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This contribution to modern thought, from Michael Hayes, is a hefty, detailed, a

dmittedly controversial, and stimulating work. It is both a difficult book, yet

an important book. I first came across Hayes's ideas in his earlier book - 'The
Infinite Harmony' - 10 years previously (1994) and was greatly impressed by it.
This present work, a decade later (2004), is equally impressive and uses the pre
vious work as a springboard on which to develop. Saying this, much of the first
book is alluded to here so reading it is not a pre-requisite. 'High Prists, Quan
tum Genes' is heavily influenced by the teachings of Gurdjieff, as reported by O
uspensky - and the reader would benefit from a knowledge of these systems althou
gh, again, this is not a pre-requisite. The difficulty of this book - and also i
ts great strength - lies in the author's ability to weave together strands of kn
owledge that underlie pivotal systems of esoteric knowledge (Hermetica; I-Ching;
Egytian & Pythagorean metaphysics) with recent scientific findings in such fiel
ds as molecular biology (DNA); physics (Relativity Theory); and quantum mechanic
s (Non-locality, particle/wave duality) - and in a manner that is markedly more
'down-to-earth' than many modern authors in these fields. This is not another 'q
uantum psychology' book, nor 'Zero Gravity' speculation. It is a serious culmina
tion of many varied mathematical, geometrical, and genetic truths/findings into
a coherent whole. That Hayes has managed to provide an answer at all is an achie
vement. That he could do it with both feet firmly on the ground is of respect to
the reader. If you are interested in Egyptology, psychological transcendence; h
olography; and the 'why' and 'where' of human and cosmic evolution, then try thi
s book. It will tax you, yet it is, I feel, ultimately rewarding and of great be
nefit. I would wonder/ask whether Hayes has familiarised himself with JG Bennett
's 'Masters of Wisdom' as well as the biophysicist Mae-Wan Ho who is doing some
excellent research into 'quantum coherence' and 'biophoton emission' and the sup
erconductivity of human cells and DNA. Books like this don't come around too oft
en - perhaps this is because it requires conscious effort on behalf of the reade
r. Thanks for the book Michael.

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