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Did you know?

93% of underweight
children around the world
live in Asia and Africa.

The other 7% are
dispersed throughout
Caribbean countries,
Central America, CIS,

Malnutrition is estimated
to contribute to more
than 1/3 of all child
deaths but rarely listed
as the direct cause.

1 out of 6 children,
roughly 100 million, in
developing countries is

805 million people in the
world dont have enough
food to lead a healthy
and active lifestyle.

Malnutrition is a serious condition
that occurs when a persons diet does not
contain the right amount of nutrients.

It means "poor nutrition" and can
refer to:
undernutrition when you don't get
enough nutrients
overnutrition when you get more
nutrients than you need

Disease and malnutrition are closely
linked. Sometimes, disease is the result
of malnutrition, sometimes it is
a contributing cause.

In fact, malnutrition is the largest
single contributor to disease in the
world, according to the UN's Standing
Committee on Nutrition (SCN).


Malnutrition is a common health
problem. It is estimated there are about
3 million people who are malnourished in
the UK at any time and many more at risk
of becoming malnourished.
Around one in three people admitted
to hospital or care homes in the UK are
found to be malnourished or at risk of
Malnutrition is caused by either an
inadequate diet or a problem absorbing
nutrients from food. There are many
reasons why this might happen, including
having reduced mobility, a long-term health
condition or a low income.

The most common symptom of
undernutrition is unplanned weight loss
(usually losing more than 5-10% of your
body weight within three to six months),
although other signs can include:
weak muscles
feeling tired all the time
low mood
an increase in illnesses or infections

The main sign of overnutrition is being
overweight or obese. However, people with
undernutrition can also be overweight if
they eat a diet high in energy (calories), but
low in other nutrients.

Signs of malnutrition in children can
failure to grow at the expected rate
changes in behavior such as
appearing unusually irritable,
sluggish or anxious


Depending on the cause and
severity of your malnutrition, treatment may
be carried out at home or in hospital.

The main treatment for people
diagnosed with malnutrition is dietary
changes. If you are undernourished, this
may involve increasing the nutritional
content of your food, with or without taking
nutritional supplements.
If you are unable to eat enough to meet
your nutritional needs, there are two main
treatment options:
a feeding tube can be used to
provide nutrients directly into the
digestive system
a drip can be used to provide
nutrients and fluids directly into a


A healthy diet is one that helps
maintain or improve general health. It
provides the body with essential nutrition:
adequate essential amino acids from
essential fatty acids
adequate calories

The requirements for a healthy diet
can be met from a variety of plant-based
and animal-based foods. A healthy diet
supports energy needs and provides for
human nutrition without exposure to toxicity
or excessive weight gain from consuming
excessive amounts.

Where lack of calories is not an
issue, a properly balanced diet (in addition
to exercise) is also thought to be important
for lowering health risks, such as obesity,
heart disease, type 2 diabetes,
hypertension and cancer.

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