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Program Title: Arts Integration Practice in Rural and/or Minority Majority Schools Project

Grant Title: Arts and Learning Grant, Nebraska Arts Council

Submitted by: Friends of Lied-Lied Center for Performing Arts
Date Oct. 1, 2014
The anthologies in this work sample were created as part of the in-classroom residencies that were co-
planned by teaching artist Sarah McKinstry Brown working with arts integration teachers Edna Stoeklen
and Lydia Anglin. (Both are Native American educators at the Umonhon Nation School). These
anthologies were one set of "evidence" of student learning that were collected and identified by the
teachers and teaching artist. They were printed and made available to every student and their parents as
part of the culminating event, where students shared what they learned with other students/classrooms;
parents and family members were also invited to attend the final sharing experience.

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