the first language
new intonation patterns and their meanings
new patterns of stress and pause
new sets of culturally-specific knowledge, values and
new grammar conventions eg different word order in
new print conventions eg reading from left to right

s students

Effective instructional strategies will
encourage Aboriginal students to
become independent, strategic learners by:
engaging and motivating them
reflecting their cultures and worldviews
helping them focus
organizing information for ease of understanding and remembering.
Students become successful strategic learners when they are offered: a
variety of approaches and learning materials
appropriate support that includes
modelling, guided practice and
independent practice
opportunities to transfer skills and ideas from one situation to
meaningful connections between skills and ideas, and real-life
opportunities to be independent
t and show what they know
encouragement to self-monitor and self-correct
tools for reflecting on and assessing their learning.

The following types of instructional strategies can be especially
effective for Aboriginal students:
graphic organizers

cooperative learning
independent study
service learning.

No English Dont Panic: Ministry of Education and Training, Victoria

Teaching and Learning Strategies for ESL Learners R-12. Education
Department of SA (1993)

Classroom management: minimalizing noise, organising seating
arrangements to maximise listening,
Increasing the students awareness of hearing problems, and of the
factors in the classroom environment that advise affect hearing and
helping them to become more responsible for quality of their own
learning environment.

Developing the language skills that underline written literacy.
Using a variety of teaching methods such as one to one, small group
and whole group.

Allowing longer time to complete task, using group tutoring and indirect

The teacher aid will also be at hand to overlook and monitor if
assistance if needed.

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