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Learning experience 13: Letter writing continued and editing

Time: 60 minutes

Classroom organisation: booklets, group collaboration, independent
Curriculum links: Experiment with text structures and language features
and their effects in creating literary texts, for example, using imagery,
sentence variation, metaphor and word choice (ACELT1800)

Investigate how vocabulary choices, including evaluative language can
express shades of meaning, feeling and opinion (ACELA1525)

Learning objectives:
Writing and creating WC6
editing for content, language, visual choices and to enhance meaning

1) The teacher will inform students that today we will again be focusing on
the body of our letter, and for those who are almost finished with the
body can begin the conclusion

2) Students will be split into their region groups and work individually. For
students who unsure of what to write visual cues from past lessons will
be placed around the classroom, and will be explicitly told to those
students who need extra help.

3) The teacher will explain to students what Is expected and will revise on
previous lesson if necessary

4) Students are able to begin writing their letter until asked to stop by the

5) Halfway through, the teacher will ask a different student from last week
to read out an example of their letter to gauge whether students are on
the right track.

6) specific probing questions will now be asked to determine students
capability of the task:

Plan, draft and publish texts using strategies including:
sourcing reliable information and recording detailed notes
using features such as full indexes and paragraphs that aid
Is yours similar to this?

Does it have similar components?

Can you think of a better sentence variation to use?

Are there any language choices you could change?

Is there an idea expressed in this letter that could be used in my letter?

7) Students will now spend the remainder of the lesson working on their

8) For students who attempt finishing their letter than most they are to
work on editing their letter

9) Students will then be asked to close their eyes on reflect on the work
they did today. The effort they put in and what they can do next lesson
to ensure they continue working hard on their letters.

Assessment: Formative: Checking the current work (booklet), Discussion and
Adjustments: Refer to lesson 10s adjustment

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