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Name:_________________________ Class:_______

Intensive Vocabulary Builder

::: voracious - ravenous; eating large quantities of food;
exceedingly eager; insatiable; Ex. voracious animal/reader
::: unaccountable - unexplicable; impossible to account for;
unreasonable or mysterious
::: prerogative - privilege; unquestionable right; CF. ask before
::: effrontery - rudeness without any sense of shame; shameless
boldness; presumptousness; nerve; cheek
::: cache - hiding place; V.
::: abut - border upon; adjoin
::: avid - greedy; extremely eager for; Ex. avid learner; N. avidity
::: desperate - having lost all hope; despairing; reckless and
violent because of loss of hope or despair; undertaken as a last
::: pessimism - belief that life is basically bad or evil; gloominess;
tendency to take the gloomiest possible view of a situation; ADJ.
::: portend - foretell; presage; be a sign or warning of; N. portent:
sign; omen; forewarning
Instruction: Make a good sentence based on the vocabulary.
1. Voracious

2. Uncountable
3. Prerogative
4. Effrontery
5. Cache
6. Abut

7. Avid

8. Desperate
9. Pessimism
10. Portend
Grade: _______
Teacher's Signature:________________

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