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SQL Server Performance Tuning.


1. Data Retrieval with no indexes.

2. Clustered index.
3. Non-clustered index
4. Online indexes.
5. The role of indexes in insertion and deletion.
6. How to create a index
a. The T-SQL create index statement.
b. The SQL Management Studio.
c. The SQL Distributed Management Framework.
2. Dropping and renaming indexes.
3. Displaying information about indexes.
a. The system stored procedure sp_helptext.
b. The system table sysindexes.
c. Using metadata functions to obtain information about indexes.
d. The DBCC statement DBCC SHOWCONTIG.
4. Creating index on views.
5. Creating index on computed columns.
6. Using index to retrieve data.
7. Retrieving a single row.
8. Retrieving a range of rows.
9. Covered queries.
10. Retrieving a single row with a clustered index on a table.
11. Retrieving a range of rows with a clustered index on a table.
12. Covered queries with a clustered index on a table.
13. Retrieving a range of rows with multiple non-clustered index.
14. Choosing indexes.
a. Why not create many indexes?
b. Choosing sensible index columns.
c. Choosing a clustered index or a non-clustered index.

What is Query optimization?

1. When is a query optimized?

2. The steps in query optimization.
3. Index selection
a. Column statistics.
b. Updating index and column statistics.
c. When can we not use statistics?
d. Translating rows to logical reads
i. No index present.
ii. A clustered present.
iii. A non-clustered index present.
iv. A non-clustered index present and clustered index present.
v. Multiple non-clustered indexes present.
e. Join order selection
f. How joins are processed.
i. Nested loops joins.
ii. Merge joins.
iii. Hash joins.

Influencing the query optimizer

1. Query plans in management studio.

2. Hinting to the optimizer.
a. Join hints.
b. Table and index hints.
c. View hints.
d. Query hints.
2. Stored procedure and the query optimizer.
a. Changes to the table structure.
b. Changes to the indexes.
c. Executing update statistics.
d. Table data modification.
e. Mixing ddl language and dml language statements.
f. Forcing recompilation.
g. Aging stored procedure from the cache.

SQL Server and Windows

1. How SQL Server uses CPU?

a. Priority
b. Use of symmetric multiprocessing systems.
c. Thread use.
d. Query parallelism.
e. Solving problems with CPU.
2. SQL Server and memory
a. How SQL Server uses memory.
b. Configuring memory for SQL Server.
c. Investigating memory bottleneck.
d. Solving problems with memory.
3. SQL Server and Disk I/O
a. How SQL Server use Disk I/O?
b. An overview of data cache.
c. Keeping tables and indexes in cache.
d. Read-ahead scans.
e. Shrinking database files.
f. Investigating disk I/O bottlenecks.
g. Solving disk I/O problems.

Monitoring Performance

1. System stored procedures.

2. System monitor, performance logs, and alerts.
3. SQL Server Management studio
a. The SQL Server Profiler
b. What events can be traced?
c. What information is collected?
d. Filtering information.
e. Creating a SQL Profiler trace.
f. Creating traces with stored procedures.
2. Database Engine Tuning Advisor.
3. SQL OS and resource consumption.

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