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Symmetry in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

Per mi s s i o n i s g r an t ed t o ed u c at o r s t o r ep r o d u c e t h i s wo r k s h eet f o r c l as s r o o m u s e
Hunt Comparison
Student Name ___________________________________________________ Date ________________
Instructions: Use the following chart to compare the hunt scenes and the temptation scenes in
Fitt 3 of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.

Bertilak / The Hunt The Lady / The Temptations
Day 1 Details of the hunt: (How does the
animal act when hunted?)

The winnings:

Details of the temptation: (How does
Gawain act when pursued?)

The winnings:
Day 2 Details of the hunt:

The winnings:

Details of the temptation:

The winnings:
Day 3 Details of the hunt:

The winnings:

Details of the temptation:

The winnings:

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