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Learning Experience Plan 1 Tune In

Lesson Focus
Inquiry Tune In Introductory
lesson: Investigating the places
that people live in
Learning Area / Strand
Geography- People live in
Year Level
Date - September
60 minutes
Prior knowledge of learners (What do they already know?)
Learners have knowledge that people live in different types of houses
Learners understand that people from different cultures live a different settings
Learners are familiar with the term shelter and understand that homes provide shelter
Lesson objective/s
The reasons why some places are special to people, and how they can be looked after (ACHGK004)
Evidence of learning
Drawing pictures identifying the importance and function of a home through pictorial
representation on a mind map
The students are able to look, listen and determine the sounds that occur at each place
around the community through an interactive ICT tool
Ability to describe the features of their special place based on what they see, hear, smell and
feel (emotion)
Identifying visual representations of places around the community
Resource Package One consists of the following parts:
Mind map
Interactive whiteboard
Ebook (The Three Little Pigs)
Neighbour look and listen ICT tool
the topic
of the
1. Teacher introduces the topic to the students encouraging a whole class
discussion through asking the following questions
What is a home?
Can you tell me some words that describe your home?
Is everybodys home the same?
What are the different types of homes in our community?
2. Read the ebook story of the Three Little Pigs to the students as a shared reading
while students sit on the carpet. Emphasise particular words in the story to
encourage curiosity and interest in the topic. Ask the following questions to
reflect on the characters and events in the book and test engagement:
Who were the characters in the book?
Why were they trying to protect their house?
What are some things that are important to you about your house?
Lesson Body
the content
3. Mind Map - What are the features of your home?
Short individual task The teacher asks students to think quietly in their head
for 3 minutes the following things:
Who lives in your home?
Learning Experience Plan 1 Tune In

What are the special places/ features in your home?
Why is your home special to you?
4. The Mind Map worksheet resource is then introduced to the students and the
teacher explains the steps to complete the activity. Students are told to draw
illustrations of their thoughts about their own home in the bubbles of the mind
5. The resource allows the students to display their knowledge and understanding
of a home and draw pictures identifying the importance and function of a home
through pictorial representation. The teacher allows students to work
independently to reflect on prior knowledge of safety, shelter etc.
6. After the students have drawn their representations, the worksheets are
collected and the teacher initiates a group discussion about shelter, who lives in
their home, leisure activities and the things that they do at home.
7. Text is then scribed by the teacher as a caption for each illustration on the
students worksheet, allowing the students to tell the teacher what to write
This provides a students centred approach.
8. ICT Tool Activity - Engage the students in a whole class activity using
Neighbourhood look and listen an ICT tool implemented on the interactive
whiteboard. Students are directed to sit on the carpet in a group while the
digital tool is displayed on the IWB.
9. The teacher selects different students to come up to the board and touch the
board with the pen in each place. The students are then able to explore by
looking and listening to the sounds that happen at each place.
10. This will then lead them into a group discussion with the teacher guiding the talk
asking the following questions:
Why are there different noises at each place?
What types of people visit these particular places?
Are the features different at each place?
the lesson
Students discuss and reflect on the concepts that they have learnt.
The teacher allows the students to understand that each persons home is different
as they contain different features within their home to become emotionally
attached to their special place.
Evaluation / Reflection

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