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Tiruchirapalli Railway Station. Morning 6.00 Sep 2009.
Here coe! Megha with her "ad. Megha i! a 20 year! old girl doing her #nal year in
engineering. Megha wa! $orn and $rought up in %hennai. She cae to Trichy &or a
&aily occa!ion and returning alone to %hennai, due to her e'a! a! her &aily
!tart! the ne't wee(. )ir!t let u! !ee a$out Megha
Megha wa! the lo*ely child o& her &aily. E*eryone li(e! her a lot. +hate*er !he
want! !he will get it.She i! !o &riendly with her parent!. She lo*e! the a lot. ,ut
!till !he i! not happy, $ecau!e her $igge!t eney i! her !hort teper. "ue to thi!
!he ne*er had any &riend. She wa! all alone in her childhood.-n college day! !he got
!oe good &riend! li(e .reethy.
,ut !till her heart $ound! &or one per!on in her li&e.
/gain in Railway !tation.
Megha0! dad le&t her in the train and went. Megha wa! tra*elling alone in train.
Train tra*el i! one o& the lo*elie!t tra*el!, where one can thin( a$out their pa!t li&e,
their i!!ed &riend! and any. E*eryone would ha*e e'perienced it at lea!t once in
their li&e. Megha i! not only tra*elling in train, $ut al!o tra*elling 1 year! $ac( in her
li&e in her eorie!. 2et u! tra*el with her.
-t wa! Megha0! !chool day!. E*eryone will ha*e *ery good eorie! o& their !chool
li&e, $ecau!e !chool li&e i! the place where we were innocent, we ne*er worried
a$out li&e, a$out oney, a$out !tatu! etc etc School li&e wa! !uch a hea*enly li&e.
Megha al!o lo*ed her !chool li&e not only $ecau!e o& thi! $ut al!o $ecau!e o& /rjun.
/rjun i! Megha0! $e!t &riend in !chool. He (now! her &ro childhood. ,oth li(e each
other *ery uch. ,ut they $ecae *ery good &riend! in their higher !econdary.
Megha u!ed to $e alone in !chool, $ecau!e her &riend! will tea!e her that !he i! #t
&or nothing, only intere!ted in !tudie! and doe!n0t (now how to enjoy. E*en though
Megha want! to enjoy, !he won0t ingle a! her &riend! ay tea!e her again. ,ut
/rjun ne*er tal(ed li(e that to her. +hile all other &riend! o& Megha (ept a di!tance
&ro her, a! !he i! !hort tepered, /rjun i! the only one per!on who (eep! on
playing jo(e! on her. -n &ront o& other! !he pretended that !he doe!n0t li(e hi!
pran(!, $ut really !he li(ed hi. Slowly !he !tarted tal(ing with hi and later on
they $ecae *ery good &riend!. Megha enjoyed e*ery oent o& her li&e with /rjun.
He too cared her a lot and ne*er wanted to i!! her. ,ut Tie won0t let !uch thing!
to happen right..3 Their !chool li&e got o*er. Megha couldn0t $elie*e that !he i!
going to i!! /rjun. She can ne*er $e happy in her li&e without hi. ,ut what !he
can do3
Megha !aid, 4/rjun, Thi! i! going to $e the la!t5, $e&ore !he copleted it, 46o
Megha, .lea!e don0t coplete it, - can0t hear it5, !aid /rjun.
Megha7 ,ut it0! true /rjun - will i!! you a lot.
/rjun7 Me too Megha. 78 . 6o one can replace you in y li&e.
They !aid $ye to each other and went.-n tho!e tie! there were not any cell
phone! and SMS o9er!.They ne*er et again.
/gain -n the Train.
Megha wa! thin(ing a$out /rjun, how nice he wa! to her 46o one can replace you
in y li&e5 The!e la!t word! o& /rjun alway! ringed in her heart. She i!!ed hi a
lot. -t had $een ore than : year!. She ne*er !aw hi or tal(ed to hi. She heard
&ro !oe o& her other &riend! that he too wa! doing engineering. Her heart longed
to !ee hi. ,ut !he (now! it will ne*er happen
,ut in li&e une'pected thing! happen! at une'pected tie!
Train wa! nearing %hennai !tation, !o Megha chec(ed her luggage and wa! ready to
get down. She got down in %hennai Egore !tation and wa! wal(ing toward!
entrance. 6ear one !hop there, !he !aw !oeone &ailiar, !oeone clo!e to her,
and !he juped with joy. ;e! it i! /rjun, Her /rjun. She can0t $elie*e her eye!. He
too !aw her. Tear! #lled their eye!. They wanted to !pea( $ut the crowd didn0t allow
the to coe near. Suddenly Megha0! uncle cae there to pic( up her and !he
couldn0t !ee /rjun anyore. She &elt *ery !ad that day, a&ter : year! !he !aw hi,
$ut !he couldn0t tal( with hi. The entire day /rjun wa! in her eorie!, !he can0t
ta(e hi out o& her. ,ecau!e the Moent !he !aw hi, the oent tear! rolled in
her chee(!, !he under!tood that !he i! in lo*e with hi. Megha Thought.5+hat a
unluc(y per!on a -3 /&ter : year! - !aw hi $ut couldn0t !pea( to hi5Suddenly
the phone ranged She pic(ed it
Megha7 Hello3
<ther !ide7 Hello i! it Megha3
Megha7 ;e!, and who i! that3
<ther !ide7 /rjun Megha
Megha7 /rjun. 8She can0t $elie*e it= /rjun i! that you3 How long it had $een
/rjun3 "o you ree$er e /rjun3
/rjun7 Hey Megha !tupid, how will - &orget you3 How are you3 - wa! longing to !ee
you. Today when - !aw you in Station, &elt !o happy, $ut when - cae there you
went. Then - &ound thi! nu$er &ro our &riend! and called you
Megha7 Stupid, -0 !o happy now."o you ha*e a o$ile nu$er
/rjun7 ;e! Megha. -0 now in train going to Madurai. - will !urely eet you a&ter
coing $ac(.
Megha7 Sure /rjun >7=?
They e'changed their Mo$ile 6u$er!. Megha &elt !o happy. She can0t $elie*e
e*erything happening around her. /rjun, the one who !howed her what happine!!
i!, i! $ac( in her li&e. The only per!on who !he wanted to eet again wa! /rjun.
She than(ed @od !e*eral tie! &or thi! happy oent and went to !leep happily.
,ut !he ne*er (new that She i! going to &ace *ery tough tie! o& her li&e a&ter
thi! Megha wa! !o happy. She ne*er &elt thi! uch happine!! in her li&e. She
&elt that !he !hould !hare her &eeling! to !oeone. +hene*er we &eel happy, or
whene*er we &eel !ad, the #r!t per!on coe! to our ind i! our $e!t &riend,
$ecau!e they only can help you in whate*er !ituation you are. So Megha went to
eet .reethy, her dear &riend.
.reethy, on !eeing Megha &elt !o happy and !aid, 4Hi Megha, How are you dear3 -
a !o happy to !ee you. +hen did you coe $ac( &ro Trichy3 How wa! the
journey3 Hey you loo( !o energetic and $right. -! there /nything Special35
Megha !aid, 4;a - cae ye!terday and you (now one thing3 Today - et /rjun, My
o!t dear &riend in !chool. Hope - told you a$out hi $e&ore5
.reethy (now! Megha well. She told a$out /rjun to .reethy !o any tie! and
whene*er !he tell! the nae 4/rjun5, !he had !een the lo*e and happine!! in
Megha0! eye!. She !aw the !ae happine!! in her today.
.reethy !aid, 4;e! Megha, you had told a$out hi. +hat0! !o !pecial in it dear35
4+hat0! !o !pecialAAAAA3 Hey .reethu, the oent - !aw hi, - realiBed y lo*e on
hi. ;e!, /rjun i! y li&e5 !aid Megha.
4H, thi! i! what - e'pected &ro you. <( do you (now whether he li(e! you or
not3 +ithout (nowing it, ne*er a(e !o any e'pectation! dear, $ecau!e, when
your e'pectation &ail!, you can0t $are the pain. "on0t thin( that - a tal(ing in a
negati*e way, - ju!t wanted to a(e clear5 !aid .reethy.
Megha replied, 4<( dearA - will tal( to hi and then - will decide a$out it5
2ater Megha !tarted waiting &or /rjun to call her. /&ter 2 day! /rjun called her.
/rjun7 Hi MeghaA How are you dear3
Megha7 - a #ne /rjun. How are you3 +hen you are coing $ac( &ro Madurai3
/rjun7 y0day i reached. Shall we eet today3
Megha7 ;eah !ure >7=?
/rjun and Megha eet that e*ening. They tal(ed &or a long tie. They li(ed to $e
together &or long tie. Megha enjoyed e*ery !econd $eing with hi.
)ro that day, Megha and /rjun $ecae *ery clo!e to each other. They u!e to !g
and tal( in phone e*ery day. E*ery wee(end either one o& the will go to other0!
hoe.E*en though Megha had a o$ile $e&ore, !he ne*er u!ed to $e te't aniac.
,ut a&ter /rjun entered in her li&e, !he can0t !pend e*en a inute without te'ting
hi. +hen /rjun doe!n0t re!pond to her iediately, !he will get angry and will
!tart !colding hi. The !ae happened one day.
/rjun7 Hi Megha.
Megha7 Hi /rjun 8+hat0! wrong with hi, He !ound! !o !eriou!=
/rjun7 +hat0! wrong with you3 ;ou (now - had !oe project wor( and wa! tal(ing to
y Mentor regarding that. That0! why - couldn0t an!wer your e!!age!. ,ut, &or thi!
!iple thing you are getting angry and !aying good $ye and all. "on0t $e li(e thi!
dear. -t0! not good &or you. Seriou!ly - got angry on !eeing that. ;ou (now e well
and you (now that - ne*er want to hurt you. Then why you did li(e thi!3
Megha7 - a really !orry /rjun. 8Hope he will &orgi*e e.=
/rjun7 -t0! o( dear. That oent - &elt angry, $ut now - a not, $ecau!e how can -
lo!e y lo*ely &riend. "on0t do li(e thi! again. <(ay3
Megha7 <(ay /rjun C Sure.
Megha !tarted thin(ing a$out /rjun. 4+hat a !tupid a -3 - hurt hi a lot. - !hould
ne*er do thi! again. /nd - !hould ne*er act li(e thi! to anyone, &or y /rjun5 .)ro
that day, Megha !tarted to $e !o cal and lo*ely to all. E*en her other can0t
$elie*e it. She changed her!el& &or /rjun.
"ay! pa!!ed, Megha0! lo*e on /rjun increa!ed day $y day. /rjun al!o wanted to $e
with Megha e*ery oent. ,oth !hared their &un, #ght! and all happening! in their
college e*ery day. E*ery oent Megha wanted to tell /rjun that !he lo*e! hi, $ut
!he doe!n0t want to !poil their career. So !he waited &or the end o& their college
day! to con*ey her lo*e to hi and !he $elie*ed that /rjun al!o will lo*e her.
)inal !ee!ter E'a, 2a!t "ay
Megha called .reethy, 4.reethy, today - a going to e'pre!! y lo*e to /rjun. -
can0t wait anyore5. 4/ll the *ery $e!t dear5, !aid .reethy. ,ut .reethy wa! not !ure
a$out /rjun0! reply. So !he a!(ed Megha to $e con#dent and in&or her on e*ery
Megha called /rjun to coe to the near$y re!taurant. -nitially they tal(ed a$out
their e'a! and their career. /&ter !oe tie Megha !tarted. 4/rjun, - wanted to !ay
!oething to you5, !aid Megha in a low *oice. She wa! *ery ner*ou!. She had ne*er
$een thi! uch ner*ou! in her li&e.
4<h dear, e*en - want to tell a Happy new! to youAAA5 !aid /rjun. Megha got
con&u!ed. She doe!n0t (now what to !ay. So !he decided to allow /rjun to !ay the
happy new!. 4+hat0! the happy new! /rjun35 a!(ed Megha, hiding her ner*ou!ne!!.
/rjun7 Megha, - a in 2o*e.
Megha7 <h greatAAA8;ou don(ey, add the word 4+ith you5 at the la!t, - a waiting
&or it. <( 2et e play &or !oetie=. +ho i! that luc(y girl /rjun3 >7.?
/rjun7 - (new her &or a long tie. She i! a *ery nice girl. - lo*e her a lot. - can0t li*e
in thi! world without y 2o*e. She too (now! e well, and care! &or e. Hope !he
too i! in 2o*e with e.
Megha7 8<h, he i! trying to get it &ro e, - won0t !ay, let hi !ay=. -! that !o /rjun3
@reat yaarAA %ongrat!.A +hat i! the 6ae o& the 2uc(y girl33
/rjun7 Her 6ae i!.
Megha7 8Soon dear, longing to hear y nae &ro you=
/rjun7 Her 6ae i! /R%H/6/
Megha couldn0t $elie*e what !he heard. She wa! in a *ery happy ood and wanted
to e'pre!! her lo*e to /rjun. ,ut the Moent /rjun !aid that he lo*e! /rchana,
Megha don0t (now what to do.
/rjun7 Megha3 +hy you are Silent3
Megha7 8%ontrolling her tear!= 6othing /rjun, you ne*er told a$out /rchana to e,
$ut today you are !aying you lo*e her. - wa! thin(ing a$out it.
/rjun7 Sorry Megha, - thought you will !cold e, $ecau!e you will alway! ad*ice e
to !tudy, !o only. ,ut, you0re the #r!t per!on to who - a tal(ing a$out y lo*e da
.- ha*e not yet propo!ed to /rchana.
Megha7 <h @reatAAAA
/rjun7 ;ou won0t a!( how - et her and all ah. +hy are you !o !ilent today3
Megha7 8<h @od, - want to o*e &ro thi! place.= 6othing li(e that da. ;ou !ay. How
you et her3
/rjun7 She i! &ro y college. The day when - !aw her, - &elt that !he i! &or e. -
!po(e to her once or twice $ut ne*er !aid y lo*e. 6o <ne can replace her in y
Megha wa! a$out to cry when !he heard the la!t &ew word! &ro hi. The!e are the
!ae word! which /rjun told a$out her in their )arewell, the word! which ade
Megha lo*e /rjun. ,ut now when /rjun !aid tho!e word! &or /rchana, She can0t $are
the .ain. She !uddenly &ainted.
+hen Megha wo(e up, !he wa! in .reethy roo. /rjun wa! !tanding near$y with
tear! in hi! eye!./rjun !aid, 4+hat happened dear35
,e&ore Megha could re!pond, .reethy !aid, 4/rjun, let her ta(e re!t and it! alo!t
tie, $etter you !tart, - will a!( her to call you $y Morning5/rjun went with hea*y
heartE he cannot under!tand what happened to Megha.
/! !oon a! /rjun went Megha $ro(e into tear!. She wa! controlling her!el& &or long
tie, which ade her &aint. She a!(ed .reethy what happened a&ter !he &ainted.
.reethy !aid, 4/ctually - wa! in the !ae re!taurant, !orry &or &ollowing you. - (now
that you cannot $ear i& /rjun denie! you. So - wanted to $e with you at that tie.
,ut - ne*er e'pected that /rjun will !ay that he lo*e !oeone el!e. - !aw you
&ainted and iediately cae near your ta$le. /rjun wa! in !hoc( and doe!n0t
(now what to do. -ediately we got a Ta'i and cae to y roo. - (now why you
&ainted, $ut - told /rjun that you had lot o& !tre!! due to e'a! and that0! why you
&ainted li(e that. - al!o told your Mo that tonight you are !taying with e a! our
college li&e i! gonna end. So ta(e re!t here dear. 4 Megha wa! !till crying. She can0t
$elie*e e*erything happened that e*ening. She con!oled her!el& that it0! a weird
drea, $ut truth cannot $e a drea right3 She cried whole heartedly to .reethy.
Megha !aid, 4.reethy, you (now how uch - lo*e hi, $ut he ne*er &elt that lo*e &or
e3 +hat0! wrong with e3 / - not good3 - alway! wanted to $e with hi and
a(e hi! li&e happy. ,ut, he ne*er had !uch &eeling &or e. +hy it0! happening li(e
thi! to e35
.reethy wa! *ery worried a$out Megha. She wanted her to &orget all the!e !tu9 and
$e happy. .reethy a!(ed Megha, 4.lea!e dear, don0t thin( all the!e thing!, now you
are clear that he lo*e! !oeone el!e. So &orget it. That i! good &or your &riend!hip.
.lea!e da, you u!t.5
Megha !aid, 4.reethy you (now that - got placed in ,angalore, $ut - don0t want to go
$ecau!e - ne*er want to i!! y /rjun. ,ut, today he eant that he $elong! to
!oeone el!e and -0 only hi! &riend. <( let e $e hi! &riend &ore*er5
.reethy don0t (now how to con!ole her.She !aid, 4<( Megha, now you (now that he
lo*e! /rchana, !o it0! tie to o*e away &ro /rjun. So that /rjun can $e happy
with her, and you too can &orget the!e thing!. ,etter go to ,angalore and join in
that jo$. Try to o*e away &ro /rjun in all a!pect!. Megha, $e clear in one thing,
once you &all in lo*e with !oeone, you can ne*er thin( hi a! your &riend a&ter
that. ;ou ay !ay now that he i! only your &riend, $ut whene*er he tal(! a$out hi!
girl, you ay not &eel co&orta$le and will &eel the pain alway!. ,etter o*e away
&ro hi. "o thi! &or e, &or your &aily who lo*e! you a lot. .lea!e dearAA5
Megha &elt that !he too need! to ha*e a $rea( &ro /rjun, $ecau!e i& !he !ee! hi,
!he cannot react norally. So !he decided to go ,angalore and join in that jo$.
/rjun called Megha the ne't day.
/rjun7 Hi Megha. How are you3
Megha7 Hi /rjun. -0 #ne now. Sorry - !poiled your good ood. "id you !po(e with
/rjun7 6o Megha. How can -3 ;ou are not &eeling well. So - can0t thin( anything el!e
Megha7 Hey idiot. @o and !pea( with her #r!t.
/rjun7 6o - can0t. She went to her 6ati*e ye!terday night. >78?
Megha7 <h dear. <( no pro$le, go to her nati*e. Spea( with her, e'pre!! your lo*e
&or her, and don0t $e li(e a !tupid. -t0! a high tie now. <r el!e you ay i!! her.
/rjun7 Megha, /re you !eriou!3 - too thought o& that, $ut - don0t (now whether - can
go or not. She i! in Trichy. Shall - go3
Megha7 <& cour!e /rjun. ;ou go. Say your lo*e. %oe $ac( with !ucce!!. /ll the
/rjun7 Than( you dear. - a !tarting now it!el&.
Megha turned to .reethy and !aid, 4;ou ay wonder, why - a!(ed hi to go to
/rchana0! 6ati*e. ,ecau!e - don0t want hi to $e here while - !tart to ,angalore. -
ha*e to join ne't wee(. ,ut, - will !tart toorrow orning it!el&. - want !oe $rea(
&ro e*erything.5
.reethy replied, 4+hate*er it i!, don0t ta(e any wrong deci!ion. Hope you
under!tand5. Megha !aid, 4;eah, !ure. - will li*e at lea!t &or y &aily and $elo*ed
&riend li(e you5Megha told her parent! that !he want! to go to ,angalore. +hen !he
got placed, her parent! thought that !he won0t go there and they don0t (now what
to do now. ,ut, her parent! ne*er want to hurt her and ga*e her peri!!ion to go to
That night, /rjun called her.
/rjun7 Hi Megha, - cae to Trichy.
Megha7 /h.. /rjun !hall - tal( to you later, - a pac(ing y thing!.
/rjun7 +here are you going3 /ny *acation plan3
Megha7 6o /rjun, - got a jo$ and need to join there !oon. So -0 going to ,angalore
toorrow. Ha*e only le!! tie to pac(.
/rjun7 Megha, you ne*er told e you got a jo$, and why you are going !o !oon, that
too when -0 not there. - want to !end o9 you da. - will i!! you.
Megha7 8"on0t !ay that again /rjun, - ay cry.= /rjun, - will tal( to you later. - ha*e
lot! o& wor(. ,ye.
She cut the phone without waiting &or hi! re!pon!e. She (new that !he will cry i&
!he continue! to !pea(. Megha ne*er thought o& lea*ing /rjun, $ut today !he
wanted to o*e away &ro hi! li&e. /rjun too &elt !oething di9erent in Megha.
So Megha i! o*ing away &ro %hennai, thin(ing that !he i! ne*er gonna !ee or
tal( to /rjun in her li&e &ore*er. ,ut, in our li&e, e*erything happen! in a di9erent
2et0! !ee what happen!
Megha cae to ,angalore and joined in the jo$. She &elt !o lonely without /rjun and
.reethy. ,ut, !he ne*er want! to tal( to /rjun in her li&e. She tried to concentrate on
her wor(. /rjun tried to call Megha !e*eral tie! $ut he couldn0t contact her.
2ater on Megha changed her nu$er and /rjun &elt *ery !ad a$out it. He ne*er
thought Megha will go away &ro hi! li&e li(e thi!."ue to the pain! Megha &aced in
her li&e, !he $ecae !o !ilent at wor(. E*en in training !he u!ed to $e *ery cal.
+hile all her $atch ate! u!e to enjoy, !he will $e !itting alone and will $e writing
poe! and !torie! in her $log. -t had $een 1 onth!, !ince Megha cae here, !till
!he don0t ha*e any good &riend!. She alway! li(ed to $e alone.
Megha0! training got o*er and !he got an option to o*e to %hennai. ,ut !he !aid,
4- li(e to $e here, and don0t want to go there5. .reethy called Megha and a!(ed why
!he did !o.
.reethy7 Hi Megha dear..AA How are you3
Megha7 -0 #ne da, How are you3
.reethy7 ;eah -0 #ne. +hy you pre&erred ,angalore, when you got %hennai a! an
option3 ;our Mo and "ad are really !ad.
Megha7 &or the !ae rea!on why - cae here, - cho!e ,angalore. - ne*er want to
!ee /rjun again. - can0t &orget hi. -& - !ee hi again, - can0t $are the pain.
.reethy7 <h dear, &or that you are hurting your parent! da. They &eel !o lonely
without you.
Megha7 - (now da. - won0t $e here &ore*er. /t lea!t - need a year or 2 to $ecoe
noral. /&ter that - will coe there. Sure..reethy7 /nyway da, - &eel !o !ad a$out
you. Ta(e care.
Megha !tarted wor(ing in ,angalore. She enjoyed doing her jo$. She (ept her!el&
engaged in !oething. Though !he didn0t tal( with anyone, e*eryone got a good
opinion on her. E!pecially Farthi(.
Farthi( al!o wor(! in the !ae copany and he !tay! near Megha0! place. He li(ed
Megha a lot, ju!t $ecau!e o& her cal nature. He li(ed all her po!t! and alway!
wanted to $e her &riend. ,ut, a! Megha ne*er tal( to anyone, he doe!n0t (now how
to !tart their &riend!hip. ,ut it happened.-t wa! Saturday.
Farthi( u!ed to enjoy wee(end! with hi! &riend!. That Saturday wa! one o& hi!
&riend0! $irthday and they went out to enjoy. )ir!t they planned to go to $rigade
road &or !hopping and then to garuda all. -n ,rigade road, he !aw Megha. He
alway! li(ed Megha a lot, and li(ed to !pea( to her. He thought thi! would $e the
correct tie to !pea( to her and o*ed toward! her. Megha wa! !hopping with
!oe &our (id! and !he wa! !pea(ing with one lady in the !hop and a&ter !oetie
!he le&t the !hop. Farthi( wanted to !pea( with that lady. So he went to that lady
and a!(ed a$out Megha.
That lady replied, 4- Fnow Megha only &or the pa!t 2 Month!. <ne day, !he !aw our
!chool children on her way to wor(, and !po(e with the. <n hearing that they were
!truggling to get e*en te't $oo(! &or their !tudie!, !he wanted to help the. She
et e and !po(e on thi!. )ro that day, we $oth !tarted rai!ing &und! &or the!e
children0! education. She !po(e in her wor(place and they are al!o helping our
!chool a lot. She i! !o nice. She didn0t !top with !pending oneyE !he al!o !pend!
!oe tie with the children and help! the in their !tudie! too.5
<n hearing thi!, Farthi( !tarted li(ing her a lot. He wanted to eet her. Suddenly he
!aw Megha cro!!ing the road, !o run toward! her. ,ut he didn0t notice the %ontainer
coing on that way. ,ut Megha !aw hi and the container and iediately pulled
hi away. She !colded hi &or $eing !o carele!! on the road. ,ut, Farthi( didn0t
hear anything. He wa! near the girl who he longed to eet, and !he wa! !pea(ing
with hi. He wa! !iply !iling at her.
Megha wa! con&u!ed on !eeing that. She !aid, 4Hello, are you li!tening to e3
.lea!e coe to thi! world &ro your iagination.5 Suddenly he realiBed the current
!ituation and re!ponded, 4<h, !orry !orry, - didn0t !ee the container, $ecau!e -
wanted to !top you.5Megha wa! ta(en a$ac( on hearing thi!. She a!(ed, 4+hy do
you want to !top e35. Farthi( !aid, 4,ecau!e, - wanted to join hand! with you in
the !chool wor( you do3 - alway! li(e to do !uch wor(. Shall - join you35
Megha replied, 4;eah !ure 7=, - too want !oeone0! help in thi!. Than( you5.
/&ter that they had &oral introduction! and tal(ed well. Megha u!ed to call Farthi(
e*ery wee(end to the !chool. He too lo*ed to $e with Megha. They $ecae good
&riend! and Megha too li(ed Farthi(0! &riend!hip. Since !he cae to ,angalore, !he
&elt !o lonely, $ut now Farthi(0! &riend!hip (eep! her happy.
<ne day, Farthi(0! &riend Ra a!(ed hi a$out hi! &riend!hip with Megha. Farthi(
!aid, 4+e are ju!t &riend!5. Ra !aid, 4Hello !ir, e*eryone will !ay the !ae dialogue
at the $eginning, $ut we (now how it will end. ,e &ran( an, - can !ee the lo*e in
your eye!. ;ou e'pect her to call you e*ery wee( and can0t !pend e*en one day
without !eeing her in oGce. 6owaday!, e*ery wee(end you li(e to !pend with her.
+hat i! the eaning o& thi!3 Cu!t &riend!3 %an you !pend a day without thin(ing o&
her3 E=5
Farthi( wa! !urpri!ed on hearing that. He ne*er thought o& Megha in !uch a way.
Suddenly Farthi(0! .hone ringed. 8;ou all e'pect that -t u!t $e Megha on the other
!ide, !orry it0! the call &ro cu!toer care 7.=.
The ringtone wa!,
4HiBhi oodi yo!ithal angeyu *aru*ai unne unne..5
<n hearing that, he &elt how Megha #lled hi! li&e in e*ery a!pect. He can0t oit her
&ro hi! thought!. That0! the oent he realiBed that, he lo*e! her. He !aid Ra,
4;e! Ra, - thin( - lo*e her. - realiBed it now. - cannot li*e without her. Say e what
to do35
Ra !aid, 4@o and !ay your lo*e &or her. "on0t wa!te tie.5Farthi( !aid, 46o Ra, -
don0t want to $e a noral lo*er. - will e'pre!! y lo*e in a di9erent way. +ait and
/&ter that, Farthi( $ecae !o happy. He lo*ed the oent! he !pend! with Megha.
He li(ed $e with her throughout hi! li&e. He could no ore hide hi! lo*e &or her. ,ut
he waited &or a $eauti&ul oent to e'pre!! hi! lo*e &or her.
Farthi( went to %hennai to !ee hi! parent!.Farthi( wanted to $e di9erent. So he #r!t
went to hi! parent! and tal(ed a$out Megha and hi! lo*e. Farthi(0! parent! li(ed
Megha *ery uch and they accepted her. Farthi( wanted to !urpri!e Megha while
propo!ing that he got peri!!ion &ro $oth the parent!. So Farthi( went to Megha0!
hou!e with hi! &aily and tal(ed to her parent! a$out hi! lo*e.
)ir!t Megha0! .arent! wa! !urpri!ed, and wa! *ery uch ipre!!ed $y Farthi(0!
approach. They !aid, 4Megha u!t $e luc(y to get you, $ut we all u!t (now
Megha0! intere!t in that. -& !he i! intere!ted, we don0t ha*e any pro$le in thi!
Farthi( replied, 4;e!, - will tal( to Megha and coe with her52ater Farthi( went to
,angalore. That wee(end, Farthi( too( Megha to a re!taurant. He told her that he
ha*e a !urpri!e &or her.
Megha7 Hey Farthi(, .lea!e don0t a(e e waitA +hat i! the !urpri!e3
Farthi(7 +ait - will !ay.Megha7 .lea!e Farthi(, - can0t wait.
Farthi( opened hi! laptop and !howed her a *ideo.
That *ideo had picture! o& Megha, the photo! &ro her childhood, her !chool day!,
copetition!, dance !how!, college day!, &unction! etc., /t la!t cae the .hoto o&
Farthi( and Megha, which wa! too( in one o& the &unction! in the oGce. /&ter that
cae a wording, 4The oent! - !pend with you wa! the oent! - li*ed.
- want to li*e e*ery oent o& y li&e. %an you help e3 5 >7=? Farthi( !topped the
*ideo at that oent. Megha wa! !tunned. She couldn0t !ay anything. Farthi( $ro(e
the !ilence.
Farthi( !aid, 4Megha, Hope you under!tood &ro that *ideo what - &eel &or you.
/nyway - want to !ay it. Megha, - 2<HE ;<I. 4 Farthi( !aid, 4Megha, - (now you will
$e !urpri!ed on hearing thi!. ,ut wait let e #ni!h. ;ou ay $e wondering, how -
got your photo!. +hen - went to %hennai, - told y parent! that - lo*e you. They
accepted it. Then we tal(ed to your &aily a$out it, and they too were happy a$out
it. +e all are waiting &or your deci!ion Megha. .lea!e !ay whate*er you &eel &or e.5
Megha didn0t e'pect !uch a word &ro Farthi(. She alway! wanted Farthi( a! a good
&riend and !he can ne*er thin( o& 2o*e in her li&e again. She replied, 4Farthi(, - ne*er
e'pected that you will &all in lo*e with e. ;ou are a *ery good guy. - alway! thought
that the girl who i! gonna arry you i! really luc(y. ,ut, - ne*er want to $e that girl
Farthi( !aid, 4Megha..35
Megha interrupted hi !aying, 4Farthi( plea!e let e #ni!h it. - ne*er want to &all in
lo*e again, $ecau!e - a already in lo*e with y /RCI65.
Farthi( couldn0t $elie*e what he heard. He !aid, 4Megha, what you are !aying3 ;ou
ne*er told a$out /rjun to e.5Megha told the entire !tory to hi.
Farthi( couldn0t !ay anything. He a!(ed Megha, 4Megha, - ne*er e'pected that you
will !ay li(e thi!. Shall - a!( you one thing35Megha !aid, 4;e!A5Farthi( continued,
4Megha you are !aying that you lo*e /rjun, $ut /rjun i! in lo*e with !oe other girl.
He ne*er had any !uch &eeling! &or you. Then why you are thin(ing a$out hi. - and
y entire &aily are waiting &or you Megha. - will !how you what true lo*e i!. /nd5
4Stop it Farthi(.5 !aid Megha in &ru!tration. She couldn0t control her!el&. She
continued, 4- (now what true lo*e i! Farthi(, and - don0t want anyone to coent
on y lo*e. ;ou ay not under!tand e. - lo*e /rjun !o uch. - cannot thin( o&
anyone el!e in y li&e. 2o*e can occur only once in li&e, and it happened in y li&e. -
alway! lo*e /rjun, and there i! no place &or anyone el!e in y li&e. .lea!e don0t
di!tur$ e.5 /nd !he !tarted crying.
Farthi( wa! du$!truc(. He ne*er !aw Megha !o angry. He couldn0t !ee her crying.
He !aid, 4Megha, - a !orry, - !houldn0t ha*e tal(ed li(e that. )orgi*e e and plea!e
don0t cry. - will !top thi! arriage arrangeent and - won0t !ay a$out /rjun to your
parent!. .lea!e $e noral.5
Megha !aid, 4- a !orry Farthi(. - !colded you. - can0t hear you coenting on y
lo*e. Sorry *ery uch. - ne*er e'pected !uch thing! will happen $etween u!.5
Farthi( !aid, 4-t0! <( Megha, let u! o*e, it0! all o!t tie.5They $oth went to their
hoe!. Farthi( wa! *ery !ad a$out e*erything happened. He wanted Megha in hi!
li&e. ,ut today it wa! clear that Megha will ne*er accept hi! lo*e.
2i&e i! Strange -!n0t it333
Megha wa! totally $ro(en. She ne*er e'pected that Farthi( will lo*e her. She li(ed
(arthi( *ery uch and alway! wanted hi in her li&e a! a &riend. She wa! a!toni!hed
$y the way Farthi( approached her parent! and hi! propo!al. She really &elt $ad a!
!he !colded Farthi( a! he coented on her lo*e. She decided to *i!it hi the ne't
day and apologiBe &or that.
Farthi( couldn0t !leep. He ne*er e'pected !uch a re!pon!e &ro Megha. He $elie*ed
that Megha will accept hi! propo!al and they can li*e a $eauti&ul li&e. ,ut now all hi!
drea! were !hattered. Ra tried to con!ole hi.
Ra !aid, 4%oe on Farthi(, -t happen!. @irl! are li(e that. They will ne*er
under!tand the true lo*e o& guy! and ignore u!. 2ea*e her da. ;ou will get a $etter
4Stop it RaA5 yelled Farthi(. 4.lea!e don0t tal( a$out y Megha li(e that. +hy
we are li(e thi!3 -& anyone ignore! our lo*e, then we will !ay all the girl! are li(e thi!
or the guy! are li(e thi!. ,ut it0! wrong. 2o*e i! !o $eauti&ul. -t happen! &or !oe
couple! and &ail! &or other!. E*en i& !oeone ignore! you, don0t tal( ill a$out the.
They only i!!ed you and you didn0t lo!e anything. - (now y Megha *ery well. She
li(e! e *ery uch. - will wait &or her to under!tand y lo*e. E*en i& !he doe!n0t, -
won0t worry and - will (eep on lo*ing her throughout y li&e.5
Ra !aid, 4Sorry &or hurting you Farthi(. Really you are great. ;our lo*e i! true.
Megha i! luc(y. Surely !he will under!tand you and you $oth will lead a happy li&e.
"on0t worry da.5
Farthi( too wanted that to happen. ,ut who (now! what will happen in the &uture.
So he le&t e*erything to the de!tiny and went to !leep.6e't day, Farthi( wo(e up
late and all hi! &riend! ha*e le&t to wor(. He doe!n0t want to go to oGce in that
ind!et. ,ut he wanted to go, ju!t to !ee hi! Megha.
Suddenly !oeone (noc(ed the door. Farthi( opened the door and he couldn0t
$elie*e what he wa! !eeing. Megha wa! !tanding in &ront o& hi.
4Hi, Sorry &or di!tur$ing you !o early5, !aid Megha.Farthi( !aid, 4Hi, 6o pro$le,
plea!e coe in5.+hene*er they et, they u!ed to ha*e a wonder&ul tie. ,ut today
they $oth &elt unco&orta$le now. ,oth o& the were thin(ing a$out la!t day0!
Farthi( only $ro(e the !ilence.Farthi( a!(ed, 4+ould you li(e to ha*e co9ee
Megha35 Megha !aid, 4yeah, !ure5.Farthi( prepared co9ee &or the. He alway!
wanted Megha to coe to hi! Jat and today hi! lo*e i! here. ,ut the !ituation
doe!n0t allow hi to $e happy &or that. They $oth had the co9ee.
Megha7 Farthi(, - ju!t want to tal( !oething with you.
Farthi(7 ye! Megha. ;ou ha*e all right!. .lea!e tal(.
Megha7 Farthi(, -0 !orry &or ye!terday. - didn0t ean to !cold you, $ut a! you
coented on y lo*e, - reacted in that way. - a e'treely !orry &or that.
Farthi(7 -t0! o( Megha. ;ou ha*e all right! to !cold e.
Megha7 Farthi(, you are y $e!t &riend. - alway! want you a! y &riend. 2et u!
&orget what happened ye!terday. +e will lead our li&e a! &riend! it!el&. ,oth o& u! can
$e happy. )orget thi! lo*e Farthi(. ;ou will get a $etter girl than e. )orget
Farthi(7 Shall - a!( you one thing3
Megha7 ye! Farthi(.
Farthi(7 ;e!terday you got angry when - coented on your lo*e and ad*i!ed you.
,ut now you are a!(ing e to &orget y lo*e. -! it correct Megha3
Megha7 Farthi(3
Farthi(7 2i!ten Megha, - lo*e you. - don0t e'pect you to lo*e e. ,ut - will alway!
lo*e you and thin( o& you. - won0t di!tur$ you in any way. /! you !aid you can0t thin(
o& any other guy in your li&e, - too can0t lo*e another girl. .lea!e don0t copel e.
Megha7 <( Farthi(. - won0t copel you. ,ye.
/&ter that day, Farthi( a*oided eeting Megha. He ju!t can0t !ee her only a! a
&riend. ,ut Megha &elt !o lonely without hi.
/&ter !oe day!, $oth o& the got tran!&er to %hennai. That day Megha went to
Farthi(0! cu$icle. He wa! alone there.Megha a!(ed, 4Hi Farthi(, hope you got
in&oration a$out our tran!&er. +e are !uppo!ed to $e in %hennai oGce in K0 day!.
+hen !hall we !tart35
Farthi( !aid, 4- a o*ing toorrow5
Megha !aid, 4+hat, toorrow3 Hey - didn0t e*en pac( y thing!. How can - coe !o
He replied, 4- ha*e pac(ed and - want to go alone.5 Megha wa! ta(en a$ac( $y that
reply. He ne*er le&t her alone. ,ut now he want! to go alone lea*ing her $ehind. She
a!(ed, 4+hy Farthi(, you don0t want e with you3 / - irritating you35
46o Megha, you want to coe with e, $ecau!e you thin( e a! your &riend. ,ut
&or e, you are y lo*e. - can0t !ee you only a! y &riend. ,ut you e'pect e to $e
li(e that. So we can0t go together. - a o*ing toorrow. ;ou try to coe $ac( in a
wee(. - will !ee you in %hennai oGce. Ta(e care.5 !aid Farthi( and he le&t the place.
Megha doe!n0t (now what to !ay. She ne*er e'pected that Farthi( will $e !o
!tu$$orn in lo*e.They $oth went to %hennai. Megha wa! !o happy $eing in hoe
again with her &aily. She et all her &riend! and really had nice tie. ,ut e*en
a&ter coing to %hennai, !he couldn0t tal( to Farthi(. E*en when !he i! !urrounded
$y her &aily and &riend!, !he i!!ed (arthi(0! pre!ence, hi! pran(!, hi! care and
e*erything. She wanted to call hi, $ut didn0t do thin(ing that he ay ta(e it in a
wrong way that !he i! in lo*e with hi. So !he didn0t call hi.
<ne day Megha0! .arent! a!(ed her a$out Farthi(.
Mo7 Megha, +e want to a!( you a$out Farthi(.
Megha7 ye! o, He i! y &riend.
Mo7 That - (now. ,ut - hope you al!o (now that he cae here with hi! &aily and
tal(ed with u! regarding your arriage. +e too li(ed hi. ,ut we didn0t get any
re!pon!e &ro you dear.
Megha7 Mo, He i! ju!t y &riend. - can0t thin( anything ore than that. - !aid the
!ae to hi.
Mo7 ,ut dear, he i! a *ery good guy. E*en we would not ha*e !elected !uch a guy
&or you. ;our li&e will $e !o happy with hi. .lea!e Megha. /ccept hi.
Megha got angry and !aid, 4Sorry Mo. "on0t copel e in thi!.5/&ter that Megha0!
parent! didn0t a!( her anything a$out Farthi(.
Megha joined in %hennai oGce. She !aw (arthi( a&ter K0 day!. She really &elt happy
and wanted to !pea( with hi. ,ut !oething !topped her. So !he !iled at hi
and went. Farthi( too wanted to go near her and !pea(. ,ut he (new that !he
doe!n0t want to !pea(. So he too went. ,eing in !ae <"%, they ne*er !po(e to
each other.
<ne #ne e*ening, Megha wa! !hopping with her colleague and !uddenly !oeone
&ailiar called her nae. Megha turned and !he $ecae !o happy. /rjun wa!
!tanding in &ront o& her. She couldn0t $elie*e it.
/rjun !aid, 4Megha, How are you dear3 - really i!!ed you da.5Megha couldn0t reply
anything. She wa! !o happy on !eeing hi. She !aid, 4- a #ne da. - too i!! you.5
4<( coe to y hoe. -t0! near$y only5 !aid /rjun.They $oth went to /rjun0! hou!e.
/rjun !aid he wa! loo(ing a&ter hi! uncle0! $u!ine!!.
Megha !aw hi! hou!e and li(ed the way /rjun aintained it.
Megha7 ;ou ha*e changed a lot da. ;our hou!e loo(! !o clean.
/rjun7 Than(!A -t0! all $ecau!e o& /rchu. Hope you ree$er, the Trichy girl
/rchana. She alway! want! e to $e per&ect. - ju!t changed y!el& &or y dear.
Megha got irritated on hearing that. She ad*i!ed hi li(e thi! !o any tie!, $ut he
ne*er &ollowed. ,ut now he i! doing it &or her. /t that tie !he thought a$out
Farthi(. He alway! li(ed her and alway! want! her to $e happy. She &elt !he i!!
/rjun continued, 4+here did you go idiot. ;ou didn0t !ay anything to e. Suddenly
you !aid you are going to ,angalore. ,ut you didn0t contact e a&ter that. - &elt !o
lonely without you.5
Megha !aid, 4- ha*e to join in jo$ in a !hort period. /nd - i!!ed your nu$er too.
So only - didn0t contact you.5/&ter that they !po(e uch tie. Megha noted that
whene*er /rjun !po(e, he entioned /rchana0! nae. L)ro that !he can
under!tand that hi! li&e i! incoplete without her./rjun !aid, he changed !o any
thing! in hi! li&e &or her. )ro the!e thing! !he under!tood that hi! li&e i! &ul#lled $y
/rchana and really no can replace her in hi! li&e.
Megha went to .reethy0! ho!tel &ro there. She wanted to !pea( with her. .reethy
wa! happy to !ee her a&ter a long tie. They !po(e any thing! and later Megha
told her e*erything that happened $etween her!el& and Farthi(. She too !aid what
happened in /rjun0! hou!e too.
.reethy !aid, 4So, you are in lo*e with Farthi(35Megha didn0t e'pect thi! &ro her.
She !taered and !he couldn0t !ay anything.
Megha !aid, 46o .reethy, - don0t lo*e hi. ,ut - &eel li(e - i!! hi. The!e any
day! - wa! thin(ing a$out /rjun, $ut he ne*er had any !uch &eeling! &or e. ,ut
Farthi( lo*e! e. E*en when - ignored hi, he didn0t hate e. - (now that he !till
lo*e e. - hurt hi a lot $y ignoring hi, $ecau!e - a not worth &or hi! lo*e. -
thought lo*e occur! once in our li&e and &or e it wa! /rjun. ,ut it didn0t happen. -
don0t want thi! lo*e again. - want to $e li(e thi! &ore*er5
.reethy !aid, 4Megha, you are right. 2o*e occur! only once. ,ut identi&ying it
properly i! tough. ;ou thought that your a9ection on /rjun i! lo*e. 6o dear. /rjun
wa! your good &riend and he under!tood you well. So you thought he i! your lo*e.
,ut, Farthi( i! your li&e Megha. ;ou it!el& told e how uch he li(e! you and how he
changed hi!el& &or you. "ear, you ight $e wondering why - a!(ed that whether
you lo*e Farthi(. +hen you were tal(ing a$out Farthi(, - can &eel the happine!! in
your *oice. That !howed how uch you li(e hi. +hy do you hide it3 @o and !ay
thi! to hi da. "on0t i!! hi in your li&e.5
Megha !aid, 46o .reethy, - li(e hi. He i! y good &riend. ,ut - can ne*er thin( hi
a! y lo*e. 2et e $e li(e thi! &ore*er. - ju!t wanted to !hare all the!e thing! to you.
So - !aid. - don0t ha*e any other inten!ion!.5
.reethy can under!tand that !he li(e! Farthi(. She !aid, 42i!ten Megha. - (now you
are !tu$$orn. ,ut Megha, thi! i! your li&e. E*en a !all i!ta(e in your deci!ion will
a(e you &eel in the &uture. Thin( well da. - a not copelling you. - hope you will
ta(e a good deci!ion.5Megha !tarted to hoe. She wa! thin(ing a$out Farthi( and
.reethy0! ad*ice on her li&e. She got into $u! and &ound !oeone &ailiar $ehind
her and it0! none other than Farthi(. She went near hi.
Megha7 Hi Farthi(AA
Farthi(7 Hi MeghaA +hat a !urpri!e3 ;ou e*en ree$er y nae3 Mo=
Megha7 "on0t tal( li(e that Farthi(. - can ne*er &orget you.
Farthi(7 H happy to hear thi!.
Megha7 Then how are you and how i! your &aily.
Farthi(7 /ll are #ne Megha.
Megha7 @reat to hear Farthi(. ,y the way where are you going3
Farthi(7 - a going to y &riend0! hou!e near your area.
Megha7 <h #ne. Farthi(, a&ter coing &ro ,angalore, we didn0t eet o&ten. - i!!
all tho!e lo*ely oent! with you. Shall we go out toorrow3
Farthi(7 Sorry Megha. Toorrow - can0t coe.
Megha7 +hy Farthi(3 - thin( you don0t li(e to coe with e.
Farthi(7 8-diot - alway! lo*e to accopany you..$ut= 6ot li(e that Megha. Ha*e
one iportant wor( toorrow.
Megha7 +hat wor(3
Farthi(7 Toorrow i! y engageentA
Megha7 +hat3 Engageent3
Farthi(7 ;e! Megha. My parent! ga*e e a choice. - !elected you. ,ut a! you
rejected e, y parent! !elected y li&e partner. - ha*e to o$ey the, $ecau!e -
ha*e already hurt the.
Megha &elt $ad on hearing that.
Megha7 <h @reat to hear Farthi(. - a Happy &or you. Enjoy.
Megha went to her hoe. Her other !aw her and under!tood !oething wrong
with her. She a!(ed Megha what i! the pro$le.Megha !aid, 46o pro$le o. - a
#ne5Her o !aid, 4<( da. Hey Megha toorrow i! Farthi(0! Engageent. "o you
(now35Megha !aid, 4;e! o, - et hi on the way. He told e.5
Mo !aid, 4Megha, Farthi( i! a *ery good guy. The girl who i! gonna arry hi
u!t $e really luc(y da. - a not !aying it !iply. )ro the way he a!(ed &or you in
arriage to u!, we under!tood hi! good nature. +e thought you will $e happy with
hi. ,ut, e*erything changed now. +hat to do35 and !he went.
Megha couldn0t !leep. So !he went to terrace. Her ind wa! &ull o& Farthi(0!
eorie!. She really i!!ed e*ery oent !he !pent with hi. She thought, 4)ro
toorrow, Farthi( will $ecoe !oeone0! li&e. - can0t tal( to hi. He won0t thin( o&
e anyore. 6o - won0t i!! y Farthi(5
That0! the tie !he realiBed how uch !he lo*ed Farthi( and !he under!tood that
!he can0t li*e without hi. She thought, 4<h @odA +hat a &ool a -3 He i! y li&e. -
ignored hi li(e a &ool. - want hi in y li&e @od.5 She tried to call Farthi(. She !aid,
4Farthi(, - lo*e you Farthi(. - want to !ay thi! to you.5 ,ut hi! o$ile wa! !witched
o9. She had no other option and !he !tarted crying.
Suddenly !oeone touched her. She juped in &ear.
4Farthi(.35 Megha !houted in joy.Farthi( wa! !tanding in &ront o& her. Megha
wa! crying in joy. She couldn0t control her!el&. She went near hi and hugged hi.
She !aid, 4- 2o*e you F/RTH-F, - lo*e you !o uch. Sorry &or ignoring you da. .lea!e
don0t lea*e e. - can0t li*e without you.5
Farthi( wa! !o happy on hearing thi!. He !aid, 4+hy !hould - lea*e you idiot. -
won0t. ;ou are y li&e and now you too lo*e e. Then what el!e can !eparate u!.5
Megha !aid, 4That0! #ne. ,ut toorrow i! your engageent no35
Farthi( laughed and !aid, 4How can you thin( that your Farthi( will arry !oeone
el!e3 - !aid li(e that to a(e you realiBe your lo*e &or e. .reethy called e when
you le&t her ho!tel and told e that you i!! e. - (now .reethy well and with her
help only - tal(ed to your parent! a$out our arriage. 5
Megha !aid, 4;ou cheat, you ade e cry. How you (now .reethy35
Farthi( !aid, 4<ne day - attended her call in ,angalore, when you wa! $u!y wor(ing.
L)ro that day we $ecae good &riend!. ,ut didn0t !ay it to you.5 >E=? He continued,
4/nd - !aid it0! y engageent, $ut - didn0t !ay it0! with !oe other girl. - already
told you that - lo*e you and - can0t thin( o& another girl in y li&e. 5 >E=? Megha wa!
!o happy on hearing thi!. She a!(ed, 4E*erything i! #ne, $ut how you cae here,
that too in thi! late night35
Farthi( !iled and !aid, 4H, when you le&t .reethy0! ho!tel, !he called e and
!aid e*erything. )ro that - under!tood that you !tarted lo*ing e, $ut didn0t
realiBe it. - wanted to a(e you under!tand it. So cae to that $u! !top and waited
&or you and too( the !ae $u! with you. - ju!t wanted to gi*e a !hoc( treatent to
you. So - !aid that - ha*e engageent toorrow. /t that oent - &ound the lo*e in
your eye! da. ;ou loo(ed con&u!ed and unhappy. So - thought to &ollow you tonight.
+hen you got down &ro the $u!, - called your o and told her to tal( to you
a$out that engageent. She too did the !ae and e!!aged e. Till that tie -
wa! waiting in the !treet end. /&ter !oetie - !aw you coing to the terrace. -
&eared that you ay ta(e !oe wrong deci!ion! and wanted to $e with you that
tie. So cae here and waited near the tan( and watched you. +hen you !tarted
to cry, - couldn0t hide anyore and cae in &ront o& you dear.5Megha wa! happy on
hearing that.
She !aid, 4Farthi(, - a really luc(y to get you in y li&e dear. - lo*e you !o uch
da5/nd !he !aid, 4,ut you can0t e!cape &ro y $eating a! you ade e cry5 and
!tarted $eating hi.
He got !oe $eating! &ro her and !uddenly pulled Megha and !aid 4- ha*e a gi&t
&or a(ing you cry5
Megha a!(ed, 4+hat gi&t35He !aid, 4Here i! y lo*ely gi&t to y lo*a$le darling5 and
(i!!ed her. She $ecae !ilent.
Farthi( !aid 4hey dear, +hy you $ecae !ilent. Say !oething.
Megha loo(ed into hi! eye! and !aid, 4The oent! - !pend with you are the
oent! - li*ed. 2o*e to li*e e*ery oent! o& y li&e. - a ready to help you. +ill
you help e35 >E=? Farthi( !aid, 4;e! My dear5 >7=? E*en the oon lo*ed their
roance. "o you3

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